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‎1, understand the nature of my country people's democratic dictatorship (P5) ‎ National nature: led by the working class, based on the alliance of workers and peasants of the people's democratic dictatorship of socialist countries ‎ The biggest characteristic of the people's democratic dictatorship in our country: the accounts for the most of the people's democracy, damage to a handful of hostility and hostile to the cause of socialism to dictatorship. The people's democratic dictatorship is the nature of the people are masters of the country. ‎ The characteristics of democracy in China: it has universality and authenticity. () is a new type of democracy ‎ A broad, the people's democracy, not only in the people enjoy extensive democratic rights and performance in the subject of extensive democracy. ‎ B, the integrity of the people's democracy, in the people's right to self-determination, with the system, laws and material protection people can manage their country; Also in with the development of economy and the progress of the society, the masses of the people's interests be fully implemented. ‎ ‎2, know the citizens shall enjoy the political rights and freedom (P9) ‎ ‎(1) the right to vote and the right to vote, election and was chosen to represent organs of state power) is a basic democratic rights of citizens, is the basis of the citizen participate in country management and marking. ‎ ‎(2) political freedom ‎ ‎(3) supervision (the supervision of all state organs and state functionaries rights) ‎ ‎3, understand the citizen must fulfill the political obligations and responsibilities (P9) ‎ Political obligation is refers to the citizen to the state and society responsibility. ‎ ‎1) citizens shall have the duty to safeguard national unity and national unity. ‎ ‎(2) citizens abide by the constitution and the law of obligation. ‎ ‎(3) citizens shall have the duty to safeguard national security, honor and interests. ‎ ‎(4) citizens shall have the duty to perform military service and join the militia. ‎ ‎4, participate in the basic principles of political life (1) adhere to the principle of equal before the law. (the equal rights and obligations, the application of law) (2) adhere to the unity of the rights and obligations. (is both the main body of rights and obligations of the main body, set up the right consciousness, cherish the rights of citizens, and foster a sense of obligation, conscientiously fulfil his obligations) (3) adhere to the personal interests and collective interests, the principle of combining the interests of the state. (the root is the same) ‎ The second lesson Our country citizen's political participation ‎ ‎(democratic elections, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision) ‎ ‎1, compare different electoral methods (P16) ‎ ‎(1) direct election or below the county (county) the direct election of people's congress will extend to (2) indirect elections at the county level (the election) at or above the county level (3) equal electoral (= the formal candidates elected) (4) the election (> the formal candidates elected the forehead) ‎ What kind of election, consists of the following conditions: the social economic system, material living conditions, the cultural level of the voters. ‎ In our country according to the national property, social progress and economic development and ‎ national conditions, using a combination of direct election and indirect election. ‎ ‎3, understand the citizen participation in democratic decision-making way and meaning ‎ Citizens directly involved in the democratic decision-making way (P20) : reflect public opinion system, broadening the channels for public opinion reflects, is the decision-making organ the important premise of scientific decision-making); Expert system (to improve the scientific nature of the decision); Major matters of social public system (citizen enjoys the decision-making for the interests of the public's right to know is the premise and foundation of citizen participation in democratic decision-making. To increase before decision-making transparency and citizen participation). Social hearing system (hearing) is for the sake of decision polity in people. ‎ ‎4, ways and means to understand democracy at the grassroots level autonomy (P24-25) ‎ In rural areas: the village committee ‎ City: the residents' committees ‎ Autonomous mass organizations at the grass-roots level ‎ ‎5, democratic supervision way, the significance and the responsibility of the citizen participation in democratic supervision ‎ The channels and ways of democratic supervision (P27-28) : letter-inquiring-and-accusing system, system of National People's Congress on behalf of ties with the masses, public opinion supervision system (high transparency, power is big, wide influence, aging fast), oversight hearings, democratic council, online appraisal of the government, etc. ‎ Responsible to exercise their right of supervision ‎ Meaning: to improve the performance of the state organs and state functionaries to arouse the masses of citizens concerned about the affairs of state, for the socialist modernization construction of ownership ‎ What to do: for the benefit of the nation and people, dare to struggle against the evil forces of, have the courage to use the constitution and the law supervision, legal ways, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, not interfere with the business activity ‎ The second unit to serve the people of the government ‎ The third class The Chinese government is the government of the people ‎ ‎1, the analysis of the basic functions of our government (P37) ‎ ‎(1) to ensure the function of people's democracy and safeguard national security ‎ ‎(2) the organization of the construction of the socialist economic functions ‎ ‎(3) the organization function to the construction of socialist culture ‎ ‎(4) to provide public service functions ‎ ‎2, analysis our country the government's responsibility is responsible to the people (P39-41) ‎ Serving the people is the aim of the government, the basic principles of responsible to the people's government. ‎ The government to be responsible to the people: insist on working attitude of serving the people, go deep among the masses, pay attention to the livelihood of the people, community, respect public opinion); Set up the practical work style, improve the administrative efficiency); Insist from the masses to the masses to work method (does the practical work sincerely, struggling with problem solving, perseverance to do good). ‎ ‎3, to understand the government ways and means to provide citizens have turned goods (P41) ‎ Open the hotline, set up reception department, development of electronic government affairs, in accordance with the law to set up the administrative arbitration, administrative reconsideration and ‎ administrative litigation system (legal). ‎ The fourth lesson Are subject to supervision by the people's government of our country ‎ ‎(2) the restriction and supervision power of the government's main way (P46) ‎ ‎(1) establish and improve the government power restriction and supervision is the key to establish and improve the restriction and supervision mechanism. ‎ The mechanism, one is to rely on democracy, the second is to rely on the law, both be short of one cannot. ‎ ‎(2) establish a perfect system of administrative supervision ‎ The administrative supervision system in China, including: administrative system, external supervision and internal supervision of the administrative system. Administrative system, external supervision includes the supervision authority (NPC), the democratic supervision, the supervision of the judicial organs of the people's political consultative conference (the people's procuratorate, the court), the supervision of the communist party of China, the news media and public supervision, etc.; Internal supervision of the administrative system including the government at a higher level of supervision, supervision departments of supervision, the supervision of the auditing department, legal department supervision, etc. ‎ The third unit construction of socialist political civilization ‎ The fifth lesson The people's congress system of our country ‎ ‎1, understand the people exercise state power organs, the relationship between the people's congress and other state organs (P55) ‎ ‎(1) of the National People's Congress is the supreme power organ, the standing committee of the National People's Congress is the permanent body of the National People's Congress. With legislative power, the decision to appoint and remove, and supervision of the National People's Congress (2) the people's congress is the organ of state power, the state administrative organs, judicial organs are produced by it, and shall be responsible for it, under his supervision. ‎ ‎2 and understand the rights and obligations of the people's congress (P56-57) ‎ ‎(1) the rights of the people's congress: review the rights to rights, voting rights, proposal and inquiry. ‎ Organization of the people's congress system in our country and activity characteristics: democratic centralism (centralism on the basis of democracy and democracy under centralized guidance with the combination of system) ‎ People's congress as the cornerstone of the people's congress system is China's fundamental political system, by the nature of the people's democratic dictatorship of socialist countries ‎ Lesson 6 The political party system of our country ‎ ‎1, understand the communist party of China is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics (about) ‎ ‎(1) and the leadership of the communist party of China is the establishment of the position of the ruling party's nature and purpose. ‎ Properties: is China's vanguard of the working class and the Chinese people and the vanguard of the Chinese nation ‎ Purpose: to serve the people heart and soul ‎ ‎(2) only by insisting on the leadership of the communist party of China, to keep the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics; To safeguard national unity, national unity, for the socialist modernization construction create a stable and harmonious social environment; To the most ‎ widely and fully mobilize all positive factors to achieve the comprehensive construction affluent society's goal. ‎ ‎2, understand the ruling way of the communist party of China (P64-65) ‎ ‎(1) the scientific ruling (premise), democratic governing (nature), in accordance with the law governing (basic) ‎ Support the people congress to perform their functions, make the party through legal procedures to rise for the national will, it is important to rule by law ‎ ‎4, understand the political party system with Chinese characteristics ‎ ‎(1) the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the communist party, is the political party system with Chinese characteristics, is a basic political system of our country. (P69) ‎ ‎(3) characteristics: (P70) ‎ ‎: 1. The communist party and the democratic parties relationship is cooperation scheme of relations, the Chinese communist party is the ruling party, the democratic parties are participating parties. ‎ ‎2. The first prerequisite and fundamental guarantee of multi-party cooperation, adhere to the leadership of the communist party of China; ‎ ‎3. The basic principle of multi-party cooperation, long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment, blame; ‎ ‎4. The root of the multi-party cooperation activities principles: abide by the constitution and laws; ‎ ‎5. Important institution of multi-party cooperation, the Chinese people's political consultative conference. ‎ People's political consultative conference is the Chinese communist party and the democratic parties cooperation organization form, is the communist party's leadership, broadly representative of the patriotic united front organization, is our country political life play to the important form of socialist democracy. Around the two themes of unity and democracy, the performance of the political consultation, democratic supervision and the function of political participation ‎ Lesson 7 A system of regional national autonomy and religious policy of our country ‎ ‎1, clear China's new national relationship, learn to correctly handle ethnic relations in life (P74-76) ‎ Equality, unity, mutual aid and harmonious socialist national relations. ‎ ‎2, understand the basic principles of dealing with ethnic relations in China (P74-75) ‎ ‎(1) dealing with ethnic relations, China insist on ethnic equality, ethnic unity and the basic principles of various national common prosperity. ‎ ‎(2) the three principles are interrelated and indivisible. The political basis for national equality is to achieve the unity of the nationalities. National equality and national unity is the precondition to realize the national common prosperity. And common prosperity of all ethnic groups, especially the economic development and national equality, national unity, material guarantee. ‎ ‎3, understand the necessity, the advantages of the regional national autonomy system in China (what do - 80) ‎ Inevitability: (1) shall practise a system of regional national autonomy is the inevitable choice for China's national conditions, by the history of our country characteristic () a unified multi-ethnic country, the reality (large mixed ethnic distribution characteristics of small populations), solid social and political foundation (national relationship of interdependence of all ethnic groups ‎ formed) (2) advantages: conducive to maintaining national unity and security; Is conducive to protect the rights of minority people are masters of the country implemented; Is advantageous to the development of equality, solidarity, mutual help harmonious socialist national relations; Thriving is beneficial to promote the socialist modernization drive. ‎ ‎4, understand China's religious policy (P82-83) ‎ ‎(1) the freedom of religious belief is a long-term basic policy of our country. Its connotation is: citizens have the freedom of religious belief, also has not the freedom of religious belief; Have faith that religious freedom, and have faith that the freedom of religion; In the same religion, have faith the sect of freedom, also have the freedom of belief that sect; Have a past secular and religious freedom, now also have the freedom of religious and secular now in the past. ‎ The state protects normal religious activities. Religious beliefs by policy includes two aspects, both to protect the freedom of religious belief, and protect the freedom of religious belief, it is a comprehensive and complete policy. Freedom of religious belief is a basic right of citizen's constitutional, is the important of respect for and protection of human rights in our country. ‎ ‎(2) the Chinese government management of religious affairs according to law, protect the legitimate rights and interests of religion and normal religious activities, prevent and crack down on use of religion to engage in illegal and criminal activities, the use of religion to engage in a defense against foreign penetration. ‎ ‎(3) religious in China adhere to the principle of independence and self-governance, and the government support the religious circles friendly exchanges, against any organization or individual outside intervention in China's religious affairs. ‎ ‎(4) actively guide religions to adapt themselves to the socialist society in China. ‎ ‎5, understanding the characteristics of socialist democratic politics and advantage (P85) ‎ ‎(1) all power belongs to the people of the country. The people is the national, social, and master of his fate. ‎ ‎(2) the leadership of the party, the people are masters of the country, the unity of the rule of law. ‎ ‎(3) the unity of content and form of democracy. The authenticity of the unity of the content and form of diversity, the unity of civil rights and obligations. ‎ The fourth unit The contemporary international community ‎ Lesson 8 walks into the international community ‎ ‎1, understand the rights and obligations of sovereign state in the international community (P91-92) ‎ ‎(1) the basic rights of sovereign state in the international community: independence, equality, self-defense and jurisdiction. ‎ ‎(2) the sovereign state in the international community should be a basic duty: do not infringe upon other countries, non-interference in others' internal affairs, in order to solve the international dispute in a peaceful way. ‎ ‎2, understand the purposes and principles of the UN and role (P93) ‎ ‎(1) purpose: maintaining international peace and security; International development on the basis of respect for people's equal rights and self-determination of friendly relations; Promote international cooperation, in order to solve the international belongs to international economic, social, cultural and human welfare quality problem; As the centre of the co-ordinating activities. Simply put, is to maintain international peace and security, promoting international cooperation and development. ‎ ‎(2) principle: member states sovereign equality, fulfill the obligations as stipulated in the charter, ‎ peacefully solve international disputes, the threat or use of force will be made to other countries, the collective collaboration, not interfere in the internal affairs of any country, to ensure that member states to abide by the principles. ‎ ‎(3) : the United Nations in maintaining world peace and security, and promote the development of economic, social, and implement humanitarian aid plays a positive role. But the United Nations also have limitations. ‎ ‎3, understand the position and role of the Chinese in the United Nations (P93) ‎ China as the founding of the United Nations member states and one of the permanent members of the security council, has consistently uphold the purposes and principles of the charter of the United Nations, support by all work of the spirit of the UN charter, actively participate in the UN and its specialized agencies is conducive to world peace and development activities. Chinese military in the world, environmental protection, safeguard human rights and solve the problems such as regional conflicts play an important role, has made important contributions to world peace and development. ‎ ‎4, understanding the decisive factors in international relations (P96-97) ‎ Countries appear separation, aggregation and personal relationship between hot and cold is the complex relations between politics, economy, culture, history, geography, etc. The result of comprehensive shaping of many factors. The rights and interests of national interests is the national survival and development, safeguard national interests is the starting point and the foothold of sovereign foreign activities. National interests in international relations is the decisive factor. ‎ ‎5, explain our country in international relations must maintain their own national interests're - 98) ‎ In contemporary international society, China firmly safeguard its national interests. The main content of China's national interests include security interests, political interests and economic interests. Our country is the people's democratic dictatorship of socialist countries, consistent with the fundamental interests of the people of national interests. To maintain our country's national interest was to maintain the fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people, is fully justified and justice. ‎ Our country in its own interests at the same time, the reasonable interests of the state, respect for other countries to maintain the common interests of the people all over the world. ‎ Lesson nine The maintenance of world peace Promote common development ‎ ‎1, understanding, peace and development are the themes of our era (100-101), ‎ ‎(1) the peace issue ‎ Connotation: the problem is the maintenance of world peace, peace to prevent a new world war. After the second world war, the international situation is generally stable, the growth of the peace rose more than war factors, strive for a peaceful international environment for a long period of time with the possibility of a reality. Peace and development, and cooperation has become the inevitable trend of The Times. ‎ The world maintain peace in the overall situation of the main reasons: first, a warfare of people all over the world long for peace and against war. Second, the devastating consequences of a nuclear war, make certain the nuclear powers have to consider their own safety and feel hesitate to wage war. Third, the development of economic globalization, increasing interdependence between nations, the international forces on restraining each other, is conducive to the maintenance of world peace and stability. ‎ The influencing factors of peace: in today's world is still far from being tranquil and face many problems and challenges to world peace. Hegemonism and power politics have new manifestations, some of them were often under "freedom", "democracy" and "human rights", infringe upon the sovereignty and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Local conflicts and hotspot issues. Various forms of international terrorist activities endangering people's peaceful life, poverty, drugs and other issues become more prominent. ‎ ‎(2) development ‎ Connotation: development problem is to point to the development of world economy, particularly in developing countries in economic development. Economic globalization is a basic economic characteristics in today's world. World economic development tends to focus on improving quality, the knowledge economy, the economic sustainable development is becoming more and more attention. ‎ The influencing factors of development: in today's world is still the disparity between the rich and the poor world, developing countries and developed countries of the gap between rich and poor is more and more big. Unfair and irrational old international economic order is damaging the interests of developing countries. Global development of the most prominent problem is the north-south development not balanced. ‎ Two relations: peace and development are the themes of our era, peace and development are closely related. Peace is a prerequisite for development, development is the important foundation of safeguarding peace. ‎ ‎2, understand the effective ways to solve the problem of peace and development (P101) ‎ For the sake of peace and development, we must firmly oppose hegemonism and power politics, change the old international order, establish on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence is beneficial to world peace and development of fair and reasonable new international political and economic order. ‎ ‎3, understand the development trend of world multi-polarization (P103) ‎ The formation of multi-polarization pattern is a long and winding evolution process complicated struggle. Along with the world multi-polarization process, more and more fierce international competition. The world toward multi-polarization, which is the requirement of The Times, is in the interests of the people all over the world, is conducive to world peace and development. The contradiction between monopole and multipole, dominating the struggle against hegemonism and will be quite a long period of 21st century the focus of the international struggle. ‎ ‎4, analysis the characteristics of the current international competition and the enlightenment to our country (P105) ‎ ‎(1) the international competitive performance in various fields, have economic competition, culture, military competition, talent competition, technology competition, etc. The current international competition is very fierce, and its essence is based on economic and technological strength of the competition of comprehensive national strength. The competition between countries are increasingly turned to economy and technology. ‎ ‎(2) the international competition of our country's enlightenment: be sure to seize and make good use of the important period of strategic opportunities, vigorously accelerate socialist modernization, the comprehensive construction benefit the population of a higher level of well-off society, strengthen the national power, this is the root of our stand proudly in the family of nations. ‎ At present, we should implement the scientific concept of development, enhance the comprehensive national strength, actively participate in international cooperation and competition. ‎ ‎5, expounds China's independent foreign policy of peace (P107-108) ‎ ‎(1) the nature of state and national interests determines that China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. The maintenance of world peace ‎ Promote common development is the aim of our foreign policy. ‎ ‎(2) to maintain our country's independence and sovereignty, promote world peace and development, is the basic goal of China's foreign policy. The maintenance of world peace and promote common development is the aim of our foreign policy. An independent foreign policy is China's basic position. The five principles of peaceful coexistence is the basic principle of China's foreign relations. ‎ ‎6, adhere to the road of peaceful development of China (P110) ‎ How China's road of peaceful development? ‎ ‎(1) the path of peaceful development, different invasion of western powers through, and the control way, plunder, grab the wealth of others to achieve its own development, but through their own efforts and innovation, take the way of peace, increase wealth, achieve its own development. ‎ ‎(2) we want to develop foreign relations, efforts for our country's reform and opening up and modernization construction, favorable international environment. We want to development on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence relationship with countries around the world. Constantly develop good-neighborly and friendly relations with neighboring countries, enhance solidarity and cooperation with developing countries. We are firmly opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony. ‎ Why China's road of peaceful development? ‎ First, the Chinese nation is a peace-loving nation. China will always be the decision of the maintenance of world peace. ‎ Second, achieved victory in the new-democratic revolution and to realize the national independence and liberation. ‎ Third, the establishment of a national political power of the people's democratic dictatorship, the Chinese people are master of your own destiny. ‎ Fourth, the establishment of the socialist system, and realized the most extensive and most profound social transformation. ‎ Fifth, started the construction of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, in order to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation opens the right path. ‎ Sixth, established an independent and relatively complete national economic system, economic power and comprehensive national strength enhanced markedly. ‎ Seventh, forging a people's army under the leadership of the party, build the consolidation of national defense. ‎

