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第 13 课时 Units 7— 8( 八下 ) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词汇识记 1.      ( n. ) 平方 ; 正方形   2.      ( n. ) 米 ; 公尺   3.      ( adj. ) 深的 ; 纵深的   4.       ( n. ) 人口 ; 人口数量   5.      ( n. ) 旅行者 ; 观光者   6.      ( n. ) 墙   7.       ( adj. ) 古代的 ; 古老的   8.       ( v. ) 保护 ; 防护   9.      ( adj. ) 宽的 ; 宽阔的   10.      ( adj. ) 厚的 ; 浓的   11.       ( n. ) 条件 ; 状况   12.       ( n. ) 自然界 ; 大自然   13.      ( n. ) 大海 ; 海洋   14.      ( adj. ) 成年的 ( n. ) 成人 ; 成年动物 square meter deep tourist wall ancient protect thick condition nature adult wide population ocean 词汇识记 15.       ( n. ) 竹子   16.       ( n. ) 珠宝 ; 财富   17.      ( n. ) 岛   18.      ( n. ) 船   19.      ( n. ) 工具   20.       ( prep. ) 朝 ; 向 ; 对着   21.       ( n. ) 科技 ; 工艺   22.       ( adv. ) 在国外 ; 到国外   23.       ( adj. ) 现代的 ; 当代的   24.       ( n. ) 成功   25.       ( v. ) 属于 ; 归属   26.      就我所知   bamboo island ship tool towards abroad modern success as far as I know treasure belong technology 词汇识记 27.       吸入 ; 吞入 ( 体内 )  28.       面对 ( 问题、困难等 )  29.       即使 ; 虽然   30.       出生时   31.       走路时撞着   32.       绊倒   33.      大约   34.       赶快 ; 急忙 ( 做某事 )  35.       科幻小说 ( 或影片等 )  36.       乡村音乐   37.       自从   38.       互相   take in in the face of at birth walk into or so hurry up science fiction fall over even though/if country music one another ever since 词汇拓展 · 名词 1.Asia →      ( adj. ) 亚洲 ( 人 ) 的 2.French →      ( n. ) 法国   →       ( n. ) 法国人   →       ( 复数 ) 法国人   3.south →       ( adj. ) 南方的 · 形容词 4.wide →       ( adv. ) 广泛地    →       ( n. ) 宽度   →      ( v. ) 增宽   5.deep →       ( adv. ) 深沉地   →       ( n. ) 深度   · 动词 6.tour →       ( n. ) 旅行者   7.protect →       ( n. ) 保护   8.achieve →       ( n. ) 成就   Asian France Frenchman deeply width widen depth widely Frenchmen southern tourist protection achievement 词 汇 拓 展 9.weigh →       ( n. ) 重量   *put on weight 增加体重 *lose weight 减肥 10.laugh →        ( n. ) 笑 ; 笑声       *laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人 11.introduce →       ( n. ) 介绍   12.freeze →       ( adj. ) 极冷的 *be frozen to death 被冻死 *give sb. a freezing cold 冷冷地看了某人一眼 *freezing weather 很冷的天气 13.include →       ( prep. ) 包括 weight laughter introduction freezing including 英汉互译 · A 组 1. 你知道中国是世界上最古老的国家之一吗 ?     2. 当你接近山顶时 , 呼吸也会非常困难。   3. 科学家们说如今生活在森林里的熊猫不足 2000 只。       Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top. Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests. 英汉互译 4. “你看过 《 小妇人 》 这本书了吗 ? ”“不 , 我没有。” —   ?  — No,          .  5. 成年熊猫每天花 12 个多小时吃大约 10 千克竹子。     6. 还有谁在我的岛上呢 ?     Have you ever read Little Women yet Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo. Who else is on my island? I haven't 英汉互译 · B 组 7. 每次萨莉在图书馆时 , 看到许多她还不曾读过的书 , 她就迫不及待想读这些书 !     8. 萨拉还没去过纳什维尔 , 但她的梦想是有一天能去那里。       Every time she is in the library, Sally looks at the many books she hasn't read yet and she can't wait to read them! Sarah hasn't been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. 英汉互译 9. 我希望有一天看到他现场演唱 !   10.Feel free to ask me anything on today's Great Wall tour.   I hope to see him sing live one day! 在今天的长城游中 , 大家尽管问我任何问题 , 不要拘束。 语法链接 1. 数量的表达方法和读法。 [ 详见 P96, 专题 ( 四 )] 2. 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级。 [ 详见 P105, 专题 ( 七 )] 3. 现在完成时。 [ 详见 P109, 专题 ( 八 )] ❶ population   n. 人口 ; 人口数量 (1)population 作主语时 , 谓语动词用单数形式。 (2) 询问人口数量时用“ What's the population of … ? ” , 表示人口“多”可用 large 或 big; 表示人口“少”用 small 。 (3) 表示“某地有多少人口”有两种表达方式 : ①The population of+ 某地 +be+ 数词 . ② 某地 +has a population of+ 数词 . 【 题 1 】 (1)The population of France is almost as      as that of Great Britain.  A.few B.many C.large (2)      is the population of the city?  A.How many      B.How many people C.What C C ❷ protect   v. 保护 ; 防护 (1) (2) 与 protect 用法类似的结构 : 【 题 2 】 (1)We use clothes to protect ourselves     the bad weather.  A.in B.from C.to (2)Environment      is becoming a more and more serious problem nowadays.  A.protection B.protects C.protected B A ❸ succeed   v. 实现目标 ; 成功 succeed in doing sth. 成功做成某事 He succeeded in getting top marks in chemistry. 他成功拿到了化学课的高分。 【 归纳拓展 】 successful adj. 成功的 ; success n. 成功 ; successfully adv. 成功地 【 题 3 】 用 succeed 的适当形式填空 (1)Don't give it up even though you fail to do it, because failure is the mother of       .  (2)The twenty-year-old writer is very       . Her tenth book will come out next week.  (3)We should encourage him to solve his problems by himself. I'm sure he will        one day.  (4)After a long walk in the desert, they arrived in the old city       at the end of last month.  success successful succeed successfully ❹ million   num. 一百万 million 为数词 , 与 hundred( 百 ),thousand( 千 ), billion( 十亿 ) 的用法相同 , 如下 : (1) 与具体数字连用时 , 用单数。如 :two hundred 两百 ;three thousand 三千 (2) 当表示不确定的数目时要用复数 , 且后接介词 of 。如 :thousands of 成千上万的 ;millions of 数百万的 【 题 4 】 (1)Ping-pong is so popular that      people play it in China.  A.million B.two millions C.millions of (2) — Where are you from, Alan? — I'm from a small village with only four      people.  A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundreds of C A ❺ take in  吸入 ; 吞入 ( 体内 ) take in 意为“吸入 ; 吞入 ( 体内 ) ”。 The school plans to take in 300 new students. 这所学校计划招收 300 名新生。 【 归纳拓展 】 常见的与 take 搭配的短语 : take care of 照顾   take over 接管 take place 发生 take away 带走 take out 取出 take up 占据 take part in 参加 take it easy 别紧张 ; 放松 take off ( 飞机 ) 起飞 ; 脱掉 ( 衣服 ) take after ( 外貌或行为 ) 像 take down 拆除 ; 往下拽 ; 记录 【 题 5 】 (1)It's cold outside. Don't      your jacket, or you will catch a cold.  A.put on B.take off C.try on (2)Wait a minute. Let me      your phone number.  A.take up B.take out C.take down B C ❻ achieve/come true 词条 含义及用法 achieve 及物动词 , 可用于被动语态 , 意为“完成 ( 任务等 ); 实现 ( 理想、愿望、目标等 ) ” , 主语一般为人 come true 不及物动词短语 , 不可用于被动语态 , 意为“实现 ; 达到” , 主语一般为物 【 题 6 】 (1)As a teacher, I hope my students can      all their goals by the end of the year.  A.achieve      B.arrive C.come true (2)His dream of being a professional basketball player      after his hard work.  A.found      B.achieved C.came true A C ❼ include/including/included 词条 词性 用法 include 动词 作谓语 including 介词 including+ 名词 ( 位于句中 , 前用逗号与句子隔开 ) included 形容词 名词 +included( 位于句末 ) The price includes tax. 这个价格包括了税费。 There are 10 people, including Mr. Lee. 包括李老师在内有 10 人。 We have seven subjects at school, English included. 在学校我们有包括英语在内的七门课程。 【 题 7 】 A Boeing 737 plane crashed on March 11, 2019 killed 157 passengers,      8 Chinese passengers.   A.including      B.include C.included A ❽ Qomolangma is higher than any other mountain in the world.   珠穆朗玛峰比世界上其他任何山峰都高。 (1) “比较级 +than any other+ 单数可数名词”意为“比其他任何 …… 都 ……” , 此结构虽然是比较级 , 但表示最高级含义。 He studies harder than any other student in his class. 他比班上其他任何学生学习都用功。 (2) 若比较的双方不在同一范围内 , 则不加 other 。 Hawaii is more beautiful than any beach in Africa. 夏威夷比非洲的任何海滩都美丽。 ( 夏威夷不在非洲 , 故 any 后不加 other 。 ) 【 题 8 】 (1) — Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world. — That is, it is larger than      country in Asia.  A.any      B.any other C.other (2) — Do you know Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world? — Yes, it's bigger than      city in China.  A.any      B.any other C.other A B (3)Hawaii is the most beautiful island I have visited before. ( 改为同义句 ) → Hawaii is      beautiful than          island I have visited before.  more any other ❾ Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world?   你知道中国是世界上最古老的国家之一吗 ? (1) “ one of+the+ 形容词的最高级 + 可数名词的复数形式”表示“最 …… 的 …… 之一”。 (2) “ one of+ 复数可数名词或代词”意为“ …… 中的一个” , 其作主语时 , 谓语动词用单数形式。 One of the sisters is a doctor. 这些姐妹中有一个是医生。 【 题 9 】 (1) Trump Card ( 《 王牌对王牌 》 )became one of      TV      last year.  A.the most popular; shows B.more popular; show C.the popularest; shows (2)The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge which is one of _____ __________ (long)cross-sea bridges in the world was completed.  A the longest Ⅰ. 语法填空 1. Jack is taller than      boy in his school.  A.any other B.any C.the other 2. — It's time to work now. — OK. I'll wake Carl up. He      for an hour.  A.has fallen asleep      B.has been asleep C.fell asleep A B 3. Dazong Lake is such a charming place that      tourists go there and enjoy the beautiful scene every day.  A.thousand of      B.thousands of C.three thousand of 4. — Now do teenagers seldom do any housework at home? — No, they don't. Doing homework      most of their time.   A.takes up B.takes off C.takes in B A 5. — Do you know      the population is in Jiangsu?  — No. But I know it has the fifth      population in China.   A.how many; biggest      B.how much; most C.what; largest 6. One of my friends      moved to America. I miss her so much.  A.has B.have C.are C A Ⅱ. 中英互译 1. 正如我们所知 , 生活充满了意外。   2. 尽管他老了 , 他依然看起来既健壮又健康。   3. 世界上最严重的问题之一是污染。   As far as we know, life is full of the unexpected. Even though/if he is old, he still looks strong and healthy. One of the most serious problems in the world is pollution. 4. I find it necessary to learn about the customs of a country before we go there.   5. It's my dream to be a movie star.   我认为在我们去一个国家之前了解这个国家的风俗习惯是必要的。 成为电影明星是我的梦想。 第一节 短文朗读 (80 词左右 )(6 分 ) Dear Marie,    I have some problems at school. I find it difficult for me to work in the evenings and I can't concentrate on anything at the moment. I spend most of my time listening to records or playing computer games. The other students in my class are much better than I am. I'm sure I'm not going to get through my final exam. I'm really worried. What am I supposed to do? Can you give me some suggestions? Yours, Ann 第二节 情景反应 ( 共 4 小题 )(8 分 ) 情景提示 :Jenny 很喜欢网上购物。她至少每周在网上购物一次。她最喜欢在网上买书。她说网上购物比在商店买要便宜得多。 1. Does Jenny like shopping online?(2 分 )   2. How often does she go shopping online?(2 分 )   Yes, she does. At least once a week. 3. What does she usually buy on the online stores?(2 分 )   4. Is it more expensive to buy products online?(2 分 )   No, it isn't. Books. 第三节 口头表达 (6 分 ) 要点提示 : 1. 越来越多的青少年喜欢玩电脑游戏 , 它有利有弊。 2. 玩电脑游戏能让人放松。 3. 我们不能玩电脑游戏太久 , 对眼睛不好。我们应该花更多的时间来学习。 4. 我们可以通过散步或者运动这样的方式来放松 , 而不是玩电脑游戏 , 这样对身体更好。        Nowadays, more and more teenagers like playing computer games. It has both advantages and disadvantages. Playing computer games can make us relaxed, but we can't play them too long because it is bad for our eyes. As students, we should spend more time on study. We can take a walk or play sports to relax instead of playing computer games.

