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Unit 8 Revision Lesson 47‎ 课前准备:1. 教学挂图 2. 录音磁带 教学重点:训练学生的阅读理解能力 教学难点:生词较多不易掌握 教学过程:‎ 一.复习 ‎1.有关安全的词汇和句型 ‎2.有关求助的词汇和句型 二.Fun time ‎ ‎1.注意出示挂图,提出问题请学生讨论回答 ‎2.根据大家讨论的结果对画面进行描述 ‎3.放录音,逐句跟读,纠正发音 ‎4.小组分角色表演练习 ‎5.全班表演展示 三.Think and tick 小组讨论完成 ‎1. The ice is safe. F ‎2. The dog can help the boy. T ‎3. The man calls to the hospital. F ‎4. A picture of the dog is in the newspaper.T 四.Homework 五.课后小记 ‎ Lesson48‎ 课前准备:教学挂图、录音磁带 教学重点:全面掌握本单元所学内容 教学难点:查漏补缺 教学过程:‎ 一.复习 ‎1.复习有关安全的词汇和句型 ‎2.复习有关求助的词汇和句型。‎ 二.Look、listen and tick ‎1. 理解每幅图,用自己的话说明意思 ‎2. 放录音完成练习 三. I can say ‎ ‎1. 示范:Can you use your dictionary? Can you pass me your dictionary? ‎ Words: fence、fire、store、doctor、mate、problem、Mailman、 hotel、scissors、salesclerk、CD play ‎2.小组练习 四.Read and tick ‎1.学生自己读课文,理解意思 ‎(1) Bill’s father works in a hospital. He likes his job very much because it is very interesting. He can help people.‎ ‎(2) Joy wants to make an invitation. She has no scissors, so she says to Lily. “Can I use your scissors?”‎ ‎(3) Andy gets up late. He runs to school. He want to climb over the fence. The policeman stops him. “Don’t climb over the fence, Please use the underpass.”‎ ‎2.听录音选择正确答案 ‎3.小组练习用自己的话说图意 五.Fins say and write ‎1.看图用英语描述图片 ‎2.参考B项练习写句子 六.Homework 课后小记

