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话题9 购物 第一篇 话题分层复习 【记忆导图】 【佳篇诵读】 Tom and Tim are good friends. One day, they went to a supermarket for shopping. Suddenly they found a man stealing things in the supermarket. Instead of keeping away from it, they made up their minds to catch him.   After the thief left the supermarket, on the one hand they followed him; on the other hand one of them called the police at once. The thief went to a bus stop and read a newspaper there. A few minutes later, a policewoman came and they told her the whole thing. Then the thief was caught even without knowing what happened. The policewoman said, “You are good boys!” Tom and Tim were very happy. What an exciting day! 词汇检测清单 衣 物 饰 品 1.      (n.)衣服;各种衣物 2.      (n.)外套 3.      (n.)男衬衫 4.      (n.)(女)衬衫 5.      (n.)女裙 6.      (n.)厚运动衫;毛衣 7.      (n.)短裤 8.        (n.)裤子;长裤 9.       (n.)T恤衫 10.      (n.)腰带;皮带 11.      (n.)兜;口袋 12.      (n.)(无檐的或仅在 前面有檐的)帽子 13.      (n.)(一般指有边的) 帽子;礼帽 clothes coat shirt blouse skirt sweater shorts trousers T-shirt belt pocket cap hat 衣 物 饰 品 15.      (n.)手套 16.      (n.)短上衣;夹克衫 17.      (n.)牛仔裤 18.      (n.)雨衣 19.      (n.)领巾;围巾 20.      (n.)鞋 21.      (n.)短袜 22.      (n.)领带 23.      (n.)戒指 glove jacket jeans raincoat carf shoe sock tie ring 物 品 颜 色 1.      (n.)颜色 →     (adj.)丰富多彩的 2.      (n.& adj.)绿色(的) 3.      (n.& adj.)红色(的) 4.      (n.& adj.)蓝色(的) 5.      (n.& adj.)黑色(的) 6.      (n.& adj.)灰色(的) 7.      (n.& adj.)黄色(的) 8.      (n.& adj.)紫色(的) 9.       (n.&adj.)白色(的) 10.      (n.&adj.)褐色(的); 棕色(的) 11.      (n.&adj.)粉红色(的) 12.      (adj.)浅色的 13.      (adj.)暗色的 14.      (adj.)金色的;金的 15.      (n.&adj.)银色(的) 16.      (n.&adj.)橙色(的) colour colourful green red blue black grey yellow purple white brown pink light dark golden silver orange 尺 寸 、 材 质 等 1.      (n.)形状;外形 *        以……形状 2.      (n.)尺寸;大小 3.      (n.)款式 4.      (adj.)大的 5.      (adj.)小的 6.      (adj.)极小的;微小的 7.      (adj.)长的 8.      (adj.)短的;矮的 9.        (adj.)大的;巨大的 10.       (adj.)巨大的;庞大的 11.       (adj.)宽阔的 12.       (adj.)薄的 13.       (adj.)厚的 14.       (adj.)圆的 15.       (n.)心形 16.      (adj.)平的 17.       (adj.)满的 shape size style big small tiny long short in the shape of large huge wide thin thick round heart flat full 尺 寸 、 材 质 等 18.       (adj.)空的 19.       (adj.)硬的 20.       (adj.)柔软的 21.       (n.&adj.) 正方形(的) 22.       (n.)环形物 23.       (n.)材料 24.       (n.)木头;木材 →     (adj.)木制的 25.       (n.)棉花 26.       (n.)(蚕)丝;丝织品 27.       (n.)木板;布告牌 empty hard soft square ring material wood wooden cotton silk board 购 物 计 划 、 购 物 行 为 1.      (v.)选择 →     (n.)选择 *      做选择 2.      (n.)协议;交易 3.      (v.)卖;售 →     (n.)出售 *      卖光;卖完 *      降价销售 *      待售 4.      (n.)服务 5.      (v.)买 →     (过去式) →     (过去分词) 6.      (v.)买得起 7.      (n.)男服务员 8.      (n.)女服务员 9.      (adj.)贫穷的;可怜的 10.      (adj.)丰富的;富有的 choose choice deal sell sale sell out be on sale be for sale make a choice service buy bought bought afford waiter waitress poor rich 购 物 计 划 、 购 物 行 为 11.      (adj.)值……钱; (n.)价值 12.      (v.)试,试图,努力 *      试穿 *      试一试 13.      (n.)账单 14.      (n.)一览表,清单 *      列清单 15.      (n.)钱 *      挣钱 16.      (n.)硬币 17.      (n.)美元 18.      (n.)美分 19.      (n.)黄金 20.      (n.)总计; 合计 *      合计 21.      (adj.)整个的 worth try try on have a try bill list make a list money earn money coin dollar cent gold total in total whole 购 物 计 划 、 购 物 行 为 22.      (n.)价格 *      以……价格 23.      (v.)花费 →     (过去式) →     (过去分词) 24.      (adj.)便宜的 25.      (adj.)昂贵的 26.      (n.)价值 →     (adj.)有价值的 27.      (adj.)免费的 28.      (v.)兑换 29.      (v.)称……的重量;重 →     (n.)重量 30.      (n.)英镑,磅 31.      (n.)宝藏,财宝 32.      (n.)财富,财产 33.     (v.)付钱;给……报酬(n.)工资 *      付款 at the price of price cost cost cost cheap expensive value valuable free change weigh weight pound treasure wealth pay pay for 核 心 词 汇 专 练 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 Ⅰ.用括号中单词的适当形式填空。 1. I have to make a      (choose) between the two dresses, because I can't afford two. 2. These books are on       (sell). Let's go to buy some. 3. Every one of the desks in our classroom is       (wood). 4. The experience is very       (value) to us. 5. The       (serve) of the shop is very good. 6. Tom       (buy) a cheap car last year because he was short of money. choice sale wooden valuable service bought 核 心 词 汇 专 练 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 7. The flowers in this garden are so       (colour) and nice that I can't help picking one. 8. Linda's sister works in this restaurant as a       (wait). colourful waitress 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅱ.根据首字母提示填写单词。 1. It's cold outside. We need a t     jacket to keep us warm. 2. Fill the e     bottle with some hot water. 3. I don't have enough money, so I can only a     the cheapest one. 4. The chocolate is made in the s     of heart. 5. Before going shopping, you'd better make a l    . 6. The girl who was dressed in w     is my sister. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 hick mpty fford hape ist hite 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅲ.根据上下文提示填写单词。 1. My favorite     is yellow. 2. Lily told us that she had made a plan to lose     in order to keep fit. 3. The clothes are sold at a very low     . 4. The three apples     20 yuan. That's really expensive. 5.      is a kind of color that can make you keep cool and calm. 6. The     of the shoes doesn't fit me. Please show me another pair. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 color weight price cost Blue size

