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‎2019届二轮复习书面表达专题话题写作:主题一人与自我话题十三历史与地理 Group 1‎ ‎1. abundant adj. 大量的, 丰盛的, 充裕的 ‎2. ambassador n. 大使 ‎3. bay n. 海湾 ‎4. border n. 边(沿); 边界, 国界 ‎5. capital n. 首都 ‎6. condition n. 条件, 状况 ‎ ‎7. consist vi. 由……组成 ‎8. continent n. 大陆, 大洲 ‎9. country n. 国家; 农村, 乡下 ‎ countryside n. 乡下, 农村 ‎ ‎10. desert n. 沙漠 ‎ vt. 舍弃; 遗弃 Group 2‎ ‎1. deserve v. (不用于进行时态)应得, 应受 ‎2. differ vi. 相异, 有区别 ‎ difference n. 不同 ‎ ‎3. dinosaur n. 恐龙 ‎4. disappear vi. 消失 ‎ ‎5. disaster n. 灾难; 祸患 ‎6. discover vt. 发现 ‎ discovery n. 发现 ‎ ‎7. distance n. 距离 ‎8. disturb vt. 扰乱; 打扰 ‎ disturbing adj. 令人不安的, 引起恐慌的 ‎9. divide vt. 分, 划分 ‎ ‎10. frontier n. 边境, 国界; 前沿, 前线 Group 3‎ ‎1. exploit vt. 开采, 开发, 利用, 剥削 ‎ ‎2. explore v. 探险 ‎ explorer n. 探险者 ‎ ‎3. framework n. (建筑物)框架, 结构 ‎ ‎4. geography n. 地理 ‎5. history n. 历史 ‎ ‎6. immigration n. 移居 ‎ ‎7. independence n. 独立 ‎ independent adj. 独立的, 有主见的 ‎ ‎8. landmark n. 地标性建筑 ‎9. locate vt. 位于 ‎10. measure v. 量 ‎ Group 4‎ ‎1. memorial n. 纪念碑 来源:学科网]‎ ‎2. memory n. 回忆, 记忆 ‎ memorize v. 记忆 ‎ ‎3. mineral n. 矿物质, 矿物 ‎ ‎4. mountainous adj. 多山的 ‎ ‎5. origin n. 起源, 由来 ‎ ‎6. period n. 时期, 时代 ‎ ‎7. position n. 位置 ‎8. primitive adj. 原始的, 远古的 ‎9. pyramid n. 金字塔 [来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K]‎ ‎10. reflect v. 反映, 反射 Group 5‎ ‎1. remain vi. 剩下; 保持, 仍是 ‎2. remote adj. 偏远的, 偏僻的 ‎3. ruin v. (使)毁坏; (使) 毁灭 ‎ ‎ n. (复) 废墟; 遗迹 ‎ ‎4. slavery n. 奴隶制度 ‎5. stable adj. 稳固的, 牢固的 ‎ ‎6. unfortunate adj. 不幸的 ‎ unfortunately adv. 不幸地 [来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎7. widespread adj. 分布广的, 普遍的 ‎ ‎8. witness n. 目击者 [来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ‎ v. 为……作证 ‎9. world-famous adj. 世界闻名的 ‎ ‎10. worldwide adj. 遍及全球的, 世界范围的 ‎ Group 1‎ ‎1. be surrounded by/with. . .     被……环绕着/包围着 ‎2. be located in. . . 坐落在……‎ ‎3. be rich in 富含……‎ ‎4. be made up of 由……组成 ‎ ‎5. be famous/well-known for 以……闻名 ‎ ‎6. be known as 作为……而出名 ‎7. be separated from 与……分离 ‎8. behind the times 落在时代后面 ‎9. date from (date back to) 追溯到; 始于 ‎10. have a population of 有……人口[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K]‎ Group 2‎ ‎1. have/cover an area of. . . square kilometers/meters ‎ ‎ 占地面积为……平方千米/米 ‎2. have a history of 有……的历史 ‎3. in the course of 在……期间, 在……过程中 ‎4. in the name of 以……的名义 ‎5. in the early 1920s 在20世纪20年代初 ‎6. in the long run 从长远来看, 最后 ‎7. lie in 位于; 在于 ‎8. natural resources 自然资源 ‎9. settle down 定居 ‎10. take on a new look 呈现新面貌 ‎1. (2016·北京高考)I feel proud of knowing your interest in Chinese history. ‎ 知道你对中国历史感兴趣, 我感到自豪。‎ ‎2. The Yeti is said to be a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being. ‎ 据说雪人是体形很大多毛的动物, 像人一样直立行走。‎ ‎3. (2014·浙江高考)We can know more about the life of great people as well as history and cultures of other countries. 我们能够了解更多伟人的生活以及其他国家的历史和文化。‎ ‎4. (2014·天津高考)Firstly, I’d like to tell you something about the weather in my city, which is often windy and very cold in winter. ‎ 首先, 我想给你们介绍一下我的城市的天气, 通常多风而且冬天非常寒冷。‎ ‎5. (2014·天津高考)However, I think that you will quickly adjust to them although the weather and the food are different from yours. 可是, 我认为你会很快适应, 尽管天气与食物都与你们的不同。‎ ‎6. (2014·天津高考)In autumn, it’s neither too hot nor too cold. 秋天, 既不太热又不太冷。‎ ‎7. Qianmen Street, with a history of 600 years, is 800 meters in length, along which there are more than 300 shops. 前门大街有600年的历史, ‎800米长, 沿街有300多家店铺。‎ ‎8. Canada, which is the second largest country in the world, covers an area of 9. 97 million square kilometers. 加拿大, 世界第二大国, 占地面积为997万平方千米。‎ ‎9. Race has always been a hot button in this country’s history. ‎ 种族一直是这个国家历史上争论不休的一个热点。‎ ‎10. Confucius is considered as the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages. ‎ 孔子被认为是古代中国最伟大的圣人。‎ ‎11. The village, located on the East Sea, has a history of more than 300 years and a population of 200, 000. 这个村庄坐落在东海之滨, 有着300多年的历史, 20万人口。‎ ‎12. Our lab building is in the center of the school. There is a beautiful garden in front of it and our classroom building is right behind it. ‎ 我们的实验楼在学校中心。在它的前面有一座美丽的花园。我们的教学楼就在它的后边。‎ ‎13. China lies in the east of Asia and on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. ‎ 中国位于亚洲东部, 太平洋的西岸。 ‎ ‎14. Britain, with an area of 24. ‎36 km2 and a population of 600, 000, 000 is located in the northwest of the European Continent, surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. ‎ 英国占地24. 36平方千米, 人口6亿, 位于欧洲大陆西北部, 被太平洋包围。‎ ‎15. There are quite a lot of places of interest in Xi’an, such as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, the old City Wall and so on. ‎ 西安有许多名胜, 比如兵马俑、古城墙等。‎ ‎16. Its capital city London also serves as one of the major international financial centers in the world. ‎ 它的首都伦敦也是世界上主要的国际金融中心之一。‎ ‎17. Ancient China was one of the earliest centers of human civilization. ‎ 古代中国是人类文明最早的中心之一。‎ ‎18. Its total land area is 16, 808 square kilometers, among which the mountain areas account for 52%. ‎ 它的总占地面积为16 808平方千米, 其中山区占52%。‎ ‎19. Beijing is a city where the old cultural traditions and the modern civilization are well combined. ‎ 北京是一个古老的文化传统和现代文明完美融合的城市。‎ ‎20. In ancient times, China got through about 20 dynasties, such as Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty and so on. ‎ 在古代, 中国经历了夏、商等约20个朝代。‎ 假设你是李华, 近期你们班全体同学参加了一次春游活动。请你以“A nice trip”为题给你校校刊“英语角”栏目写一篇英文稿件, 介绍你们的旅游经历。内容包括: ‎ ‎1. 时间: 上周日; ‎ ‎2. 地点: 滨江森林公园。‎ 注意: ‎ ‎1. 词数100个左右(标题已给出, 但不计入总词数); ‎ ‎2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。‎ A nice trip ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ A nice trip Last Sunday, our class went on a trip to Binjiang Forest Park. ‎ We set out from the school gate at eight by bus. It took us about forty minutes to get there. The first thing we did was to have a walk around the park, observing the plants there. When we found some unknown plants, we searched information about them online by cellphone. At lunchtime we had a picnic. After that, we spent the rest of the day fishing, boating and taking photos. Hours passed before we knew it. On the way back, we were all excited, because we not only had a relaxing day but also learned something new.‎

