人教pep四年级英语下册Recycle 2 The second period课件

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人教pep四年级英语下册Recycle 2 The second period课件

PEP·四年级下册 Recycle 2 The second period Page 68 & Page 69 Let’s play —Is this your …? —Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. —Are these your …? —Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. They’re…’s. Read, write and say. Look! It’s my book. It’s mine. = my _______ = mine —Is this your book? —Yes, it is. —Oh! It’s your book. It’s yours. = your _______ = yours It’s your ____. It’s yours. What do you see in their hands? Read the conversations and write down the right words. It’s my scarf. It’s mine. It’s your sweater. It’s yours. Is this your pencil? Yes, it’s ________.mine That’s my coat. Yes, it’s ______ coat. Here you are. your Are these yours? Yes, they’re ____ shoes. Thanks. my Are these ______? No, they aren’t. Mine are black. yours Can I help you? Yes. How much are the apples? They are ten yuan for five. How about the oranges?They are ... Look and say. Read and number. Yes. Do you have any oranges? They’re nice. How much? Oh! No, thank you. That’s expensive. Can I help you? Yes, of course. How about these? Ten yuan for four. 1 They’re apples. The apples are one yuan for four. That’s fine. I’ll take eight. What are these? How much are the apples? 1 Listen and check. Yes. Do you have any oranges? They’re nice. How much? Oh! No, thank you. That’s expensive. Can I help you? Yes, of course. How about these? Ten yuan for four. 2 3 4 5 6 1 They’re apples. The apples are one yuan for four. That’s fine. I’ll take eight. What are these? How much are the apples? 1 2 3 4 5 Listen and read. Yes. Do you have any oranges? They’re nice. How much? Oh! No, thank you. That’s expensive. Can I help you? Yes, of course. How about these? Ten yuan for four. 2 3 4 5 6 1 They’re apples. The apples are one yuan for four. That’s fine. I’ll take eight. What are these? How much are the apples? 1 2 3 4 5 Thrift is a good tradition of our Chinese nation. We should buy only the right ones, not the expensive ones. Emotional education Read the letter and answer. 1.Who is it from? Who is it to? 2.What things do you see? Grandpa, Thank you for the hat. It is sunny here. I wear it every day. I don’t like the city. The food here is very expensive! The food in the country is nice and cheap. How is my dog? He is so friendly and cute. I miss the ducks, too. How many baby ducks are there on the farm now? Please write soon! Love, Wang Ke Check answers. 1. Who is it from? Who is it to? 2.What things do you see? It’s from Wang Ke to his grandpa. A hat, a bowl of noodles, a dog and ducks. 1. Where is Wang Ke? 2. Where is his grandpa? He lives in the city. His grandpa lives in the country. Read and answer. city country 3. What’s the letter about? It’s about a hat, the food, a dog and some ducks. 1. It is cloudy in the city. ( ) 2. Wang Ke has a new hat. ( ) 3. The food in the city is expensive. ( ) 4. There are ducks on the farm. ( ) √ × √ √ Read and tick(√) or cross (×). Listen and read Grandpa, Thank you for the hat. It is sunny here. I wear it every day. I don’t like the city. The food here is very expensive! The food in the country is nice and cheap. How is my dog? He is so friendly and cute. I miss the ducks, too. How many baby ducks are there on the farm now? Please write soon! Love, Wang Ke Blackboard design Recycle 2 It’s my scarf. It’s mine. = It’s your sweater. It’s yours. = mine=my... yours =your...

