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话题写作(四) 沟通与交流 第一篇 话题分层复习 【典型例题】[2019·朝阳一模题目②] “孤雁难飞,孤掌难鸣”。团队合作在我们的学习,生活和工作中都起到非常 重要的作用。 某英文网站正在开展以“合作·收获”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈生活中你与他人合作的一次经历,主要内容包括: 你怎么看待团队合作,你是如何与他人合作的,以及你的感受。 [提示词语] important, work together, experience, effectively 典例分析 [提示问题] ·What do you think of teamwork? ·What did you do in your team? ·How did you feel from the experience?   Teamwork is highly valued in society. 【思路点拨】 1. 要点提炼:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。根据题目要求,可以提炼出以下要点: (1)叙述与他人之间合作的一件事 (2)为什么团队合作 (3)自己的感受 2. 时态:一般现在时,一般过去时 3. 人称:第一人称 【写作架构】 【基础写作】 根据提示写句子。 1. 基础句在团队中每一个人都打得很完美。(play perfectly) →升格句(用含although的复合句改写此句) In the team everyone played perfectly. Although in the team everyone played perfectly, we lost the game at the beginning. 2. 基础句我们输了,因为我们不知道怎么合作。(because, how to) →升格句(用the reason why…is that…结构改写此句) 3. 基础句团队合作帮助我们更加高效地做事情。(help…do) →升格句(用含through…, by doing改写此句) We lost the game, because we didn’t know how to work together. The reason why we lost the game is that we didn’t know how to work together. Teamwork helps us do things more effectively. Through this experience, I feel that we can do things more effectively by working together. 【连句成文】   Teamwork is highly valued in society. I think teamwork is very important and valuable in our life. Last term I played football in my school team. Although in the team everyone played perfectly, we lost the game at the beginning. The reason why we lost the game is that we didn’t know how to work together. With the help of the teachers, we paid more attention to teamwork, and then we made great progress.   Through this experience, I feel that we can do things more effectively by working together. 【导入主题】 1.Union is strength. 2.Two heads are better than one. 3.Teamwork, team cooperation. 4.Teamwork plays an important part in society. 写作积累 【文章发展】 1.We should be kind and friendly enough to others, so we can make more friends. 2.Last year, we were sometimes careless when we passed the ball and we lost to the other team in the final match. 3.The teachers told us that we should know how to work together. 4.Our coach is pleased because we are playing better as a team now. 【结尾总结】 1.We hope to work together well so that we will win the match. 2.We feel more confident to win as a team. A [2019·西城二模题目②]“关爱”就是关心爱护。它在我们身边无处不在。 某英文网站正在开展以“关爱”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英 语写一篇短文投稿。谈谈生活中你是怎么做的,以及这样做的意义。 [提示词语] weak, spend, progress, keep trying 实战演练 [提示问题] ·What do you do in your daily life? ·Why do you do so? One possible version:   Living a happy life is not as hard as some people believe it to be if you start with the small things in life, like caring for others.   I challenge myself to do things that show my love and care towards others in my daily life. Whenever my friends are upset or disappointed, I am willing to listen to them and comfort them.   Besides, I have helped some tourists find directions and fed a hungry street cat.   Things like these make me feel that I am making the world a little better. It’s so satisfying and I believe that love and care are my way to live a happy life. B [2019·丰台一模题目②]倾听是一种尊重,尊重是一种美德。在人与人交流 的过程中,如果能多一份倾听,彼此就会多一份理解,社会就会多一份温暖。 某英文网站正在开展以“倾听、理解”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你生活中因为认真倾听而理解他人的一次经历, 主要内容包括:你们之间发生了什么,你为什么能理解对方以及你的感受。 [提示词语] argue, upset, listen, forgive, pleased [提示问题] ·What happened between you and him/her? ·Why did you understand him/her? ·How did you feel after that?   I still remember an unforgettable experience. One possible version:   I still remember an unforgettable experience. Last Friday, in a P.E. class, my classmate Tom knocked me down while we were running on the playground. I felt so hurt in my legs. When I struggled up, I saw Tom still in great shock, without saying sorry. I got angry and almost started shouting at him. At the very moment he said, “I am so sorry, Li Hua. I didn’t see you running towards me. Someone in front of me blocked my eyesight. Shall I go to the school clinic with you?” Hearing his words, I understood and forgave him. After school, we went home together. From this, I understood that listening is the best way to avoid misunderstanding and argument. Listening and understanding others make not only others comfortable but ourselves happy.

