高中英语必修2 - Unit 1单元训练及解析

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高中英语必修2 - Unit 1单元训练及解析

1 必修 2Unit 1 (时间:40 分钟 满分:50 分) Ⅰ.单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 1.The necklace the woman bought is________,because it is made of glass. (2012·福建莆田市高三适应性练习) A.priceless B.worthwhile C.valuable D.worthless 答案 D [考查形容词词义辨析。priceless 无价的;值钱的;worthwhile 值得花(时间、钱 等);valuable 有价值的;worthless 没用的;无价值的。由从句内容可知,the necklace 不值 钱。句意:那位女士买的项链不值钱,因为那是用玻璃做的。] 2.In order to________ the financial storm, many families cut their daily expenses. A.prevent B.survive C.quit D.miss 答案 B [考查动词词义辨析。prevent 阻止;survive 幸存下来;quit 退出;放弃; miss 错过。由语境可知 B 项正确。句意:为了度过金融风暴带来的危机,许多家庭都缩减了日 常开支。] 3.—How do you find the match between Spain and Switzerland? —________Powerful Spain lost the game by 0-1. (2012·安徽省百校论坛高三联 考) A.I watched it on TV. B.It's amazing! C.You guessed it! D.Congratulations! 答案 B [考查情景交际。由答语可知,答话人认为很不可思议。It's amazing!太不可思议 了!句意:——你认为西班牙和瑞士的比赛怎么样?——太不可思议了!实力很强的西班 牙 队以 0:1 输了。] 4.It is said that some software on learning subjects for pupils________in a very practical way .(2012·昆明市高三适应性检测) A.designed B.is designed C.designs D.is designing 答案 B [考查时态及语态。design 与 software 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用被动形 式。句意:据说为孩子们的学习而设计的一些学习软件是用很实用的方式设计的。] 5.With your brother's help, I've made great progress in English and I really want to do something for him________. 2 A.in turn B.by turns C.in return D.in answer 答案 C [考查介词短语的辨析。in turn 反过来,反之;by turns 轮流;in return 作为回报; in answer 无此搭配形式。句意:在你哥哥的帮助下,我的英语取得了很大进步,因此我很 想做点事情来报答他。] 6.It takes________money to help those who have suffered in flood in Tailand;it also takes love. A.more than B.other than C.rather than D.less than 答案 A [考查短语的辨析。more than 多于;超过;不仅仅;other than 除……之外;rather than 而不;less than 少于。句意:帮助那些泰国在洪灾中受苦的人不仅仅需要钱,还需要 爱。] 7.There's no doubt________the famous professor will come to give us a lecture. A.if B.that C.what D.whether 答案 B [考查句型的搭配。There is no doubt that...毫无疑问……。句意:毫无疑问那位著 名的教授要来给我们做演讲。] 8.—How do you find the British Museum? —Great! It's________worth________. A.very; visiting B.well; a visit C.quite; being visited D.very much; visiting 答案 B [考查短语的搭配。worth 的修饰语常用 well;worth 后可接名词或动名词。句意: ——你觉得大英博物馆怎么样?——好极了!它很值得一看。] 9.—Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Guangzhou this morning. —Really? She________the 9:00 train. It's much more comfortable and safer to travel by train. A.could have taken B.should take C.must have taken D.can take 答案 A [考查情态动词的用法。上句表示珍妮已乘坐 8 点的汽车去广州了。答句意思是: 她本可以坐 9 点的火车去,坐火车舒服得多,安全得多。“情态动词 could + 完成式”表示“本 来可以”,而实际上并没有那么做。] 10.—Did Peter fix the computer himself? —He________, because he doesn't know much about computers.(2012·山西山大附中高三模 拟) A.has it fixed B.had fixed it 3 C.had it fixed D.fixed it 答案 C [考查句型的用法。由语境可知,彼得应该是找人修的电脑,故用句型 have sth done, 意为“ 让别人干某事”。句意:——彼得是自己修的电脑吗?——他让别人修的,因为他对 电脑了解的并不多。] 11.Luckily,________to be no one under the tree when it broke down. A.it happened B.there happened C.there used D.it had 答案 B [考查句型的使用。There happen to be ...碰巧有……。句意:幸运的是,树断的时 候碰巧树下没有人。] 12.Ladies and gentlemen, please remain________until the plane has come to a complete stop. A.seated B.seating C.to seat D.seat 答案 A [remain 为系动词,后接形容词或名词作表语。remain seated 坐好,表示状态。句 意:女士们先生们,请坐好等飞机完全停下来。] 13.While there is no life on Mars now, some scientists think that there________some form of life. (2012·辽宁沈阳二中高三模拟) A.must be B.can have been C.may have been D.would be 答案 C [考查情态动词的用法。must be 表示对现在情况的推测,意为“一定是”;may have been 对过去情况的推测,意为“可能……”。句意:尽管现在火星上没有生命,一些科学家 认为火星上可能存在过一些生命形式。] 14.—What does the notice say? —All the storytellers should meet at the same hall________won the first three prizes. A.what B.as C.who D.which 答案 C [在交际用语中考查分隔式定语从句的引导词。先行词为 storytellers,且从句中缺 少主语,故用 who 引导。句意:——通知上写着什么?——获得前三名奖的作者都要在同 一个大厅集合。] 15.A violent flood struck the city where a lot of houses________to the local residents were badly damaged. A.belonging B.belonged C.belong D.are belonged 答案 A [考查非谓语形式作后置定语。belong to 为不及物动词短语,无被动形式,故用 现在分词形式。句意:严重的洪灾袭击了这个城市,城市里的许多当地居民的房屋受到了严 4 重的破坏。] Ⅱ.完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) Mr.Glen is a millionaire.Five years ago,after returning from abroad to his motherland,he __16__ his small company.Speaking of success,Glen often tells us a story about his extra expensive “school”fees.He always __17__ his success to it. At that time,Glen,who already got a Ph.D.degree,__18__ to return to his homeland,starting a company.Before leaving,he bought a Rolex watch with the __19__ made through years of work after school and the scholarships.At the airport he had to accept the __20__ customs check.The watch on his wrist was also required to be taken off for __21__.Glen knew that carrying the specific goods from abroad to his motherland had to pay the tax,and he worried about paying __22__ for his watch.So when he was checked,he told a lie that his watch was a __23__ fake(假 货).When he was __24__ of his “smarts”,immediately,in the presence of Glen,the officers hit the watch,__25__ cost nearly ¥100,000,into pieces __26__ hearing Glen's words.Glen was __27__.Before he understood why,he was taken to an office to be examined __28__.For many times of entry­exit __29__ he knew that only those people in the “blacklist” would “enjoy” this special treatment.The officers looked over everything carefully in the box,and __30__ him no matter what time of entry and exit he must accept the check and that if he were to be __31__ reusing and carrying fake and shoddy goods,he would be __32__ according to law!Suddenly, his face turned red,and he had nothing in mind after boarding the plane for long. After returning to his homeland,he often told the story to his family,and his employees, too.He said that this made a deep __33__ on him,because the extra expensive“school”fees that he had ever paid made him realize the value of __34__,which he would remember as the __35__ of his success forever. 【解题导语】 本文讲述的是 Mr.Glen 从国外回来经过机场海关时,将在国外高价购买 的一只手表谎称是假货而想逃避关税,结果被当做假货当场粉碎的故事。这个故事告诉人 们诚实是非常重要的。 16.A.set up B.took up C.went up D.picked up 答案 A [考查短语的辨析。由下文中的“starting a company”可知 Glen 在回国后成立了一家 公司。set up 意为“创建,开办”;take up 意为“占用,占据”;go up 意为“被建造,被兴建”; pick up 意为“(偶然)得到,听到”。] 17.A.honors B.mentions C.brings D.owes 答案 D [考查语境与固定短语。owe...to...意为“把……归功于……”。Glen 把自己的成功 5 归功于那次交了“额外的昂贵学费”的经历。] 18.A.decided B.refused C.objected D.asked 答案 A [考查上下文语境。根据后面的“Before leaving”可知他决定回国。decide to do sth 意为“决定做某事”。] 19.A.books B.things C.savings D.pounds 答案 C [考查常识。买表要用钱,这里指放学后打工挣的积蓄和奖学金。故 C 项正确。] 20.A.ordinary B.routine C.regular D.common 答案 B [考查形容词。根据上文可知 Glen 要回国,当然要经过机场常规的海关检查。 ordinary 意为“普通的”;routine 意为“例行公事的,常规的”;regular 意为“有规律的”;common 意为“常见的”。B 项正确。] 21.A.look B.inspection C.test D.experiment 答案 B [考查名词。根据上文中的“customs check”可知此处表示要把手表摘下来检查,因 此用 inspection。] 22.A.one B.it C.them D.these 答案 B [考查代词的区别。it 指代上句中的“the tax”,而 one 泛指可数名词单数;them 及 these 都是复数形式。] 23.A.priceless B.useful C.worthless D.valuable 答案 C [考查形容词。既然是假货,应该是无价值的,故选 C,worthless 表示“无价值 的”; priceless 表示“无价的,极珍贵的”。] 24.A.afraid B.proud C.ashamed D.hard 答案 B [考查上下文语境。根据下文的“his ‘smarts'”可知 Glen 对自己的聪明感到自豪。] 25.A.that B.what C.as D.which 答案 D [考查语法知识。此处应用 which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 watch。] 26.A.on B.at C.of D.in 6 答案 A [考查固定用法。on hearing Glen's words 意为“一听到 Glen 的话”。“on+名词/动 名词“表示”一……就”,为固定用法。] 27.A.disappointed B.delighted C.amazed D.satisfied 答案 C [考查上下文语境。根据上文中的“工作人员当着他的面把劳力士表砸碎”以及后面 的“还没明白怎么回事,他就被带到了一间办公室”可知 Glen 很吃惊。] 28.A.strictly B.quietly C.quickly D.curiously 答案 A [考查上下文语境。由语境可知,工作人员对他的检查应该是严格的。] 29.A.conditions B.experiences C.experiments D.chances 答案 B [考查上下文语境。由“Glen 在国外读书并获得学位”可知,他应该有过很多次的 出入境的经历。] 30.A.stopped B.hoped C.warned D.urged 答案 C [考查上下文语境。根据上文中的“examined strictly”以及后面的“according to law” 可知,该工作人员的语气应该是严厉的,故 warn 最佳。] 31.A.came out B.found out C.sent out D.set out 答案 B [考查上下文语境。如果他再次被发现使用假冒伪劣商品,将根据法律受到起诉。 用 find out 符合“warn”和“according to law”的语境。] 32.A.hit B.blamed C.praised D.charged 答案 D [考查上下文语境。既然携带假冒伪劣商品是违法的事情,那么此处应该是指被 起诉(charged)。] 33.A.expression B.idea C.thought D.impression 答案 D [考查固定短语。make an impression on sb 意为“给某人留下了印象”,是一个固定 短语。] 34.A.honesty B.lies C.goods D.bravery 答案 A [考查上下文语境。由于撒谎付出了昂贵的代价,因此 Glen 意识到了诚实的价 值。] 35.A.secret B.lesson 7 C.choice D.belief 答案 A [考查上下文语境。他将永远记住这个成功的秘密。secret 意为“秘诀,秘密”,符 合语境。lesson 意为“教训”;choice 意为“选择”;belief 意为“信仰,信念”。] Ⅲ.阅读表达(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 15 分) [1]Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the best method.Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country? [2]The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious.Firstly, you will be able to listen to the language all the time you are in the country.You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go.Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other people.In Italy,it is always possible, in the class, to speak Italian if you want to and the learning is slower. [3]On the other hand,________staying at home to study.You don't have to make big changes to your life.As well as this,it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK.If_you_have_a_good_teacher_in_Italy,I_think_you_can_ learn_in_a_more_concentrated_way_than_being_in_Britain_without_going_to_a_school. [4]So,in conclusion,I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to spend some time in the UK.This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in Italy is the only viable(可行的)option.The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximise your opportunities:to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside the class. 36.What is the text mainly about?(no more than 10 words) ________________________________________________________________________ 答案 The best way to learn English. 37.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? All the people and everything around are related with English , and you'll have more opportunities. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案 You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go. 38.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 8 words) ________________________________________________________________________ 答案 there are also advantages of 39.What suggestion does the author give to those who learn English in their own country?(no more than 20 words) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8 答案 Speaking only English in class and trying to use English whenever possible outside the class. 40.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案 如果你在意大利有一位好老师,我想你就可以以一种更为集中的方式,而不像在英国 那样无需专门去学校学习。 写作素材集锦 单词 take off 脱下(衣服),摘掉 句子 Speaking of success,Glen often tells us a story about his extra expensive “school” fees.He always owes his success to it. 提到自己的成功,Glen 总是给我们讲起他那额外的昂贵学费。他总是把他的成功归功 于它。

