四年级下 英语 Unit 8 单元教案

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四年级下 英语 Unit 8 单元教案

课 时 教 案 授课日期: 月 日 课 题 ‎4B Unit 8 How are you? 第一课时 课型 新授 教 学 目 标 ‎1.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词may, hear, take care. ‎ ‎2.能听懂、会说、会读come to school, cold, fever. ‎ ‎3.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型This is… speaking. May I speak to…? I’m sorry to hear that. How are you? I’m fine, thank you. See you tomorrow. See you. ‎ ‎4.能正确理解掌握对话内容,准确、流利地朗读课文。‎ 教 学 重 难 点 重点:能听懂、会说、会读本课词汇,初步理解运用本课句型。能正确理解掌握对话的内容并能流利朗读对话。‎ 难点:有感情的朗读对话并学会打电话用语并能适当拓展。‎ 课前准备 ‎1.教学图片和卡片。 ‎ ‎2.PPT。‎ 教 学 过 程 设 计 教 学 预 设 复 备 Step 1 吸引注意,积累语言 1. Free talk.‎ T: Nice to see you. ‎ How are you? ‎ I’m not OK. ‎ Yes, I am. I’m ill. ‎ Today, we will learn Unit 8 How are you? 板书揭题 2. Ask your desk mates “How are you?”‎ Step2 导出目标,生成结构 ‎1.Show a picture of Yang Ling in Story time.‎ T: Look at this girl. Who is she? ‎ ‎ Where is she?‎ ‎ How is she now? Can you guess? ‎ ‎ 引导学生用Maybe she is...回答。‎ 3. Another picture. Look, where is Miss Li?‎ ‎ What is Miss Li doing? Can you guess?‎ ‎ Yes, she’s calling Yang Ling. ‎ ‎ But how can we begin a telephone call? Please watch the cartoon carefully. ‎ ‎ Underline key sentences and discuss in pairs.‎ 4. Can you make a phone call to your desk mates?‎ 32‎ Step3回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 ‎1.How is Yang Ling? Let’s watch cartoon and find out what’s the matter with Yang Ling. ‎ 教读cold,fever出示图片帮助理解。‎ ‎2.Can you read by yourselves and try to answer them.‎ ‎(1)What can’t Yang Ling do? ‎ ‎(2)What does Miss Li say?‎ Step4 呈现材料,活用结构 1. Picture 2‎ Look at another picture. Can you guess what happens next? Guess, read and underline.‎ Step5 Task3 引发期待行为,强化结构 Reading time:‎ ‎1.Let’s read after the computer.‎ ‎(在跟读中体会语音语调语气,理解并学习I’m sorry to hear that. Take care. See you tomorrow. )‎ ‎2.read after the teacher.‎ ‎3.read together.‎ 作业设计 ‎1.听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。‎ ‎2.试着将课文复述并写下来。‎ 板 书 设 计 ‎ Unit 8 How are you?‎ A: Hello, this is ... speaking. May I speak to ...? come to school B: This is ... cold ‎ ‎ fever A: What's the matter? hear B: I have a cold and a fever. tomorrow A: I’m sorry to hear that. Take care.‎ 教 学 反 思 备课人: 教研组长: 级长: ‎ 32‎ 课 时 教 案 授课日期: 月 日 课 题 ‎4B Unit 8 How are you? 第二课时 ‎ 课型 新授 教 学 目 标 1. 能熟练朗读、表演课文,复习课文。‎ 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用单词cough, headache; 句型How are you? Not so good.。‎ 3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用打电话用语。能根据fun time的道具和情境,有乐趣地进行小组对话。‎ 4. 会朗诵诗歌《Doctor Wu》。‎ 培养学生关心同学互相爱护的好品质。‎ 教 学 重 难 点 重点:能让学生听懂会说会读会用新单词和新句型。‎ 难点:学生能根据实际情况运用打电话用语打电话。‎ 课前准备 教具:录音机,磁带 教 学 过 程 设 计 教 学 预 设 复 备 Step 1吸引注意,积累语言 ‎1. Listen to the rhyme and follow it.‎ ‎2. Show pictures of Story time. The boy is making a telephone call. Yang Ling is calling Miss Li too. Can you tell me what she is talking about. Work in pair and act.‎ Step2 导出目标,生成结构 1. If your desk mate is ill, what can you say to him/her? ‎ 2. If you are ill, how can you answer these questions?‎ 新授单词cough,headache 句型How are you? Not so good.‎ Step3回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 Make a dialogue with your desk mates, using the new words and sentences we learned just now. ‎ Step4‎ 呈现材料,活用结构 We have home-made telephones, can you make a phone to your classmates? ‎ 32‎ Step5‎ 引发期待行为,强化结构 1. Say the rhyme again.‎ 2. If your friend is ill, what can you do? ‎ Take care of your friends. ‎ Step6‎ 提供反馈评价,巩固结构 Homework Make a real phone call to your friend.‎ You can write down your words.‎ 作业设计 Make a real phone call to your friend.‎ You can write down your words.‎ 板 书 设 计 Unit 8 How are you?‎ A: Hello, this is ... speaking. May I speak to ...? cold ‎ B: Hello. This is ... fever ‎ ‎ cough A: How are you? headache B: I’m fine, thank you./ Not so good. ‎ ‎ I have a ... ‎ 教 学 反 思 32‎ 课 时 教 案 授课日期: 月 日 课 题 ‎ 4B Unit 7 8 How are you? 第三课时 课型 新授 教 学 目 标 ‎1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词组at school.‎ ‎2.理解cartoon time的乐趣所在,趣味朗读并表演。‎ ‎3.能熟练运用所学单词和句型打电话。‎ 教 学 重 难 点 熟练朗读cartoon time的课文,体会其乐趣。‎ 课前准备 教学图片和卡片,多媒体(PPT)‎ 教 学 过 程 设 计 教 学 预 设 复 备 Step 1‎ 吸引注意,积累语言 1. Brain storm:‎ How can we make a telephone call?‎ How can we answer a telephone call? 板书 Step2‎ 导出目标,生成结构 1. Can you make a telephone call now? Look at the picture. What day is it today? What is Sam doing now?‎ Guess who is Sam calling? How can Sam make a telephone call?‎ Step3‎ 回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 Listen to the computer and answer:‎ 1. Who is Sam calling?‎ 2. Who is answering the phone?‎ 3. Why?‎ 新授at school 32‎ Step4‎ 呈现材料,活用结构 Reading time:‎ ‎1.Let’s read after the computer.‎ ‎2.read after the teacher.‎ ‎3.read together.‎ Step5‎ Task3‎ 引发期待行为,强化结构 ‎ Show time: you can read or perform this story in pairs Step6‎ 提供反馈评价,巩固结构 Make and act:‎ If you are Tina, you are answering Sam’s telephone call, what will you say? Make a new dialogue and act it out. ‎ Useful sentences:(出示本单元重点句型)‎ 作业设计 ‎1.小组合作,将改编的新故事,配上图片和文字,并表演出来。‎ ‎ 2. 完成课课练的部分习题。‎ 板 书 设 计 Unit 8 How are you?‎ A: Hello, this is ... speaking. May I speak to ...? ‎ B: Hello. This is ... ‎ ‎ ‎ A: How are you? ‎ B: I’m fine, thank you./ Not so good. ‎ ‎ ‎ 教 学 反 思 32‎ 课 时 教 案 授课日期: 月 日 课 题 ‎ 4B Unit 8 How are you? 第四课时 课型 新授 教 学 目 标 ‎1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。‎ ‎2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。‎ ‎3.复习story time,进行小语段输出。‎ ‎4.能理解并且会读o的读音,能总结归纳过去所学单词 ‎5.完成补充习题以及同步探究部分练习 教 学 重 难 点 能理解并且会读o的发音,能总结归纳过去所学单词 课前准备 教具:录音机,磁带 教 学 过 程 设 计 教 学 预 设 复 备 Step 1‎ 吸引注意,积累语言 1. Brain storm about “ill”.‎ Act out Story time in pairs.‎ Step2‎ 导出目标,生成结构 1. Yang Ling is ill, so Miss Li makes a call to Yang Ling. Someone is calling Yang Ling too. Who is she? Open your books and do exercise on P55. Discuss the answers in pairs.‎ Check the answers.‎ Step3‎ 回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 1. Miss Li and Su Hai make calls to Yang Ling, because she is ill. 出示狐狸和小熊的图片Mr Fox is calling Mr Bear, because he wants to have lunch with Mr Bear. Can you make a telephone call with your desk mates? One acts as Mr Fox and the other acts as Mr Bear. ‎ 2. Mr Fox and Mr Bear are having a picnic now. Sound time图片。What can Mr Bear have for lunch? ‎ Does Mr Fox like it?‎ But the hot dog is Mr Bear’s lunch. ‎ 32‎ 教读Sound time Step4‎ 呈现材料,活用结构 ‎1. Watch the cartoon and read.‎ ‎2. Read with rhythem.‎ Read after the teacher.‎ Read together.‎ Pair work Step5‎ Task3‎ 引发期待行为,强化结构 ‎1.关于o还有一个不一样的读音,同学们能举例说明吗?‎ ‎2.适当指导归纳笔记,并渗透开、闭音节知识。‎ Step6‎ Post –‎ tas提供反馈评价,巩固结构 ‎1.完成练习 ‎2.指导归纳笔记 作业设计 ‎1.听录音,跟读复习课文,模仿语音语调。‎ ‎2.完成练习册的部分练习。‎ 板 书 设 计 Unit 8 How are you?‎ A: Hello, this is ... speaking. May I speak to ...? o B: Hello. This is ... coffee ‎ dog A: How are you? hot B: I’m fine, thank you./ Not so good. ‎ 教 学 反 思 英语(四年级下册)‎ Unit 8 How are you? ‎ 32‎ Story time Teaching contents 教学内容 Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 ‎1. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:This is … speaking.、May I speak to …?、I’m sorry to hear that.、How are you?、I’m fine, thank you.。‎ ‎2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:cold, fever。‎ ‎3. 锻炼学生的听、说、读的能力。‎ ‎4. 培养学生关心他人的品质。‎ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:1. 能够从整体上阅读故事并理解。‎ ‎2. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,表演故事。‎ 教学难点:1. 能够阅读理解故事并表演。‎ ‎ 2. 能用所学句型打电话并关心他人。‎ Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting ‎ ‎1. Free talk Greet in different ways with your teacher.‎ T: Boy and girls, I know your English is very good. Can you greet with me in different ways?‎ S: Hello!/Hi!/Nice to meet you!/How do you do?/How are you?‎ T: I am fine. How are you?‎ S: …‎ T: How are you?‎ S: …‎ 32‎ T: I am happy to hear that. And today we will learn Unit 8 How Are you? Show and read the title.‎ ‎【设计意图:课堂伊始,通过让学生用不同的方式向老师打招呼,引出本课课题,让学生在轻松愉悦的环境中进入本节课的学习。】‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1. Learning time T: The two students are very fine. What about our friends, Helen and Yang Ling? Who can ask them?‎ S: Hello, Helen, how are you?‎ C: I’m fine, thank you.‎ T: Oh, I’m glad to hear that. (新授句子I’m glad to hear that.)‎ S: …‎ T: What about our friend, Yang Ling?‎ S: Hello, Yang Ling, how are you?‎ C: Not so good.‎ T: I’m sorry to hear that. (新授句子I’m sorry to hear that.)‎ ‎2. Fill and read T: Boys and girls, can you fill and read this little rhyme now? You can discuss in pairs first.‎ S: (Work in pairs and have a try)‎ T: Great. Let’s read together. Yang Ling is ill. She should take care of herself.‎ ‎ (新授句子Take care.)‎ ‎【设计意图:通过向杨玲和海伦打招呼,引出一些新授的语言知识并逐渐向课文学习过渡,小诗的设计目的在于帮助学生巩固新知。】‎ Step 3 Story time ‎1. Look and answer T: Look at the picture. Yang Ling is ill. Where is she now?‎ S: She is at home.‎ 32‎ T: What is Yang Ling doing?‎ S: She is making a telephone call.‎ ‎【设计意图:引导学生通过观看课文插图,找出问题的答案,帮助学生初步感知课文。】‎ ‎2. Watch and answer T: Yes, she is making a telephone call. Who is Yang Ling calling? Let’s watch and answer?‎ S: (Watch the cartoon together.)‎ S: Miss Li.‎ ‎【设计意图:引导学生通过观看课文动画,找出问题的答案,帮助学生整体感知课文。】‎ ‎3. Fast reading ‎ T: Nice try. How do they make telephone calls? Please open your books and read the story quickly. Underline the key sentences.‎ S: (Fast read and underline)‎ T: Can you share your answers with us?‎ S: …‎ T: (板书电话用语) Well done. Let’s read these sentences together.‎ S: …‎ T: How many telephone calls do they make?‎ S: Two.‎ ‎【设计意图:引导学生通过自主构思电话用语,感知并学习电话用语相关语言知识,并为下一步的课文学习做好铺垫。】‎ ‎4. Listen and answer T: Let’s listen to the first telephone call. Try to answer this question. Why does Yang Ling call Miss Li?‎ S: (Listen to the dialogue on Page 50)‎ S: Because she can’t come to school today.‎ T: The next day, Miss Li calls Yang Ling. Please listen and think. Why does Miss Li call Yang Ling?‎ 32‎ S: (Listen to the dialogue on Page 51)‎ S: Because …‎ T: Yes. Because she cares for Yang Ling. (新授care for …)‎ ‎5. Read and say T: Boys and girls, please read the whole story again. And try to fill in the blanks by yourselves.‎ S: (Read and fill)‎ T: Now, let’s check. (新授cold, fever)‎ S: …‎ T: Let’s read together.‎ S: …‎ ‎6. Read and think T: When Yang Ling is ill, what does Miss Li say?‎ S: I’m sorry to hear that. Take care, Yang Ling.‎ T: Who can read like Miss Li?‎ S: …‎ T: Let’s try together.‎ S: (Read together)‎ T: When Yang Ling is fine, what does Miss Li say?‎ S: Great, can you come to school tomorrow?‎ T: Who can read like Miss Li?‎ S: …‎ T: Let’s try together.‎ S: (Read together)‎ T: Boys and girls, is Miss Li a good teacher?‎ S: Yes.‎ T: Why? Why is she a good teacher?‎ S: …‎ T: Because she cares for Yang Ling. She cares for her student. Right?‎ S: Yes.‎ 32‎ ‎【设计意图:引导学生在完成任务的同时,感受到文中李老师对于学生的关爱。】‎ ‎7. Reading time ‎(1) Listen and repeat (听录音跟读课文,鼓励学生模仿语音、语调)‎ ‎【设计意图:精读课文句子,模仿语音、语调,进一步掌握课文中的句子和词汇。】‎ ‎(2) Read together (齐读课文)‎ ‎【设计意图:鼓励学生用正确的语音、语调朗读,培养学生的语感,强调理解性、整体性地进行朗读。】‎ ‎(3) Read or act in roles (分角色朗读)‎ ‎【设计意图:学生可以根据自己的情况,自主选择方式和难度来朗读或表演课文。在此过程中教师要注意鼓励学生用正确的语音、语调,并配上夸张的表情动作完成任务。】‎ Step 4 Consolidation ‎1. Sum up T: Boys and girls, I think you can make a telephone call after learning this story.‎ ‎ Let’s check together.‎ S: …‎ T: Can you talk about illness now?‎ S: …‎ ‎【设计意图:帮助学生总结本节课所学的两类知识,关于打电话和关于讨论疾病,及时复习所学知识也为下一步拓展活动的开展做好了准备。】‎ ‎2. Show time T: Yang Ling is fine. So she comes to school next day. But Liu Tao is not at school.‎ ‎ What’s the matter with Liu Tao? After school, Yang Ling is calling Liu Tao. What do they say? Please work in pairs, make a dialogue and act it out.‎ S: (Work in pairs)‎ T: It’s time to act.‎ S: (Show their performance)‎ 32‎ T: Why does Yang Ling call Liu Tao?‎ S: Because she cares for Liu Tao.‎ T: Do you care for your parents, teachers and friends? Let’s care for each other. And making a telephone call is a good way. Boys and girls, class is over. You did a good job today.‎ ‎【设计意图:活动要求学生用本课所学的知识通过打电话的形式设计并表演对话。学生通过合作完成任务,真正体会在生活中使用英语的乐趣。】‎ Homework 家庭作业 ‎1. Read after the tape and act out the story. ‎ ‎2. Learn more words about illness.‎ Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)‎ 教学准备:人物图片、头饰、多媒体课件 板书设计:‎ ‎ ‎ 说课 在热身环节,通过让学生用不同的方式和教师打招呼,激活学生的旧知,同时引入今天的课题How are you?接下来,通过向Helen和Yang Ling两个人物问好并呈现两人的不同状态来呈现新知。接着,用一个人物Fill and read来巩固新知并新授take care,提早渗透了文本中的一些重难点词汇和句子。‎ 32‎ Story time教学应当注重其故事性和文本性。在教学中一共设计了以下一些步骤,首先是Look and answer,通过呈现课文部分图片并提问,让学生大致了解文本相关信息并引出教授make a telephone call。其次通过询问watch and answer让学生对文本进行整体感知。而后通过设计不同形式的活动分步解读文本,由fast reading让学生自主阅读并找出文中的电话用语及Yang Ling与Miss Li的通话次数。再通过Listen and answer让学生去阅读发现两次打电话的不同目的,通过read and fill检验学生对于文本的理解程度。最后通过read an think引导学生进行一系列思考。这样的教学设计注重对于学生文本阅读策略和技能的指导,引导学生关注文本细节并学会把握关键信息。‎ 朗读时,尽量引导学生模仿录音,注意语音语调的变换,重读、弱读等朗读技巧的处理。接着,学生四人一组,任选课文的一个场景进行朗读和表演,降低难度且参与面广泛。随后,带领学生就本节课所学的关心他人和电话用语两方面知识进行了总结。最后,设计了第二天Yang Ling来到了学校,可是Liu Tao却缺席了,放学后,Yang Ling给其打电话进行关心,进一步延续了文本,并让学生学以致用。‎ 英语(四年级下册)‎ Unit 8 How are you? ‎ Fun time Teaching contents 教学内容 Fun time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 ‎1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:cold, fever, cough, headache。‎ ‎2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:‎ This is … speaking. May I speak to …? I’m sorry to hear that. ‎ How are you? I’m fine, thank you./Not so good.‎ ‎3. 能用纸杯制作电话并用英语打电话。‎ 32‎ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:‎ ‎1. 单词的正确发音。‎ ‎2. 能够在真实语境中熟练运用如下句型:‎ This is … speaking. May I speak to …? I’m sorry to hear that. ‎ How are you? I’m fine, thank you./Not so good.‎ 教学难点:能够正确使用电话用语打电话。‎ Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting ‎ ‎1. Enjoy a song T: Hello, boys and girls.‎ S: Hello, Miss Fu.‎ T: How are you today?‎ S: I’m fine. ‎ T: Do you like English songs?‎ S: …‎ T: Let’s Enjoy an English song together.‎ ‎2. Free talk T: They are making a call. I want to make a call. Which sentences can I use?‎ S: …‎ ‎(板书下学生说出的电话用语)‎ T: Hello, this is Miss Fu speaking. May I speak to S1?‎ S1: Hello, Miss Fu. This is S1 speaking.‎ T: How are you?‎ S: I’m fine, thank you. ‎ T: Let’s go boating tomorrow.‎ S: OK.‎ T: Who can call me this time?‎ 32‎ S: Hello, this is S2 speaking. May I speak to Miss Fu?‎ T: Hello, S2. This is Miss Fu.‎ S: How are you?‎ T: I’m fine. But my friend Yang Ling is not so good.‎ ‎【设计意图:和学生在欣赏歌曲May I speak to Min?中拉开本节课的序幕,歌曲的使用和Free talk的讨论使学生在轻松愉悦的环境中复习了电话用语。】‎ ‎3. Review the story T: Yang Ling is ill. She can’t go to school. So she calls Miss Li. What does she say on the phone? Let’s play a memory game. OK?‎ S: OK.‎ Game rules:根据课文内容及图片判断所给句子是否正确 a. This is Yang Ling speaking. ‎ b. Yang Ling can come to school today.‎ c. Yang ling can come to school tomorrow.‎ d. Yang Ling has a cold and a fever.‎ ‎【设计意图: 通过记忆游戏的形式复现课文,为枯燥的课文复习增添了趣味性。】‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1. Learn to say T: Yang Ling has a cold and a fever. ‎ ‎ (板贴单词卡片a cold, a fever)‎ Can you name some illnesses?‎ S: Yes, a headache, a cough.‎ ‎(学习新单词a headache, a cough)‎ ‎ (板贴单词卡片a headache, a cough)‎ ‎【设计意图:通过本环节的设计,了解学习课后自主学习的情况,如学生找到的单词多于书本,教师也可以通过板书适当给予补充。】‎ ‎2. Say a chant T: Can you read these words? Let’s have a chant now. First, please listen to me.‎ 32‎ Cold, cold, I have a cold.‎ Cough, cough, I have a cough.‎ Fever, fever, I have a fever.‎ Headache, headache, I have a headache.‎ Don’t, don’t, don’t be worry.‎ Fine, fine, you’ll be fine.‎ T: Now, please work in four and try to read it.‎ S: Work in four.‎ T: Which group would like to have a try?‎ S: …‎ ‎【设计意图:通过韵律诗的设计,帮助学生巩固新学会的单词,活泼的操练形式可以更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,如果学生在上一环节补充词汇较多,教师还可以鼓励学生进行创编。】‎ ‎3. Play a guessing game T: Great. You all did a good job. Let’s play a game: Look and guess. Please look at the picture and try to answer this question.‎ How are you?‎ S: (根据所给出的图片来回答I’m fine或Not so good, I have …)‎ ‎【设计意图:将所学的新单词带入句型中让学生进行操练,为下一步的活动做好铺垫和准备。】‎ Step 3 Fun time ‎1. Try to make T: Well done. Look, here is a gift for you. What’s in it? Would you like to have a look?‎ S: Yes.‎ T: Look, it’s a paper telephone. Can you make a paper telephone? How can we make a paper cup?‎ S: …‎ T: OK. Let me show you first. First, we need two paper cups. Second, use a pen to ‎ 32‎ make a hole. Third, connect two paper cups with the string. Now, please make a paper phone with your partner.‎ S: Work in pairs and make a paper telephone.‎ ‎【设计意图:先让学生简单说说如何制作纸杯电话,再和学生一起总结制作步骤,让学生通过亲自参与加深印象后再动手制作,提高课堂效率。】‎ ‎2. Try to say T: Now we all have a paper telephone. Look, they have a paper telephone too. They are making a telephone call with their paper telephone. What’ wrong with him? Let’s listen and answer.‎ S: Listen to the tape. He is not so good. He has a cough.‎ T: Let’s read together.‎ S: Read fun time together.‎ T: Now let’s make a telephone call with our paper telephone.‎ ‎ These sentences may help you.‎ S: …‎ ‎【设计意图:通过学习Fun time所给出的例子,为下一步活动做好铺垫和准备。】‎ Step 4 Consolidation T: You all did a good job. Now let’s have a competition. There are five cards. Please choose one and make a telephone call with your partner. Don’t forget to use your paper phone. You can prepare for 1 minute.‎ S: Choose one picture and make a dialogue.‎ T: Excellent, boys and girls. You did a good job today.‎ ‎【设计意图:为学生自由使用语言创造语境,让学生将所学知识灵活运用起来。】‎ Homework 家庭作业 ‎1. Call your friends with your paper phone. ‎ ‎2. Preview cartoon time.‎ 32‎ Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)‎ 教学准备:纸杯、线、大头针、多媒体课件 板书设计: ‎ Unit 8 How are you?‎ This is … speaking. ‎ May I speak to …? ‎ How are you? ‎ I’m fine, thank you. /Not so good.‎ ‎… ‎ a cold a cough ‎ a fever a headache 说课 在本节课中,主要任务是复习故事并进一步学习巩固本单元的一些重点词汇和句型。而本单元中的电话用语对于学生们来说是一个难点,所以在本节课的设计中我注意活动设计的难易层次,力求帮助学生通过操练巩固所学语言知识达到自如运用语言的目的。‎ 课堂伊始,带领学生先一起欣赏了一首英文歌曲May I speak to Min?,再通过Free talk和学生复习上节课学习过的电话用语。然后过渡到故事时间的复习。我通过让孩子们做一个Read and judge的游戏,让课文巩固复习环节取得更好的效果。‎ 在接下来的新授环节中,首先要求学生说一说自己知道的关于疾病类的单词,从而引出并教授本单元四个新词a cold, a cough, a fever, a headache。然后使用一个节奏感强的chant,帮助学生复习巩固新授单词,然后再通过一个Guessing game帮助学生将新学单词融入句型操练中,为下一步Fun time的活动做好准备和铺垫。‎ 在Fun time学习部分,我设计了Try to make、Try to say两项任务。‎ 32‎ 首先让学生了解纸杯电话的制作过程,再两人一小组制作纸杯电话,充分调动了学生的多元智能。接下来,通过Try to say这个环节的设计进一步引导学生自己使用纸杯电话进行打电话的口语练习。在学生自己进行练习之前,我设计了Listen and answer的环节,引导学生认真学习Fun time所提供的例子,为学生自由使用语言做好示范和引导,从而让学生能够将所学语言知识灵活运用起来。‎ Fun time学习后,设计了小组竞赛的活动,让每组学生自主选择图片,在短暂的1分钟准备之后,快速运用纸杯电话这个道具进行对话表演。让学生对于本课重点的语言知识使用更加熟练。‎ 英语(四年级下册)‎ Unit 8 How are you? ‎ Cartoon time & Sound time Teaching contents 教学内容 Cartoon time & Sound time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 ‎1. 能够了解知道字母O的发音。‎ ‎2. 能够理解并表演卡通故事。‎ ‎3. 通过欣赏动画、表演动画,能够充分理解并体会故事的趣味性,享受语言带来的愉悦。‎ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:1. 能够了解知道字母O的发音。‎ ‎2. 能够理解并表演卡通故事。‎ 教学难点:能够充分理解并体会故事的趣味性,享受语言带来的愉悦。‎ Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting and review ‎ 32‎ ‎1. Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls.‎ S: Hello, Miss Fu.‎ T: How are you today?‎ S: I’m fine. ‎ ‎2. Ask your classmates T: You are fine. What about our friend, Yang Ling? Is she fine too? Let’s review the story together. Can you ask some questions about this story? Please write one question on the paper.‎ S: Write down the questions on the paper.‎ T: Please discuss your questions in your groups.‎ S: Discuss in groups.‎ T: Now we are going to have a PK between boys and girls. Are you ready?‎ S: Play the PK game together.‎ ‎3. Let’s review T: Well done. If you want to make a telephone call, you can say …‎ S: …‎ ‎ (教师板书学生说的电话用语)‎ T: If you know someone is ill, you can say …‎ S: …‎ ‎【设计意图:课堂伊始,在轻松的氛围里,让学生写下关于Story time的问题,并举行男生女生PK赛,既复习了前两节课所学知识,也为本课新知识的学习做好铺垫。】‎ Step 2 Sound time ‎1. Look and say T: Yang Ling is not so good. What about Mr Fox? Look at this picture.‎ S: He is hungry.‎ T: Yes. He is very hungry. Guess. What can he eat for lunch? ‎ S: … ‎ 32‎ ‎【设计意图:通过让学生先看Sound time的部分图片,对Sound time内容进行预测,激发学生的学习好奇心,为下一步的学习做好铺垫。】‎ ‎2. Listen and fill T: Well, let’s listen and fill in the blanks.‎ S: Listen to the tape. The hot dog in the box is not the lunch for the fox.‎ T: Who can share your answer with us?‎ S: …‎ T: Can the fox eat the hot dog?‎ ‎ Why?‎ S: No, because it’s not the lunch for the fox.‎ T: Well done! Let’s read after the tape.‎ S: Read after the tape.‎ T: This time, please read in groups.‎ S: Read in groups.‎ T: Who’d like to have a try?‎ S: …‎ ‎【设计意图:通过让学生听韵律诗,让学生初步感知相关语音。】‎ ‎3. Learn the sound of the letter O T: Now look at these words. Let’s read them together.‎ S: hot dog not box fox.‎ T: What’s the sound of the letter o?‎ S: …‎ T: You are right. Look, here I have more words. Can you read them? Please read in groups of four first.‎ S: Read in groups of four.‎ T: Let’s try together.‎ S: …‎ T: Can you say more words like this?‎ S: …‎ 32‎ ‎(教师板书学生说的单词在黑板上)‎ ‎【设计意图:让学生自己读单词,总结出字母O的发音规律,学会发现和归纳。】‎ ‎4. Read and choose T: Look, here I have more words. Please read and choose. Which words are the friends of hot?‎ S: Read and choose.‎ T: Now please work in pairs and check your answers.‎ S: Work in pairs.‎ T: Now let’s check our answers.‎ S: …‎ ‎【设计意图:让孩子们通过自读分类,了解字母O的其他读音并学会辨识。】‎ Step 3 Cartoon time ‎1. Look and say T: Look, Mr Fox is eating his lunch now. And he is very happy now. How about Bobby? What does he do?‎ S: …‎ ‎2. Watch and choose T: Yes. Bobby is very happy. He is making a telephone call now. Is he at school?‎ ‎ (新授 at school)‎ S: Watch and choose.‎ T: Is he at school?‎ S: No.‎ ‎【设计意图:引导学生通过观看卡通故事,找出问题的答案,帮助学生整体感知卡通故事内容。】‎ ‎3. Read and answer T: Is Tina there? Why is Bobby laughing? Please read by yourselves and try to answer.‎ S: …‎ 32‎ ‎【设计意图:引导学生通过自读,关注卡通故事中的细节信息,进一步理解内容。】‎ ‎4. Reading time ‎(1) Listen and repeat ‎ ‎(听录音跟读卡通故事,鼓励学生模仿语音、语调,体会人物的心情)‎ ‎【设计意图:精读课文句子,模仿语音、语调,进一步掌握课文中的句子和词汇。】‎ ‎(2) Read together (齐读卡通故事)‎ ‎【设计意图:鼓励学生用正确的语音、语调朗读,培养学生的语感,强调理解性、整体性的朗读。】‎ ‎(3) Read in roles (分角色朗读)‎ T: Which group would like to read?‎ S: …‎ ‎5. Act Story time in pairs T: Well done. And I have a learning tip for you. Act it out in pairs. Now let’s act the story together.‎ S: Act in pairs.‎ T: Have a try?‎ S: …‎ ‎【设计意图:学生两人一组,用头饰、实物,表演卡通故事。在此过程中鼓励学生用正确的语音、语调,并配上夸张的表情动作完成任务。】‎ ‎6. Consolidation T: Well done! Look, now it’s Sunday. Bobby wants to ask Sam to go out. So, he calls Sam. And Sam is going to make a joke with him. Then what happen? Let’s make a dialogue. OK? Who’d like to have a try with me?‎ S: (和老师一起示范编故事)‎ T: Well done! Now it’s your turn now. Please work in pairs and try to make a new story.‎ S: (两人一组续编新的故事)‎ T: It’s time for you to act.‎ 32‎ S: (请三组学生上台表演)‎ T: Excellent, boys and girls. You did a good job today.‎ ‎【设计意图:活动要求学生用所学的语言进行对话。在故事新编中,调动学生的学习积极性,鼓励他们将已有知识和新学知识进行有机整合,从而进一步提高自身的综合语言运用能力。】‎ Homework 家庭作业 ‎1. Listen and read Sound time.‎ ‎2. Try to act the cartoon with your friends.‎ ‎3. Read and act out the cartoon.‎ Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)‎ 教学准备:人物图片、头饰、多媒体课件 板书设计: ‎ Unit 8 How are you?‎ ‎ This is … speaking.‎ ‎ May I speak to …?‎ ‎ …‎ ‎ How are you?‎ ‎ What’s the matter?‎ 学生资源 ‎/ əu / / ɒ /‎ 说课 本节课伊始,设计了对Story time进行自主提问的环节,希望通过本环节的设计,帮助学生复习Story time所学内容以及电话用语和讨论疾病的用语,唤醒他们的学习记忆,也为新课呈现做好铺垫。‎ 在接下来的环节设计中,以Mr Fox作为引导,开始了Sound time 的教学。首先让学生看图回答狐狸先生怎么了?他可以吃什么作为午餐?学生先自主猜测,接下来通过Listen and 32‎ ‎ fill找到答案,学习韵律诗。然后让学生读韵律诗中带有字母O的单词,从而总结出字母O的发音,接下来让学生根据发音规律自己读出新词并根据自己的学习经验,总结出含有相同发音的单词。最后通过Read and choose环节,让学生了解字母O的其他发音并教会学生辨别两种发音的不同。‎ 在卡通故事学习部分,设计了Look and say、Watch and answer、Read and answer三项任务。首先让学生讨论卡通图片,接着让学生带着问题观看卡通故事动画,初步感知故事内容。通过Read and answer这个环节的设计进一步引导学生对于文本进行自主精读,让学生通过关注故事中的细节,体会故事中人物的心情。在朗读环节,教师设计了Listen and repeat、Read together、Read in roles等多种形式,在整个过程中教师注重对于学生的朗读指导,关注学生的语音语调。在表演环节教师准备了实物道具、为学生创设接近真实的情境。卡通故事学习之后,教师对卡通故事进行了拓展,Sam也想通过电话和Bobby开一个玩笑,让学生两人一组,继续续编故事,让学生在活动中体验运用英语的快乐。‎ 英语(四年级下册)‎ Unit 8 How are you? ‎ Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time Teaching contents 教学内容 Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 ‎1. 能正确、有韵律地朗读Rhyme time中的rhyme,并能在模仿的基础上进行创编和表演。‎ ‎2. 能够用英语讨论疾病。‎ ‎3. 通过本单元学习,学生能通过合作记录下自己用英语打电话的过程,锻炼学生的写作能力,并让学生在交际中学会问候和关心他人。‎ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 32‎ 教学重点:‎ ‎1. 能正确、有韵律地朗读Rhyme time中的rhyme,并能在模仿的基础上进行创编和表演。‎ ‎2. 能够用英语讨论疾病。‎ 教学难点:‎ ‎1. 能够改编小诗。‎ ‎2. 能够用英语打电话。‎ Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting ‎1. Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls.‎ S: Hello, Miss Fu.‎ T: How are you today?‎ S: …‎ T: What’s the matter?‎ Are you…? ‎ S: …‎ ‎2. Show learning aims T: In this lesson, we’ll have some learning aims. First, I know the sound of letter o. Then, I can talk about illnesses. Finally, I can make a telephone call. (PPT出示 teaching aims)‎ S: (Read after the teacher.)‎ T: Which one can you tick for yourself now?‎ S: I know the sound of letter “o”.‎ T: Yes. And how many stars can you get now?‎ S: Three.‎ T: I’m happy to hear that.‎ ‎【设计意图:课堂伊始,向学生展示Ticking 32‎ ‎ time中的学习目标,帮助学生明确本节课的学习任务,并通过自由交谈,活跃气氛,复习旧知,有效练说本节课的交际用语。】‎ Step 2 Learn to talk about illnesses ‎1. Try to guess T: Now let’s come to the next aim. I can talk about illnesses. Look at these two girls. They are making a telephone call. Look at this girl. How is she?‎ S: She is not so good./She is ill.‎ T: Yes, perhaps. But what’s wrong with her? Can you guess?‎ S: …‎ ‎2. Play a game: Do a puzzle T: Look, here are some words about illnesses. Can you find them in this table? You may work in pairs first.‎ S: Work in pairs and try to find the words.‎ T: Which words do you find?‎ S: …‎ T: Nice try. Now let’s read together.‎ ‎【设计意图:通过两个游戏,进一步复习本单元学到的以及曾经学过的和疾病相关的单词,为下一步小诗的拓展学习做好铺垫。】‎ ‎3. Listen and answer T: What’s wrong with this girl? Let’s listen and find the answer.‎ S: Listen to the rhyme Doctor Wu.‎ T: What’s wrong with her?‎ S: She has a cold and a fever too.‎ T: Yes. Well done.‎ ‎【设计意图:让学生带着问题初步感知小诗内容,提高其学习效率。】‎ ‎4. Read and learn T: Now let’s learn this rhyme together. Please listen and repeat.‎ S: …‎ T: Please read in pairs this time.‎ 32‎ S: Read in pairs.‎ T: Who would like to have a try?‎ S: …‎ T: Please pay attention to these words. Sue, you, too, and Wu.‎ ‎5. Make your rhyme T: And now let’s try to make a new rhyme. Listen, this is mine.‎ ‎ Hello, may I speak to Jill?‎ ‎ This is Jill. How are you?‎ ‎ I have a headache and a cough too.‎ ‎ Well, take the pill.‎ ‎ You’ll get better soon.‎ ‎ Now it’s your turn now. Please try to discuss in pairs and write it on your book.‎ S: Work in pairs.‎ T: Now please read and act your new rhyme in pairs.‎ S: …‎ T: Who would like to share your rhyme with us?‎ S: …‎ T: Good job. Boys and girls, can you talk about some illnesses now? Please open your books and turn to Page 55. Tick for yourself.‎ ‎【设计意图:通过创编儿歌让学生体会语言在节奏中的美,培养学生的创造性思维,并及时对自己的学习情况做出正确评价。】‎ Step 3 Checkout time ‎1. Read and order T: Look, Yang Ling is ill, and she is at home now. Her friend calls her. What do they say? Let’s Read and order.‎ S: Read and order.‎ T: Q1: Who calls Yang Ling?‎ Q2: What’s the matter with Yang Ling?‎ S: …‎ 32‎ T: Let’s check the answer together.‎ S: …‎ T: Yes. Now let’s read the dialogue together.‎ S: Read together.‎ T: Please work in pairs and try to act it out.‎ S: Work in pairs.‎ T: Who’d like to have a try?‎ S: …‎ T: Good job.‎ ‎【设计意图:本环节是故事板块的延伸,通过排序,巩固打电话用语及问候语,提高学生的语言组织能力。】‎ ‎2. Make a telephone call T: If we want to make a telephone call with our friends, which sentences can we use?‎ S: … (T板书学生所说句子)‎ T: What can we talk about?‎ S: …‎ T: Yes. We can talk about a lot of things, such as subjects, school, clothes, season, hobby and so on. So try to make a telephone call with your friends. You may choose the topic by yourselves. And here are some learning tips for you.‎ ‎(学生两人一组练习)‎ T: Good job. Now can you make a telephone call? Please tick for yourselves. That’s all for this unit. Good bye.‎ ‎【设计意图:活动要求学生运用本单元所学的语言进行表演,使学生真正体会用英语做事情的乐趣。】‎ Homework 家庭作业 ‎1. Listen and read Sound time. ‎ ‎2. Write down your favourite boys/girls or animals.‎ 32‎ Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)‎ 教学准备:多媒体课件、电话道具两个 板书设计: ‎ Unit 8 How are you?‎ ‎ ‎ illnesses This is…speaking.‎ May I speak to …?‎ How are you?‎ What’s the matter?‎ Go and see the doctor.‎ ‎…‎ 说课 本课属于单元复习课,在内容繁多的情况下要做到形式多样、不杂乱,内容深入、不重复。因此课的一开始,就先向学生明确了本课的学习目标,让孩子进一步明确本节课的学习任务。‎ 在接下来的教学环节中,首先和学生一起学习了本单元的小诗Doctor Wu。先通过出示小诗的图片,让学生预测How is she?、What’s the matter with her?,激发学生对于小诗的学习兴趣。然后通过游戏Do a puzzle帮助学生进一步巩固复习疾病类单词。随后让学生听小诗,自己找出答案,再过渡到小诗的朗读和学习。表演完小诗后,又引导学生关注小诗的韵脚并通过同桌合作,创编并展示新的小诗,让学生在体会语言在节奏中的美的同时,培养创造性思维。‎ 在Checkout time的学习环节,设计了Read and order、Make a telephone call两个任务,让学生通过小组合作完成排序,并通过提问两个问题检验学生是否真的读懂了文章。朗读后让学生两两表演该文章,在整个过程中注重对于学生的听说指导,关注学生的语音语调。在Make a telephone环节的创编对话前,先带领学生复习了电话用语,并和学生讨论了打电话时可以讨论的话题,为下一步的学生活动做了充分的准备,在学生开展表演活动时为学生准备了实物道具、创设了有趣而真实的情境,让学生在快乐中学习。而穿插其间的对于Ticking time的自评环节,则更好地帮助学生及时了解和评价自己实际的学习水平。‎ 32‎ 32‎

