冀教版英语四上Lesson 16优质课件

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冀教版英语四上Lesson 16优质课件

Unit 3 Let’s go! 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 16 Lead-in How do you go to school? New words 自行车 bike 出租汽车 taxi 小汽车;轿车 car 公共汽车 bus 三十 thirty How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. I go to the zoo by taxi. I go to the restaurant by car. I go home by bus. bike car bus taxi Play roles How do you go to school? I go to school by bus. How do you go to the restaurant? I go to the restaurant by taxi. How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. How do you go to the zoo? I go to the zoo by car. Language points 1. How do you go to school? 你怎样去上学? 此句型用于 询问对方的出行方式 。 询问出行方式 的 句型结构为 : How do you go (to)+ 地点( the bookstore, the park, home… ) ? how 意为“怎么样” 。 位于句首引导特殊疑问句。 do 是助动词,帮助构成疑问句,无实际意义。 例句:你怎样回家? 我乘公共汽车回家。 How do you go home? I go home by bus. 注意: 如果动词 go 后面所接地点为副词,则要省略 to ,如 go home, go there 等。 2. I go to school by bike. 我骑自行车去上学。 by 意为“乘坐”,后接交通工具。 表达 乘坐某种交通工具去某地 的 句型 : 主语 +go(es) (to) + 地点 +by+ 交通工具 (bike, bus, taxi…). 例句:他坐公共汽车去公园。 He goes to the park by bus. ( 1 ) by+ 交通工具,表示“乘 / 骑 …… ” 例句:我爸爸乘小汽车去上班。 My father goes to work by car. 拓展:乘某种交通工具的表达方式 ( 2 ) take + a/one’s+ 交通工具 例句:我乘火车去北京。 I take a train to Beijing. 他骑自行车去动物园。 He takes his bike to the zoo. Numbers 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty Let’s say the numbers. Can you say it in English? Activity 20 23 24 29 30 twenty-three thirty twenty twenty-four twenty-nine 21 22 25 26 27 28 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-five twenty-eight Language points 英语中的数词主要分为基数词和序数词两类,用来 表示数目或数量 的词被称为 基数词 。 (1) 1 到 10 : one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten 。 基数词 (2) 11 到 19 : eleven, twelve, thirteen, four teen , fifteen, six teen , seven teen , eighteen, nine teen . 这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen 为 特殊形式外, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen 都是在其 后加 -teen 构成。 (3) 在 20 到 90 的整十数 中,除 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty 为特殊形式外, six ty , seven ty , nine ty 都是在其后加 -ty 构成。 表示几十几时,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符 “-” 。 例如: twenty-one 21 Let’s play Count by three. Three! Six! Nine! Twelve! Fifteen! Eighteen! Twenty-one! Twenty-four! Play roles Count by two. Five! Seven! Nine! Eleven! Thirteen! Fifteen! Seventeen! Nineteen! Count by one. Nineteen! Twenty-one! Twenty-two! Twenty! Twenty-three! Twenty-four! Twenty-five! Twenty-six!

