人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 3 Part A 第3课时课件

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人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 3 Part A 第3课时课件

PEP·四年级下册 Unit 3 Weather Part A Let’s spell Enjoy the song Let’s chant The bird is hurt. Oh no! The bird is hurt. Oh no! Little girl, little girl, Please take the bird to the nurse. The bird is hurt. Oh no! Do you want to read more chants? Let’s go! Arm, arm, arm, arm in arm. Car, car, car, drive in a car. Card, card, card, make a card. Read the chant arm car card Look, read and find They all have “ar”. The pronunciation rule: The letter combination “ar” pronounces “/ɑ:/” in the words. arm car card Read the words after the recording Let’s read more /ɑ:/ arm car card far farm harm bar bark dark park Tall, tall, tall, he is tall. Ball, ball, ball, play with a ball. Wall, wall, wall, the Great Wall. Read the chant They all have “al”. Look, read and find tall ball wall The pronunciation rule: The letter combination “al” pronounces “/ɔ:/” in the words. Read the words after the recording tall ball wall Let’s read more /ɔ:/ ball tall wall fall call mall hall all Arm, arm, arm, arm in arm. Car, car, car, drive in a car. Card, card, card, make a card. Read the chants. Tall, tall, tall, he is tall. Ball, ball, ball, play with a ball. Wall, wall, wall, the Great Wall. Read, listen and number. girl farm nurse bird wall arm far tall 13 5 4 7 8 2 6 Look, listen and write. Check the answers 听力材料 1. a ball on the tall wall 2. dogs arm in arm 3. a card with a car Let's read arm car cardfarfarmparkball tall wall allcall Let’s chant Draw a ball on a card. Draw a small, small ball. Now draw a car on the card. Draw a car near a wall. 点击画面,播放视频 Enjoy a video Unit 3 Weather arm car card ball tall wall ar /ɑ:/ al /ɔ:/ Blackboard design

