中考英语专项复习 介词

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中考英语专项复习 介词

‎ ‎ ‎(五)介词 ‎01 命题趋势 考标导向化 介词是各省市历年中考试题中的必考内容之一。从命题内容来看,表示时间的介词、表示地点的介词及介词的固定用法,尤其是时间介词at, on, in用法的区别,between和among用法的区别,某些介词的特殊用法等是今后的考查热点。从命题形式来看,以单项选择、完形填空为主,分值一般在1~3分之间。预计年中考对介词的考查极有可能是时间介词和介词短语。‎ ‎02 定义 概念清晰化 介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,它是一种虚词,不能单独使用,必须和名词、代词或相当于名词或代词的词语连用构成介词短语,用来表明与它连用的词和句子中某个词或某些词之间的关系。‎ 介词分为简单介词和短语介词两种。简单介词即单个介词,如in, under, on, for, after等;短语介词指多个单词构成的介词,如in front of, instead of, far from等。‎ 介词短语与短语介词不同。介词短语指由“介词+名词/代词等”构成的短语,如at school, by bus, on Sunday等,在句中可以作定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语等。‎ 有些单词,既可以作介词,也可以作连词(作连词时,其后接句子),如after, before等;而有些单词,既可以作介词,也可以作副词,如above, below等。‎ ‎03 知识归类 知识网络化 ‎❶常用介词分类 分类图解 分类 例词 表示 时间 in, at, on, between, since, for, during, until, till, by, from…to, behind, by, before, past 表示 方位 in, at, on, around, before, in front of, between, behind, beside, near, under, above, below, next to, among, round 表示往返的方向 to, towards, round, around, through, across, from…to, into, out of, off, along 其他 by, to, like, unlike, of, except, about, against, with, but, as, without 特例清单 ‎1.in通常用在世纪、年份、季节、月份、上午、下午、晚上等词前,但后面接时间段,意为“在……之后”,用于将来时态;而after意为“在……之后”,要用于一般过去时。如:‎ We are going to Beijing in two weeks.两周后我们将要去北京。‎ He went to America in 2003,after one year, he came back.他在2003年去了美国,一年后,他就回来了。‎ ‎2.for和since在表示时间时,一般用于完成时,for与时间段连用,since与时间点连用。如:‎ We haven’t seen each other for years.我们已经有好多年没有见面了。‎ His father has taught in this school since 1985.他的父亲自从1985年起就在这所学校教书。‎ ‎3.表示位置时,in表示某一小地点在另一大地点之内;on表示两个地点相互接壤;to则表示两个地点互不接壤,并有一定的距离。如:‎ Taiwan is in the southeast of China.台湾位于中国的东南部。‎ Shandong is on the north of Henan.山东位于河南的北部。‎ Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国东部。‎ ‎4.between表示“在两者之间”,而among表示“在三者或三者以上之中”。但当between用于三者或三者以上时,强调“两两之间”,侧重指人或物各自独立;而among强调彼此不分离。如:‎ We have too many desks in our class. There is hardly any room to move between them.我们教室里有太多的课桌,桌与桌之间几乎没有可以走动的空间了。‎ This village is among the hills.这个村子被群山环绕。‎ ‎5.表示方位时,on表示一个物体的位置在另一个物体之上,两者的表面相接触;above表示一个物体比另一个物体所处的位置高,通常两个物体表面不接触;over表示“在……的正上方”,强调在垂直的上方。如:‎ There is a map on the wall.墙上有一张地图。‎ The lights are above our heads.灯在我们头顶上。‎ Some birds are flying over the sea.有一些鸟在海上飞。‎ ‎6.with, in, by 三者都可以译为“用”,但用法不同:with表示用某种工具,所用的东西都是具体的物品;in表示用某种材料、语言、声调等;by表示用某种方法或手段,多指使用某种交通工具。试比较:‎ Please write with a pen.请用钢笔书写。‎ She wrote a letter in a black ink.她用黑色的墨水笔写了一封信。‎ Can you say it in Japanese? 你能用日语说吗?‎ I go to school by bike.我骑自行车去上学。‎ ‎7.besides和except都可译为“除……之外”,但含义不同:besides表示“除……以外,还有”,指在整体中加入一部分,含义是肯定的;except表示“从整体中除去一部分”,含义是否定的。如:‎ We all went besides him.除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他去了)‎ We all went except him.除他之外,我们都去了。(他没有去)‎ ‎8.instead of意为“代替”,后面接名词、代词或动名词;而instead是副词,意为“代替,顶替”,在句子中作状语,后面不能接任何成分。如:‎ He will go instead of me.他将代替我去。‎ She went to school instead of staying at home.她没有待在家里而是上学去了。‎ Give me this instead.换这个给我吧。‎ ‎9.across和through均可译为“从这一边到另一边”,但用 法不同:across的含义与on有关,表示动作是在某一物体的表面进行的;而through的含义与in有关,表示动作是在三维空间进行的。如:‎ The dog ran across the grass.这条狗跑过草地。‎ They walked through the forest.他们步行穿过森林。‎ ‎10.在this,that,these, next, last等组成的时间状语前不用介词。如:‎ We are in Grade Two this year.今年我们上二年级。‎ Tom’s trouble is very common to boys these days.汤姆的问题这些天在男孩们中间很常见。‎ When did you go to bed last night?你昨晚几点上床睡觉的?‎ The next day she got up early and went to school without breakfast.第二天她起得很早,并且没吃早饭就去了学校。‎ ‎11.当yesterday, tomorrow用作副词或构成短语时前面不用介词。如:‎ Can you be here at eight tomorrow morning?你明早八点能在这里吗?‎ Were you at home yesterday evening?你昨晚在家吗?‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ 时间介词 ‎( )1.(2014·北京)I sometimes help my mom with her housework _____ Saturdays.‎ A.at B.in C.on D.to ‎( )2.(2014·宿迁)The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held_______ August in Nanjing.‎ A.in B.on C.by D.at ‎( )3.(2014·来宾)—When is Jay’s concert?‎ ‎—It’s ______three o’clock______ the afternoon.‎ A.at;in B.at;on C.in;in D.on;in ‎( )4.(2014·南充)—When were you born?‎ ‎—I was born______ a cold winter morning in 1994.‎ A.in B.at C.on D.of ‎( )5.(2014·长沙)Mothers’ Day is_______ the second Sunday in May in the United States.‎ A.on B.in C.at 方位介词 ‎( )6.(2014·重庆)Mr. Green’s office is _______ the 26th floor. You can take the lift there.‎ A.at B.in C.on D.for ‎( )7.(2014·烟台)—Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel?‎ ‎—Go _______ the post office,and you’ll find it on the left.‎ A.pass B.past C.to pass D.passed ‎( )8.(2014·益阳)Uncle Tom lives ______ a farm _____ the country.‎ A.in;at B.near;on C.on;in ‎( )9.(2014·天津)Cambridge is a small city______ the east of England.‎ A.between B.with C.in D.under ‎( )10.(2014·东营)On May 10th,a horse was found running happily_____ the busy street in Beijing.‎ A.at B.of C.in D.from 表示往返的介词 ‎( )11.(2014·河南)A conversation ____ a wise person is worth ten years’ study of books.‎ A.for B.like C.with D.to ‎( )12.(2014·铜仁)—How can we protect ourselves _____ the earthquake?‎ ‎—We should stay calm first.‎ A.with B.about C.for D.from ‎( )13.(2014·苏州)The castle stands in a quiet place _____ the main road at the far end of the river.‎ A.to B.for C.off D.out ‎( )14.(2014·连云港)—A person’s life is like a road ____ lots of difficulties.‎ ‎—Yes,so we need positive energy.‎ A.by B.with C.along D.during ‎( )15.(2014·无锡)I hope the train will arrive on time,but it’s _____ my control.‎ A.within B.without C.under D.beyond 其他介词 ‎( )16.(2014·杭州)They usually go shopping ____ their lunch break.‎ A.against B.among C.between D.during ‎( )17.(2014·潍坊)—What can I do for you?‎ ‎—I hope I have a nice house ______ a big garden.‎ A.of B.with C.form D.about ‎( )18.(2014·盐城)Many cities in China,_____ Beijing,have been deeply affected by dirty air.‎ A.including B.behind C.without D.beyond ‎( )19.(2014·莱芜)We can save money ______ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside.‎ A.by B.to C.for D.with ‎( )20.(2014·绵阳)—How long have you stayed in this hotel?‎ ‎—Not long,just________ this Monday.‎ A.from B.since C.for D.on ‎❷常用介词短语归纳 分类图解 分类 例子 介词 ‎+‎ 名词 at home在家里;at school在学校;at noon在中午;at night在晚上;at work在工作;at sea在大海上;at the same time 同时;at times有时;at breakfast 早餐时;at midnight在午夜;at the moment在此刻;after a while 过了一会 by bus 乘公共汽车;by the way 顺便说;by the time 到……时候;by turns 轮流;by mistake错误地;by the door在门口 in hospital住院;in the hospital 在医院;in the end 最后;in order 整整齐齐;in order to 以便;in no time ‎ 很快就……;in the daytime在白天;in turn 轮流;in time 及时;in front 在前方;in English 用英语;in the future将来的某个时刻;in future(整个)将来;in fact 事实上 on the way 在路上;on Sunday 在星期天 ;on show 展出;on display 陈列;on fire 着火;on duty 值日;on the other hand 另一方面;on foot 步行;on business 出差;on board 在船(飞机)上;on holiday 在休假;on the telephone 在接(打)电话;on time 准时;on the left/right 在左边/右边;on sale 在出售;on watch 值班;on the earth 在地球上 with pleasure 很乐意;with one’s help 在某人的帮助下 be ‎+‎ 形容词 ‎+‎ 介词 be amazed at对……感到惊讶;be angry with生(某人的)气;be afraid of害怕;be busy with 忙于做……;be good at擅长于;be full of 充满 be excited about对……感到兴奋;be kind to 对……和善;be interested in 对……感兴趣 be famous for 因……而著名;be late for迟到;be popular with 受……欢迎 be pleased with 对……感到满意;be proud of 对……感到骄傲;be ready for为……准备好 be satisfied with对……满意;be worried about 为……担心 动词 ‎+‎ 介词 agree with 同意; ask for 请求;begin with 以……开始;come from 出生,来自;call at探访 die of 死于;get on/off 上车/下车; fill…with 用……装;fall off从……落下 hear from 收到(某人)的信;hear of 听说;look at 看;go to bed 去睡觉; go to school 去上学; look for 寻找;look after 照顾 listen to 听……讲话;pay for 付钱;point to 指向;point at 指着;send for派人去叫;run across 碰到;‎ talk about 谈论;think about 考虑;wait for 等候;write to 写信给……;worry about 担心 laugh at 嘲笑;fall behind 落在……后面;knock at 敲 介词 ‎+‎ 名词 ‎+‎ 介词 at the foot of在……脚下;on the top of在……顶端;in the middle of 在……中间;in the front of 在……前面;in the east of在……东部 by means of借助;at the beginning of起初;by the end of 到……为止 at the age of在……岁时;at the head of 在……前头 特例清单 ‎1.in front of和in the front of只差一个定冠词the,但用法不同:前者意为“在……的前面”,前后所指的内容不存在包含关系;而后者意为“在……的前面”,前后所指的内容存在包含关系。如:‎ Li Lei sits in front of me,but Wang Fang sits behind me.‎ 李雷坐在我前面,而王芳坐在我的后面。‎ The desk is in the front of the classroom.书桌在教室的前面。‎ ‎2.in the tree和on the tree都可以译为“在树上”,但用法不同:前者in the tree一般指本身不是树上的事物,而后者on the tree一般指树上本身长的东西。如:‎ I can see some birds in the tree.我能看到树上有一些小鸟。‎ There are some pears on the tree.树上结了一些梨。‎ ‎3.in the wall表示嵌在墙里,而on the wall表示在墙的表面。如:‎ There is a hole in the wall.墙上有个洞。‎ There is a map on the wall.墙上有一幅地图。‎ ‎4.“在太阳下”用in the sun,“在某人的帮助下”用with one’s help或with the help of sb.如:‎ Don’t read in the sun.别在太阳下看书。‎ With the teacher’s help,I got some progress.在老师的帮助下,我取得了一些进步。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )21.(2014·徐州)Healthy eating _____ regular exercise is the best way to keep fit.‎ A.less than B.instead of C.such as D.together with ‎( )22.(2014·山西)—The ship sinking of Korea teaches us to care for ourselves and the people around us.‎ ‎—So it is. _____life is the most important to everyone.‎ A.For example B.At last C.After all ‎( )23.(2014·鄂州)—Everyone must ____ the security check(安检)before getting on the plane at the airport.‎ ‎—Yes. It’s necessary to ensure the passengers’ safety.‎ A.get through B.get across C.go through D.go across ‎( )24.(2014·遂宁)_____free education,more and more poor children can go back to school in the mountain.‎ A.Without B.Thanks to C.Instead of ‎( )25.(2014·金华)—Daniel is a boy of few words.‎ ‎—But______ ,he is warmhearted.‎ A.in a hurry B.in fact C.in the end D.above all ‎04 整合集训 反馈层级化 ‎( )1.How does your father go to work, ____foot or ____ car?‎ A.on;with B.with;on C.by;on D.on;by ‎( )2.—Why are you standing there, Maggie?‎ ‎—I can’t see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting _______ me.‎ A.behind B.in front of C.beside D.next to ‎( )3.—Is the tie made ______ silk?‎ ‎—Yes. It’s made _____ Italy.‎ A.from;in B.of;in C.from;of D.of;from ‎( )4.Taiwan is a beautiful island and it’s ____ the east of Fujian Province.‎ A.in B.on C.to D.at ‎( )5.Mr Smith lives ____ that building. His flat is ____ the fifth floor.‎ A.in;on B.of;to C.at;in D.to;at ‎( )6.—What time shall we meet ____ Sunday?‎ ‎—Let’s meet ____ 10:00 o’clock.‎ A.in;at B.in;on C.on;in D.on;at ‎( )7.—All the clerks went home ____ Mr Wang.Why?‎ ‎—Because he had to finish his work.‎ A.except B.besides C.without D .beside ‎( )8.The sunshine goes _____ the window and makes the room bright and warm.‎ A.across B.through C.over D.in ‎( )9.My son is ____ a nice new coat. I paid ten pounds _____it.‎ A.in;by B.in;for C.on;by D.on;for ‎( )10.—We’ll have a hiking trip, but when shall we meet?‎ ‎—Let’s make it _____ half past eight _____ the morning of June 23.‎ A.at;in B./;on C./;in D.about;by ‎( )11.Let’s go ____ the road. The shop is ____ the other side.‎ A.across;on B.cross;on C.through;in D.between;on ‎( )12.He has got a chair to sit____ ,but nobody to talk___ .‎ A.on;to B./;with C .on;/ D./;to ‎( )13.If you get on well ____ your classmates, you’ll enjoy your school life more.‎ A.to B.at C.with D.in ‎( )14.If you were a little more careful,you could find the key ____ the door ____ the corner of the room.‎ A.of;of B.to;in C.at;in D.to;of ‎( )15.The food _____ my country is quite different ____ that here.‎ A.in;like B.to;from C.from;to D.in;from ‎( )16.___ the age of 13,Fu Mingxia was very famous in China _____ the youngest Olympic champion.‎ A.At;for B.At;as C.On;for D.In;as ‎( )17.They haven’t finished their work.Maybe they have some trouble ______ it.‎ A.on B.at C.in D.with ‎( )18. ______ the help of his teacher, he became good at English.‎ A.Under B.On C.For D.With ‎( )19.It’s very nice ____ you to give me the chance.‎ A.of B.for C.to D.at ‎( )20.The plane will take off ____ an hour. I must go to the airport right now.‎ A.in B.for C.on D.at ‎( )21.—When will the doctor arrive?‎ ‎—_____ two hours.‎ A.For B.At C.After D.In ‎( )22.She had to sell the house even though it was ____ her own wishes.‎ A.above B.on C.against D.for ‎( )23.The little elephant is afraid to go alone.He always walks ______ his mother.‎ A.below B.besides C.beside D.under ‎( )24.____ the help of Tom, I made great progress in physics.‎ A.Under B.On C.With D.By ‎( )25.—What did you get ____ your mother ____ Mother’s Day?‎ ‎—A beautiful card and a scarf.‎ A.for;in B.for;on C.to;for D.to;at 参考答案:‎ ‎(五)介词 题组训练 ‎1—5CAACA6—10CBCCC11—15CDCBD ‎16—20DBAAB21—25DCCBB 整合集训 ‎1—5DBBCA6—10DABBB11—15AACBD ‎16—20BDDAA21—25DCCCB

