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一、做一名智慧型英语教师 二、语法教与学的策略与方法 做 一名智慧型英语教师 思考 1 为什么同样一个班的学生,有的教师能和他们融洽相处,班级成绩很理想?而有的教师就不能和他们和睦相处,班级成绩却很差? 思考 2 为什么有的教师教书一直很勤奋努力,可教学成绩就是不理想?而有的教师教的很轻松,学生成绩却很理想呢 ? 特级教师吴非有句“惊世骇俗”的名言:“一所学校最可怕之处在于,一群愚蠢的老师在勤奋地工作”。 问题 一、方向不正 二、方法不活 三、效果不好。 英语教师应抓 好的五个方面 The most difficult part of learning English is ________. A. vocabulary B. grammar C. speaking D. writing E. reading F. listening G. ________ The most difficult part of learning English is that one couldn‘t develop the interest of English, you’ll find it’s boring if you couldn’t enjoy the fun of learning it, you will waste a great many efforts without any progress. 1. Why do many teachers teach so hard? 2. Why do many students learn so painfully ? 3. Why is many students' learning effect not ideal? 一、抓学习动力 1 、师生关系 2 、精心设计 3 、搭建平台 4 、培养自信 Interest is the best teacher. 兴趣是最好的老师。   No interest, there is no success. 没有兴趣,就不存在成功。 No interest, there is no education. 没有兴趣,就没有教育。 Where there is no interest, there is no memory. 哪里没有兴趣,哪里就没有记忆。 Where are you interested in, that is, where you can. 你兴趣所在的地方,也就是你能力所在的地方。 We seldom use various activities to arouse the students’ interest, to motivate them, to make teaching and learning effective, to make English learning easy and fun. The first thing a teacher should do is to make students like him/her. Kids don’t learn from the people they don’t like. When people like each other, they won’t do things that hurt the other person. Vary what you do and how you do it. Useful and fun is better than either alone. 对学生的理解 学生是人 学生是成长之中的人 学生是成长之中需要我们帮助的人 学生是具有巨大潜力可以塑造的人 学生是帮助教师提高教学能力与教学水平的人 学生是必定超过教师并推进社会发展的人 对教育的理解 雅思贝尔斯(德国):真正的教育是用一棵树去摇 动另一棵树,用一朵云去推动另一朵云,用一个灵魂去唤醒另一个灵魂。 马克思:教育绝非单纯的文化传递,教育之为教育,正是在于它是一种人格心灵的唤醒。 斯普朗格(德国):教育的最终目的不是传授已有的东西,而是要把人的创造力量诱导出来,将生命感、价值感唤醒。 教给学生知识的老师,是平庸的老师;教给学生能力的老师,是优秀的老师;教给学生梦想的老师,才是最伟大的老师。 教学是一种双边活动,既包括教师的教,又包括学生的学,是教与学相互作用的一种活动。因此研究教学不但要研究教而且要研究学。 甚至要先研究学,然后再研究教 。 教师进入课堂的第一要务不是传授知识,而是思考如何打好“鸡血”,点燃学生求知的欲望,让学生能兴趣盎然地参与到学习的过程中来。 The Evil Eye Watching Students Waiting to punish The caring Eye Waiting to Reward 作为教师,最幸福的事情是把学生的“错误”作为一种特有资源,每个学生所犯“错误”的背后都有一个值得去探究的“故事”,通过对这些“故事”的探究,通过和学生近距离的接触,和他们去交朋友,提高他们对学习英语的自信,同时也不断地提升自己的思想境界。 Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 Confidence is the cornerstone of success. No confidence, will accomplish nothing. 信心是成才的基石。没有信心的人,将一事无成。 Why do many students fail to achieve? Because their teachers tell them in words, looks, or deeds that they can not achieve. So they have no confidence in themselves. Where does the students ’ confidence come from? Encouragement Design more classroom activities Give them more chances to show their talents Experience the joy of success Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. 教育不是注满一桶水 , 而是点燃一把火。 二、 抓学习能力 1. 记忆方法 2. 学习方法 3. 教的方法 爱因斯坦有个著名的成功公式:         W=X+Y+Z          式中 W 代表成功。等式右边 X 代表勤奋, Z 代表珍惜时间, Y 代表正确的方法。对于师生来说,勤奋和珍惜时间都不是问题,而正确、 高效的方法却不是每个人都能掌握的 。 The most valuable knowledge is knowledge of the method. 最有价值的知识是关于方法的知识 。 Method is more important than knowledge. 方法比知识更重要。 Students need to learn how to learn. 英文中有一句谚语说“ You can lead a horse to the river, but you can’t make it drink 。”在我国也有“师傅领进门,修行在个人 ”的谚语,其中的教师的一个最关键的任务就是“ lead- 领”,我们必须在“领”字上下功夫。 教师的责任不在于教书,不在于教学生,而是教会学生学习。教法要根据学法而定,即教学合一。 施教之功,贵在诱导,进学之功,贵在心悟。善思则得,善诱则通;诱思交融,百炼成钢 。 如何理解 “举一反三”和“触类旁通” ? 课堂上,教师一定要学会“偷懒”。教师“懒”一点,学生才会“勤”一点。一名“懒”教师会培养一班“勤”学生,相反,一名“勤”教师,就会培养一班“懒”学生。 No one knows what he can do until he tries. When teachers do too much for the children, the children will not do much for themselves. If you want to be a good teacher, you should remember three ups: stand up, cheer up and shut up. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 知识是宝藏,但打开宝藏的钥匙是实践。 Learning is more important than teaching. Teach the students, not the book. Involve students in the learning process. Don’t tell students what they can tell you. Students need practice, not you. Teach less and make students practice more. The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. ( 学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说。) 三、抓习惯: 1 、开口 2 、朗读 3 、背诵 4 、阅读 5 、听写 6 、复习 发音永远是第一位的( Pronunciation is always the first.) 发音是英语大厦的基石,要不惜一切代价,掌握好读音规则。 录音是最好的老师 (Recording is the best teacher.) 最好的老师不是人,而是录音。反复听录音,并跟着录音疯狂模仿,刻苦操练,这是最有效的语言学习方法。 英语是永远学不出来的 (English can never be learned.) 每天做大量的选择题,是学不会英语的。要用“嘴巴”学习英语,英语是嘴巴练出来的。 学习英语要大声朗读 形成感知能力 有利于记忆材料 提高写作能力 让脑神经兴奋 有利于改变自卑 6. 能改变你的性格 朗读 1 . 七年级开学阶段,告诉班级中的每一位学生,要想学好英语,首先就要开口大声表达。 2. 七年级开学阶段,培养班级中每一位学生大声朗读英语的习惯。 3. 充分利用教材单词表、听力材料或课本短文,布置与检查朗读作业。 4. 不要布置重复性的低效甚至无效的英语抄写作业。 关于朗读 5. 对于能大声朗读的学生,即使少量读错,也给予大肆表扬。 6. 对于从来不愿开口的内向学生,只要开口,就是莫大的进步。 7. 每一个早自习,陪学生一起大声朗读英语,既可以熟悉教材,又能提高心肺功能,防止思维衰老。 8. 告诉家长:学生在家大声朗读英语,是最好的英语学习方式。 9. 如果学生能够大声朗读英语,就不必强求学生背诵,这样可以延长学生英语学习的兴趣。 四、抓资源 教学质量的实现很大程度上依赖于资源,因为要学习和工作的是学生而不是教师。 教材不是唯一的课程资源 ,树立教材是教与学凭借和研究的素材的观念。教师不是以执行教材为目的,而是以开发教材、拓展教材为宗旨;学生不是以学会教材为目的,而是以学会学习,学会创新为目的。 一堂课的成功与否,在很大程度上取决于这堂课的学习资源是否优质、充足。 学语文和英语与“熏锅屋”类似。它们都是个慢工,是个长期训练、积累的过程。仅仅靠课本那点“烟火”熏,是远远不够的,要靠大量的课外读物去熏。 五、抓复习和考试 1. 考什么? 2. 怎么考 3. 考完怎么办? 1. Examinations are important. 2. Preparation is more important than examination. 3. Make sure most of the students can do well in the examination before examination. We encourage you to give exams, but we encourage you even more to help get your students ready for exams. “ success cycle ” If a student experience a little success, he will find out it feels good. And this feeling will encourage him to work just a little harder to have more success---just because they like the idea of feeling good. 英语考什么? 1. 听力、朗读、背诵、表演 2. 笔试 What will you do after examination? The purpose of examinations: 1. To know how your students are doing. 2. To know how you are doing. 切记 1. 要树立正确的教与学的思想 2. 要掌握有效的教与学的方法 3. 要追求高质量的课堂教学 初中英语语法 教与学的策略与方法 一、对语法教学的认识与定位 二、语法教与学存在的主要问题 三、语法教学的策略与方法 四、关于“初中英语语法模块学习的实 验”介绍 一、对语法教学的认 识与 定位 语法是什么? 一种机械地可分析的规则 (A rule can be analyzed mechanically) 一种表述意义的方式( ways of saying sth) 一种功能与意念的表达方式( ways of expressing notions and ideas) 三维语法观:形式、意义与使用 ( form, meaning, use) Form, Meaning, Use Form 是指语法结构 Meaning 是指语法所要传达的意思和意图 Use 是指在恰当的情境下正确地使用该语法。 为了实现自如表达,教师应把教学重点放在 Meaning 和 Use 上,而非过度强调 Form 。但目前 Form 却成为了教学的重中之重, Meaning 和 Use 在课堂中未能得到体现。 基于“语言是在使用过程中提高的,孩子们不必学语法”的理论, 20 世纪 60 年代中期,英国的语言学家和教育家曾编写并推广一本英语教材 Language use 。经多年实践, 发现英国学童的语言水平下降了。 在 1987 年兰卡斯特召开了对语法教学的作用重新评价的学术研讨会。诸位名家公认:语法教学是必要的。 美国语言学家弗里曼 (D. Freemen) 提出:语法技能是用来指称“ 准确、有意义而且得体地使用语法结构的能力。它是和听、说、读、写同样重要的第五技能。 《 英语课程标准 》 明确提出:“此次英语课程改革的重点就是要改革英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语法运用能力的培养的倾向 ……” “ 改革过分重视语法的讲解与传授”只是要求改革以前传授语法教学中某些教学方法和倾向,而并不是要求放弃语法教学。语法教学应定位在“优化而不是淡化,重视而不死抠。” 淡化语法的教学不可取 语法在英语教学中的位置 --- 不应当是语言教学的中心 --- 但是一个重要的组成部分 二、语法教学的主要问题 语法教学存在的主要问题 1. 教师层面上说,教师重知识传授,轻技能训练;重详细讲解,轻反复练习;重书面练习,轻口头练习;重语法分析,轻语法使用;重掌握规则,轻掌握实例。 2. 从学生层面上说,学生在学习过程中被动接受多,主动探究少;机械训练多,生活情景少;枯燥乏味多,快乐趣味少。 3. 从课堂层面上说,课堂没有成为师生互动、心灵对话的舞台,不见鲜活的生命在律动、在交融、在成长,不见灵活的智慧在闪现、在流动、在焕发异彩。 4. 从生成层面上说,课堂气氛沉闷,学习方法单一,学生灵活运用能力无望提高,课堂教学低效甚至无效。 三、 语法教与学 的主要策略与方法 ( 一 ) 语法教学 应遵循的策略 课标 五级语言知识目标(语法) 1 . 理解附录“语法项目表”中所列语法项目并 能在特定语境中使用 ; 2. 了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能; 3. 在实际运用中体会和领悟 语言形式的表意功能; 4. 理解并运用 恰当的语言形式描述人和物;描述具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程;描述时间、地点及方位;比较人、物体及事物等。 《 课程标准( 2011 年版) 》 强调“在特定语境中使用”和 “表意功能”,提出“体会”、 “领悟”、“理解”、“使用”、“描述”、“比较”等用英语做事情的目标要求。这是对初中语法教学原则性要求。 语法教学的策略 一、语法教学要讲求效率 新西兰英语教法专家 Scott Thornbury 认为讲效率的语法教学一般包括三点: 1. Economy: Does it save time and energy? 2. Ease: Is it easy to do? 3. Efficacy: Does it has good effect? 二、语法教学要结合词汇进行 语法和词汇都是重要的语言资源,语法和词汇是你中有我,我中有你的关系。 在语法教学中,要将二者结合起来进行,以提高学习的效果和效率。 三、语法教学要循序渐进 初中阶段主要是学习基本和常用的语法,语法教学的深度和广度都要控制。教师要警惕进入随意拓展语法学习的范围和深度的误区。 对语法项目表的说明 在语法项目表中,某些项目带有说明或限定。 比如:非谓语动词后面的限定是:“动词不定式做宾语、宾语补足语、目的状语”; 定语从句后面的说明是:能辨认出带有由 that, which, who 引导的限定性定语从句,并能理解句子的意思。这些限定和说明是该项目教学的范围和把握尺度。 时态:掌握六种时态:现在进行时态;一般现在时态;一般过去时态;一般将来时态;过去进行时态;现在完成时态。 (没有过去完成时态和过去将来时态) 被动语态:掌握三种:一般现在时;一般过去时;一般将来时态。 四、语法的学习和考察要结合语境 语言只有在一定的情境中运用才能正确理解,真正掌握。要设计趣味性强、贴近学生生活、适合目标语法的语境 , 让学生在语境中探索语法规律 , 运用语法规则 , 内化语法知识。 五 、实践性原则 语法教学应精讲多练,讲练结合。让学生自己在大量的语言实践活动中逐步发现、认识和归纳语法规则。 正如本杰明 · 弗兰克林所说“ tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. 六、语法教学要有趣味性 通过游戏学语法 通过歌曲学语法 通过名人名人、谚语、格言、诗歌学语法 通过口诀、顺口溜学语法 通过表演、故事、阅读学语法 English grammar must be really understood – and understanding is most easily achieved when students are engaged, interested and having fun during a lesson. ( 二 ) 语法教学 课堂教学模式探究 传统的语法教学: 以知识的系统为主,从知识的系统性出发教语法。 教学程序:精讲多练(先讲语法再练习) 建构主义教学思想和教学方法 建构主义兴起于二十世纪八十年代,它是基于杜威的经验性学习理论、维果茨基的文化历史论、布鲁纳的发现学习以及认知心里学中的图示理论发展起来的心的理论体系。建构主义思想的核心是知识是在主客体相互作用的活动之中建构起来的。 建构主义教学思想和教学方法 在学习观上,建构主义强调知识不是由教师原样不变地传输给学生,而是由学生通过主动建构而获得的。建构主义学习观首先强调了学习的主动建构性、社会互动性和情境性。 建构主义教学思想和教学方法 对于学习的主动建构性,建构主义学习观强调学习者是学习活动的主人,认为知识是不能传递的,教师传递的只是信息,知识必须通过学生的主动建构才能获得。建构主义注重知识的情境性,认为知识存在于具体的、情境性的、可感知的活动中,只有通过实际情境中的应用活动才能真正被人所理解。 Grammar must be learned through language, and not language through grammar. 必须从语言中学习语法 , 而不是从语法中学习语言。 德国哲学家 赫尔德 . J. G. 弗伦奇( French, F. G.) ,语法必须和听说、阅读紧密结合。 Grammar must go hand-in-hand with talking and reading. Grammar comes from practice and should guide practice. 为用而学 在用中学 学了就用 语法学习的基本流程 实践 --- 认识 --- 实践 当孩子们在帮助下自己去发现那些基本规则时,他们学得最好。 Expose your students to the proper use of English grammar. Children will develop many grammar rules on their own through exposure to the language. 语法教学具体步骤 1. 有序呈现语言材料。 2. 设问启迪,引导学生主动探究。 3. 梳理探究结果,呈现语法体系。 4. 配套练习,在实践中巩固强化。 教师在解释或呈现语言形式时,要尽量使用真实、地道的语言素材。 教师组织的语言练习活动要尽量贴近学生的实际。 范例 1. We learn English. English is learnt by bus. I read books. Books are read by me. We clean classrooms every day. Classrooms are cleaned every day. People speak English widely in the world. English is widely spoken in the world. Let ’ s make our classroom rules! 1. Homework must be handed before class. 2. Cell phones mustn’t be used in class. 3. Classrooms must be cleaned every day. 4. Doors must be locked during break. 5. Lights must be turned off after school. 6. The blackboard must be cleaned before class. 7. Food mustn’t be eaten in the classroom. 不同的学习目的使用不同的方法 一般来讲:若强调听说的语法教学,常用归纳法;若强调读写,常用演绎法。在进行简单语法教学时,常用归纳法;在进行较难的语法教学时,常用演绎法。 ( 三 ) 语法教与学 的主要方法与实例 通过 “顺口溜”和 “口诀”学语法 英语名词单数变复数口诀 ( 一 )  规则变化   名词单数变复数,直接加 -s 占多数;    s, x, z, ch, sh 来结尾,直接加上 -es ;   词尾是 f 或 fe ,加 -s 之前先变 ve ;   辅母 + y 在词尾,把 y 变 i 再加 -es ;   词尾字母若是 o ,记住三个就足够,   要加 -es 请记好, hero, tomato, potato 。 联想记忆,过目不忘   以 —f(e) 结尾的名词变复数: 1.   小偷之妻生活难, (thief, wife , life)       自己扫叶来做饭。 ( self, leaf )   忽见一狼躲架后, ( wolf, shelf )        取刀把它劈两半。( knife , half ) 2. 树叶 (leaf) 半数 (half) 自 (self) 已黄,妻子 (wife) 拿刀 (knife) 去割粮,架 (shelf) 后窜出一只狼 (wolf) ,就像强盗 (thief) 逃命 (life) 忙。 3. 妻子 (wife) 持刀 (knife) 去宰狼 (wolf) ,小偷 (thief) 吓得发了慌,躲在架 (shelf) 后保己 (self) 命 (life) ,半 (half) 片树叶 (leaf) 遮目光。 关于以 o 结尾的单词变复数加 es 的情况: Negro  hero  tomato  potato 黑人英雄吃土豆和西红柿。 ( 二 )  不规则变化    男人女人 a 变 e , 鹅足牙 oo 变 ee ;    老鼠 ous 变 ic ;   鱼鹿绵羊不变地。 child 变 children 勿忘记。 表示 “ 某国人 ” 的名词复数形式 中日不变英法变,其余 -s 加后面。 Chinese → Chinese Japanese → Japanese Englishman → Englishmen, Englishwoman → Englishwomen Frenchman → Frenchmen Frenchwoman → Frenchwomen ; American → Americans, Russian → Russians, Arab → Arabs, German → Germans 等。 基数词变序数词 一、二、三特殊记, 词尾各是 t, d, d, th 四加起,八减 t ,九减 e , y 结尾改 ie, five, twelve 两兄弟,要以 f 代 ve 。 若要表示几十几 , 只变个位就可以。 定冠词 the 的用法 特指、重提和唯一 ,岛屿,海峡和海湾; 海洋,党派 最高级 ,沙漠,河流与群山; 方位、顺序和乐器 ,年代,团体与机关; 船名,建筑和组织,会议,条约与报刊; 姓氏复数,国全名,请你记住用定冠。 对于初中生 特指、重提和唯一, 姓氏复数、最高级, 方位、顺序和乐器, 前加定冠词要牢记。 1. The girl in red has just come back from Japan. 2. Mr. Li will give us a talk. The talk will begin at 8. 3. The sun gives us heat and light. 4. The Pacific Ocean is the largest of all. 5. The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921. 6. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 7 . She’s on the People’s Daily. 8. Who was the first to come? 9. I heard somebody playing the piano in the next room. 10. Great Changes have taken place in the 1990’s 11. In 1864, Lincoln was elected President of the United States for the second time. 12. Li Ming is one of the best students in our school. 比较等级变化规律口诀   比较级要变化, 一般词尾加 -er 。   词尾若有哑音 e , 直接加 r 就可以。   遇到重读闭音节, 辅音字母要双写。   辅音字母后有 y , 要用 ier 来替代。   最高级加 -est , 前面加 the 莫忘记。   形容词多音节, more, most 前面写。    词尾若有哑音 e , 直接加 r 就可以。 nice, fine, late, wide, wise, cute, large, safe, polite, able (10 个) 1. nice, fine, wise, cute, polite, able 2. large, wide, safe 3. late 4. (little, less, least) 遇到重读闭音节, 辅音字母要双写。 形容词的比较级和最高级, 遇到重读闭音节 时需要双写词尾后,再加上 “ er” 或 “ est” 。初中都有哪些词呢?( 9 个) hot, wet, big, fat, thin, red, sad, glad, slim 遇到重读闭音节, 辅音字母要双写。 bigger, fatter, sadder bigger, fatter, hotter bigger, fatter, redder bigger, fatter, wetter bigger, fatter, gladder bigger, fatter, thinner bigger, fatter, slimmer 辅音字母后有 y ,要用 ier 来替代。 1. easy, busy, lazy, early, happy, dirty, pretty, heavy, healthy, dry 2. lucky, hungry, angry, sleepy, funny 3. sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy, snowy 形容词多音节, more, most 前面写 1. excellent , beautiful, interesting, intelligent, popular, different 2. expensive , convenient, delicious, comfortable, wonderful, exciting 3. similar , important, necessary, difficult, dangerous, 动词单三 多数动词词尾把 -s 加,    sh, ch, x,o, s, 结尾“ -es” 没有差。   词尾若遇辅音后加 y 变 y 为“ -ies” 是方法。 (sh, ch, x,o, s: 蛇吃了一瓶名酒 XO 就死了。 ) sh, ch, x,o, s 结尾的动词 1. wash, wish, push, fish 2. teach, watch, catch, touch, match, fetch 3. fix, mix 4. go, do 5. kiss, miss, cross, pass, mess 以辅音 +y 结尾的动词 fly—flies study—studies copy—copies cry—cries dry—dries try—tries hurry—hurries worry—worries carry—carries marry—marries ( 观察这 10 个动词的特点 : ry 结尾的词有 7 个,其它 ly, dy, py ) 动词词尾元音 +y 1 . say 2. pay 3. lay 4. play 5. stay 6. buy 动词词尾为辅音 +y 的过去时 fly—flew—flown cry—cries—cried try—tries—tried dry—dries—dried study—studies—studied copy—copies—copied hurry—hurries—hurried worry—worries—worried carry—carries —carried marry—marries—married 动词词尾元音 +y 的过去式 1. say-said-said 2. pay-paid-paid 3. lay-laid-laid 4. play-played-played 5. stay-stayed-stayed 6. buy-bought-bought 动词的过去式 A-A-A 型 (9 个) read---read---read cut---cut---cut cost---cost---cost hit---hit---hit hurt---hurt-hurt let---let---let put---put---put set---set---set shut---shut---shut 系动词 appear 2. become 3. come 4.feel 5. get 6. go 7. grow 8. keep 9. look 10. prove 11. remain 12. run 13. seem 14. smell1 15. sound 16. taste 17. turn 系动词 1. 五个“起来” : look, feel, smell, sound, taste 2. 六个 “变” : come, go, grow, turn, become, get 3. 其它初中不常见 : seem, appear, remain, prove, keep, run l come, go, grow, turn, get, become 等。 这些变化的系动词通常另大家头疼不已。 口诀: 好是 come, 坏是 go. 天气外貌,慢慢 grow. 颜色天气大不同( turn ) . get/become 口语化, 如果要说就用它。   动词加 ing 要双写的单词 一个 m : swim 两个 d: nod, rid 三个 g 和 n: dig, beg, hug ; run, win, begin 四个 p: dip, mop, stop, drop 十个 t: sit, hit, fit, set, let, get, put, pat, forget, regret 动词 + to do( 宾语 ) 1. hope, wish, want, promise, agree 2. ask, demand, refuse 3. manage, learn, decide 4. pretend, choose 三个希望两答应,两个要求莫拒绝 设法学会做决定,不要假装做选择 不定式做宾语补足语 ( 省略 to ) 1.feel 2. listen to, hear 3. let, make, have 4. see, watch, notice, observe , look at 记忆:一感,二听,三让,五看 跟动名词作宾语的动词、系表结构 完成实践值得忙 ( finish, practice, be worth, be busy ) 盼望坚持习惯别放弃 ( look forward to, keep on, be used to, give up ) 介意不尽喜欢和思念 ( mind , can’t help, enjoy, miss )    想要考虑建议 ( feel like, consider, suggest ) 非延续性动词的记忆 begin  leave  go  borrow  come return  join  die  buy arrive 开始离去,借来还,出生入死,买到家。 巧记 " 看 "    看场电影多用 see 。 读书看报要用 read 。   电视、戏剧和比赛, 凡是表演用 watch 。 observe 细观察, 一时注意 notice 。 切记口诀要简易、不要太复杂 动语态强调“宾”,用 be 加上“过去分”。 “ be” 要随着主语变,人称时态要弄准。 “行为对象”作主语,逻辑主语“ by” 来引。 原句若是双宾语,一变“主”来一保“宾”。 “间宾”要把主语变,原来“直宾”还是“宾”。 “直宾”要把主语变,“间宾”前加“ to” 最称心。 唯有原“宾”是“复合”,只有变宾要当心。 原句“宾补”变“主补”,位置不必挪寸分。 情态动词变“被动”,情态加 be 加过分。 如若“情态”后带 to ,变后有 to 才弄准。 “短语动词”变“被动”,相当“及物”莫疑心。 不过其后“介”或“副”,变后还得要承认。 通过游戏学语法 范例 1 : 通过 “无线电话”让学生掌握动词一般现在时单数第三人称加 S 的变化。 让每一排的第一位同学 A 在纸上写下自己通常在星期天要做的 5-10 件事情,回头将这十件事告诉身后的同学 B ,该同学不能用笔写,尽量用脑子去记下同学 A 说的内容,再回头告诉身后的同学 C ,如此类推。第一轮用第一人称来表达,第二轮让每一排用第三人称表达。 第一轮: T : Take out a piece of paper , everyone in Row One. Write five things you usually do on Sundays. Then give me your paper and tell the contents to B in the second row of the same line. A : (Finishing the writing) I usually get up at six. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I have breakfast before 8 o’clock. B : (Repeating what A says)I usually get up at six … 第二轮: T : Now everyone in the last row takes out a piece of paper. Then write ten things you usually do on Saturdays. Then give me the paper and tell the contents to the person in front of you. The second person should use “ she ” or “ he ” to repeat what the last person says. 通过名人名言、谚语、格言、歌曲、诗歌 …… 通过名人名言、谚语、格言学语法 1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 2. A good beginning makes a good ending. 3. All good things come to an end. 4. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 5. An empty bag cannot stand upright. 6. A life without a friend is a life without the sun. 1. Today is yesterday's pupil. 2. Beauty lies in lover 's eyes. 3. One cannot eat one's cake and have it. 4.  Children are the parent s’ riches. 5. One person ’s meat is another one ’s poison. 6. An enemy's mouth seldom speaks well. 7. A good wife’s health is a man 's best wealth. 反身代词 (1) 1. Your best doctor is yourself. 2. Teaching others teaches yourself . 3. God will help you if you help yourself. 4. Be yourself, don’t change for anyone. 5. Make yourself comfortable. 6. To help others means to help yourself. 反身代词 (2) 7. You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success. 8. Respect yourself , or no one else will respect you. 9. Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 10. The more you study, the more you will find yourself ignorant. 反身代词 (3) 1. Good wine sells itself . 2. History repeats itself . 3. Nothing happens by itself. 4. Fishing itself is more important than the fish . 5. .A candle lights others and consumes itself . 6. Nothing to fear but fear itself . 7. Nothing is impossible; the word itself says : “I’m possible”! 通过名人名言、谚语、格言学语法 1. The more, the better. 2. Actions speak louder than words. 3. The older, the wiser. 4. Two heads are better than one. 5. Easier said than done. 6. A good fame is better than a good face.  7 . Blood is thicker than water. 8. Health is better than wealth. 9. Easier said than done.  10. The higher up, the greater the fall. 11. It is better to see once than to hear a hundred. 12. It is easier to get money than to keep it. 1. East or west , home is the best. 2. Least talk, most work. 3. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 4. The sweetest grapes hang the highest. 5. He knows most who speaks least. 6. Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. 7. The best hearts are always the bravest. 8. The darkest hour is nearest the dawn. 9. The greatest talkers are always least doers. Good better best, never let it rest. Till good is better, and better is the best. Bad worse worst, Never fight against, Get better and better, you'll be the best. 好,更好,最好 , 永不放弃。 直到好变成更好 , 更好变成最好。 坏,更坏,最坏, 不要对抗, 要变得越来越好, 你才能是最好。 通过名人名言、谚语、格言学语法 1.If you do not think about the future, you can not have one. 2.If you do not work hard, you will be sorry when you grow old. 3. If you don’t learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. 4.If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 5.If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve to do something you’ve never done . 1. When the cat is away, the mice will play. 2. The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there. 3. When the well is full, it will run over. 4. Let’s cross the bridge when we come to. 5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 6. Never hit a man when he is down. 7. All time is no time when it is past. 1. I can because I think I can! 2. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 3. Good things are happening because good people are making them happen. 4. If I have seen farther than others, it is because l was standing on the shoulders of giants. 5. Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap; It will be dear to you . 通过名人名言、谚语、格言学语法 1. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 2. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 3. He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 4. The man who has made up his mind to win never say “impossible”. 5. Those who make most people happy are the happiest in the world. 通过名人名言、谚语、格言学语法 There is no smoke without fire. Where there is a will, there is a way. There is no place like home. There are two sides to every question. There is no pleasure without pain. 过名人名言、谚语、格言学语法 1. If you haven’t been to the Great Wall, you are not a real man. 2.Life has taught me to think, but thinking has not taught me to live. 3. Winter has already come, will it still be far in spring? 4. Add legs to the snake after you have finished drawing it. 5. We never know the love of our parents until we have become parents ourselves. 1. Rome is not built in a day. 2. A friend is never known till a man has need. 3. Time past cannot be called back again. 4. Lost time is never found again. 5. The finest diamond must be cut. 6. A tree is known by its fruit. A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 7. Life is half spent before we know what it is. 8. Experience must be bought. 9. Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 1. Never say die. 2. Never say never, all things are possible. 3. Never do things by halves. 4. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 5. Never trouble troubles till trouble troubles you. 6. Never fry a fish till it's caught. 祈使句 +and/or 1 . Speak of angels , and you’ll hear their wings. 2. Give him an inch and he will take a mile. 3. Respect yourself , or no one else will respect you. 4. Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it. 5. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 6. Give a fool rope enough , and he’ll hang himself.   1. To say is one thing and to do is another. 2. To know everything is to know nothing. 3. To be strong is to be happy. 4. To ask well is to know much. 5. To save time is to lengthen life. 6. To prevent is better than to cure. 7. To live without loving is not really to live. 8. To stand still is to move back. 9. To see one time is better than to hear a hundred times. 1. It’s better to give than to take. 2. It is hard to please all. 3. It is never too old to learn. 4. It's never too late to mend. 5. It is easier to fall than to rise. 6. It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open. 7. It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. 1. Seeing is believing. 2. Saving is getting. 3. Doing is better than saying.  4. Saying and doing are two different things.  5. Talking mends no holes. 6. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 7. A good beginning makes a good ending.   8. Doing everything is doing nothing. 通过诗歌学语法 Simple Present Tense He is a boy.  He likes his toy.   She is a waitress, but she wishes to be an actress. It is a bug.  It wants my hug.  They are mine.  They usually stand in line. I am a cook.  I often drink milk.  We are nice.  We love to eat rice. You are late, but don’t forget your date. 通过诗歌学语法 While Mr. Cao Was Teaching While Mr. Cao was teaching, he was sleeping. While Mr. Cao was teaching, she was dreaming. While Mr. Cao was teaching, it was barking. While Mr. Cao was teaching, they were dancing. While Mr. Cao was teaching, I was crying. While Mr. Cao was teaching, we were laughing. While Mr. Cao was teaching, you were singing. 通过诗歌学语法 He used to cry. He would cry till his tears were dry. She used to smile. She would smile a mile. It used to bite. It would bite and fight. They used to hike. They would hike and bike. I used to be silly. I would be silly when I saw Lily. We used to play. We would play in the hay. You used to sleep. You would sleep in the jeep. 通过诗歌学语法 When the Sky Fell Down When the sky fell down, he was sleeping. When the sky fell down, she was dreaming. When the sky fell down, it was barking. When the sky fell down, they were dancing. When the sky fell down, I was crying. When the sky fell down, we were laughing. When the sky fell down, you were singing. 通过诗歌学语法 He has been five. He has been five. He has hidden in the hive. She has been six. She has got the toy to fix. It has been seven. It has gone to heaven. They have been eight. They have arrived at the gate. I have been nine. I have stood in line. We have been ten. We have eaten the hen. You have been eleven. You have known how to use an oven. 通过诗歌学语法 What is poetry? Who knows Not a rose, but the scent of the rose. Not the sky, but the light of the sky. Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly. Not the sea, but the sound of sea . Not myself, but what makes me . See ,hear and feel something that prose Cannot: and what it is who knows. --- 泰戈尔 Because of you my world is now whole , Because of you love lives in my soul. Because of you I have laughter in my eyes , Because of you I am no longer afraid of good-byes. 通过诗歌学语法 I wonder what the wind is saying. I wonder where the cloud is. I wonder why it rains. I wonder what’s in the sea. I wonder how the birds fly. I wonder how the fish breathe. I wonder how the flowers grow. I wonder why the world is so magic. You say that you love rain You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, because you say that you love me too. ---William Shakespeare 普通版翻译 你说你喜欢雨,但是下雨的时候你却撑开了伞; 你说你喜欢阳光,但当阳光播撒的时候,你你却躲在阴凉之地; 你说你喜欢风,但清风扑面的时候,你却关上了窗户。 我害怕你对我也是如此之爱。 文艺版 你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望 ; 后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。 你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香 ; 后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。 你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量 ; 后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。 你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘 ; 我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。 诗经版 子言慕雨,启伞避之。 子言好阳,寻荫拒之。 子言喜风,阖户离之。 子言偕老,吾所畏之。 Lemon Tree I'm sitting here in the boring room It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon I'm wasting my time, I got nothing to do I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you But nothing ever happens, and I wonder I'm driving around in my car I'm driving too fast, I'm driving too far … 通过歌曲学语法 If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands If you're happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands. … 通过文章学语法 学习语法是为了提高学生综合语言运用能力。 千万不要 teach grammar for grammar 。我们要把语言作为载体,在学习语言的同时,获得语法信息。我们可以精选含有语法内容的典型英语短文,在理解短文的基础上,再探究语法规则或复习巩固已学过的语法规则。 死教书把活人教死,活教书把死书教活。 世上没有包治百病的灵丹妙药,没有最优教学法。 一种教学法是一把钥匙,各种教学法有一把总钥匙,它的名字叫做“活”。 多种教法最佳结合,八仙过海,各显其能,博采众家之长,走自己的路。 To grow is to change, and to become perfect, is to change many times. Cardinal Newman 1. 我每天的身体有没有进步! 2. 我每天的学问有没有进步! 3. 我每天的工作有没有进步! 4. 我每天的道德有没有进步! (陶行知:每天四问) 预祝各位老师身体健康、学习进步,工作愉快,教学取得优异成绩。 谢谢

