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‎2019届二轮复习话题写作专题 热点话题 第一节 话题背诵 ‎1.afford v.负担得起;给予;供给 ‎ ‎2.defend v.防守,捍卫 ‎ ‎3.observe vt.观察;注意到;遵守 ‎4.prohibit v.阻止;禁止 ‎ ‎5.purchase v.& n. 购买;购买的东西 ‎ ‎6.realize v.实现(目标等);意识到 ‎7.relax v.放松;休息 ‎8.remain v.保持;依然;留下;剩下 ‎9.strength n.力气;长处 ‎10.volunteer n.志愿者 ‎11.absorb v.吸收;吸引……的注意 ‎12.budget n.预算 ‎13.career n.事业;职业 ‎ ‎14.celebrity n.名人 ‎ ‎15.circulate v.传播 ‎ ‎16.combine v.(使)结合;(使)组合 ‎17.conclude v.推断出,断定;使结束,终止 ‎18.consumption n.消费;消耗 ‎19.discourage v.使气馁;阻止 ‎20.economically adv.在经济上;节俭地 ‎ ‎21.essential adj.必要的;基本的 ‎ ‎22.financial adj.财政的;金融的 ‎23.harmful adj.有害的 ‎ ‎24.harmonious adj.和谐的;和睦的 ‎ ‎25.hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇 ‎ ‎26.instructor n.教员,指导老师 ‎27.irresponsible adj.不负责任的;不可靠的 ‎28.majority n.多数 ‎29.massive adj.大量的;巨大的 ‎30.mental adj.心理的;精神的 ‎ ‎1.adapt to适应…… ‎ ‎2.be aware of意识到 ‎3.be bound to必然;必定 ‎4.be devoted to 专心于,献身于 ‎5.draw up 起草;拟定 ‎ ‎6.even if即使 ‎7.go up 上升;增长;升起 ‎8.in favor of 有利于;支持,赞同 ‎9.in possession of 拥有,占有 ‎ ‎10.lack of 没有,缺乏 ‎11.operate on对……动手术;对……起作用 ‎ ‎12.oppose to反对 ‎13.pull down摧毁;推翻 ‎14.result in导致 ‎15.search for搜寻,搜索 ‎ ‎1.It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it—if not,turn it off!‎ 只要你在使用电气设备,就可以让它开着,如果不用就关掉它。‎ ‎2.Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other ‎ greenhouse gases,the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.‎ 即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在未来几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。‎ ‎3.Many of the traffic accidents caused by drunkdriving have brought about traffic jams,injuries and even death.‎ 许多醉酒驾驶的交通事故已经造成了交通堵塞、受伤、甚至死亡。‎ ‎4.It is wellknown that the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe due to global warming.‎ 众所周知,由于全球变暖,全球水资源短缺(问题)正变得日益严重。‎ 第二节 话题阅读 真题深度阅读训练 Step One 真题体验 ‎(2016·全国Ⅲ,阅读理解D)‎ Bad news sells.If it bleeds,it leads.No news is good news,and good news is no news.Those are the classic rules for the evening broadcasts and the morning papers.But now that information is being spread and monitored(监控) in different ways,researchers are discovering new rules.By tracking people’s emails and online posts,scientists have found that good news can spread faster and farther than disasters and sob stories.‎ ‎“The ‘if it bleeds’ rule works for mass media,” says Jonah Berger,a scholar at the University of Pennsylvania.“They want your eyeballs and don’t care how you’re feeling.But when you share a story with your friends,you care a lot more how they react.You don’t want them to think of you as a Debbie Downer.”‎ Researchers analyzing wordofmouth communication—emails,Web posts and reviews,facetoface conversations—found that it tended to be ‎ more positive than negative(消极的),but that didn’t necessarily mean people preferred positive news.Was positive news shared more often simply because people experienced more good things than bad things? To test for that possibility,Dr.Berger looked at how people spread a particular set of news stories: thousands of articles on The New York Times’ website.He and a Penn colleague analyzed the “most emailed” list for six months.One of his first findings was that articles in the science section were much more likely to make the list than nonscience articles.He found that science amazed Times’ readers and made them want to share this positive feeling with others.‎ Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny,or that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety,but not articles that left them merely sad.They needed to be aroused(激发) one way or the other,and they preferred good news to bad.The more positive an article,the more likely it was to be shared,as Dr.Berger explains in his new book,“Contagious: Why Things Catch On.”‎ ‎32.What do the classic rules mentioned in the text apply to?‎ A.News reports. B.Research papers.‎ C.Private emails. D.Daily conversations.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据首段中的“Those are the classic rules for the evening broadcasts and the morning papers.”可知,这些规则适用于新闻报道。故选A。‎ ‎33.What can we infer about people like Debbie Downer?‎ A.They’re socially inactive.‎ B.They’re good at telling stories.‎ C.They’re inconsiderate of others.‎ D.They’re careful with their words.‎ 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句可知,像Debbie Downer那样的人是不考虑别人感受的。故选 C。‎ ‎34.Which tended to be the most emailed according to Dr.Berger’s research?‎ A.Sports news. B.Science articles.‎ C.Personal accounts. D.Financial reviews.‎ 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知,人们更愿意转发一些科学类的文章。故选B。‎ ‎35.What can be a suitable title for the text?‎ A.Sad Stories Travel Far and Wide B.Online News Attracts More People C.Reading Habits Change with the Times D.Good News Beats Bad on Social Networks 答案 D 解析 标题归纳题。全文讲述了好消息在社交网络媒体中传播得更快更深远的现实,这打破了传统媒体中坏消息传播得又快又广的惯例,正面的新闻更容易被分享。故选D。‎ Step Two 信息句与长难句分析 ‎1.(34题信息句)One of his first findings was that articles in the science section were much more likely to make the list than nonscience articles.‎ 翻译:他最初的发现之一就是科技类的文章比非科技类的文章更加容易登上排行榜。‎ 分析:句中that引导表语从句;从句的主语为articles,其后in the science section为介词短语作后置定语;系动词were后为more...than...比较结构作表语。‎ ‎2.Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny,or that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety,but not articles ‎ that left them merely sad.‎ 翻译:读者还倾向于分享那些令人兴奋的、有趣的或者是一些激起愤怒或者焦虑等负面情绪的文章,而不是那些只会让他们伤感的文章。‎ 分析:句中三个that都引导定语从句,且作从句中的主语。‎ Step Three 深度阅读与拓展训练 真题精选对应训练 ‎(2014·全国Ⅱ,阅读理解B)‎ Since the first Earth Day in 1970,Americans have gotten a lot “greener” toward the environment.“We didn’t know at that time that there even was an environment,let alone that there was a problem with it,” says Bruce Anderson,president of Earth Day USA.‎ But what began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement.Business people,political leaders,university professors,and especially millions of grassroots Americans are taking part in the movement.“The understanding has increased many,many times,” says Gaylord Nelson,the former governor from Wisconsin,who thought up the first Earth Day.‎ According to US government reports,emissions(排放) from cars and trucks have dropped from 10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 million tons.The number of cities producing CO beyond the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9.Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with,the world is a safer and healthier place.A kind of “green thinking” has become part of practices.‎ Great improvement has been achieved.In 1988 there were only 600 recycling programs;today in 1995 there are about 6,600.Advanced lights,motors,and building designs have helped save a lot of energy and therefore prevented pollution.‎ Twentyfive years ago,there were hardly any education programs for environment.Today,it’s hard to find a public school,university,or law school that does not have such a kind of program.“Until we do that,nothing else will change!” says Bruce Anderson.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了自从1970年的第一个“地球日”以来,美国人在环保问题认识上的变化以及他们采取了一些有效措施积极应对环境问题等。文章最后还指出了教育在环保方面的重要性。‎ ‎5.According to Anderson,before 1970,Americans had little idea about .‎ A.the social movement B.recycling techniques C.environmental problems D.the importance of Earth Day 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“We didn’t know at that time that there even was an environment,let alone that there was a problem with it...”可知,当时美国人对环境问题没有足够的认识,因此应选择C项。‎ ‎6.Where does the support for environmental protection mainly come from?‎ A.The grassroots level.‎ B.The business circle.‎ C.Government officials.‎ D.University professors.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Business people,political leaders,university professors,and especially millions of grassroots Americans ‎ are taking part in the movement.”可知,这里强调了这个运动的支持者应该是那些普通的美国民众,因此答案应是A项The grassroots level,从而排除前面提到的那几类人。‎ ‎7.What have Americans achieved in environmental protection?‎ A.They have cut car emissions to the lowest.‎ B.They have settled their environmental problems.‎ C.They have lowered their CO levels in forty cities.‎ D.They have reduced pollution through effective measures.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。文章第三段的第一句说明了汽车和卡车的尾气排放量从每年1 030万吨降到了550万吨,由此可排除A项;再结合第二句“一氧化碳排放超标的城市从40个降到了9个”可知C项是错误的;根据第三句提到的“环境问题依然严峻”可知,这个问题还没有得到解决,所以排除B项;本段列举的这些数字证明了美国人采取了有效措施,减少了环境污染,因此答案选D项。‎ ‎8.What is especially important for environmental protection according to the last paragraph?‎ A.Education. B.Planning.‎ C.Green living. D.CO reduction.‎ 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。结合最后一段提到的“25年以前,在美国几乎没有关于环境的教育项目,而如今,很难找到没有类似项目的公立学校、大学或者法学院了”,再结合布鲁斯所说的“没有教育,就无法改变环境问题”等,我们可以推断出教育(education)的重要性,故选A。‎ 第三节 话题写作 情景专练1‎ 孩子的成长和教育是社会热议的话题,现今父母包揽一切、孩子过度依赖等现象十分严重。请阅读下面的漫画,按要求用英文写一篇短文。‎ 内容要求:‎ ‎1.描述漫画内容;‎ ‎2.分析漫画揭示的问题;‎ ‎3.提出你的看法。‎ 注意:词数100左右。‎ 参考词汇:铺路pave the way Ⅰ.记增分素材 ‎1.穿着得体be well dressed ‎2.普遍现象common phenomenon ‎ ‎3.肩负……的希望shoulder the hope of ‎ ‎4.为……安排…… arrange...for...‎ ‎5.不遗余力地做…… spare no effort to do sth.‎ ‎6.为……铺平道路pave the way for ‎ ‎7.结果as a consequence,as a result ‎8.克服困难overcome difficulties Ⅱ.练高分句式 From the picture we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet.The son,(1)well dressed,waves proudly in the middle(穿得很体面,自豪地在中间挥着手)while the father behind bends forward to hold the jacket and the mother in front rolls out the carpet,sweating.‎ It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families,shouldering the hope of their parents.Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.(2)As a consequence,children become so reliant on their parents that they have no independent thought or creative ideas ‎(结果,孩子们变得如此依赖父母以至于他们没有独立思想和创造性思维).‎ Such a situation is of great concern.In my opinion,overprotection and too much care are extremely bad for children’s development.Instead of doing everything for them,parents should encourage their children to overcome difficulties and inspire them to develop by themselves.(3) Only in this way can they grow up to be independent and become truly successful(只有这样他们才能独立成长并真正成功).‎ 情景专练2‎ 上周日,你班开展以“美化城市环境,倡导低碳生活”为宗旨的志愿者活动。活动内容包括:上午去郊区植树;下午去广场宣传,分发传单。请你就这个活动为校报写一篇题为“A Voluntary Activity”的短文。内容包括:‎ ‎1.活动内容、宗旨;‎ ‎2.对同学的影响以及你的评价。‎ 注意:词数100左右。‎ 参考词汇:传单 leaflet ‎ Ⅰ.记增分素材 ‎1.环境保护environmental protection ‎2.对……高度评价think highly of ‎ ‎3.对……有积极的影响 have a positive effect on ‎ ‎4.就我而言as far as I’m concerned/personally ‎5.只要as long as/so long as ‎ ‎6.采取行动take action,take measures Ⅱ.练高分句式 A Voluntary Activity Last Sunday,our class launched a voluntary activity,(1)the theme of which is to make the city more beautiful and advocate a lowcarbon lifestyle(其主题是让城市更美,倡导低碳生活).In the morning,we went to ‎ plant trees in the suburbs.We worked in cooperation.Some dug holes,some carried and planted trees,and others watered them.In the afternoon,we went to the People’s Square to hand out leaflets,(2)raising people’s awareness of environmental protection(提高人们的环保意识).Most of the students think highly of the activity,which will surely have a positive effect on our daily life.‎ As far as I’m concerned,it’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment.As long as there is the possibility of saving our planet,(3) do take action now before it is too late(一定要在还来得及之前采取措施).Lowcarbon living is surely a way of great significance.‎

