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第一篇 教材考点梳理 第 8 课时 Units 7— 8( 八上 ) 基础检测清单 词汇拓展 · 名词 1.fog →      ( adj. ) 有雾的 , 多雾的 2.snow →      ( adj. ) 有雪的 3.butterfly →       ( 复数 ) 4.rain   →      ( adj. )  5.sleep →      ( adj. ) 睡着的 →      ( adj. ) 困倦的 6.memory →       ( 复数 )  7.snowman →       ( 复数 )  foggy   snowy   butterflies rainy asleep sleepy   memories   snowmen 词汇拓展 8.village →      ( n. ) 村民   · 形容词 9.sudden →      ( adv. )  10.loud →      ( adv. ) 大声地 →      ( adv. ) 出声地 11.silent →      ( n. ) 安静 ; 寂静 →      ( adv. )  12.safe →      ( n. ) 安全   →      ( adv. ) · 动词 13.shake →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  →      ( n. ) 振动 ;  震动 villager   suddenly   loudly aloud silence silently   safety safely shook shaken shaking 词汇拓展 14.live →      ( adj. ) 活着的 →      ( adj. ) 活泼的 →      ( n. ) 生计   15.excite →      ( adj. ) 令人激动的   →      ( adj. ) 激动的 16.throw →      ( 过去式 )   →      ( 过去分词 ) 17.fight →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  18.direct →       ( n. ) 方向   →       ( n. ) 导演   19.break →      ( 过去式 )  alive lively living exciting excited   threw thrown fought fought   direction director broke 词 汇 拓 展 →      ( 过去分词 )  20.rise →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  21.blow →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  22.beat →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  23.trap →       ( adj. ) 困住的    broken   rose risen   blew blown beat beaten   trapped 短语归纳 · 动词短语 1.        变成棕色   2.         降到零度以下   3.        以 …… 开始   4.         把 …… 分成   …… 5.         引起许多问题   6.         把某物扔向某人 7.        崩塌 , 坍塌 8.         撞到一棵树上    9.        冲走   10.        ( 车辆或机器 ) 出故障   11.        着火   12.        跌倒   13.        使 …… 平静 ; 冷静 14.         自言自语   15.         惊恐地尖叫    turn brown   drop below zero   begin with divide…into…   cause a lot of problems throw sth at sb   come down   crash into a tree wash away   break down   catch fire fall over   calm down   say to oneself scream in fear 短语归纳 16.         遵守交通规则   17.         大声呼救 18.         用 …… 覆盖 …… 19.         找到出路   20.         听说   · 形容词短语 21.         忙于做某事   22.       充满   · 其他短语 23.        有一点   24.          成千上万的   25.         四面八方   26.         尽可能 ……   27.       一点也不   28.     最后 , 终于 follow/obey traffic rules shout for help   cover…with… find one's way out   hear of/about be busy doing sth   be full of a bit thousands of   in all directions as…as possible   not…at all   at last 佳句诵读 · 季节描述 1.It's the best time to play football outside. 那是在户外踢足球的最好时间。 2.As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. 随着白天变短 , 气温降了下来。 3.Winter is my favourite season . 冬季是我最喜欢的季节。 4.The temperature is usually below zero and it is often snowy. 温度通常在零度以下 , 并且经常下雪。 佳句诵读 5.Everything is covered in deep white snow . 一切都被厚厚的白雪覆盖着。 · 自然灾害 6.I was sleeping when the earthquake started. 当我正在睡觉时 , 地震开始了。 7.A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 5 January. 1 月 5 日 , 星期五 , 一场暴风雪袭击了北京。 8.I started to pull myself slowly through the dark . 我开始在黑暗中慢慢地移动身体。 语法链接 1. 掌握简单句的五种基本结构。 [ 详见 P133, 语法专题 ( 十三 )] 2. 掌握过去进行时的用法。 [ 详见 P126, 语法专题 ( 十 )] 3. 掌握 when, while 和 as 的用法。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❶ mind n. 头脑 【 题 1 】 (1) — Would you mind      in the dining hall?   — Of course not. A.not to smoke B.not smoking C.smoke D.not smoke (2) — Would you mind going to the park with us this Sunday? —      . I haven't been outdoors these days. I can't wait!  A.Sorry, I can't B.Sure, I'd love to C.Certainly not D.My pleasure B C 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 mind 的用法 : 词条 词性 意义 用法 mind 名词 头脑 , 思想 , 想法 常见搭配 :change one's mind 改变主意 make up one's mind 下定决心 keep … in mind 牢记 come to one's mind 突然想起 open one's mind 开阔某人的思维 动词 介意 通常用于疑问句和否定句中 , 后接名词、代词、 v. -ing 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 2. “ Would/Do you mind+ n./pron./v. -ing 形式 ? ”意为“你介意 …… 吗 ? ”此句型的答语要针对 mind 进行回答。表示“介意 , 在乎”时 , 用“ Yes ” , 后跟句子表示“不让对方做某事” ; 表示“不介意 , 不在乎”时 , 用“ No ” , 后跟句子表示“允许对方做某事”。 — Do you mind my closing the window? 你介意我关上窗户吗 ? — Yes, you'd better not. 是的 ( 介意 ), 你最好别关。 — No, certainly not. 当然不介意 ( 你可以关上 ) 。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❷ be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 【 题 2 】 (1)The workers are busy      windows to the new building these days.   A.fix B.fixed C.fixing D.to fix (2)Tom is busy      his homework. He has no time to watch TV.   A.to B.for C.from D.with C D 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 be busy doing sth 意为“忙于做某事” , 相当于 be busy with sth 。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❸ a bit/a little 【 题 3 】 (1)People can have      fun from the football game.   A.a little B.a bit C.a few D.little (2)The final exam is coming, and I feel      nervous.  A.a few B.little C.bit D.a bit (3)He felt a bit      after taking the medicine.   A.good B.well C.better D.best A D C 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 含义及用法 a bit 意为“一点” , 修饰形容词或副词或比较级 , 相当于 a little a little 意为“一点” , 既可修饰形容词或副词或比较级 , 又可直接修饰名词 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❹ because/because of 【 题 4 】 (1)Chen Wei isn't at school today      he is taking a robot competition in Shanghai.   A.so B.because C.because of D.if (2)He is late for class      the broken clock.   A.because B.instead of C.since D.because of B D 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 含义 用法 because 因为 , 由于  连词 , 后接句子 Because of 介词短语 , 后接名词、代词、 v .-ing 形式或名词短语 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❺ sleepy/asleep/sleeping/sleep 【 题 5 】 用 sleep 的适当形式填空。 (1) — Tim, don't make noise here.Your little sister is      .   — Mum, I'm sorry. I won't. (2)Li Xin likes to stay up late, so he always feels      in class.   (3)If you go to see lions, tigers or foxes at the Night Safari in the daytime, they'll probably be      .   (4)On the weekend some of my friends and I will go to the mall and buy       bags for camping.   sleeping   sleepy   asleep   sleeping 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 含义 用法 sleepy 形容词 困倦的 作定语或表语。 feel sleepy 意为“感到困倦” asleep 形容词 睡着的 作表语。 fall asleep 意为“入睡 , 睡着” ( 表动作 );be asleep 意为“睡着” ( 表状态 ) sleeping 形容词 正在睡觉的 ; 供睡觉用的 作定语 sleep 动词 睡觉 其现在分词、过去式和过去分词分别为 sleeping, slept, slept 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❻ while/when/as 【 题 6 】 (1)The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate    the guests arrived.   A.while B.when C.unless D.after (2)My sister was writing an e-mail      I was watching TV at this time yesterday.  A.while B.after C.since D.when B A 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 用法 while 引导的从句中谓语动词必须用延续性动词 , 常用于进行时态 when 引导的从句中谓语动词可以是延续性动词 , 也可以是短暂性动词 , 主句与从句的动作可同时发生 , 也可先后发生 as 引导的从句中谓语动词可以是延续性动词 , 也可以是短暂性动词 , 强调两个动作同时进行 , 表示“一边……一边……”。 as 还可译为“随着” 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 Ⅰ. 选用方框内的单词或词组填空 , 其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。 1. [2014 · 徐州 ]My car        because of the cold weather. So I had to walk to my office.  2. We should keep      while reading in the library.  3. Notre Dame Cathedral ( 巴黎圣母院 )        on April 15, 2019. What a pity!  4. Xuzhou is in the        part of Nanjing.  northern   broke down   nearly   still   caught fire silent broke down   silent   caught fire northern 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 5. According to a recent survey,        three fifths of working mothers in China don't want to have a second child.   Ⅱ. 根据句子意思 , 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 6. [2018 · 徐州 ]I need      (silent)when I am studying.  7. They walked along the road on a      (rain) night.8.He turned over in bed and fell      (sleep) again.  9. Luckily, Tom's flight landed      (safe) at the airport.  10. When I got home, my daughter       (do) her homework.  11. Would you mind      (lend) me your eraser? I can't find mine.  12. The fish I bought yesterday is still      (live) now.   nearly silence   rainy   asleep   safely was doing   lending   alive 13. It was      (cloud) today, but the sun was trying to come through.  14. The hair clips look      (shine) in the sun. How nice she looks!  15. A number of car accidents happened in the street because of the      (fog)weather.  随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 cloudy   shiny   foggy Ⅲ. 根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词。 16. People ran quickly in all d      after the earthquake started.  17. Anine has a h      , and she is going to see her doctor today.   18. Kitty is a shy girl. She always feels n      when she speaks before many people.   19. Decide how you will share h       , such as cleaning, washing and shopping.   20. When people heard the bad news, they looked at each other in f    .  21. The policemen are working hard to make the town a s    place.  22. It is e      for me to pass the driving test.   随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 irections   eadache   ervous ousework   ear   afe xciting 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 23. Hearing someone come in, he hid himself b      the door.   24. I am looking for my mobile phone e       , but I still can't find it.  25. It will be still very hot tomorrow. The t       will be around 38℃.  ehind   verywhere emperature

