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第一篇 教材考点梳理 第 15 课时 Unit7 ( 八下 ) 基础检测清单 词汇拓展 · 名词 1.medicine →      ( adj. )  2.India →      ( adj. )  3.office →      ( n. ) 官员   4.secretary →       ( 复数 )  · 形容词 5.equal → ( adv. ) 6.blind → ( n. ) 失明 7.most →      ( adv. )  medical   Indian   officer secretaries equally   blindness   mostly 词汇拓展 8.especial → ( adv. ) 9.proud → ( n. ) 骄傲 · 动词 10.interview → ( n. ) 采访者 11.treat →       ( n. ) 治疗   12.include →       ( prep. ) 包括   13.educate →       ( n .) 教育   →       ( adj .)  14.develop →       ( n. )  →       ( adj .) 发达的   →       ( adj .) 发展中的   especially   pride   interviewer   treatment   including   education educational development developing developed 词汇拓展 15.read →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  →      ( n. ) 读者   16.base →      ( adj. )  17.hold →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  read read reader   basic   held held 短 语 归 纳 · 动词短语 1.         去看病   2.         做手术   3.        支付 …… 的费用 4.         分发传单   5.        看起来苍白   6.         检查   7.         吃药 8.        学习 , 了解   9.         开车去上班   10.         牙疼   11.         筹钱   12.        继续开展   13.         习惯做某事   14.        建起 , 设立   · 介词短语 15.        在那时   go to hospital   do operations   pay for… hand out leaflets   look pale   have a check take the medicine   learn about drive to work have/get (a) toothache   raise money carry on   get/be used to doing sth set up   at that time   短语归纳 16.        在飞机 ( 船、火车 ) 上 · 名词短语 17.          零花钱   18.         一个叫作 …… 的慈善机构   19.        基础教育   20.         医疗   21.         训练中心   22.         一天三次   23.         学生会   24.      整天   · 其他短语 25.        数以百万的   26.         被用作 ……   27.         没什么严重的   28.        害怕   29.        能 , 会   30.      做某事很骄傲   on board pocket money   a charity called… basic education   medical treatment a training centre   three times a day the Students' Union   all day millions of   be used as… nothing serious   be afraid of be able to   be proud to do sth 佳句诵读 · 提供救助 1.It provides basic education for children in poor areas. 它给贫困地方的儿童提供基本的教育。 2.On the plane, volunteer doctors do operations. 在飞机上 , 志愿医生做手术。 3.Many of patients can't afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to them. 我们的很多病人没钱去医院 , 所以我们得去他们那儿。 佳句诵读 4.More money is needed to carry on with our work. 我们需要更多的钱来继续我们的工作。 5. By training them, we hope to help more people. 通过对他们进行培训 , 我们希望能帮助更多的人。 6. I'm proud to help people see again and improve their lives. 能帮助人们重见光明并且改善他们的生活 , 我感到很自豪。 语法链接 被动语态 (Ⅰ) —— 一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态。 [ 详见 P127, 语法专题 ( 十 )] 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❶ afford vt . 买得起 ; 能做 【 题 1 】 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 They walked because they couldn't afford      (take)a taxi.   【 归纳拓展 】 afford to do sth 意为“能够负担得起做某事” , 常与 can, could, be able to 连用 , 且常用于否定句或疑问句中。 to take 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❷ hand out 分发 ; 提出 【 题 2 】 (1)The teenagers often help      water and food to those people in need.   A.put out B.hand out C.find out D.break out (2)The teacher handed the exercise books out      the students.   A.from B.for C.by D.to B D 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 (3)In those days, books were produced      hand.   A.in B.at C.on D.by (4)You should check your answers carefully before you      your paper.   A.hand out B.hand over C.hand in D.hand down D C 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 1.hand out=give out, 为“动词 + 副词”结构的短语 , 当其宾语是名词时 , 放在 out 前后皆可 ; 当宾语为代词时 , 只能放在 hand 和 out 之间。 2.hand sth out to sb 意为“把某物分发给某人”。 3. 与 hand 相关的短语 hand in 上交    hand down 把 …… 传下来 hand over 移交 by hand 用手 ; 靠人工 hand in hand 手拉手 on the one hand … ,on the other hand 一方面 , 另一方面 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❸ set vi. & vt. 创建 , 建立 【 题 3 】 (1) — What do you want to do in the future? — I want to      a Hope School to help students who are unable to go to school.  A.set out B.set off C.set up D.set into (2)People now in many big cities have to      early to avoid the heavy traffic in the morning.   A.set out B.put out C.take out D.give out C A 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 1.set 的过去式和过去分词都是 set 。 set 还可以作名词 , 意为“一套”。 2. 与 set 的相关短语 : set up 建起 , 设立 set off 出发 , 动身 set out 启程 a set of … 一套 , 一组 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❹ proud/pride 【 题 4 】 (1)I      the development of China after watching the film Amazing China.   A.was proud to B.was afraid of C.took part in D.took pride in D 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 (2)Great changes have taken place in Xuzhou. We are all      the achievements.   A.known as B.proud of C.similar to D.good with (3)John was proud      the first prize in the story competition. He was really good at telling stories.   A.win B.wins C.to win D.won B C 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 词性及含义 搭配 proud 形容词 , 意为“自豪的” be proud to do sth 以做某事而自豪 be proud of=take pride in 为……感到骄傲 pride 名词 , 意为“骄傲” 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❺ But more money is needed to carry on with our work. 但是 ( 我们 ) 需要更多的钱来继续我们的工作。 【 题 5 】 The king didn't take any notice of the noise in the crowd and      with the parade.   A.carried over B.carried away C.carried on D.carried out   C 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 carry on with sth 意为“继续干某事” , 相当于 carry on doing sth 。 The doctor told her to carry on with the treatment. 医生告诉她要继续治疗。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❻ … so she made up her mind to train as a nurse and attended courses after work. …… 于是她决定接受护士训练 , 并在下班后去上课。 【 题 6 】 I've made up my mind      all the past and start a new life.  A.forget B.to forget C.forgetting D.forgot B 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 make up one's mind to do sth 意为“下定决心做某事” , 相当于 decide to do sth/make a decision to do sth 。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 Ⅰ. 选用方框内的单词或词组填空 , 其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。 1. Dr Ma feel         to help people see again and improve their lives.  2. [2016 · 徐州 ]Let's donate money to ORBIS for doctors to       with their work.  3. [2019 · 树人中学二模 ]I think winter is a beautiful season,       when it snows.  4. Leaflets are         to people in the street by volunteers.  afford    especially    carry on    handed out proud    patient proud   carry on   especially handed out 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 5. The best gift a doctor can give to a         is to make him or her healthy and happy again.  Ⅱ. 根据句子意思 , 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 6. It's too expensive! We can't afford (pay) such a price. 7. With the       (develop)of technology, the journey to Mars might only take about 20 minutes in spacecraft in the future.  8. The Chinese government promises that they will provide a higher level of      (medicine) service in the next few years.  9. My hometown is greener now. More and more trees       (plant) every spring.  patient to pay   development   medical   are planted   随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 10. We take      (proud) in the scientists Liu Yongtan and Qian Qihu.  11. A teacher should treat every student      (equal).  12. More than 2,500 cultural activities,       (include)a grand flower show that was displayed during the 2019 Beijing International Horticultural Expo( 北京世园会 ).  13. This novel is very interesting. It attracts many      (read).   14. Are you ready? The       (interview) are already outside.  15. — How is Miss King? — She is still under       (treat)in hospital.  pride   equally   including   readers   interviewers   treatment Ⅲ. 根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词。 16. To avoid any mistake, he c      his test paper several times before handing it in.  17. The manager asked his s      to print the documents for him.  18. This kind of cancer can be easily c      if it is found early.  19. A new hospital was s      up in Xuzhou last year.   20. I really hope there is no w      any more in the world. People should live in peace.   21. She showed the custom o      her passport.   随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 hecked   ecretary   ured et   ar   fficer 22. The old man can't cross the road alone because of his b      .   23. After he finished high school, my brother went to college for further e      .  24. In our class, NBA fans are m      boys. Not many girls show interest in it.   25. They have the r      to decide who should be the class leader.  随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 lindness ducation   ostly   ight

