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2020-2021 学年初三英语题型突破训练:词汇 【考情分析】 词汇是英语中考必考的一个项目,考察学生对单词的拼写能力,地区不同考察的方式也有区别。 【破解方法】 做词汇题的时候,我们要分析句子的时态,确定所填单词的时态,其次要正确的拼写出该单词,只要写错 一个字母,1 分就没了,所以拼写要正确。 【例题展示】 一.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1. The secretary isn’t able to __________ (翻译) this business letter into French. 2. According to a survey, those born in the 2000s have a strong sense of national __________ (骄傲). 3. Miss Liu is __________ (able to wait for a long time without getting angry)enough to repeat grammar rules for us. 4. There is a special __________ (costing nothing)gift with this month’s magazine. 5. The Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the most important Chinese traditional festivals, is usually in __________ or early October. 【答案】1.translate 2.pride 3.patient 4.free 5.September 【解析】1.句意:秘书不能把这封商务信函译成法语。be able to do sth.表示能做某事;短语 translate…into… 表示把……翻译成……。根据句意,故填 translate。 2.句意:根据一项调查,21 世纪出生的人有强烈的民族自豪感。national 形容词,后加名词。pride 的意思是 “骄傲”,根据句意,故填 pride。 3.句意:刘小姐很有耐心为我们重复语法规则。able to wait for a long time without getting angry 意思是“能够 在不生气的情况下等待很长时间”,相当于 patient 意思是“有耐心的”,根据句意,故填 patient。 4.句意:这个月的杂志有一个特别的免费礼物。costing nothing 意思是免费,相当于 free。根据句意,故填 free。 5.句意:中秋节是中国最重要的传统节日之一,通常在 9 月或 10 月初。The Mid-Autumn Festival 可知是中秋 节,这里是月份 September,意思是“9 月”根据句意,故填 September。 二.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.I don't think drinking too much cola is good for (we). 2.I (feel) cool when I jumped into the swimming pool. 3.In autumn, many (leaf) fall from trees. 4.I think the (four) lesson is the most difficult in the book. 5.My home is (far) from school than Tony's. 【答案】1.us 2.felt 3.leaves 4.fourth 5.farther 【解析】1.根据句意:我认为喝太多可乐对我们没有好处.可知考查:介词 for 接宾格代词. 故填:us. 2.根据句意:当我跳进游泳池的时候我感到很凉爽.可知时态是一般过去时 故填:felt. 3.根据句意:在秋天,很多树叶从树上掉下了.可知考查:many 接复数形式. 故填:leaves. 4.根据句意:我认为第四课是这本书中最难的.可知考查:four 的序数词形式 fourth. 故填:fourth. 5.根据句意:我家距离学校比 Tony 的家距离学校远.由 than 可知考查:far 的比较级形式 farther. 故填:farther. 专题训练 题组A 一.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 satisfy she leaf decide lucky 1. I like autumn best especially when the _____ on the trees turn brown. 2. _____, the old lady was saved from a big fire by her neighbor yesterday. 3. Professor Li is quite _____ with his students’ creative inventions. 4. I would like to buy some beautiful hair clips different from _____. 5. You’d better think about it again because it is an important _____. 【答案】1.leaves 2.Luckily 3.satisfied 4.hers 5.decision 【解析】1.句意:我最喜欢秋天,尤其是当树上的叶子变成褐色时。这里是一般现在时态,谓语动词是原形, 主要是复数,leaf 树叶。复数是 leaves,根据句意,故填 leaves。 2.句意:幸运地 是 ,这位老太太昨天被邻居从大火中救了出来。Luckily 幸运地。根据句意,故填 Luckily。 3.句意:李教授对学生的创造性发明很满意。短语 be satisfied with…表示对……满意。根据句意,故填 satisfied。 4.句意:我想买一些不同于她的漂亮的发夹。这里是说她的发卡,her clips 相当于 hers,根据句意,故填 hers。 5.句意:你最好再考虑一下,因为这是一个重要的决定。根据 an important 可知下文是名词单数。decision 的意思是“决定”,根据句意,故填 decision。 题组B 二.根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式真空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 In Pontevedra, a city in Spain, people don't shout. Since cars are banned (明令禁止) in the city, there are no noises from cars. People don't have to try hard to make themselves heard. What you hear in the street, instead, is the singing of birds. Miguel Lures, the mayor (市长). opens the windows of his office, and the sound of human voices 1 (rise) from the street below. Lures says, "More than 14,000 cars used to pass along this street every day. There 2 (be) more cars passing through the city in a day than people living here." Lores became mayor in 1999. He spent months 3 (walk) around the city. "The historical city is dead," he said one day. "It is full of cars. It 4 (pollute) heavily. There are a lot of traffic accidents. The elderly and children aren't able to use the streets because of cars. People who had a chance to leave have done so." At first, Lores thought of improving traffic conditions. However, he couldn't come up with a good plan. After lots of discussions, the government finally decided 5 ( take ) action to ban cats. The change 6 (bring ) Pontevedra many advantages since then. Traffic accidents seldom happen. CO2 emissions (排放物) are down 70 percent. Many people are moving to the city, making it lively again. Most local people in the city like the change. Ramiro Armesto, a mother of two young children, said, "in the past, the first thing to see in the morning was traffic jams. Now, the city is cleaner, quieter and safer." Raquel Garcia, another parent, said she had stayed in many cities around the world. However, she had never lived in a city as "easy to live in" as Pontevedra. "Even while it 7 (rain). I walk everywhere. The feeling is wonderful," she added. "Pontevedra is paradise(天堂)” 【答案】1.rise 2.were 3.walking 4.is polluted 5.to take 6.has brought 7.is raining 【解析】1.考查动词的时态。句意:市长 Miguel Lures 打开他的办公室的窗户,楼下路上人们的声音传到他 的办公室。rise 意为“升起;上升”。根据 Miguel Lures, the mayor (市长). opens the windows of his office, 可知 本句也用一般现在时,主语是 human voices,所以用 rise。 2.考查动词的时态。 句意:一天中穿梭在这座城市的车辆比在这里居住的人还要多。根据 More than 14,000 cars used to pass along this street every day.可知市长是描述过去的状况,所以用一般过去时,本句中靠近 be 的名词是 more cars,所以要用 are 的过去式 were。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:他花费了两个月的时间在这座城市里闲逛。人+时间/金钱+doing sth.意为“某人花 费时间/金钱做某事”,walk 意为“步行”,是动词,所以填 walking。 4.考查动词的语态。句意:这个城市被严重地污染了。It 代指 Pontevedra 这座城市,与 pollute 之间是被动关 系,由"It is full of cars”和 “There are a lot of traffic accidents. “可知用一般现在时,被动语态的结构是“主语 +be+动词的过去分词”,所以填 is polluted。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:大量讨论之后,政府最终决定采取行动,禁止使用私家车。decide to do sth.“决定 去做某事",所以填 to take。 6.考查动词时态。句意: 从此,这个变革给蓬特韦德拉带来了许多好处。since then 意为“从那以后;从此”, 是现在完成时的标志词,现在完成时的结构是:主语+have/has+动词过去分词,本句中的主语是 the change, 所以填 has brought。 7.考查动词的时态。句意:甚至当正在下雨时,我到处散步。while 意为“当......时候”,引导的时间状语从句 中一般用进行时,根据 I walk everywhere.可知,此空应填现在进行时,所以填 is raining。 题组C 三.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。 communicate deal lie finish discover 1. We _____ this beach while we were sailing around the island. 2. — There is something wrong with my computer. — Don’t worry. I _____ with it for you. 3. — Can you go walking in the park with me, Daisy? — Sure. I _____ my DIY project. 4. — Where is your daughter, Christopher? —She _____ on the grass behind the house. 5. My aunt _____ with a foreigner when I saw her in the street. 【答案】1.discovered 2.will deal 3.have finished 4.is lying 5.was communicating 【解析】1.句意:当我们在环岛航行时发现了这个海滩。根据 while we were sailing around the island.可知这 里是一般过去时态。discover 的过去式是 discovered,根据句意,故填 discovered。 2.句意:——我的电脑出毛病了。——别担心。我会帮你处理的。这里是一般将来时,其结构是 will+动词 原形,deal with…表示处理……,解决。根据句意,故填 will deal。 3.句意:——你能和我一起去公园散步吗,黛西?——当然。我已经完成了我的 DIY 项目。根据语境可知 用现在完成时,其结构是 have done 的形式。根据句意,故填 have finished。 4.句意:——你女儿克里斯托弗在哪里?——她躺在房子后面的草地上。根据语境可知用现在进行时,其结 构是 be doing 的形式。根据句意,故填 is lying。 5.句意:当我在街上看到我姑妈时,我姑妈正在和一个外国人交流。这里是 when 引导的时间状语从句,从 句是一般过去时态,主句是过去进行时。其结构是 be doing 的形式。根据句意,故填 was communicating。

