人教版PEP九年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 11 Section A (1a-2d)

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人教版PEP九年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 11 Section A (1a-2d)

* Guess how they feel! happy sad want to cry angry surprisednervous / tense/ stressed out energetic bored tired Can you come up with other adjectives about feelings? unhappy annoyed frightened excited relaxed comfortable uncomfortable scared … you receive a present It makes me happy. How does it make you feel when …? you speak in front of a group of people. It makes me scared. It makes me nervous. you watch scary movies It makes me sad.you see someone off 1a Look at the two restaurants below. Which would you like to go to? Why? awful pictures loud music red blue green plants soft/quiet music I’d like to go to Rockin’ Restaurant because the decoration is interesting and modern. Besides, customers can enjoy loud and modern music. I’d like to go to Blue Ocean for the atmosphere is quiet and calm. Customers can enjoy classical and smoothing music there. 1b Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements. Rockin’ Restaurant 1. The ________ pictures make Amy ______________. 2. The ________ music makes Amy ________. Blue Ocean 3. The ________ music makes Amy ________, but it makes Tina _______. awful uncomfortable loud nervous soft relax sleepy 1c Role-play a conversation between Amy and Tina. Amy: I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. Tina: But that music makes me sleepy. I want to have the hamburgers at Rockin’ Restaurant. Huaqiao Restaurant loud music; excited delicious; cheap noodles/fish A’ying Restaurant A: I’m hungry. B: So am I. Which restaurant …? A: I’d rather go to … I like to listen to ... while I’m eating. It makes me … B: But ... music makes me … A: I’d rather … I want to have … at … loud music; nervous delicious; expensive dumplings/beef 2a Listen and number the pictures [1–4] in the order you hear them. 123 4 2b Listen again. Complete the statements. 1. Waiting for Amy drove Tina ________. 2. Amy didn’t want to ________ at Rockin’ Restaurant. 3. Loud music makes John want to ________. 4. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy ________. 5. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him want to ________. crazy stay cry dance leave 2c Look at 2a and 2b. Role-play a conversation between Tina and John. Use the example to begin your conversation. John: Did you have fun with Amy last night? Tina: Well … yes and no. She was really late. 1. Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy. 2. Amy didn’t want to stay at Rockin’ Restaurant. 3. Loud music makes John want to dance. 4. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry. 5. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him want to leave. Read the conversation in 2d quickly and answer the questions. 1. Who is Alice’s friend? Who is Nancy’s friend? 2. Why is Alice unhappy? 3. What’s Bert’s suggestion to Nancy? 2d Role-play the conversation. Nancy: Hey, Bert. I think I’ve made Alice mad and I’m not sure what to do about it. Bert: What happened? Nancy: You know Julie is Alice’s best friend, right? Bert: Uh-huh. Nancy: Well, the more I get to know Julie, the more I realize that we have a lot in common. So we’ve been spending more time together lately. Bert: But what’s wrong with that? Nancy: Umm ... it makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now better friends with me than with her. Bert: I see. Mmm ... why don’t you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie? Then she won’t feel left out. Nancy: Oh, good idea! That can make our friendship stronger. 1. Who is Alice’s friend? Who is Nancy’s friend? 2. Why is Alice unhappy? 3. What’s Bert’s suggestion to Nancy? Julie. Julie. Because she thinks Julie is now better friends with Nancy than with her. Nancy should ask Alice to join them e ch time she does something with Julie. Language Points The awful pictures make Amy uncomfortable. 那些糟糕的图片让埃米 不舒服。 “make+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中,可以作宾语补足语的有不带to 的动词不定式、形容词、名词或介词短语。用于被动语态时,动词不 定式的to不可省略。 u His jokes make me laugh. 他的笑话使我发笑。 u The bad news makes me sad. 这个坏消息使我难过。 u I was made to finish it in three days. 我得在三天内完成它。 1 I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. 我宁愿去蓝海餐馆,因为在吃饭的时候我喜欢听安静的音 乐。 would rather意为“宁可,宁愿”,后接动词原形,常缩写为’d rather。 u I would rather have a cup of tea. 我宁愿喝茶。 2 注意 would rather的否定形式是would rather not。 u He would rather not tell his mother the truth. 他宁可不告诉他妈妈真相。 拓展 “would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个结构,如果在两 者中进行取舍,表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……不如……”,则 用would rather do sth. than do sth.或would do sth. rather than do sth.。 u They would rather walk than ride bikes. =They would walk rather than ride bikes. 他们宁愿步行也不愿骑自行车。 Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy. 等待埃米让蒂娜发疯。 drive动词,意为“迫使”,其后可跟形容词、副词或动词不定式作宾 语补足语。 drive sb. adj.=make sb. adj.意为“使某人……”, drive sb. crazy/mad “使某人发疯/发狂”。 u That thing almost drive me crazy. 那件事几乎要使我发狂了。 u His hunger drove him to steal food. 饥饿驱使他去偷食物。 3 Did you have fun with Amy last night? 昨晚你和埃米玩得开心吗? have fun意为“玩得开心”。表示“做某事很开心”时用have fun (in) doing sth.。 u We had fun (in) riding our bicycles to the beach today. 我们今天骑自行车去海滩玩得很开心。 4 拓展 for fun“为了高兴,为了好玩”;in fun“开玩笑地”。 u Let’s play a game for fun. 咱们做个游戏玩玩吧。 u He said so only in fun. 他这样说只是开玩笑而已。 Well, the more I get to know Julie, the more I realize that we have a lot in common. 嗯,我对朱莉了解得越多,就越意识到我们俩有很多共同点。 (1)“the+比较级 …,the+比较级 …”句型,表示 “越……, 就越……”, 它是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。 u The more he gets, the more he wants. 他得到的越多,想要的就越多。 u The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 你越用功,进步就越大。 5 (2) have … in common“有……共同点”。 u My sister and I have only one thing in common. 我姐姐和我只有一个共同点。 注意 这种句型的特点是前后都可以有所省略,特别 是谚语、俗语,只要意思明确,越简单越好。 u The more, the better. 多多益善。 u The sooner, the better. 越早越好。 So we’ve been spending more time together lately. 所以最近我们在一起 的时间更多了。 该句使用现在完成进行时,结构为“have/has+been+动词-ing形式”, 表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,并可能还要继续下去。 如图所示: 6 past now future have been doing 注意 现在完成时往往强调动作已经完成,而现在完成进行时通常强调动 作仍在持续。 u I have cleaned all the windows. 我已经把所有的窗户擦干净了。 u I have been cleaning the windows. 我一直在擦窗户。 u I have repaired the washing machine. 我已经修好了洗衣机。 u I have been repairing the washing machine. 我一直在修洗衣机。 Then she won’t feel left out. 那么她就不会觉得被冷落。 leave out意为“忽略;省略;不包括;不提及”。 u No one speaks to him; he always feels left out. 没人跟他讲话,他总是觉得被人冷落。 u We can leave out the third sentence. 我们可以删去第三句。 7 注意 leave out是“动词+副词”结构的短语,名词作宾语时,可放在短语中间或后面; 代词作宾语时,则必须放在短语中间。 u Don’t leave the address out/leave out the address in our invitation. 在我们的邀请函中,别把地址漏掉。 u The details are not important, and you can leave them out and just give us the main facts. 细节不重要,你可以省去这些,只告诉我们主要的事实就行了。 That can make our friendship stronger. 那可以使我们的友谊更稳固。 friendship名词,意为“友谊,友情”。 u Their friendship lasted for twenty years. 他们的友谊持续了二十年。 u Friendship comes first, and competition comes second. 友谊第一,比赛第二。 8 拓展 名词后缀-ship往往表示“状态;关系”等。 u hardship 艰苦;艰难 u relationship 关系 u partnership 伙伴关系 Summary 1 2 3 make sb./sth + adj. make sb. do sth. (1)would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事 (2)would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿做某事也不愿做某事 Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy. Exercise 用括号内单词的适当形式填空。 1. ________(wait) for him made me annoyed. 2. ________(read) aloud in the morning is good when learning English. 3. He was made ________(leave) the company. 4. The good news ________(make) her sad yesterday. 5. This story made me ________(cry). 6. She said that the loud music made her ________(紧张). 7. Waiting for her made me ________(生气). Waiting Reading to leave made cry Ⅰ angry nervous 句型转换 1. The boy isn’t old enough to go to school. (改为同义句) The boy is ________ ________ that he ________ go to school. 2. He made me repair it.(改为被动语态) I ________ ________ ________ repair it. 3. I prefer to eat bananas rather than eat apples.(改为同义句) I ________ ________ ________ bananas than ________ apples. so young can’t would made towas rather eat eat Ⅱ Homework 1. 背诵2d中的对话。 2. 翻译下列句子。 ①等她使我很生气。 ②我宁愿待在家里也不愿去公园。 ③为什么不去看电影呢? ④我们在一起越多,我们就越开心。

