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Lesson 24 A Little Monkey Riddle 1.It is an animal. 2. It has four legs. 3. It has fur and a tail. 4. It lives in forest. 5. It eats bananas. Number the pictures in order.( 给图片排序 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Listen the text. Read the text quickly, answer the question . 1.what fruits does the little monkey get? 2.what kind of watermelon does the monkey decide to get? I’ll get some fruit for you. I’ll get a big one. I’ll =I will Listen to the recording carefully. Pay attention the pronunciation. 听录音,有感情的跟读课文 . Read the text by yourself.( 自己读课文 ) Hooray/great/wow Sorry ouch Team work . Act out the story.( 表演故事 ) Discussion. 通过这节课你学到了什么? We always put myself heart and soul into everything we do. Heart and soul 一心一意 Homework Retell the story in your words .( 用自己的话复述故事 )

