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话题写作(七) 旅行休闲 第一篇 话题分层复习 【典型例题】[2019·怀柔一模题目②]   “读万卷书,行万里路”,走出去总能让你开阔眼界,学到很多。   假如你是李华,请你为校刊的英语园地“游学/旅游使我成长”专栏写一篇 短文,分享你的游学或者旅游经历,并说说你的感受。 [提示词语] travel, visit, take photos, love, happy, proud 典例分析 [提示问题] ·Where did you go and who did you go with? ·What did you do there? ·How do you feel? 【思路点拨】 1. 要点提炼:本文是一篇记叙文。根据题目要求,可以提炼出以下要点: (1)你游学或旅游的地点和同行的人 (2)叙述你的游学或旅游经历 (3)自己的感受 2. 时态:一般过去时 3. 人称:第一人称 【写作架构】 【基础写作】 根据提示写句子。 1. 基础句我们乘火车去那里。路很长,但火车很快。我们都很兴奋。(take) →升格句(改写成含有although的复合句) We took the train there. It was a long way, but the train was very fast. We were all excited. We took the train there. Although it was a long way, the train was very fast. We were all excited. We visited some famous museums and learned more about the history of our country. We visited some famous museums, which helped us learn more about the history of our country. 3. 基础句我爱我们的祖国。我要努力学习,为我的国家做更多贡献。(do more for…) →升格句(用make a contribution to改写此句) I love our country. I will study hard and do more for it. I love our country. I will study hard and make a contribution to my motherland. 【连句成文】   Last August, I traveled to Xi'an with my classmates. We took the train there. Although it was a long way, the train was very fast. We were all excited.   Xi'an is a city with a long history. It is also the start of the Silk Road. We visited some famous museums, which helped us learn more about the history of our country.   During the trip, we found that our country is developing very fast.   I love our country more than before and I feel proud. I will study hard and make a contribution to my motherland. 【导入主题】 1. The summer holiday is coming. We are going to spend several days traveling. 2. Last April, I traveled to Beijing with my family. It was the best season to visit Beijing. 3. Last summer we took a trip to Beijing. 4. Traveling is a great source of knowledge. 写作积累 【文章发展】 1. Nanjing is a city with a long history. It was also the capital of six dynasties. 2. We visited some famous places of interest. 3. And we learned more about the history of our country. 4. During the trip, we found that our country is more and more beautiful. 【结尾总结】 1. We not only enjoyed the sights, but also made some good friends. And I think that's the fantastic part of traveling. 2. Traveling made me relaxed and excited. And I also learned a lot from traveling. 3. I will never forget the journey to Xi'an. It was really exciting. A   假设你是山西太原的一名学生。为了让更多的外国友人了解太原,来太原 旅游,你们学校组织了以“好客太原”为主题的征文活动。请你以一名导游的 身份来介绍太原,如风景名胜、购物中心、特色小吃等等。 [提示词语] 晋祠(Memorial Temple of Jin), 迎泽公园(Yingze Park), 购物中心(shopping center), 美食街(Food Street) 实战演练 [提示问题] ·Where is Taiyuan? ·What is Taiyuan famous for? Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Glad to meet you! I'm your guide today. Welcome to my hometown— Taiyuan. One possible version:   Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Glad to meet you! I'm your guide today. Welcome to my hometown—Taiyuan. Taiyuan is in the north of Shanxi. It is a beautiful city with a very long history. There are many famous places of interest, such as Memorial Temple of Jin and Yingze Park. Taiyuan is also a good place for shopping and delicious food. You can see a lot of modern shopping centers. You can buy what you like there. If you want to eat traditional Shanxi food, you can go to Food Street. The food there is both delicious and cheap. It is made in traditional ways, which have been followed from generation to generation. There are still many other interesting and exciting things waiting for you to enjoy. Let's go for them! B   [2019·石景山期末题目①]庙会是春节期间最传统的活动之一。假如你是 李华,打算邀请你校的美国交换生 Peter 于 2 月 5 号一起去逛庙会 (the Temple Fair),感受中国传统文化的魅力。请你用英语写一封邀请信,告诉他你 们见面的时间、地点,以及他需要做哪些准备。 [提示词语] traditional activity, 9 o'clock, warm clothes, camera [提示问题] ·When and where are you going to meet? ·What do you advise Peter to prepare? Dear Peter, How is it going? I'm writing to invite you to come to visit the Temple Fair during Spring Festival holidays.           I'm looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua One possible version: Dear Peter, How is it going? I'm writing to invite you to come to visit the Temple Fair during Spring Festival holidays. The Temple Fair is one of the most traditional activities during Spring Festival holidays. We're going to meet at 9 o'clock on February 5th. I will be waiting for you at the gate of our school. It will be cold in Beijing at that time, so you'd better wear warm clothes. Also, it's a good idea to take a camera with you since you may want to share your photos with your friends in America. It will be very interesting and I am sure you will enjoy it. I'm looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua

