人教版PEP九年级下册英语同步课件-Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth. Section B (2a~2e)

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人教版PEP九年级下册英语同步课件-Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth. Section B (2a~2e)

Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth. Section A3a~4c Nothing is a waste if we have a creative mind. creativity n. 创造力;独创性 2a Look at the pictures in 2b.Can you guess what the passage is about? It's about how people can think of creative ways to use things that are no longer wanted. 2b Read the passage and complete the chart below. Names What materials did they use? What did they make? Amy Hayes 1.windows and doors of old buildings that have been pulled down 2.an old boat 3.rocks 4.old glass bottles a house Jessica Wong old clothes, especially old jeans bags Wang Tao iron and other materials from old cars beautiful art pieces 2c Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box. 1. Amy Hayes lives in the UK. Many of the old buildings in her neighborhood were _________ . 2. All the rubbish and old things in Amy’s neighborhood were then _____________ when Amy built her house. 3. Amy is very creative and she _____ her front gate _____ rocks and old glass bottles. She put an old boat on top of her house. 4. Jessica Wong sells her bags in a small shop, but she has also _______an online business to sell them. pull down put to good use built set up out of 2c Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box. 5. Though Jessica’s bags are made from old clothes,her bags are ___________ being cute and useful. 6. Wang Tao _______ makes large pieces of metal art that look like animals or humans, ________ makes smaller pieces for the home. not only known for but also 2d Underline the words in the passage based on the words below. What are the differences? think – use – usual – recycle – build – create – special – recent – environment – important – protect – inspire – rethink reuse, useful unusual recycling building creative; creativity especially recently environmental importance protection inspiration 1. Rethink, Reuse, Recycle ! re-是最常用的前缀之一。它可以加在名词或动词前面,构成新的名词或动词。 re-表示以下三方面的意义: 1) 表示“回”或“向后”的意思。 return(回来)recall(回忆,召回)retract(缩回,取回) 2)表示“再”、“重新”、“重复”的意思。 rethink(再思考)reuse(再运用)restart(重新开始)recycle(再利用) 3) 表示“相反”、“反对”的意思。 rebel(反叛,谋反)reverse (反转,颠倒)resist(反抗,抵抗) 2. She is a most unusual woman. un-前缀,常加在形容词、副词、分词、动词和名词之前;第一,表示否定意义。 第二,表示“反动作”, 即“相反的动作”。 uneconomic 不经济的 unending 无尽的 unusual 不平常的 unbind 解开,释放 unearth 由地下掘出 uncomfortable 不舒服的 unfortunate 不幸的 unkind 不仁慈的 uncover 揭开……的盖子 unbutton 解开钮扣 3. Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind. -ive是形容词后缀, 一般表示有......的 create ﹢ -ive creative 4. Amy recently won a prize from the Help Save Our Planet Society. recent ﹢-ly recently形容词加 ly变副词 5. She especially likes to use old jeans to make handbags. special 和especial 是同义词,especially是especial的副词。 6. Amy is an inspiration (n.灵感) to us all. 后缀-tion附在动词后面构成名词 1)当单词最后是t, d, te, de时,变名词加tion或者ation, ition; 2)当单词最后是元音字母时,变名词加sion等。 7. The theme park to show people the importance of environmental protection. importance是important的名词。 environmental 是environment 的形容词形式。 protect ﹢-ion protection 2e Make a list of things that need to be done to save the environment. Which things can be done by regular people every day? Which things have to be done by governments and organizations? Discuss these with your group. Individual people Governments Organizations 1. Do you often throw away things you don’t need anymore? 你经常扔掉你不再需要的东西吗? 此句包含一个定语从句:you don’t need anymore,修饰先行词things, 且在从句中作宾语,所以可以省略引导词that。 The things I bought yesterday were pretty good. 我昨天买的东西真不错。 2.The windows and doors come from old buildings around her town that were pulled down. 窗户和门来自于她所在城镇的被拆毁的旧建筑。 此句包含一个定语从句: that were pulled down,修饰先行词old buildings,且 在从句中作主语,所以必须保留引导词that。 The girl who is in red is my sister. 穿红色衣服的女孩是我的妹妹。 3.The top of the house is an old boat turned upside down. 房子的顶部是一条被翻转过来的旧木船。 1) turn sth. upside down 意为“把某物翻转过来;使某物上下颠倒”。 2)此处turned upside down为过去分词短语表被动,修饰前面的boat。英语 中像这样置于名词之后作定语的短语或从句,被称作是“后置定语”。 4. Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that 艺术不但能带给他人快乐,而且还说明…… not only … but also …为并列连词,意为“不仅……而且……”,连接两个并列 成分。当连接两个并列分句时,not only后的分句要用倒装语序。 Not only is he a great footballer,(but) also he is a musician. 他不仅是一个出色的足球运动员,还是一位音乐家。 Homework 老师可以在这里布置作业噢~

