高中英语人教版必修5课件:Unit 1 单元总结

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高中英语人教版必修5课件:Unit 1 单元总结

单元 总结 重点词汇 1 .        forward 提出 ; 拨快 ; 推荐   put off 推迟 ;put away 收拾好 ;put up with 忍受 ;put up 举起 ; 搭起 例如 :They              ( 提出 ) a very good suggestion at the meeting.   2 .conclusion n .         draw a conclusion 得出结论 ;conclude from 从 …… 中得出结论 to conclude 最后 ; 总之 ;in conclusion 最后 ; 总之 例如 :              ( 最后 ),he told us he wanted to stay with us.   3 .attend vt.               attend to 处理 ; 料理 ;attend (on) sb. 照料、护理某人 例如 :Could you          ( 处理 ) this matter at once?   put put forward 结论 , 结束 To conclude/In conclusion 照顾 ; 护理 ; 出席 ; 参加 attend to 4 .absorb vt.               be absorbed in... 专心于 ;absorb oneself in... 专心于 5 .        vt . 暴露 ; 揭露 ; 使曝光   expose oneself to sb. ’ s influence 使自己受某人的影响 be exposed to sth. 接触某物 expose sth.to sb. 向某人揭发某事 例如 :Do you want to               ( 向老板揭露这件事情 )?   6 .blame vt .          n .            blame sb.for sth./doing sth. 因某事责备某人 blame sth.on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 be to blame (for) sth. 应 ( 为某事 ) 承担责任 例如 :Do you know who          ( 应承担责任 ) for it?   吸收 ; 吸引 ; 使专心 expose expose the thing to the boss 责备 ; 谴责 过失 ; 责备 is to blame 7 .contribute vt .& vi .               contribution n . 捐献 ; 贡献 ; 投稿 contribute (...) to... 把 ( …… ) 捐赠 / 投稿至 …… contribute to... 促成 , 有助于 例如 :He is always ready            ( 捐献 ) for the poor.   8 .           除了 …… 外   同义词 ( 组 ):besides,in addition to,except,except for 9 .reject vt .                    同义词 :refuse,decline 捐献 ; 贡献 ; 捐助 to contribute apart from   拒绝 ; 不接受 ; 抛弃 ; 丢弃 重点句型 1 .Neither its cause,        its cure was understood.   人们既不了解它的病源 , 也不了解它的治疗方法。 2 .              the water was to blame. 看来水是罪魁祸首。   3 .                  to ignore them,all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion that the earth was not the centre of the solar system.   虽然他曾试着不去理睬那些数字 , 然而他所有的数学计算都得出了一个相同的结论 : 地球不是太阳系的中心。 4 .           you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.   只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上 , 天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。 nor It seemed that Although he had tried   Only if 重点语法 过去分词做定语和表语 1 . 过去分词做定语 Remember not to drink the              . 记住不要喝那些被污染了的水。   2 . 过去分词做表语 All of them are         in what they are doing. 他们对他们正在做的事情感兴趣。   polluted water interested 功能 Talking about scientific job ( 谈论科学工作 ) 1 .What kind of scientific job do you want to do?( 你想做哪种科学工作 ?) 2 .What personality will be needed?( 需要具备什么品格 ?) 3 .What work experience would be useful?( 什么样的工作经历是有用的 ?) 4 .Why are you so interested in this job?( 你为什么对这项工作如此感兴趣 ?) 5 .How long will the training take?( 培训将花费多长时间 ?) 6 .What education will you need?( 你需要何种教育 ?) 7 .How will you prepare for this career?( 你应怎样为这项事业做准备 ?) Describing people ( 描述人物 ) 1 .How will I recognize you?( 我将怎样认出你 ?) 2 .What will you wear?( 你将穿什么衣服 ?) 3 .How will I know you?( 我怎样才知道是你 ?) 4 .What do you look like?( 你长得什么样子 ?) 5 .What special features do you have?( 你有什么特别的特征 ?) 6 .You can recognize me because...( 你能够认出我 , 因为 ……) 7 .I ’ m tall/short,fat/thin,young/old...( 我个子高 / 矮、体形胖 / 瘦、年轻 / 年老 ……) 8 .I have large/small,brown/green/black eyes...   ( 我有大 / 小、棕色 / 绿色 / 黑色的眼睛 …… ) 浅谈七选五阅读理解的解题策略 七选五阅读理解是一篇大约 300 词的短文 , 有五个正确选项和两个干扰选项。考查考生的阅读理解能力、语篇分析能力和上下文的逻辑判断能力。选项的设题形式主要以标题概括、段首大意、过渡句和情节中的细节句为主。 一、 词汇复现法 复现不是指词语的简单再现 , 而是指某个词语可能以不同的词类、词性、数、格、时态及语态等形式出现。如 read,reading,reader 。有时也会以同义词或反义词的形式出现。做题时 , 要观察选项中是否有与文章空格处的上下文有复现的词汇 , 根据复现的词汇 , 结合上下文的逻辑关系 , 做出正确的选择。 【例 1 】 Color is fundamental in home design—something you ’ ll always have in every room.A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you ’ ll love to live in.Do you want a room that ’ s full of life?Professional?Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day?     ,color is the key to making a room feel the way you want it to feel.   A.While all of them are useful B.Whatever you ’ re looking for C.If you ’ re experimenting with a color D.Small color choices are the ones we ’ re most familiar with E.It ’ s not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces F.So it pays to be sure,because you want to get it right the first time G.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways 【剖析】 B   根据上文的三个问句 , 尤其是 “Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day?” 可知 ,B 项可起到承上启下的作用。其中 looking for 构成同义复现。 二、词汇指代法 英语表达中 , 有时会用代词或定冠词来指代前面提及的名词或是前面的一个句子 , 如 it,they,this,these,the,all 等。由此可以得知前面指代的名词的数。分析逻辑关系时也要注意这些代词所指代的内容。 【例 2 】 Over the years,there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point.     ,they can get a little complex.But good news is that there ’ re really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home:the small ones,the medium ones,and the large ones.   A.While all of them are useful B.Whatever you ’ re looking for C.If you ’ re experimenting with a color D.Small color choices are the ones we ’ re most familiar with E.It ’ s not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces F.So it pays to be sure,because you want to get it right the first time G.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways 【剖析】 A   根据上文提到的 “...there have been a number of different techniques...” 可知 ,A 项可以承接上文 , 其中的 “all of them” 指的就是 “a number of different techniques” 。 三、语境分析法 段落中挖空的句子通常在语境和逻辑关系方面和上下文有密切的关系 , 所以确定正确选项的方法是所选的选项应该在语境方面和原文中的上下文无缝连接 , 无论在文意上 , 还是说话者的语气上都应保持一致。 【例 3 】 Have you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you,where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more than the sum( 总和 ) of its parts?     .But it doesn ’ t happen by accident.It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.   A.Know why you garden B.Find a good place for your own garden C.It ’ s our experience of the garden that matters D.It ’ s delightful to see so many beautiful flowers E.Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plants F.You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden,too G.For each of those gardens,write down the strongest memory you have 【剖析】 F   此句为过渡句 , 承上启下。根据下文的 “But it doesn ’ t happen by accident.” 可知 , 此处要表示自己也能创造出这种效果。故 F 项合适。 四、关联词语推断法 英语的段落之间、句子之间经常会运用关联词表示衔接或过渡 , 以使文章更加连贯 , 表达更加清楚 , 因此文章中表示各种逻辑关系的关联词在选择答案时都是很好的线索。常见的关联词有 : 因果关系 :so,therefore,thus,accordingly,consequently,as a result 等。 条件关系 :as(so)long as,on condition that,if,unless 等。 并列关系 :first,second,third...;firstly,secondly,thirdly...;first,next,then...;in the first place,in the second place...;for one thing,for another thing... 等。 转折关系 :however,nevertheless,though,yet,otherwise,instead 等。 对比关系 :on the contrary,in contrast,by contrast,in comparison,by comparison 等。 层递关系 :also,further,furthermore,likewise,similarly,moreover,in addition,what ’ s more 等。 解释关系 :for example,for instance,in fact,actually 等。 总结说明 :in conclusion,in short,to sum up,to conclude,in a word 等。 定义关系 :namely,in other words,that is to say,or rather 等。 【例 4 】 Finally,you never know what wonderful idea might strike while your mind has moved slowly away.      Always remember that your best ideas might come when your head is actually in the clouds. E.It involves slow,steady breathing for self-control that helps people stay calm and attentive. F.Daydreams are often very simple and direct,quite unlike sleep dreams,which may be hard to understand. G.Therefore,it ’ s a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you ’ re in the daydream zone. 【剖析】 G   本文介绍了白日做梦的利与弊 , 并指出在人类历史上有许多伟大想法或成就都是白日做梦促成的。这里说的是你永远也不知道是否在做白日梦的过程中会产生一些好的主意。段尾挖空内容通常是结论、概括性语句。选项 G 中的 “to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby” 就解决了上句话中提出的问题 , 同时 Therefore 也起到了衔接作用 , 故答案为 G 项。 【语篇导读】 每个人的心中都有一个探索未知的梦想。布鲁斯 · 贝克斯勒总是梦想去人类从未到过的地方 , 开辟一块未经探索的土地。 2015 年 , 他与澳大利亚和美国的科学家在新几内亚岛发现了一个稀有的外来物种 , 并实现了自己的梦想。 For many years,Bruce Bexler dreamed of going where no human had gone before.He wanted to ① cut a path through unexplored lands and discover rare species. That might sound like an impossible dream,but Bexler turned it into reality .   In December 2015,he and a team of Australian and American scientists ventured into an isolated tropical rain-forest on the island of New Guinea.They were the first people ever to enter the mist-covered region.“As time was limited,we were ② dropped in by helicopter.Once we were on the ground,there were no trails anywhere;it was really hard to get around,” Bexler says. Within minutes of landing,the team spotted a black chicken-like bird with strange orange skin hanging from its neck.The scientists soon determined that the unusual creature was a type of honeyeaters—the first new bird species to be ③ sighted on New Guinea in 60 years. The honeyeater wasn ’ t the only surprise for the scientists.They discovered more than 40 previously unknown plant and animal species—13 birds of paradise,20 frogs,four butterflies,and five palms.“We were like kids in a candy store,” Bexler recalls.“ Everywhere we looked,we saw amazing things we had never seen before. ”   The newfound species didn ’ t shy away from the scientists.Two long-nosed echidnas—primitive egg-laying mammals—let the visitors pick them up and take them back to camp to study them.An echidna looks like a hedgehog and is also called a spiny anteater. Bexler thinks the animals weren ’ t scared because they had never seen humans before.“In almost all parts of New Guinea,animals are hunted for food,and because of this,they are very cautious of people,” he explains.“ This area gives scientists a place where they can go to study the behaviours of animals that have not yet learned to be afraid of people. ”   Scientists believe the area is probably the largest untouched forest in Asia.Local people called Kwerba hunt and collect plants from the outer edges of the forest but told Bexler that not even their ancestors had gone so far into the woods.The wooded area is approximately a 10-day walk from the nearest village. Bexler and his team did not have enough time during the expedition to study the area completely.They hope to return and expect to record many more undiscovered species.“We just scratched the surface,” Bexler says.“Anyone who goes there will come back with a mystery.” 词海拾贝 ① cut [k ʌ t] n . 切 , 割 ; 减少 , 降低 ; 删减 ; 裁剪样式 v . 切 , 割 ; 削减 ; 与 …… 相交 ; 使 ( 某人 ) 感到疼痛或痛苦 ② drop [dr ɒ p] v . 落下 , 投下 ;( 使 ) 降低 , 减少 , 减弱 ; 让人下车 , 卸下货物  n . 滴 , 滴状物 ; 微量 ; 降落 ; 空投物 ③ sight [saIt] n . 视力 ; 看见 ; 眼界 ; 情景 ; 风景 , 名胜  v . 看见 , 发现 典句欣赏 ① That might sound like an impossible dream,but Bexler turned it into reality. 那或许听起来像是一个不能实现的梦想 , 但是贝克斯勒把它变成了现实。 ② Everywhere we looked,we saw amazing things we had never seen before. 我们所看之处 , 都会发现我们以前没有见过的神奇的事物。 ③ This area gives scientists a place where they can go to study the behaviours of animals that have not yet learned to be afraid of people. 这个地区让科学家们有了一个可以研究动物习性的地方 , 这些动物迄今为止还没学会害怕人类。

