人教版(新起点)英语四上《Safety》(Fun Time)课时训练

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人教版(新起点)英语四上《Safety》(Fun Time)课时训练

Unit5 Fun Time 课时训练 一、我会连一连。 (1) throw out A. 小心 (2) look out B. 把……扔出去 (3) go against C. 违背 二、将下列句子与相应图片连起来。 (1) Don’t throw things out of the window. A. (2) Don’t cook here. B. (3) Don’t go against the traffic. C. (4) Don’t open the door for a stranger. D. 三、根据上下文,选择正确选项。 A. Be careful B. dangerous C .Don’t play with fire D. climbing on the window ledge E. running down the stairs I’m Bill. This is my house. My brother is in the bedroom. He is ________. Mother says, “Don’t climb the window.” My sister is in the living room. She is going to plug (插插头) in the TV with her wet hands. Father says, “________! Don’t run down the stairs. Its ________.” Tom is in the kitchen. He is playing with a lighter (打 火机). I say to him, “________. It’s dangerous!” 参考答案 一、 (1)-(3) BAC 二、 (1)-(4) BCDA 三、 DAEBC

