人教版PEP九年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 11 Section B (2a-2e)

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人教版PEP九年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 11 Section B (2a-2e)

Words and expressions weight n. 重量;分量 shoulder n. 肩;肩膀 goal n. 球门;射门;目标 let … down 使失望 coach n. 教练;私人教师 kick v. 踢;踹 kick sb. off 开除某人 be hard on sb. 对某人苛刻 besides adv. 而且 teammate n. 同队队员;队友 courage n. 勇敢;勇气 rather than 而不是 guy n. (非正式)家伙 pull v. 拉;拖 pull together 齐心协力;通力合作 relief n. 轻松;解脱 nod v. 点头 agreement n. (意见或看法)一致 fault n. 过失;缺点 disappoint v. 使失望 Objectives 1 2To learn new words and phrases To learn to treat win and failure optimistically 2a Have you ever made a mistake? How did it make you feel? Talk to your partner about what happened. Once I made a mistake. I had a fight with my cousin because he broke up my favorite model plane. My dad was very angry with me … 2b Read the story and number the events in the correct order. The Winning Team Peter kept his eyes on the ground. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone. It was the worst day of his life. His mind would not stop thinking about what happened only just an hour ago on the school soccer field. How could he have missed scoring that goal? He had let his whole team down. His stupid mistake made him angry. His team had lost the game because of him. He was really worried that his coach might kick him off the team. RECOGNIZING IDIOMS AND PHRASES Knowing the meanings of idioms and verb phrases can improve your English. As soon as he walked through the door, his father asked, “What’s wrong, son?” Peter’s feelings were written all over his face. “I lost the game,” Peter replied. Then he went into his room without another word. Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door. He opened the door to let him in. “Look, Peter. I don’t know what happened. But whatever it was, don’t be too hard on yourself.” “I lost the game, Dad. I failed my team. They’ll probably never let me play again.” “Soccer is about team eff ort. You’re not the only reason your team lost. If you have a good team, you should support each other. Besides, winning or losing is only half the game. The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.” Peter didn’t say anything, but what his father said made him think carefully. The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart. “Hey, guys,” he said to his teammates. “I’m really sorry about yesterday. We were so close to winning that game. But I think if we continue to pull together, we’re going to win the next one.” To his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded in agreement. “Yeah,” they said, “don’t worry about it. It’s never just one person’s fault. We should think about how we can do better next time.” Peter smiled. It made him feel lucky to know that he was on a winning team. ____ Peter got home and went into his room. ____ Peter talked to his teammates. ____ Peter missed a goal. ____ Peter’s father gave him advice. ____ Peter realized that he was worried for no reason. 1 2 3 4 5 2c Read the story again and answer the questions. 1. Why did Peter feel angry and worried? 2. What advice did Peter’s father off er him? He was angry with himself for missing an important goal and letting his team down. He was worried that his coach might kick him off the team. Peter’s father advised him not to be too hard on himself but to learn how to communicate with his teammates and learn from his mistake. 3. Do you agree with Peter’s father? Why or why not? 4. What happened after Peter told his teammates that he was sorry? 5. Why did Peter think that he was on a winning team even though they lost the last game? Yes, it is no point crying over spilled milk. / It is more meaningful to learn from one’s mistakes and do better in the future. His teammates asked him not to worry about what had happened as it was not just one person’s fault. They agreed that they should work together to think about how they could do better in the future. Because it was a team with good team spirit that would help them achieve success in the future. 2d Find idioms or phrases from the story to replace the underlined parts of these sentences. 1. He could not believe that he did not get the ball into the basket. 2. She was worried because she disappointed her parents. 3.Tony was sad that he was asked to leave the team. 4. You should learn to relax and not put so much pressure on yourself. 5. The teacher told the students to work hard together and not give up. missed scoring (that) goal let … down kicked off be too hard on yourself pull together 2e Role-play a conversation between Peter and his father. Father: What’s wrong, Peter? You look sad. Peter: I missed scoring a goal. I made my team lose the game. … Sample conversation Father: What’s wrong, Peter? You look sad. Peter: I missed scoring a goal. I made my team lose the game. Father: Don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m sure you are not the only reason your team lost the game. Peter: What do you mean? Father: Soccer is about team effort. Having a good team means supporting each other. Winning or losing may be important, but so is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes. Peter: Thanks for your advice, Dad. I think I know what I should do now. Language Points Peter kept his eyes on the ground. 彼得盯着地面。 keep one’s eyes on sth. 意为“盯着某物”。 u Tina kept her eyes on the book the whole afternoon. 蒂娜一下午都盯着书本。 1 拓展 keep an eye on … 意为“留意;照看”。 u I need to go out for a while. Would you please keep an eye on my son? 我需要出去一会儿,你能帮我照看下我儿子吗? He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone. 他独自走回家的时候总感觉有什么东西重重地压在他的肩上。 weight作名词,意为“重量;分量;体重”。 u The roof collapsed under the weight of snow. 房顶在雪的重压下突然塌了。 u It is about 76 kilos in weight. 这东西重约76千克。 2 拓展 put on weight=gain weight 体重增加;增肥 lose weight 减肥 by weight 按重量计算 He had let his whole team down. 他让整个团队失望了。 let sb. down 意为“使某人失望”。 u They won the game and didn’t let us down. 他们赢了比赛,没让我们失望。 3 拓展 let sth. down意为“放下;降低;降下”。 u We let the bucket down by a rope. 我们用绳子把吊桶放下去。 His team had lost the game because of him. 他们队由于他输了比赛。 because of 短语介词,意为“因为;由于”,比其他短语更口语化, 构成的短语在句子中通常作状语,一般不作表语用;后面可接名词、代 词、分词或what引导的名词性从句等。 u He walks slowly because of his bad leg. 他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢。 4 拓展 (1) thanks to意为 “由于或因为某人(某事)”,通常用于好的方面,译为“多 亏”,但有时用作反语;引导的介词短语可置于句首或句末。 u Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled. 多亏这糟糕天气,比赛被取消了。(反语) 拓展 (2) due to意为“由于,因……造成”,引导的短语在句中除可作状语(此时一般不 位于句首)外,也可作表语或定语。 due to除可表示原因外,还有“应给于,应属 于”的意思。 u Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。(作定语) u Our grateful thanks are due to you. 向你表示我们衷心的感谢。 (3) owing to意为“由于”,引出的介词短语在句中作状语或表语,作状语时,习 惯上用逗号和句子其他部分分开。 u They decided to postpone the trip, owing to the bad weather. 由于天气不好他们决定推迟旅行。 u Owing to his careless driving, we had a bad accident. 由于他驾驶疏忽,我们发生了次大车祸。 He was really worried that his coach might kick him off the team. 他很 担心教练会把他踢出球队。 kick sb. off 意为“开除某人”,相当于kick sb. out of sth. 。 u You will be kicked off the club if you break the rule again. 如果你再违反规定,你将被逐出这个俱乐部。 5 Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door. 十分钟后,彼得听见父亲在敲他卧室的门。 knocking在这里作hear的宾语补足语。相同用法的词还有: see/watch/find/notice sb. doing sth. u When Lisa was alone at home, she heard something making noise outside. 当莉萨独自在家时, 她听到外面有响声。 6 But whatever it was, don’t be too hard on yourself. 但不管结果怎样,不 要对自己要求太苛刻。 be hard on sb.意为“对某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉”。相当于be strict with sb.。 u Don’t be too hard on him. 别对他太苛刻了。 u He is hard on himself in everything. 他在每件事上都对自己要求严格。 7 Besides, winning or losing is only half the game. 除此之外,输赢只是比 赛的一半。 besides 作副词,意为“而且;还有,再者”,用来追加原因及理由。 u I don’t mind picking up your things from the store. Besides, the walk will do me good. 我并不在意帮你去商店拿货。而且,走走路对我身体也好。 8 拓展 除besides外,also, moreover, in addition等 也意义相似。 The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart. 第二天,彼得并没有害怕,而是勇敢地去参加足球训练。 (1) courage名词,意为“勇气;勇敢”。 u All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. 如果我们有勇气去追求,我们所有的梦想都可以实现。 (2) rather than 是一个并列连词,此处意为“并非;而不是”。 u She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。 9 rather than的用法 (1) rather than与would连用时,构成“would rather … than …”句式,意思是 “宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。 u She’d rather die than lose the children. 她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。 (2) rather than不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为“而不是;与其……不 如……”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分 句、不定式等。rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to。但 当rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to的不定式。 u He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。 u Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。 But I think if we continue to pull together, we’re going to win the next one. 但我想只要我们继续团结一致,我们就会赢得下一场比赛。 pull together 意为“齐心协力;通力合作”。 u She urged the people and institutions of Pakistan to pull together during this crisis. 她竭力主张巴基斯坦人民和机构在这场危机中齐心协力。 10 To his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded in agreement. 令 他惊讶和欣慰的是,他的队友全都赞同地点头。 (1)“to +one’s+情感名词”是英语中一个十分常见的结构,主要 表示某人由于某事的发生而唤起其内心的某种情感,通常译为“令某 人……的是;使某人感到……的是”。 u To his surprise, Tom won the first prize. 令他惊讶的是,汤姆得了第一名。 11 常接的情感名词 admiration(羡慕), amazement(惊奇), annoyance(烦恼), astonishment(惊奇), delight (欣喜), despair(绝望), disappointment(失望), embarrassment(难堪), happiness (高兴), joy(高兴), horror(恐怖), puzzlement(疑惑), regret(遗憾), relief(放心;宽慰), satisfaction(满意), shame(羞愧), sorrow(悲伤), surprise(惊讶) (2) agreement名词,意为“(意见或看法)一致;同意”。常构成短语 in agreement,意为“同意;一致”。 uWe’re all in agreement. 我们看法都一致。 uI’m quite in agreement with what he said. 我十分同意他说的话。 Summary 重 点 短 语 1. 错过做某事 miss doing sth. 2. 使……失望 let … down 3. 输掉比赛 lose the game 4.开除某人 kick sb. off 5. 敲门 knock at/on the door 6. 让某人进入 let sb. in 7. 对某人苛刻 be hard on sb. 8. 而不是 rather than 9. 离……近 be close to … 10. 齐心协力 pull together 11. 令某人吃惊欣慰的是 to one’s surprise and relief 12. 同意…… (be) in agreement with …= agree with … Exercise Ⅰ C D B C Ⅱ knocked at/ knocked on watching To my surprise feel Homework 1. 整理本单元笔记。 2. 听写Unit 11单词。

