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七年级英语下册期末复习精讲精练(三) straight tall tonight cinema glasses later handsome nose mouth round way another end noodle special large order size meat fish world answer age popular idea pick excellent flower museum fire lovely expensive fast robot guide gift everything dark camp stay shout language ago move start jump forest mice personal interesting interested potatoes farm painter paint sheep unlucky luckily woke woken awake put putting blew blown fed fed grew grown worried heard flies flew flown surprising surprised visitor cheaply expensive height differently difference same less least thinner thinnest really excited excitement slowly nature more tired most tired tiring heavily high school (be) of medium height cut up bring good luck to… milk a cow ride a horse feed chickens be interested in stay up late fly a kite put up wake…up show…around… would like run away shout at/to… get a surprise make a fire around the world in the end in the countryside all in all a little first of all not…at all one (large) bowl of… quite a lot (of…) each other up and down straight curly differently taught how to make didn't at all It without getting popular make a wish blow out so that sleeping sleeping is What does he look like? Is he tall or short? May I take/have your order? What kind of What size How was your trip last week? Did you go Did you see any saw quite a lot What did you do last weekend? She went with her classmates/friends. does look What is like humorous look like be like less days earlier little few a few a little excited surprised interested worried interesting boring with with at to eat something No thanks Yes I'd love /like to want you Would like to in orders to clean order the number of A number of students is is have come such that that so that down singer sheep differently largest surprised tomatoes popular actor special idea ordered lucky expensive camping wake excellent gift heard interested students looking thought to carefully me a harder although although wonderful scary and first stories When sleeping danger woke to cakes blow out in one go sometimes lucky popular cut up also of but A C B D C B A A D B C A D D arrived him for dressed When asleep happiness chances biggest Although lovely full followed first happily until worse looked like felt any boys quickly To our surprise Of course by works two squirrel at least in danger

