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话题16 自然、世界与环境(人口与环保) 第一篇 话题分层复习 【记忆导图】 【佳篇诵读】 Since creating the civilized city, all the people in Beijing have made joint efforts. Their good behavior can be seen everywhere. Everybody tries his best to avoid traffic jams and reduce the air pollution by riding bikes or walking.   As junior students, we can plant more trees and flowers. Each of us should obey the traffic rules. In public, we shouldn't make a lot of noises. We should give our seats to the ones in need on a bus. We can't spit everywhere and we shouldn't throw rubbish everywhere, for it's very rude. We should protect the trees and keep off the grass. At the same time, we can also pick up rubbish and put it into the dustbin wherever we go. It is a good way to keep our city clean and tidy. 词汇检测清单 区 域 人 口 1.       (n.)人口 *      ……的人口 2.       (adj.)巨大的,庞大的 3.       (n.)出生 4.       (n.)人,人们 5.       (n.)人;个人 6.       (n.)渔夫 7.       (adj.)国家的;民族的 8.       (n.)种族;民族 9.       (num.)百万 10.     (num.)十亿 11.       (n.)北,北方 (adv.)在北方,朝北方 12.        (n.)西,西方 (adj.)西方的,向西的 the population of… population huge birth people person fisherman national race million billion north west 区 域 人 口 13.       (adv.)尤其 14.     因……而闻名 15.       (n.)地区,区域 16.       (n.)高山,山岳 17.       (n.)外卖食物 18.       (n.)首都 19.       (n.)城市 20.       (n.)城镇 21.       (n.)乡村 *      在乡下 22.       (n.)家乡,故乡 23.       (adj.)寂静的,安静的 24.       (adj.)当地的,本地的 25.       (adj.)公共的,公众的 26.       (n.)公共服务,服务 27.       (n.)世界 28.       (n.)国家 especially area mountain takeaway capital city town countryside hometown quiet local public service world country in the countrysidebe famous for 区 域 人 口 29.      (adj.)外国的 30.      (n.)亚洲 31.      (n.)非洲 32.      (n.)欧洲 33.      (adj.)中国的;中国人的; 中国话的;汉语的 34.      (adj.)美国的;美国人的 35.      (adj.)日本的;日本人的; 日语的 36.      (n.)英国人;英语 (adj.)英语的 37.      (n.)德国 38.      (adj.)法国(人)的; 法语的 39.      (adj.)俄国人的;俄语的 40.      (adj.)加拿大的; 加拿大人的 foreign Asia Africa Europe Chinese American Japanese English Germany French Russian Canadian 环 境 问 题 、 环 境 保 护 1.        (n.)环境 *       保护环境 2.       (adj.)脏的 3.       (n.)凌乱 *       弄得一塌糊涂 4.       (n.)噪音 5.       (adj.)喧闹的;嘈杂的 6.        (v.)污染 7.       (n.)污染 8.        (v.)乱丢垃圾 9.        (n.)垃圾;废物 10.       (v.)破坏;毁灭 11.       (v.)抽烟 12.       (n.&v.)浪费 *       浪费时间/金钱 protect the environment environment dirty mess noise noisy make a mess pollute pollution litter rubbish destroy smoke waste a waste of time/money 环 境 问 题 、 环 境 保 护 13.       砍倒 14.       (n.)寒冷,低气温 15.       (n.)高温,热 16.      (n.)金属 17.      (n.)工业;行业 18.      (n.)工厂 19.      (n.)塑料(adj.)塑料的 20.      (v.)杀死 21.      (adj.)有害的 *   对……有害 22.      (v.)再回收;再利用 23.      (v.)准备,预备 24.      (n.)报告,汇报 25.      (adj.)干净的 26.      (adj.)清楚的,清晰的 27.      (adj.)整洁的 28.      (n.)宁静,和平 harmful recycle prepare report clean clear tidy peace cut down cold heat metal industry factory plastic kill be harmful to 环 境 问 题 、 环 境 保 护 29.      (n.)底部 30.      (n.)优势 *      利用 31.      (v.)花费 32.      (v.)支付得起 33.      (adj.)残酷的,残忍的 34.      (n.)危险 *      处于危险中 *      脱离危险 35.      (n.)安全 36.      (v.)成长,长大 37.      (n.)增多,增长 (v.)增多,增长 38.      (v.)解决 39.      (adj.)较少的,更少的 40.      (adj.)无望的 41.      (v.)分开 42.      (n.)教育 safety grow increase solve less hopeless divide education bottom advantage cost afford cruel danger take advantage of in danger out of danger 环 境 问 题 、 环 境 保 护 43.      (n.)创造力,独创性 44.      (adj.)科学上的,科学的 45.      (n.)政策,方针 46.      (v.)再次使用,重复利用 47.       扔掉,丢弃(短语) 48.      (v.)减少,缩小 49.      (adj.)快速的,迅速的 50.      (n.)步骤,措施 51.       过去常常 52.       在……顶部或顶端 53.       参加 54.       关闭 55.       支付 56.        好好利用 57.       推倒 58.     采取行动 used to at the top of take part in turn off pay for pull…down take action creativity scientific policy reuse reduce rapid step throw away put sth. to good use 核 心 词 汇 专 练 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 Ⅰ.用括号中单词的适当形式填空。 1. My English is so poor that I can't communicate with (foreign). 2. Every one of us should try our best to prevent the air (pollute). 3. Driving too much is       (harm) to the environment. 4. Decide whether it would be better to advertise in a (nation) or a local newspaper. 5. All glass bottles which can't be refilled can be       (recycle). foreigners pollution harmful national recycled 核 心 词 汇 专 练 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 6. It would be       (danger) for you to stay here on such a rainy day. 7. Children need a place where they can play in       (safe). 8. Chinese parents always lay great       (hope) on their children. 9. In those days it was very difficult for poor people to get a university       (educate). 10. The report is       (divide) into two parts. dangerous safety hopes education divided 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅱ.根据首字母提示填写单词。 1. It's said that the p continues to decrease in that country. 2. She can speak G and French, not to speak of English. 3. More and more people in the city would like to live in the c because of the fresh air and peaceful environment. 4. I wonder what it is at the b of the well. 5. —What's the c of England? —London. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 opulation erman ountryside ottom apital 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅲ.根据上下文提示填写单词。 1. Don't throw         here and there, and it's too dirty. 2. There were so many people in the hall that it was crowded and . 3. The building was completely by fire. 4. It's too difficult for me and I can't the problem by myself. 5. Many were closed down in this area because they poured polluted water into the river. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 litter/rubbish noisy destroyed solve factories

