19年中考英语真题 分类 专题19-1 短文填空(首字母填空)(第01期)(原卷版)

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19年中考英语真题 分类 专题19-1 短文填空(首字母填空)(第01期)(原卷版)

‎2019年中考真题英语分项汇编 专题19 短文填空 考点1首字母填空 Passage 1(2019 •天津市)‎ 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整.每空限填一词。‎ The villagers in Mhangeni, Africa. faced a very big challenge(挑战).They didn't have a school for their kids.‎ Then the village elder thought of an (1)i   . He said that there was an old, abandoned (废弃的)farmhouse. It could be changed into classrooms after cleaning and furnishing(装设备)it. All the villagers were (2)p   with his suggestion and started the project immediately. The parents repaired the broken walls. Some villagers (3)d   the house into three classrooms by using pieces of wood. The others helped make desks and chairs for the students. Still, there was much more work to do. But the rains were coming. They had to (4)s   working for the school as it was now the best time for them to plant.‎ So the children of Mhangeni decided to finish the house by (5)t   .They had to hurry as summer had ended and other schools had already opened.They didn't want to delay(耽搁) their studies. Every day they were busy with cutting the grass and clearing the bushes(灌木).‎ The news about the project (6)s   and many people knew it. Two teachers who worked for the country's Department of Education arrived to help out. and two foreign visitors were also touched (感动) by the children's (7)a   .They donated money for them to buy textbooks and stationery.‎ After 10 days of hard work, the new school was (8)r   .The kids were very happy but a bit worried﹣they were behind in their studies.‎ Besides(除…之外)this, they also faced many (9)d   .There were not enough classrooms to hold all the students. And two or three students had to share one book.‎ However, the children are happy to study in school﹣(10)e   in their new school which they helped to build. Though their school might not be modern, their dream of having a school near their homes has come true.‎ Passage 2(2019 •湖北省武汉市)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。‎ It was at an exhibition of the artist’s works organized by the Red Cross. I was invited as a special g___51___to attend the exhibition. During this period, two cute girls of 16 or 17 years old came to me and asked me for my signature(签名).‎ ‎“I haven’t brought my pen. Is the p___52___okay?” Actually, I knew they wouldn’t r___53___. I just wanted to show a well-known writer’s good manners to the c___54___readers. ‎ ‎“Certainly,” the young girls readily a___55___. I could see they were very excited. Of course, their excitement also made me feel more pleased and satisfied. One of the girls h___56___her fine notebook to me. I turned over the cover of the notebook, wrote a few words of encouragement n____57____and signed my name. The girl read my signature, frowned (皱眉), looked at me carefully and asked, “Aren’t you Robert Char?”‎ ‎“No,” I told her proudly, “I’m the author of Alice Adams, the w___58___of two Pulitzer Prizes.”‎ The young girl turned to the o___59___,shrugged (耸肩) and said, “Mary, lend your rubber to me.” At that moment, all my p____60____turned into a bubble (泡泡) immediately. Since then, I always warn myself: no matter how outstanding you are, don’t think highly of yourself.‎ Passage 3(2019 •泰州市)‎ 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。 ‎ Everyone knows that second-hand smoke is as dangerous as first-hand smoke. But have you h_____71_____ of "third-hand" smoke?‎ Third-hand smoke means the pollution left on the surfaces (表面) of things around, l______72______ furniture or clothes. When someone smokes in a room, poisonous particles(粒子) in tobacco (烟草) smoke land on the surfaces of the furniture or his clothes, even after the cigarette (香烟) has been put out. This can cause a great danger to your family, e_____73_____younger children. ‎ Babies have only just learned to walk. They are more likely to be harmed by third-hand smoke. This is b_____74_____ they are often close to surfaces of things. Such as floors, walls and furniture where tobacco particles ‎ remain. When they t_____75_____ these surfaces, they get their hands polluted.‎ So, it is necessary and important to say n_____76_____ to third-hand smoke. To achieve this, strict r_____77_____ for forbidding (禁止) smoking inside homes should be carved out. If one of your family members smokes, please make sure he smokes o____78____ the house. Get him a special jacket and hat, so once he f_____79_____ smoking, he will take them off before getting inside the house. Moreover, make sure that a smoker washes his hands and face, and changes his clothes before picking up the baby.‎ Many times, you cannot see the smoke doing harm to your child, but it doesn't mean he or she is s_______80_______". Give up smoking, or if that is not possible, make sure that your loved ones, far away from third-hand smoke.‎ Passage 5(2019 •四川省南充市)‎ 根据短文内容和首字母提示,把文中所缺词语补充出来,使短文完整正确(每空限填一词),并将该单词的完整形式写在答题卡相应编号后的横线上。‎ In some western countries, some people don't like the number 13 because they think 13 is an unlucky number. For example, they don't like to live on the thirteenth floor. One evening, Mr. Smith asked some friends to get t ______56______ . When all of his friends arrived, he asked them to sit at the table for d______57______. He began to c______58______ the people. Suddenly, he cried out, "Oh, there are thirteen people here!" Everyone's face looked pale e ______59______ Mr. Brown. He said with a smile, "Don't won't, my friends. My wife will have a baby in a few weeks. So we have f ______60______ people here." All of the friends became happy again. "Congratulations!" they said to Mr. Brown. They all had a good time that evening.‎ Passage 6(2019 •江苏省连云港市)‎ 根据短文意思和首字母提示,写出一个完整正确的单词。‎ Every year in early October, Albuquerque International Balloon Festival is h _____51_____ in Albuquerque, the biggest city in New Mexico. Because of the great number of balloons, it is the world's 1 ______52______ ballooning event. For more than 30 years, guests from all over the world come to Albuquerque in October to celebrate ballooning. In 2018, over 900, 000 people a_____53_____ this event. There were over 500 balloons in the event with over 1,000 pilots. When h ______54______ of colorful balloons flew up high, the sky of Albuquerque became a moving cartoon. It was full of colors and special characters. It was a time when d ______55______came true and romance filled the sky. Grown-ups and children were amazed and joyful during the balloon festival.‎

