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‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修三Unit5 Canada — “The True North”单元学案设计 一、单词表词汇全查验——运用多媒体,提问默写词汇 Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写]‎ ‎1.multicultural adj.     多种文化的 ‎2.polar adj. 极地的;近极地的 ‎3.penguin n. 企鹅 ‎4.minister n. 大臣;部长 ‎5.prime minister 首相;丞相 ‎6.harbour n.(=harbor) 海港 ‎7.eagle n. 鹰 ‎8.acre n. 英亩                          ‎ ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎9.urban adj.        城市的;市镇的 ‎10.bush n. 灌木(丛);矮树(丛)‎ ‎11.maple n. 枫;枫树 ‎12.frost n. 霜;霜冻 ‎13.mist n. 薄雾 ‎14.misty adj. 有薄雾的;模糊的 ‎15.booth n. 公用电话间;货摊;售货亭 ‎16.buffet n. 自助餐;饮食柜台                          ‎ Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎[第三屏听写]‎ ‎1.quiz n.          测验;问答比赛 ‎2.continent n. 洲;大陆 ‎3.baggage n. 行李 ‎4.chat vi.& n. 聊天;闲聊 ‎5.scenery n. 景色;风景 ‎6.eastward adv. 向东 adj. 向东的;朝东的                          ‎ ‎[第四屏听写]‎ ‎7.westward adv.      向西 adj. 向西的;朝西的 ‎8.upward adv. 向上地;上升地 adj. 上升的;向上的 ‎9.surround vt. 包围;围绕 ‎10.measure vi.& vt. 测量;衡量;判定 n. 计量制;计量单位;措施 ‎11.aboard prep.& adv. 在(船、飞机、火车或公共汽 ‎ 车)上;上(船、飞机、火车等)                          ‎ ‎[第五屏听写]‎ ‎12.within prep.      在……之内 ‎13.border n. 边界;国界;边沿 vt.& vi. 与……接壤;接近 ‎14.slight adj. 轻微的;微小的 ‎15.slightly adv. 稍稍;轻微地 ‎16.topic n. 话题 ‎17.mix vt.& vi. 混合;调配 ‎18.mixture n. 混合(物);混合状态                          ‎ ‎[第六屏听写]‎ ‎19.confirm vt.      证实;证明;批准 ‎20.wealthy adj. 富有的 ‎21.distance n. 距离;远方 ‎22.schoolmate n. 同学;校友 ‎23.downtown adj. 市区的 adv. 在市区;往市区 ‎24.approximately adv. 接近;大约 ‎25.dawn n. 黎明;拂晓;破晓                          ‎ ‎[第七屏听写]‎ ‎26.broad adj.       宽阔的;广泛的 ‎27.nearby adv. 在附近 adj. 附近的;邻近的 ‎28.tradition n. 传统;风俗 ‎29.terrify vt. 使恐怖;恐吓 ‎30.terrified adj. 恐惧的;受惊吓的 ‎31.pleased adj. 欣喜的;高兴的;愉快的 ‎ ‎[第八屏听写]‎ ‎32.impress vt.      使印象深刻;使铭记 ‎33.impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的 ‎34.rather_than 与其;不愿 ‎35.settle_down 定居;平静下来;专心于 ‎36.manage_to_do 设法做 ‎37.catch_sight_of 看见;瞥见 ‎38.have_a_gift_for 有……天赋 ‎39.in_the_distance 在远处                          ‎ 二、单元核心考点初热身——提供语境,单元考点自测回顾 ‎(一)分类识记单词——用时少·功效高 识 记 单 词 写 对 Ⅰ.知其意(英译汉)‎ ‎1.multicultural adj. 多种文化的 ‎2.penguin n. 企鹅 ‎3.minister n. 大臣;部长 ‎4.eagle n. 鹰 ‎5.urban adj. 城市的;市镇的 ‎6.buffet n. 自助餐;饮食柜台 Ⅱ.写其形(汉译英)‎ ‎1.quiz n.    测验;问答比赛 ‎2.within prep. 在……之内 ‎3.border n. 边界;国界;边沿 vt.& vi. 与……接壤;接近 ‎4.topic n. 话题 ‎5.downtown adj. 市区的 ‎ adv. 在市区;往市区 ‎6.approximately adv.接近;大约 ‎7.dawn n. 黎明;拂晓;破晓 ‎8.broad adj. 宽阔的;广泛的 ‎9.nearby adv. 在附近 adj. 附近的;邻近的 ‎10.continent n. 洲;大陆 核 心 单 词 练 通 ‎1.When it comes to wedding_traditions (风俗), there are differences between the West and the East.‎ ‎2.At present the local government is taking measures (措施) to reduce the pollution.‎ ‎3.He likes chatting (聊天) about the things with his friends on the Internet.‎ ‎4.Passengers checked their baggage (行李) before boarding the plane.‎ ‎5.Everyone was absorbed with the beautiful scenery (风景).‎ ‎6.My younger brother will confirm (证实) what I have told you.‎ ‎7.The flight with 145 passengers aboard (上飞机) from Tokyo landed on the airport in Beijing yesterday.‎ ‎8.I am pleased (高兴的) to have this chance today to talk to you about the Chinese culture.‎ 拓展单词用活 ‎[记全记牢]‎ ‎1.surround vt.包围;围绕→surroundings n.(复数)周围的事物;环境→surrounding adj.周围的 ‎2.slight adj.轻微的;微小的→slightly adv.稍稍;轻微地 ‎3.mix vt.& vi.混合;调配→mixture n.混合(物);混合状态 ‎4.wealthy adj.富有的→wealth n.财富 ‎5.distance n.距离;远方→distant adj.遥远的;远方的 ‎6.terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓→terrified adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的→terror n.恐惧→terrifying adj.极其可怕的 ‎7.impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记→impressive adj.给人深刻印象的;感人的→impression n.印象 ‎[用准用活]‎ ‎1.When they saw the terrifying scene, everyone on the spot felt terrified and couldn't say a word.(terrify)‎ ‎2.So charming are the sights of Jiuzhaigou that they leave a deep impression on visitors from home and abroad. To tell you the truth, I am deeply impressed by its beautiful scenery.(impress)‎ ‎3. As a famous pop star, he loves being surrounded by so many fans coming to visit him from the surrounding cities. And he also likes beautiful surroundings with green trees and flowers.(surround)‎ ‎4.Though there is a long distance between Tom and his family, they don't feel distant.(distance)‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.“y”后缀常见形容词聚焦 ‎①wealth→wealthy  富有的 ‎②thirst→thirsty ‎ ‎2.“说”法荟萃 ‎①chat vi.& n.  聊天;闲聊 ‎②whisper vi. 小声说;耳语 ‎3.“可怕的”高频形容词 ‎①terrifying  极其可怕的;吓人的 ‎②frightening ‎ ‎ 渴的;渴望的 ‎③taste→tasty 美味的 ‎④sleep→sleepy 困的 ‎⑤guilt→guilty 内疚的;有罪的 ‎⑥health→healthy 健康的 ‎③inform vt. 通知;告知 ‎④announce vt. 宣告;宣布 ‎⑤declare vt. 宣布;声明 ‎⑥state vt. 声明;陈述 ‎ 吓人的;可怕的 ‎③alarming 令人惊恐的 ‎④awful 可怕的;惊人的 ‎⑤horrible 恐怖的 ‎⑥terrible 可怕的 ‎(二)语段串记短语——不枯燥·兴趣高 先 写 对 再 用 准 第一组 ‎1.rather_than     与其;不愿 ‎2.have_a_gift_for 有……天赋 ‎3.at_dawn 在黎明;在拂晓 ‎4.be_impressed_with_... 给……留下深刻印象 ‎5.dream_about/of 梦想……‎ ‎6.in_the_distance 在远处 ‎  Wang Lin ①had_a_gift_for music and ②dreamed_about/of becoming a musician. He practised playing the piano day and night. Fortunately, he was offered a chance to go to America to put on a performance. He decided to take a plane ③rather_than a ship. He arrived in New York ④at_dawn and ⑤was_impressed_with_ the high buildings and broad streets.‎ 第二组 ‎1.settle_down     定居;平静下来;专心于 ‎2.be_surrounded_by/with 被……包围 ‎3.manage_to_do_ 设法做 ‎4.as_far_as 远到;直到;至于 ‎5.in_charge_of_ 负责 ‎6.catch_sight_of 看见;瞥见 ‎  I would travel to Australia, which is not only a traveling paradise for tourists but also a perfect place to ①settle_down. Last summer, my parents and I ②managed_to travel around Australia, where we ③caught_sight_of_the road ④surrounded_by/with green trees all the way. I think we should also take effective measures to make our country more beautiful.‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.“v.+down”短语集锦 ‎①settle down    定居;平静下来;专心于 ‎②pass down 传下来 ‎③bring down 使降低 ‎④break down 分解;累垮 ‎⑤cut down 削减;砍倒 ‎⑥burn down 烧毁 ‎2.“be+过去分词+with”结构一览 ‎①be surrounded with   被……包围 ‎②be impressed with 给……留下深刻印象 ‎③be equipped with 配备有……‎ ‎④be crowded with 挤满……‎ ‎⑤be covered with 被……覆盖 ‎⑥be satisfied with 对……满意 ‎(三)仿写用活句式——造佳句·表达高 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 ‎1.Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver ...‎ 她们不想一路乘飞机,而决定先飞到温哥华……‎ rather than“而不是”,连接两个并列成分。‎ 正是那些甘愿奉献而不索取的人才应得到尊敬。‎ It is those who are willing to give rather_than_receive that deserve to be respected.‎ ‎2.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.‎ 那儿湿度很大,所以树都长得特别高,一些树测量起来高达90多米。‎ 独立主格结构。‎ 树叶到处飘落,我突然意识到秋天来临了。‎ Leaves_falling_here_and_there,_I suddenly notice autumn is drawing upon.‎ ‎3.It's too bad you can't go as far as Ottawa, Canada's capital.‎ 很可惜你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华。‎ as far as ...“远至……;就……而言;尽……所能”。‎ 古时候,人们很少出远门,大多数农民去的最远的地方是当地集市。‎ In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled_as_far_as_the_local_market.‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 ‎  As we know,one should learn to mix work with adequate rest❶. I know Qingdao is a popular holiday destination, ________❷ is also a perfect place to settle down. This summer, my parents and I went to Qingdao for sightseeing. Besides, we wanted to know about the housing market of Qingdao. The housing price was so high that our government needed to take some measures to reduce it❸.‎ ‎1.把句①改为含有主语从句的复合句:What_we_know_is_that one should learn to mix work with adequate rest.‎ ‎2.②处应填关系词 which。‎ ‎3.强调句③谓语动词:The housing price was so high that our government did_need to take some measures to reduce it.‎ ‎1.mix vt.& vi.混合;调配 ‎(1)mix sth. with sth.    把某物与某物混合起来 mix with sth. 与某物相融合 mix up 弄错;弄乱;混淆 mix ... up with ... 把……和……搞混了 ‎(2)mixture n. 混合(物);混合状态 mixed adj. 复杂的;混合的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①We listened to the news with a mixture (mix) of surprise and horror.‎ ‎②I must admit that I have mixed (mix) feelings about my new deskmate.‎ ‎③As is known to us, oil can't mix with water.‎ 补全句子 ‎④Miss Xu made an error and mixed_my_results_up_with someone else's!‎ 徐老师出了差错,把我的成绩和别人的弄混了。‎ ‎2.measure vi.& vt.测量;衡量;判定n.计量制;计量单位;措施;尺寸 ‎(1)measure ... by ...     用……来衡量……‎ be measured by/in 用……来衡量/计算 ‎(2)take measures/steps/action to do sth.‎ ‎ 采取措施做某事 make sth. to sb.'s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Some villagers reported a huge snake, measuring (measure) over two metres long, was found dead in a nearby cave.‎ ‎②Mr. Smith asked the tailor to make some new clothes to his own measure.‎ ‎③You can't measure someone by the clothes they wear.‎ 单句写作 ‎④它们的数量不足1 000只,因此我希望你们能采取一些有效措施来保护它们。(2013·重庆高考写作)‎ The number of them is less than 1,000, so I hope you can take_some_effective_measures_‎ to_protect_them.‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)measure表示“措施”时,常用其复数形式。(2)measure表示“有……长(宽、高等)”时,是系动词,后跟测量的结果,不用被动语态及进行时态。‎ ‎3.settle down定居;平静下来;专心于 settle down to (doing) sth.‎ ‎        开始专注于某事物;着手认真做某事 settle in/into 安顿下来;适应新的工作环境等 settle a problem/an argument 解决问题/争议 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①In the past, he often dreamed of retiring in England and settling down in the country.‎ ‎②Before we settle down to discussing (discuss) other things, I've a question to ask you.‎ ‎③Arriving in Tokyo was rather tiring, but I managed to catch a taxi to my accommodation and settle in.‎ 补全句子 ‎④If you watch long enough, you will_see_many_problems_settled_in_this_way.‎ 如果你观察的时间够长的话,就会看到许多问题是通过这种方式被解决的。‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 ‎  Visiting Canada had been our dream. However, it was not until last year ________❶ we managed to make it. We decided to take the plane rather than drive, and went aboard in the evening. At dawn, we were over Canada, ________❷ we caught sight of many lakes and mountains from a distance. We were greatly impressed by their beauty. The next day, we toured in Vancouver, which is a city of Canada❸. Surrounded with high buildings, we all felt very pleased. As far as I'm concerned, it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.‎ ‎1.①处应填 that,此处为not until的强调句式。‎ ‎2.②处应填 where,在此引导非限制性定语从句。‎ ‎3.用同位语改写句③:The next day, we toured in Vancouver, a_city_of_Canada.‎ ‎4.distance n.距离;远方 ‎(1)in the distance      在远处 from a distance 从远处 at a distance (of) 在……远的地方;距离稍远 ‎(2)keep one's distance (from) (与……)保持距离 keep sb. at a distance 对某人冷淡;与某人疏远;‎ ‎ 与某人保持一定距离 ‎(3)distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;久远的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I saw a car in the distance and jumped up as I recognized the car.‎ ‎②That afternoon we saw land at a distance of 10 miles from us.‎ ‎③Her father advised her to keep her distance from that fellow.‎ 补全句子 ‎④It was difficult to get along well with her because she always kept_everyone_at_a_distance.‎ 很难与她融洽相处,因为她总是与每个人保持一定距离。‎ ‎[名师指津] 对于“distance”的提问多用what,而不用how far或者how long。‎ ‎5.impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记;铭刻;给……留下极深的印象   使某人牢记某事 ‎ be impressed by/at/with 对……印象深刻 ‎(2)impression n. 印象;感想 leave/make a(n) ... impression on/upon sb.‎ ‎ 给某人留下……的印象 ‎(3)impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①The teacher impressed the importance of English on/upon me.‎ ‎②The teachers were most impressed by/with/at your performance in the exam.‎ ‎③My first impression (impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.‎ 补全句子 ‎④The new teacher made/left_a_good_impression_on/upon the students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.‎ 那位新老师以丰富的知识和幽默的语言给同学们留下了很好的印象。‎ ‎6.surround vt.包围;围绕 ‎(1)surround ...with ...    用……包围/围绕……‎ be surrounded by/with ... 被……包围/环绕 ‎(2)surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的 ‎(3)surroundings n. 环境(常用复数)‎ ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I came to realize that the key to success lay in trying to surround myself with creative people.‎ ‎②The trees surrounding (surround) the town were planted by the soldiers ten years ago.‎ ‎③Surrounded (surround) by the forest, the village looks very beautiful.‎ 补全句子 ‎④In a word, you are welcome to our school and I hope you can_adapt_to_the_new_‎ surroundings_soon.‎ 总之,欢迎你来我们学校并希望你能很快适应新环境。‎ ‎7.manage to do设法做 manage sb.        设法对付某人 manage sth. 经营/管理……‎ manage it 能做到 make it 做成 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I managed to_rent (rent) a big enough house to take in a handful of people.‎ ‎②That's not a hard job. I'm sure I can manage it myself.‎ 用manage和try的相关短语完成小片段 ‎③无论发生什么,我尽力按时完成任务。幸运的是,在老师的及时帮助下,我成功地提前完成了任务。‎ No matter what happened, I tried_to_finish my task on schedule. Luckily, with my teacher's timely help, I_managed_to_finish it ahead of time.‎ ‎[名师指津] manage to do sth.相当于succeed in doing sth.,表示“成功地做了某事”,重在结果;try to do sth.表示“尽力做某事”,重在动作,不一定成功。‎ ‎8.rather than“与其;不愿;而不是”,连接两个并列成分 Rather_than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.‎ 她们不想一路乘飞机,而决定先飞到温哥华,再从西海岸乘火车横穿加拿大到达东海岸。‎ other than       不同于;除了……外 or rather 更确切地说 more than 多于;不仅仅;非常 单句语法填空 ‎①We never go to church other than for funerals and weddings.‎ ‎②I think Tom, rather than you, is (be) to blame.‎ 补全句子 ‎③I met him very late on Friday night, or_rather early on Saturday morning.‎ 我在星期五深夜见到他,更确切地说是在星期六凌晨。‎ ‎④The store is more_than_happy to deliver goods to your home.‎ 商店很乐意把货物送到你的家里。‎ ‎[名师指津] rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。‎ ‎9.as far as远至……;就……而言;尽……所能 It's too bad you can't go_as_far_as Ottawa, Canada's capital.‎ 很可惜你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华。‎ as far as的常见用法:‎ as far as sb./sth. is concerned    就某人/物而言 as far as the eye can see/reach 就视力所能及 as far as I can see 依我看 as far as I know 就我所知 ‎①You can't walk as/so_far_as the end of the river.‎ 你不能走到河的尽头。‎ ‎②As_far_as_I_know,_it is convenient to do shopping in that small town.‎ 就我所知,在那个小镇上购物很方便。‎ ‎[名师指津] as far as意为“远至……”时,在否定句中可用so far as。‎ ‎[联想发散] 根据汉语提示写出下列“as ...as”短语。‎ ‎①as well as  既……又……;和……一样好 ‎②as good as 与……一样好;简直;几乎 ‎③as long as 只要;长达 ‎④as soon as 一……就……‎ ‎[单元语基落实]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.To some people, happiness means they are_surrounded (surround) by family and friends.‎ ‎2.Nancy's first reaction to the news was a strange mixture (mix) of joy and anger.‎ ‎3.As is known to us, May Day is a traditional (tradition) day for celebrations.‎ ‎4.It's reported that January's sales were slightly (slight) better than average.‎ ‎5.I first met John at my sister's wedding. He was_chatting (chat) with some of the honoured guests at the time.‎ ‎6.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy (wealth), and wise.‎ ‎7.It has been confirmed that the agreement is to be signed.‎ ‎8.The box was heavy, but he managed to_carry (carry) it.‎ ‎9.The guide leading (lead) the way, we had no trouble getting out from the forest.‎ ‎10.He lives within five minutes' walk of the post office.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.He asked how the distance was between Beijing and Qingdao.how→what ‎2.We couldn't decide whether to go to eastward or westward.去掉go后面的to ‎3.The harbor was full of soldiers with baggages.baggages→baggage ‎4.Mr Wang will make a impressive speech in the hall tonight.a→an ‎5.The government has taken measure to prevent house prices rising.measure→measures ‎6.Looking back on his childhood, he is full of mixing feelings.mixing→mixed ‎7.The noise outside stopped me from settling down to do my work.do→doing ‎8.The thought they could cross the whole continent was exciting.thought后加that ‎9.My father has gift for playing the piano, which has a great influence on me.gift前加a ‎10.I still think it terrified to find myself surrounded by large numbers of horses.terrified→terrifying Ⅲ.根据提示词补全句子 ‎1.直到我去国外旅行我才意识到英语的重要性。(not ...until)‎ I_didn't_realize_the_English_importance_until_ I took a trip abroad.‎ ‎2.我总是愿意早开始,而不愿意把所有的事情都留到最后。(rather than)‎ I always prefer_to_start_early_rather_than_leave_everything_to the last minute.‎ ‎3.经过了多次努力,最后他终于拿到了通行证。(manage)‎ He tried to do it time and time again, and at last_he_managed_to_get_a_pass.‎ ‎4.女性结婚时穿红色衣服是中国很多地方的传统风俗。(It is a tradition that ...)‎ It_is_a_tradition_that_women_get_married_in_red_in most places of China.‎ ‎5.就我个人而言,骑自行车是个很好的解决方法。(as far as)‎ As_far_as_I'm_concerned,_riding bicycles is a good solution.‎ Ⅳ.句型转换/一句多译 ‎1.The little girl is too shy and usually keeps her distance from others.‎ ‎→The little girl is too shy and usually keeps_others_at_a_distance.(同义句转换)‎ ‎2.When the test was finished, we began our holiday.‎ ‎→The_test_finished,_we began our holiday.(独立主格结构)‎ ‎3.She works hard. The fact is wellknown to us all.‎ ‎→The fact that_she_works_hard is wellknown to us all.‎ ‎4.即便如此,她的勇气和成功的强烈愿望给世界留下了深刻的印象。‎ ‎①Even so, she impressed_the_world_with her courage and strong desire to succeed.‎ ‎②Even so, she_impressed_her courage and strong desire to succeed_on/upon_the_world.‎ ‎5.除夕夜吃水饺是我们的传统。‎ ‎①We eat dumplings on the New Year's Eve_by_tradition.‎ ‎②It_is_a_tradition for us to eat dumplings on the New Year's Eve.‎ ‎[高考提能专训]‎ ‎ ‎ 阅读理解提速练(2篇阅读+1篇七选五)‎ ‎(限时:25分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Among the international students in Canada who are struggling to find a job there after graduation, some eventually make it with relative ease.They're the ones who've already built up much internship (实习) experience while still attending university, as their majors offer a cooperative program.‎ Coop programs, a feature (特色) of Canadian university programs, allow academic studies to be combined with work experience.During school years, students get to network with employers, gain internship experience in relevant fields, and earn academic credits that count toward their degree or diploma.‎ Coop programs are available in most comprehensive universities, like the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University and York University.These programs are not only open to students majoring in business but also to many science and art majors.Statistics show that nearly 30 percent of recent foreign applicants have chosen majors that also subscribe to the Coop program.“It's easy to understand,” said a senior education counselor.He noted that working opportunities are provided by employers that build bridges with the university and most of them are wellknown companies or local government organizations.Moreover, the average salary for interns is as high as C$30,000 to C$‎40,000 a year.‎ Students can choose to work during vacations or termtime freely.The required duration of the internship for undergraduates ranges from eight to twelve months, or four to six months for graduate students.“The programs also benefit those students who want to apply for immigration,” added the counselor.“That's because the policies of many provinces in Canada require a certain length of work experience of the applicants.”‎ 语篇解读:本文介绍了加拿大的一些大学针对留学生的合作项目。该项目为留学生提供了工作机会。‎ ‎1.What's the main characteristic of Coop programs?‎ A.They offer a variety of jobs in all fields.‎ B.They make academic credits easier to gain.‎ C.Employers work with students on their studies.‎ D.Students get work experience while at university.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。通读全文可知,第二段介绍了该项目的特点。根据第二段的第二句“During school years, students get to network with employers, gain internship experience in relevant fields, and earn academic credits that count toward their degree or diploma.”可知,该合作项目的主要特点是学生可以在大学期间就获得工作经验,故D项正确。‎ ‎2.What does the example of foreign applicants indicate?‎ A.Coop programs are becoming more popular.‎ B.The average salary for interns will increase.‎ C.Coop programs are open to all majors.‎ D.Companies welcome foreign students.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段的第三句“Statistics show that nearly 30 ...to the Coop program.”可知,数据显示,将近30%的外国留学生选择的专业都支持该合作项目;据此可以判断,文中提及该例旨在说明该项目越来越受到留学生的青睐,故A项正确。‎ ‎3.Which section of a website does the text probably come from?‎ A.Business.        B.Education.‎ C.Lifestyle. D.Culture.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了加拿大的一些大学针对留学生的一种合作项目。该项目为留学生提供了工作机会。据此可以判断,本文与教育相关,可能来自网站上的教育版块,故B项正确。‎ B In our everyday lives we meet situations in which we take many things for granted.We only treasure things when they are gone.This is a sad truth of human ‎ nature.One day, I found myself as a witness to a similar situation.‎ One evening, I left work and boarded the train.After entering, I noticed something unusual.The center of the car had a few empty seats while both ends were crowded with people standing.I didn't pay much attention and sat down on one of the empty seats.I sensed a funny smell.It wasn't long before I noticed a homeless person sleeping on three seats in front of me.He was bleeding from his nose.Why wasn't anyone helping him?‎ His clothes were torn and he was giving off a strange smell.Along with the smell, his eyes were dull, watery, and red.Occasionally he scratched himself and people looked at him as if he had committed a crime.As the train stopped at stations and more people came in they covered their noses and faced away from him.All the seats around him were empty.‎ Suddenly, he began to swear at the people around him.A plainclothes police officer who looked like a construction worker took out his certificate and showed it to the homeless man.The officer, not wanting to touch the homeless man, told him his rights and directed him to exit the train.As the officer walked the man out of the train, the homeless man turned around and said “MY HOME!” and started crying.‎ A man doesn't value things until they are gone.If he didn't have a home, at least he had freedom.Now he has neither.No one wants to help someone who won't help himself.‎ ‎4.When entering the car, how did the author feel at first?‎ A.Annoyed. B.Puzzled.‎ C.Sad. D.Calm.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“The center of the car had a few empty seats while both ends were crowded with people standing.”可知,车厢中部有一些空座位,而两头却挤满了站着的人;据此可以判断,“我”感到很困惑,故B项正确。‎ ‎5.How did people react to the homeless man?‎ A.They caught him and called the police.‎ B.They covered him with clean clothes.‎ C.They disliked and avoided him.‎ D.They stared at him curiously.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第三段第三句“Occasionally he scratched himself and people looked at him as if he had committed a crime.”可知,流浪汉偶尔抓挠自己,人们看着他,好像他曾经犯罪了一样;根据第二段第三句“The center of the car had a few empty seats while both ends were crowded with people standing.”可知,车厢中部有一些空座位,而两头却挤满了站着的人;据此可以判断,人们不喜欢他,避免和他接触,故C项正确。‎ ‎6.It can be learned that the policeman ________.‎ A.was very rude to the man B.sent the man back to his hometown C.forced the man to leave the city D.went off the train with the man 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句中的“As the officer walked the man out of the train”可知,警察最后带着这个流浪汉走下了火车,故D项正确。‎ ‎7.What does the author think of the homeless man?‎ A.He is a loser of life. B.He is worth our respect.‎ C.He is very funny. D.He is a fearless fighter.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二、第三句“If he didn't have a home, at least he had freedom.Now he has neither.”可知,如果他没有家,至少他还有自由,如今他两个都没有了。据此可以判断,他是一个生活的失败者,故A项正确。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 How to Set Goals Whether you have small dreams or high expectations, setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life.Some achievements can take a lifetime to attain, while others can be completed in a day.__1__‎ ‎·Determine your life goals.Ask yourself some important questions about what you want for your life.What do you want to achieve today, in a year, and in your lifetime? The answers to this question can be as general as “I want to be happy” or “I want to help people”.__2__‎ ‎·Set specific goals.Be specific and realistic about what it is that you want to ‎ achieve.Research shows that setting a specific goal makes you more likely to achieve it.__3__ For example, “Be healthier” is too big and vague to be a helpful goal.“I want to eat more vegetables, and I want to run a marathon” is better.‎ ‎·Write out your goals. Be detailed, be clear, and include your steps.__4__ Keep your list in a place where you can get informed frequently.This will help keep you motivated.‎ ‎·__5__ You may find yourself set in your ways concerning broad life goals, but take the time to reevaluate your smaller goals.Are you accomplishing them according to your timeline? Are they still necessary to keep you on track towards your larger life goals? Allow yourself the flexibility to make some small changes to your goals.‎ A.Adjust your goals.‎ B.Track and measure your progress.‎ C.Having deadlines will keep you motivated.‎ D.Consider what you hope to achieve in 10, 15, or 20 years.‎ E.Here are some important ideas that you may find helpful.‎ F.Writing them down tends to make them become a little more real.‎ G.Remember that you may need to break large goals into smaller goals.‎ ‎1.选E 根据空处所在位置可知,空处承上启下;结合下文各段的主题句可知,空处引出设定目标的有用方法,故E项符合语境。‎ ‎2.选D 根据该段的主题句“Determine your life goals.”可知,该段主要建议“确定你的终身目标”;据此可知,该目标属于长期目标,故D项符合语境。‎ ‎3.选G 根据下文中的“For example,‘Be healthier’ is too big and vague to be a helpful goal.‘I want to eat more vegetables, and I want to run a marathon’ is better.”可知,该处举例说明要把大目标分解成小目标,故G项符合语境。‎ ‎4.选F 根据该段的主题句“Write out your goals.”可知,要写下你的目标;据此可以判断,空处解释“写下目标”的原因,故F项符合语境。‎ ‎5.选A 根据空处所在位置可知,空处是该段的主题句;结合该段内容尤其是该段尾句“Allow yourself the flexibility to make some small changes to your goals.”可知,该段主要讲可以灵活地对你的目标做一些改变,故A项符合语境。‎

