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Unit5 单元测试卷 一、英汉互译。 1. 爬窗台 __________ 2. 玩火 __________ 3. run down the stairs __________ 4. wait for __________ 5. sidewalk __________ 6. 危险的 __________ 7. 当心 __________ 8. safe __________ 二、快乐连一连。 (1) Use the sidewalk. (2) Climb the, tree. (3) Play with fire. (4) Run down the stairs. A. It’s safe. (5) Wait for the green light. B. It’s dangerous. (6) Throw something out of the window. (7) Play basketball in the street. (8) The light is red. Stop. 三、根据中文提示,把句子补充完整。 1. 请走人行道。这样安全。 Please use the ________. It’s ________. 2. 小心!不要爬树。这样危险。 Be careful! Don’t ________ the tree. ________. 3. 请等待绿灯。 Please ________ ________ the green light. 4. 红灯。停下来。 The light ________. Stop. 5. 我有一个糟糕的一天。 I am having a ________ day. 四、判断下列行为对(√)错(×)。 ( ) 1. Don’t climb on the window ledge. ( ) 2. Don’t use the sidewalk. It’s dangerous. ( ) 3. Don’t run down the stairs. It’s dangerous. ( ) 4. Use the sidewalk. It’s safe. ( ) 5. The light is red. Please go. ( ) 6. Don’t play with fire. ( ) 7. Please play football in the playground. 五、连词成句。 1. careful, Use, side, walk, Be, the (!) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. in, the, playground, Please, football, play (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、 1. climb on the window ledge 2. play with fire 3. 跑下楼梯 4. 等待 5. 人行道 6. Dangerous 7. be careful 8. 安全的 二、 (1)-(8) ABBBABBA 三、 1. side walk; safe 2. climb; It’s dangerous 3. wait for 4. is red 5. bad 四、 1-7 ×××√××√ 五、 1. Be careful! Use the sidewalk. 2. Please play football in the playground.

