安徽省池州市2020届高三上学期期末考试 英语试题 PDF版

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安徽省池州市2020届高三上学期期末考试 英语试题 PDF版

2019-2020 学年第一学期期末考试卷 高三英语参考答案 第一部分 听力(共 30 分) (共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 1-5: BCBAA 6-10: CABCA 11-15:BACBC 16-20:AABCC 第二部分 阅读理解(共 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A 篇 21-23:BCA B 篇 24-27:CCBA C 篇 28-31:BADC D 篇 32-35:DCDD 第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 36-40:ADBEG 第三部分 语言知识运用(共 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 41-45:DABAC 46-50:BACCD 51-55:DCABD 56-60:CBABD 第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 61. stepped 62. an 63. dressed 64. Visiting 65. gradually 66. whose 67. on/upon 68. challenges 69. be made 70. crueler/more cruel 第四部分 写作(共 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) Our school ∧ witnessed quite a few changes in the past few years. There used to have a has be playground on one side of the main road. And now what you can see is a new office building, But where our teachers prepare for their lessons. On the other side stand another building — our stands library. Most of the students like to study in the library, main because the atmosphere in them is mainly it suitable for learning. Another reason is because we can get plenty of useful informations from that information various learning materials. Much to my pleased, our school becomes more beautiful than ever pleasure before. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) One possible version: Dear Daniel, Students in our school will go to the Chinese Porcelain Exhibition held in the City Museum this weekend. Knowing that you take a great interest in Chinese culture, I’m writing to invite you to join us. It is a great chance for you to enjoy the most beautiful works of porcelain art. Some of them were made by gifted craftsmen from hundreds of years ago. You can be very lucky to see the delicate objects used by the former kings. The commentators will make vivid explanations about the exhibits, from which you can have a good understanding of the wisdom of Chinese people. Of course, you can also listen to the explanation by scanning QR code beside each exhibit. All students are supposed to gather at the front gate of the City Museum at 9 a.m. on Saturday. I’m looking forward to seeing you then. Yours, Li Hua 录音原文 (Text 1) M: Would you mind giving these books to Professor Hata for me? He lent them to me. W: I'm afraid I wouldn’t be seeing him today, since classes have been cancelled due to the snowstorm. (Text 2) W: I really want to use my computer but there's something wrong with it. Can you see if you can figure out what's wrong? M: I've just finished cleaning the windows so I'll have some tea and then take a look at it, OK? (Text 3) M: Do you want to go to the Star Club with me tonight? I'm going with some of my friends from school. W: Not really. They overcharge for drinks and foods. I'd rather go to a bar around here. (Text 4) W: Sir, can I come in now? M: Sorry, lady. I'm afraid you'll have to wait half an hour. Our business hours are from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. (Text 5) M: Congratulations on your marriage! You're so beautiful today. W: Thank you very much for coming. M: Where are you going for your honeymoon? W: We're going to Canada. (Text 6) M: How's the new job, Alison? W: Well, I'm terribly busy. Every day I meet many people. But I do lots of typing and filing, too. M: Don't you like being a receptionist? W: Oh, I enjoy meeting people, and I like answering the phone. But I hate typing, and I can't stand filing. M: You can go to college, you know. Why don't you study for a year? W: What do you mean? M: I mean, you can do a course in business studies. After a year, you get a certificate. Then you can apply for lots of different jobs. W: That's a good idea. (Text 7) M: I wish there were laws to keep down noise. W: What's the matter? M: There's so much noise in my neighbourhood. At first, I didn't mind it, but now I find the noise is making me nearly deaf. W: What kind of noise? M: Oh, all sorts -- pop music all day long, the starting of car engines in the early morning, stuff like that. W: You're suffering from noise pollution, Mike. Constant noise makes life difficult and unpleasant. It can prevent you from working well and can even damage your health. M: Yes, that's true. I am not as efficient as I used to be. I really can't find a way to avoid all this noise. W: Well, I'd suggest you move out of your neighbourhood. (Text 8) W: What are you going to do for the project? M: I don't know. I was hoping you could help me think of something. W: Well, you're such a good artist. You could talk about watercolour while you're doing one in front of the class. M: Maybe, but I'm still uncertain. What if I make a mistake in front of everyone? W: Come on, you're really talented. You wouldn't have to do much preparation beforehand. M: Er ... W: Or, how about this? You could bring in a photo, a pencil drawing, and a watercolour of the same subject. Something simple so it wouldn't take so much time to do, like a flower. Then you could show the advantages and disadvantages of working with different materials. M: I could do that ahead of time. W: You could, but remember, it would take a lot more time. M: Sure, thanks. (Text 9) W: I think you made the right choice, coming to us. We have a wide selection of vehicles you can choose from. M: I would like to rent a car with good air conditioning. W: All our cars have air conditioning systems in them. Air conditioning and stereos are all standard with us. M: Good. I am visiting my girlfriend. I want her to have a good time. W: Oh, is that so? Well, then. Let me show you something she might like. It's on our back lot. M: This is a Porsche! W: Yes. Beautiful, isn't it? M: But I probably can't afford it. It must be really expensive. W: Well, sir. You said you were looking at cars at the rental agency at the airport. Now with them you'd spend your money and get nothing for it. But you could probably rent this Porsche from us, for the same price as one of their standard cars. M: But how can you do that? W: It's because our prices are so good. And this car has a lot of miles on it. But it's in nice shape, isn't it? M: Yes, that's very satisfying. I'll rent it. (Text 10) Hello, everyone, and welcome to our school Natural History Day. Let me give you some information about today's activities. Remember, you need to attend one of these activities. All right, your first choice is called "Dogs might fly", which will take place in Room 27. Professor Black will be having a lecture on animals and this will be followed by a group discussion where you'll get a chance to ask her questions and offer your own thoughts and opinions. Well, we all know that animals communicate with each other, but what about flowers? Your second choice is a video show called "Flowers Talk". This considers the possibility that plants and flowers do actually communicate with each other. The video is introduced by Patrick Bell, who has just written a book on how plants get used to their natural environment. That will take place in the lecture room, no, sorry, correct that, here in the main hall. We've had to move it because the lecture room is being repaired. The final choice is good for those of you who want to get a bit of fresh air. We've called it "A world in your garden". Anyway, for those of you interested in getting away from the classroom. Dr. Smith will be taking you on a nature walk through the local park, and will be telling you about some of the animals and plants that live and grow nearby. And it's a lovely day for a walk! OK, let's start our wonderful day now. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A 【语篇导读】 本文为应用文。文章介绍了大学学费低的四个国家。 21.B 【解析】理解具体信息。 从对挪威的表述 Norway is a good option because you will not have to send a penny to anyone.可知,申请挪威大学的学生不必支付费用。而其它国家都收取 少量费用。故 B 项正确。 22.C 【解析】 理解具体信息。 根据对土耳其的描述:Some of these institutions teach in English while some in French and German.可知,土耳其的一些大学里开设法语授课。故 C 选 项正确。 23.A 【解析】作出推理判断。 根据第一段和通读全文可知本文写给想要申请低费用大学 的国际生。故 A 选项正确。 B 【语篇导读】 本文为记叙文。作者去西班牙的一个漂亮小岛上做英语老师,虽然拥有自己 的公寓,可是里边的生活用具很老旧,给作者的生活带来了诸多不便。这让作者学会了如何 利用有限的生活用品去生活。 24.C 【解析】 理解具体信息。 根据第一段前三句 As a volunteer teacher, I moved into an apartment with eagerness. Sorting all the necessary paperwork out, I got ready to start my work. Great, or so I thought.可知,作者怀着迫切心情搬进公寓,整理好各种文件做好开始工作的准 备,心想一切还不错。所以作者刚一到的时候是满怀热情的。故选 C。 25. C 【解析】 作出推理判断。 根据第二段可知,接下来的几周作者所住的房子里东西 每天损坏一件,不坏的东西要么脏了,要么找不到了,洗衣篮里都是虫子。据此可推知,事 情开始出问题。故选 C。 26. B 【解析】 理解具体信息。 根据第三段 I thought the general understanding was never to put metal in a microwave but I went on. Smoke soon started to appear. 可知,作者本来知道不能 把将金属烤架放进微波炉里,但是她还是这样做了,导致冒烟,发生了故障。据此可知,作 者在作汉堡时犯了个错误。故选 B。 27. A 【解析】 作出推理判断。 文章最后一段最后一句 I am also learning how to adapt to life with limited, broken utensils(用具)可知,作者学会如何利用有限的破旧的日常用品 适应生活。故选 A。 C 【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章通过实验说明室内植物可以很好地提高人们的注意 力。 28. B 【解析】 理解具体信息。 根据第一段第二句 Given that the air inside your home can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside of it, making it clean with plants like peace lily (百合花)and asparagus fern(芦笋蕨)is a economical, artistically pleasing alternative to air purifiers.可知,鉴于室内空气污染比室外空气污染严重 2 到 5 倍,用百合花、芦笋蕨这些植 物来取代空气净化器净化室内空气即经济实惠又美观。故选 B。 29. A 【解析】 作出推理判断。 第二段第二句是对划线部分的进一步阐释,Struggling directive attention (the kind of attention that takes effort) can be refreshed through exposure to naturalistic environments. 挣扎的注意力(需要努力的注意力)可以通过置身于自然环境中来 恢复。据此可推知,缩小注意力范围即指注意力得到恢复,变得更专注。故选 A。 30. D 【解析】 理解具体信息。 实验结果可从第四段得知,在有植物的室内工作的实验 者比无植物室内的实验者表现好。所以室内植物对大脑的工作效果起到积极作用。故选 D。 31. C 【解析】判断标题。 根据全文内容可知本文介绍室内植物可以很好地提高人们的注 意力,对大脑的工作效果起到积极作用。故选 C。 D 【语篇导读】 本文为说明文。本文讲述 5G 时代的到来即将给人们的生活带来的影响。 32. D 【解析】 作出推理判断。 本题考查写作手法,文章第一段通过一个现象吸引读者 并引出主题。故选 D。 33. C 【解析】 作出推理判断。 第四段内容:5G 使无人机更安全;医生更精准获取病 人的病情;VR 游戏玩起来更逼真。所有这些都得益于 5G 传输速度的极大提高。由此可推 知 5G 使许多先进技术得到进一步优化。故选 C。 34. D 【解析】 理解具体信息。 根据最后一段 And in order to use 5G, we will have to buy new products specially designed for 5G that are currently expensive.可知,为了使用 5G,需要购 买目前价格昂贵的与之配套的新产品。故选 D。 35. D 【解析】 理解主旨要义。 通读全文可知,本文主要讲述的是 5G 将给人们生活带 来的影响。故选 D。 第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 【语篇导读】本文为议论文。讨论了金钱可以买来快乐,正确方式是把钱消费在增加人生经 历上而不是购买物质财富上。 36.A 【解析】后一句问了两种不同的花钱方式,所以本句说明怎样花钱很重要。 37.D 【解析】本段阐述快乐的敌人是适应。物质带来的满足感会慢慢减弱。新鲜事物开始 时令人激动,但很快我们就习惯了它们,比如汽车让我们短时间内开心,但新鲜感很快就消 失了。 38.B 【解析】本段说明经历给人们带来的快乐更大的第一个原因。通过对比购买物质和购 买经历,可以看出经历可以成为人本身的一部分,而物质与人本身是分离的。 39.E 【解析】本段说明购买经历更重要的第二个原因。即使当时的负面经历,多年后 会变为积极的。即使只是谈论负面经历也会让它们的价值得以提升,因为谈论它们就像讲有 趣的故事,或者变为陶怡情操的机会。 40.G 【解析】本段说明购买经历的另一个好处。购买经历比物质消费更能让我们与别人交 往。两者相比较购买经历更有助于提升幸福指数。 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了大学生 Walter 虽然在飓风中失去家园,但是 为了读完大学,他找了份工作。在去上班的前一天他的汽车坏了,所以他决定夜里步行到达 20 里外的工作地点。他的精神感动了很多人,甚至公司的 CEO 把自己的汽车赠送给了他。 41. D 【解析】他计算了一下步行大约(roughly)需要 7 小时能够早晨 8 点前按时到达工作地 点。 42. A 【解析】依据前边对路程所用时间的估算,他午夜(midnight)动身了。 43. B 【解析】我偶尔会质疑(questioned)我的决定。 44. A 【解析】但是我非常清楚(aware)这份工作对于我有多重要。 45. C 【解析】大约凌晨 4 点,四位警察发现(spotted)了他。 46. B 【解析】了解了他的情况后,他们对他充满了崇敬(admiration)。 47. A 【解析】Walter 不想给他们添麻烦(bother)。 48. C 【解析】这几位警察给了他些食物,然后把他送到一座教堂(church),这里很安全, 他可以待到早晨继续赶路。 49. C 【解析】当警官 Scott 来签到(checking in)接班的时候,他从同事那里听到了 Walter 的情况。check/sign in“签到上班”;drop in“顺便走访”;pass by“从旁边经过”;hang out“闲 逛”。 50. D 【解析】尽管走了好几个小时的路,但是 Walter 拒绝(rejected)休息一下,在其他员 工上班之前已经开始工作了。 51. D 【解析】我无法想象在漆黑的夜里疲惫又孤寂地(lonely)走路,他有多少次会想返回 去。此句指的是身心的煎熬,lonely 指精神意志层面。 52. C 【解析】但是他成功地(made)到了这里。make it“( 经历艰难困苦后)成功”。 53. A 【解析】她被 Walter 所感动(impressed)。 54. B 【解析】飓风后他和母亲失去(lost)了家园。 55. D 【解析】她说她在 GoFundMe 网站上发起募捐来资助这位勤奋男孩的开销(expenses)。 56. C 【解析】看到 Facebook 上的这个帖子(post)。即老板 Lamey 在 Facebook 上所写的内 容。 57. B 【解析】公司的 CEO 把自己汽车赠给了这位尽职(devoted)的新员工。通过老板对 Walter 的描述,以及前文的 hardworking 可知 Walter 非常尽职。 58. A 【解析】Walter 眼里涌出(well)了眼泪。 59. B 【解析】Walter 说他并不觉得那次小小的步行那么特别(special)(不值得老板夸赞和 CEO 的馈赠)。 60. D 【解析】一个人如果自己打败了自己,他就真地被打败(defeated)了。

