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课题 Lesson 14‎ 类型 新授 授课时间 教学 目标 ‎1,学习有关对某项活动看法的表达方式It’s boringexcitingcooljust so-so 学习句型:What do you do for fun? I like to…‎ 重点 学习有关对某项活动看法的表达方式:It’s boringexcitingcooljust so-so 难点 学习句型:What do you do for fun? I like to ..‎ 教具学具 Pictures, cards, recorder 教 ‎ 学 过 程 教师活动 学生活动 预期效果 Step1: presentation:‎ What’s this?‎ Do you like to play on computers?‎ Do you like to play computer games?‎ Why?‎ Because it’s exciting, right?‎ Step 2: To learn A:‎ ‎1.Look at the pictures. Who are they?‎ ‎2.What do they like to do for fun?‎ Listen carefully and then match them ‎3.看表情猜单词 Step3: To do B ‎1)Model:‎ Lucy, what do you do for fun?‎ What about you, Tom and It’s a computer Yes, I DO Yes I do Because it’s They are BinlinBillJoy and lily.‎ Yaoyao: Binbin ,do you like to to puzzle?‎ No, I don’t Why Because it’s boring Lily, do you like to play computer games?‎ No, I don’t why?‎ Because they are just so-so Lucy, what to you do for fun?‎ I like to go to concerts Why?‎ Because it’s cool Bill, what do you do for fun after school?‎ I like to to the movies because it’s exciting I like to go to concerts.‎ Get to know the new content 这项练习出现了学生没有学过的新句型,但是他们能够从中感受并初步理解它们的使用情景。‎ Mike?‎ What about you, David?‎ What do you do for fun?‎ ‎2)pair work:‎ ‎3)Model:‎ Lucy , what do you do for fun?‎ Why?‎ ‎4)pair work?‎ Stip4: To do c I like to …. Because it’s I like to play legos.‎ I like to do puzzles.‎ I like to go to the movies I like to go to concerts Because it is exciting Pair work:‎ I like to go to concerts, because it’s exciting I like to go the movies, because it’s cool 通地由入深的学习,使学生能够逐步接受并使用本课的重要句型 作业 布置 基础 补习 提 高 Recite the words Recite the sentences 板书 设计 Lesson 14‎ ‎ Exciting.‎ I like to ______, because it’s cool 课后小记

