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话题写作 (十) 环境保护 第一篇 教材考点梳理 【 话题点睛 】 该话题是近几年的热点话题 , 主要涉及低碳生活、节约资源、保护环境等。此类试题通常以要点提示的方式来考查。 每年 6 月 8 日为“世界海洋日( World Oceans Day )”。今年世界海洋日的主题为“清洁我们的海洋( Cleaning Our Oceans )”。据新闻报道 , 每年流入大海的微塑料达 1300 万吨 , 导致大量鱼类死亡。科学家预测 , 如果不采取措施限塑 ,2050 年海洋里的塑料重量比鱼类还重。作为中学生的你 , 应该减少塑料制品的使用。请以“ Saying No to Plastics ”为题 , 写一篇 80 — 100 词的英语短文。 典例分析 [ 注意 ] ( 1 )语句通顺 , 语意连贯 ; ( 2 )文中不得出现真实校名和人名。 [ 参考词汇 ] pollute (污染)  recycle (回收利用)  protect (保护)  cloth bags (布袋)   basket (篮子) Saying No to Plastics       【 思路点拨 】 1. 要点提炼 : 主题是塑料制品对环境的污染。文章主要有两个要点 : ( 1 )塑料污染现状 ; ( 2 )减少污染措施。 2. 确定时态 : 一般现在时。 3. 确定人称 : 第一人称。 【写作架构】 【 基础写作 】 Ⅰ. 写主干句(根据所给提示补全下列各句。) 1. 我们必须采取一系列的措施去阻止塑料污染。( a series of ) We must take           to prevent plastic pollution.  2. 我应该减少塑料制品的使用。( be supposed to do sth. ) I'm           the use of plastics.  3. 当购物的时候 , 我们应该用布袋或篮子代替。( instead ) We should use a cloth bag           while shopping.  4. 我们应该回收并充分利用它们。( make use of ) We should recycle and           them.  a series of measures supposed to reduce or a basket instead make full use of Ⅱ. 句子升格(按括号中的要求改写句子。) 1.We have to face the ocean pollution problem. The problem is becoming more and more serious. (用定语从句改写句子)              2.I have come to realize the terribly bad habit. (用宾语从句改写句子)               3.We should reduce the use of plastics. Then we can hopefully protect the earth and make it greener. (用 so that 将两个句子合并为一个句子)               We have to face the ocean pollution problem, which is becoming more and more serious. I have come to realize that it's a terribly bad habit. We should reduce the use of plastics so that we can hopefully protect the earth and make it greener. 【连句成文】 Saying No to Plastics In recent years, we have to face the ocean pollution problem,which is becoming more and more serious.Scientists predict that if the plastic is not limited, the weight of plastic in the ocean in 2050 will be heavier than that of fish.Therefore, we must take a series of measures to prevent plastic pollution. Actually, I use plastics too much in my daily life.Now I have come to realize that it's a terribly bad habit.I'm supposed to reduce the use of plastics and everyone can do this.For example, we should use a cloth bag or a basket instead while shopping.More importantly, we should recycle and make full use of them. All in all, we should reduce the use of plastics so that we can hopefully protect the earth and make it greener. Do you think I am right? 【参考谚语】 1.Water is the source of life. 水是生命之源。 2.We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. 井干方知水可贵。 3.Only to obey nature in order to overcome nature. 要征服自然就只能遵从自然。 拓展积累 【 相关短语 】 low-carbon life 低碳生活 ; environmental protection 环境保护 ; cut down 砍伐 ; throw … into …把……扔进…… ; turn off 关掉 ; save water 节约用水 ; traffic jams 交通拥堵 ; take measures 采取措施 【亮点句型】 导入主题句 1.With the development of our society,we enjoy a better life.But the environment is being destroyed at the same time. 2.We should protect the environment because the earth is our home. 3.Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves. 4.As we all know, the earth is our only home, so it is our duty to protect it. 5.Care for the environment! Because we only have one earth.This is our common home. 6.Our earth is our future.It's time to act! 文章发展、过渡句 1.We should plant more trees,which is good for our environment. 2.Water is the source of life. We must save water. 3.Polluted water causes illness. So we should try our best to protect water. 4.Don't buy wild animal products.Protecting wild animals is protecting ourselves. 5.First, I turn off the lights at once when I don't need them and I play computer games less to save electricity. 6.What's more, I use cloth shopping bags instead of plastic bags when I go shopping. 7.Finally, I use both sides of paper as much as I can. 文章结尾句 1.In a word, I try my best to protect the environment. 2.I'm sure everyone can help make the earth a better place to live in. 3.Let's start now and let's start with us. Don't let our tears become the last drop of water on the earth. A [2019 ·邯郸模拟 ] 假如你是李华 , 你们班正在围绕“ Saving the Earth ”这一话题展开讨论。请你根据以下提示和要求写一篇短文 , 谈谈如何保护地球。 [ 提示 ] ( 1 ) Choose public transportation. ( 2 ) Protect drinking water. ( 3 ) Stop cutting down trees.    Nowadays, all kinds of pollution are destroying the environment.       实战演练 One possible version :    Nowadays, all kinds of pollution are destroying the environment. So how to protect the earth becomes one of the biggest problems in the world. I think we should choose public transportation as much as possible. Sometimes, we see people throwing litter on the ground or pouring waste water into rivers. It not only pollutes the planet but also kills lots of fish. To solve this problem, we should throw litter into the dustbin. Protecting drinking water is very important. So we must stop polluting it. Besides this, forests are destroyed seriously. We should take action to stop people from cutting down trees. We must keep our environment clean and try our best to protect our earth. Then we will make our home more beautiful. B [2019 ·唐山古冶区二模改编 ] 假如你是李华 , 你们学校五月份举办“绿水青山 , 从我做起”的活动。请你用英语写一篇短文 , 谈谈你对环境保护的认识 , 活动中你是怎样做的 , 以及你参加这次活动的感受。 [ 提示 ] ( 1 ) Why is it important to protect the environment? ( 2 ) What did you do in this activity? ( 3 ) How do you feel? [ 要求 ] ( 1 )写作要点齐全 , 并可适当发挥 ; ( 2 )文中不得出现真实的人名、校名或地名 ; ( 3 )词数 :80 左右。开头已给出 , 不计入总词数。 [ 提示词 ] duty, pick up, reuse, reduce, rubbish, proud In our city, more and more people have realized the importance of environmental protection.          One possible version :    In our city, more and more people have realized the importance of environmental protection. As you know, it is important to build a Green Tangshan because it is our hometown. It is our duty to protect the environment of our city. In this activity, I reduced the amount of rubbish I produced every day. Furthermore, I picked up garbage in our school and posted signs that showed people how to reuse things. I feel extremely proud of the things I did. I believe that if everyone pays attention to the environmental protection, our city will be more beautiful and comfortable to live in.

