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Unit 1 School life学案 学校生活之(一)‎ ‎——校园生活 ‎[一积词汇见多识广] ‎ ‎[课内单词回扣]‎ ‎(一)阅读词汇写其义 ‎1.enjoyable adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的   2.literature n.文学 ‎3.average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的 4.extra adj.额外的,外加的 ‎5.academic adj.学业的,学术的 6.former adj.以前的 ‎7.splendid adj.极佳的,非常好的 8.title n.(书的)名称;题目;头衔 ‎9.somehow adv.不知为什么,不知怎么地 10.run vt.管理;操作 ‎11.charge n.&vt.负责,掌管;收费 12.broadcast vt.&n.广播,播放 ‎13.event n.事件;社交活动;比赛项目 14.generation n.一代(人)‎ ‎(二)表达词汇写其形 ‎1.experiencen. &vt.经历,体验 2.earnvt.获得;赚,挣得 ‎3.headmastern.校长 4.respectn.&vt.尊敬,敬重 ‎5.strugglen.&vi.奋斗,努力 6.exchangen.&vt.交换;交流 ‎7.donatevt.捐赠 8.informvt.通知,告知 ‎9.hostn.主持人;主人,东道主 10.selectvt.选择,挑选 ‎(三)拓展词汇灵活用 ‎*1.devote vt.致力于;献身→devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的→devotion n.奉献;挚爱 ‎ 2.challenging adj.具有挑战性的→challenge vt.&n.向……挑战;挑战 ‎*3.encouragement n.鼓励→encourage vt.鼓励→encouraged adj.鼓舞的→encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的 ‎*4.satisfaction n.满意→satisfy vt.使……满意→satisfied adj.满意的→satisfying/satisfactory adj.令人满意的 ‎*5.graduate vi.毕业n.毕业生→graduation n.毕业 ‎*6.fluent adj.流利的→fluently adv.流利地→fluency n.流利 ‎ 7.painting n.绘画,绘画作品→paint vt.油漆;绘画→painter n.画家;油漆匠 ‎ 8.independent adj.独立的→independence n.独立 ‎*9.approve vt.&vi.批准,通过;赞成,同意→approval n.批准,赞成→approving adj.满意的,赞成的 ‎*10.preparation n.准备,筹备→prepare vt.准备,筹备→prepared adj.有准备的 用上面加*号的单词的适当形式填空 ‎1.With the encouragement of her mother, she made such encouraging progress at school that she was finally admitted to Zhejiang University.‎ ‎2.My cousin can speak English fluently,_so my uncle and aunt are proud of their daughter's fluent English frequently.‎ ‎3.Few people are able to devote themselves fully to their careers.Once they are devoted to them, their devotion must bring them a big success.‎ ‎4.When Ella graduated from high school, her parents came to her graduation ceremony.‎ ‎5.Tim's plan was finally approved by all members of the board, and the approval won him many approving glances.‎ ‎6.To tell the truth, the teacher didn't make good preparations for his lessons.I had no choice but to be prepared to study by myself.‎ ‎7.The result of the experiment was very satisfying/satisfactory.Not only did we feel satisfied with it, but our teacher looked at us with satisfaction.‎ ‎ [话题单词积累]‎ ‎1.headteacher n.  班主任 ‎2.staff /stɑːf/n. 全体员工 ‎3.classmate /'klɑːsmeɪt/n. 同班同学 ‎4.campus /'kæmpəs/n. 校园 ‎5.laboratory/lə'bɒrətri/n. 实验室 ‎6.library /'laɪbrəri/n. 图书馆 ‎7.canteen /kæn'tiːn/n. 食堂 ‎8.dormitory /'dɔːmətri/n. 学生宿舍 ‎9.playground /'pleɪgraʊnd/n. 操场,运动场 ‎10.platform /'plætfɔːm/n. 讲台 ‎11.routine /ruː'tiːn/n. 常规 ‎12.assignment /ə'saɪnmənt/n. 作业 ‎13.error /'erə(r)/n. 错误 ‎14.examination /ɪgˌzæmɪ'neɪʃn/n. 考试 ‎15.score /skɔː(r)/n. (=mark/grade)分数 ‎16.cheat /tʃiːt/vi. 作弊 ‎17.discipline /'dɪsəplɪn/n. 纪律 ‎18.dismiss /dɪs'mɪs/vt. 开除 ‎19.instructor /ɪn'strʌktə(r)/n. 指导员,导师 ‎20.review /rɪ'vjuː/vt. 复习 ‎21.check /tʃek/vt. 检查,核对 ‎22.discuss /dɪ'skʌs/vt. 讨论 ‎23.memorize /'meməraɪz/vt. 记忆,熟记 ‎24.recite /rɪ'saɪt/vt. 背诵;叙述 ‎25.gain /geɪn/vt. (=obtain/achieve)获得 ‎26.improve /ɪm'pruːv/vt. 提高 ‎27.competition /'kɒmpə'tɪʃn/n.比赛,竞赛 ‎28.volunteer /ˌvɒlən'tɪə(r)/n. 志愿者 vt. 自愿做 ‎29.attend/ə'tend/vt. 参加,出席 ‎30.praise /preɪz/n.&vt. 表扬 ‎31.relax /rɪ'læks/vt. 使放松 ‎32.scholarship /'skɒləʃɪp/n. 奖学金 ‎33.university/ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːsəti/n. 大学 ‎34.diploma /dɪ'pləʊmə/n.毕业证书;文凭 ‎35.doctor /'dɒktə/n. 博士[二积短语顿挫抑扬] ‎ ‎ [课内短语回扣]‎ ‎(一)根据汉语写出下列短语 ‎ 1.for_free免费;无偿地      *2.be_fond_of喜欢,喜爱 ‎*3.look_back_(on)回忆,回顾 4.make_use_of利用,使用 ‎ ‎*5.in_charge_of负责,掌管 *6.devote_...to_...把……奉献给……‎ ‎*7.in_exchange_for交换;交流 *8.more_than超过;不仅仅 ‎ 9.make_sure确保,保证 10.be_available_for可供……利用 ‎ 11.take_good_care_of好好照顾 12.refer_to指的是;提到;查阅 ‎ 13.inform_sb._of_sth.通知某人某事 *14.come_up_with提出;想出 ‎(二)用上面加*号的短语完成下列句子 ‎1.It was said that the farmer was_fond_of monkeys extremely and kept a large number of them in his farm.‎ ‎2.Listening is more_than just sitting silently while someone else talks.‎ ‎3.As I look_back_on that day now, it surely lacks any sense of reality.‎ ‎4.As the tradition, it was the newcomer to be in_charge_of the night emergency affairs. ‎ ‎5.I will teach you Chinese in_exchange_for your teaching me English.‎ ‎6.After he graduated, he continued to devote_himself_to research.‎ ‎7.Nome's town officials came_up_with a way. They would have the medicine sent by rail from Anchorage to Nenana.‎ ‎[话题短语积累]‎ ‎1.get along/on with    与……相处 ‎2.be admitted to/into 被……录取 ‎3.sign up for 报名,参加 ‎4.ask for leave 请假 ‎5.be absent from 缺席……‎ ‎6.graduate from 从……毕业 ‎7.be strict with 对……要求严格 ‎8.obey/observe the school rules/regulations 遵守学校的规章制度 ‎9.drop out of the school 辍学 ‎10.pass/get through the exam 通过考试 ‎11.fail the exam 考试不及格 ‎12.get high marks 得高分 ‎13.makeup examination 补考 ‎14.be absorbed/occupied in全神贯注于,专心致志于 ‎15.do/make/perform/carry out an experiment 做实验 ‎16.have a good command of 精通……‎ ‎17.make good/great/rapid progress 取得很大的进步 ‎ [三积句式写作扮靓] ‎ ‎[课内句式仿写]‎ ‎1.it作形式主语 ‎[例句] We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names.‎ ‎[仿写] 每首唐诗都联系着一个故事,因此对你来说理解它们比较容易。(2017·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文)‎ Each Tang Poem is attached to a story, so it's_easier_for_you_to_understand_them. ‎ ‎2.upon/on+doing/n. ...‎ ‎[例句] Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China. ‎ ‎[仿写] 我们一到达附近的街区,就把布娃娃赠送给那儿的老人和孩子们。(2016·北京 高考写作佳句)‎ Upon_arriving_at a nearby neighborhood, we gave away the dolls to the little kids and elderly people there.‎ ‎3.so ... that ... ‎ ‎[例句] I was a little nervous at first, but everyone wasso nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying. ‎ ‎[仿写] 那段视频是如此完美以至于很受欢迎。学生们和老师们度过了美好的时光。(2017·北京高考写作佳句)‎ The video was so_perfect_that it was well received. The students and teachers shared a great time.‎ ‎[话题佳句背诵]‎ ‎1.At school, all the teachers work very hard, encourage us to build up our confidence and inspire us to improve our study.‎ 在学校,所有的老师工作都非常努力,鼓励我们树立信心并且激励我们提高学习成绩。‎ ‎2.It wasin the lab which was in the charge of Mr White thatthey did the experiment.‎ 就是在怀特先生负责的实验室里他们做的那个实验。‎ ‎3.We have made up our minds to achieve it,because the dream of going to the firstclass university attracts us greatly. ‎ 因为上一流大学的梦想很吸引我们,我们已下定决心来实现它。‎ ‎4.Every time an exam is coming, I am so upset. I'm afraid I may fail the exam and can't live up to my teachers' expectations.‎ 每次考试前我都非常烦躁,害怕考试不及格而辜负了老师的期望。‎ ‎[四背语段语感流畅] ‎ It'sof great importancefor us to have a green earth. A week before Earth Day, posters were put up to informusofjoining in the actions for a greener earth.‎ Our classcame up withthe idea to make better use ofused materials. We turned them into dolls, handbags and small vases and then went to a nearby neighborhood to give them out for free. All were very happy with those gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. We did so well thatwe were invited to share our experiencewith all the students of our school.‎ We are very proud of ourselves and believe we can do more for a better world.‎ 拥有一个绿色的地球对我们来说是非常重要的。在地球日之前的一周,张贴的海报告知我们加入一个绿色地球的行动。‎ 我们的班级提出了更好地利用废品的想法。我们把废品变成玩偶、手袋和小花瓶,然后去了附近的一个社区免费发放它们。所有人收到那些礼物都很高兴,特别是小孩和老人。我们做得如此好以至于我们被邀请与全校同学分享我们的经验。‎ 我们为自己感到骄傲,并且相信为一个更好的世界我们可以做得更多。‎ ‎ [第一板块 重点词汇突破] ‎ ‎[师生共研词汇]‎ ‎1.experience vt.经历,体验n.[U]经验;[C]经历 ‎[教材原句] Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.‎ 在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。‎ ‎[一词多义] 写出句中experience的词性及含义 ‎①The cries of invisible birds make the trip a lovely experience and on the way home you can drop into the village for afternoon tea.(2018·青岛模拟)n.[C]经历 ‎②“I just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to experience a lot of joy,” said Axani. (2017·全国卷Ⅲ完形)vt.体验 ‎③Frank offered to share his workexperience with his colleagues. n.[U]经验 ‎(1)be a(n) ... experience for sb. 对某人来说是一 种……的经历 have experience in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面有 经验(在行)‎ learn by experience 从经验中学到 in sb.'s experience 凭某人的经验 ‎(2)experienced adj. 有经验的;熟练的 be experienced in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面有经验(在行)‎ ‎④Cobbins was an experienced (experience) officer and didn't miss much. ‎ 科宾斯是一位经验丰富的警官,很少有什么能从他眼皮底下溜走。‎ ‎⑤This old doctor has_experience_in/is_experienced_in treating heart diseases. ‎ 这位老医生对治疗心脏病非常有经验。‎ ‎[名师点津] 当experience意为“经历,体验”时是可数名词,意为“经验”时是不可数名词,其前可用little, much等修饰。‎ ‎⑥Experienceshelp her gain much life experience.‎ 经历帮她获得了很多人生经验。‎ ‎2.respect vt.尊敬;尊重;敬意n.[C]细节;方面;[U]敬意,问候 ‎ [教材原句] He also told us that the best way to earn respectwas to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades.‎ 他还告诉我们,赢得尊敬的最佳途径就是努力学习得高分。‎ ‎[一词多义] 写出句中 respect的含义 ‎①We all admire and respect Mo Yan for his success in winning the Nobel Prize in Literature. 尊敬 ‎②This proposal given by our tutor is really excellent in all respects. 方面;细节 ‎③I'm sorry I can't come up to your apartment. Give myrespects to your parents.问候 ‎(1)respect sb.for ...      因……而尊重某人 ‎(2)in all/many respects 在各个/许多方面 with respect to 关于;就……而言 ‎(3)earn/win/gain one's respect 赢得某人的尊敬 have/show respect for ... 对……表示敬意 give/send one's respects to sb. 代某人向某人问候 out of respect for sb. 出于对某人的尊敬 ‎(4)respectful adj. 恭敬的,有礼貌的 respectable adj. 可敬的,体面的 ‎④My English teacher is modest and prudent,so all of us show respect for him.‎ 我的英语老师是个谦虚谨慎的人,我们都很尊重他。‎ ‎⑤The new teacher soon won/earned/gained_the_respect_of_his_students.‎ 这位新来的老师很快就赢得了学生们的尊重。‎ ‎⑥With_respect_to your application for the job, I am not yet able to tell you our decision.‎ 关于你申请的这份工作,我还不能告诉你我们的决定。‎ ‎⑦The children in our family are always respectful (respect) to their elders.‎ 我们家的孩子对长辈总是恭恭敬敬的。‎ ‎[一言串记] All the students are respectful to therespectable professor in this respect.‎ 在这方面,所有的学生都很尊敬那位可敬的教授。‎ ‎3.devote vt.致力于;献身 ‎ [高考佳句] I feel that I've been given a second life to devote to something that is meaningful and enormous. (2017·天津高考完形)‎ 我感到我已经被赋予第二次生命去投入到有意义的重大事情上来。‎ ‎(1)devote oneself to sth./doing sth.        献身于……;致力于……‎ devote one's life/time/money/energy to (doing) sth.‎ 把某人的一生/时间/金钱/精力奉献于(做)某事 ‎(2)devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的 be devoted to sth./doing sth. 专心于;奉献于……‎ ‎(3)devotion n. 关爱;关照;奉献;忠诚 ‎①I have devoted much time to making (make) preparations for the next lesson. ‎ 我已经花了很多时间为下节课做准备。‎ ‎②Premier Zhou Enlai devoted_all_himself_to the people and the country until the last day of his life.‎ 周恩来总理一生为人民为国家鞠躬尽瘁。‎ ‎③Devoted (devote) to reading the novel, she didn't notice her mother come in.‎ 专心看小说,她没有注意到她的妈妈进来。‎ ‎④To my joy, my father respect my devotion (devote) to art.‎ 令我开心的是,父亲敬重我对艺术的热爱。‎ ‎4.struggle vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎n.[C]难事;斗争;努力 ‎ [教材原句] We also had different students in some classes, so it was a strugglefor me to remember all the faces and names.‎ 上某些课的时候,班上的同学也不一样,所以对于我来说记住所有人的面孔和名字可是一件难事。‎ struggle for    为……而奋斗 struggle with/against 与……作斗争 struggle to do sth. 挣扎着做某事 struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来 ‎①India had to struggle_to_beat defending champions South Korea 2-0.‎ 印度队苦战之下才以2比0击败卫冕冠军韩国队。‎ ‎②The two boxers struggled_with/against each other and the referee separated them.‎ 两位拳击手扭打在了一起,裁判把他们分开了。‎ ‎③Bravely, Mary struggled_to_her_feet,and fought against the wind and rain beating against her.‎ 玛丽勇敢地挣扎着站起来,同扑向她的暴风雨搏斗着。‎ ‎④Be prepared, to struggle_for the cause of Communism!‎ 准备着,为共产主义事业而奋斗。‎ ‎5.exchange n.&vt.交换;交流;兑换 ‎ [教材原句] Next year, I plan on attending a high school in China on a student exchangeprogramme, and I found your article a great encouragement to me.‎ 明年我打算按照学生交流计划到中国的一所高中学习,我觉得你的文章对我来说是个很大的鼓励。‎ ‎(1)in exchange (for ...)    交换;作为交换 ‎(2)exchange sth. for sth. 用某物交换某物 exchange sth.with sb. 与某人交换某物 ‎(3)exchange student 交换生 exchange rate 汇率;兑换率 cultural exchange 文化交流 ‎①It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in_exchange_for favors.‎ 公务员通过索要礼物或钱财作为为他人提供便利的交换条件是违法的。‎ ‎②The Internet enables us to exchange_ideas_with many others to check our claims, and to judge our actions.(2016·江苏高考)‎ 互联网使我们能够和许多其他人交流思想,以此来检查我们的要求和判断我们的行为。‎ ‎③Her son didn't like the colour, so she exchanged_the_black_jacket_for a blue one.‎ 她的儿子不喜欢那个颜色,因此她将那件黑色夹克衫换了一件蓝色的。‎ ‎6.inform vt.通知,告知 ‎ [教材原句] We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting.‎ 我们很遗憾地通知您,我们图书馆将在下周三、周四和周五因运动会而关闭。‎ ‎(1)inform sb. that ...     通知/告知某人……‎ inform sb. of ... 通知/告知某人……‎ ‎(2)keep sb. informed of ... 随时通知某人 ‎(3)information n. [U]信息 ‎①He has_been_informed_that he doesn't qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background. (2017·江苏高考)‎ 他已经被告知,由于其教育背景,他没有资格获得这笔奖学金。‎ ‎②People who are_informed_of_the rail's use would be less likely to mistake it for a bike rack. (2018·北京模拟)‎ 那些知情钢轨用途的人将不太可能把它误以为是自行车支架。‎ ‎③The old man reads newspapers every day to keep himself informed (inform) of what's going on in the world.‎ 这位老人每天读报以了解世界上发生的事情。‎ ‎[名师点津] inform后不能直接带双宾语,而需借助于介词of或about,构成inform sb. of/about sth.结构。‎ ‎7.approve vt.&vi.批准,通过;赞成,同意 ‎ [教材原句] He approved the idea, and two years later I am in charge of the radio club as the oldest student member.‎ 他同意了这个想法,两年后我作为俱乐部的元老级成员负责广播俱乐部的工作。‎ ‎(1)approve sth.      批准/同意某事 approve of sb./sth. 赞成/批准……‎ approve of one's doing sth. 同意某人做某事 ‎(2)approval n. 赞成;同意;批准,认可 give one's approval to sth. 批准/同意某事 ‎①The council is considering whether to approve of the use of firearms. ‎ 政务委员会正在考虑是否要批准动用武器。‎ ‎②I would appreciate it if you could give your approval (approve) to my application.‎ 如果我的申请获得你的批准,我将不胜感激。‎ ‎[名师点津] “赞成/同意某人做某事”不可说成approve sb. to do sth., 应该用approve of one's doing sth.,其中介词of后是动名词的复合结构。‎ ‎③I approve of your earning (earn) some money, but please don't ignore your studies.‎ 我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要误了功课。‎ ‎8.charge n.负责,掌管;费用vt.使承担责任;收费,要价;控告 ‎[经典例句] We can arrange this for a small charge.‎ 我们可以将此安排好,只收取很少的费用。‎ ‎(1)in charge of        负责,掌管 in the charge of 由……负责,掌管 free of charge 免费 take charge of 负责,掌管 ‎ (2)charge sb. sth. for ... 为……向某人要价……‎ charge sb. with sth. 控告某人有……罪 ‎①You are in_charge_of the job. How could you evade the issue?‎ 你是负责人,你怎么能对这个问题不置可否?‎ ‎②The company was in_the_charge_of Mr Smith.‎ 公司由史密斯先生掌管。‎ ‎③The man who had_taken_charge_of the company was charged with stealing a car.‎ 曾经掌管这家公司的那个人被指控偷车。‎ ‎④The restaurant charged us £40 for the wine.‎ 这家餐厅收了我们40英镑的酒水钱。‎ ‎[联想发散] in charge of 多以人作主语,指“某人负责/主管某事”;in the charge of 多以物作主语,指“某物由某人掌管”。类似用法的还有:in possession of, in the possession of; in control of, in the control of等。‎ ‎[自主练通词汇]‎ ‎1.average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的n.平均,平均数v.算出……的平均数 ‎(1)写出句中average的词性及含义 ‎①Statistics show that theaverage number of births per woman has fallen from 4.9 in the early 1960s to 2.5 nowadays. (2017·江苏高考任务型阅读)adj.平均的 ‎②Freddy was an average student, but not an average person. (2017·全国卷Ⅱ完形)adj.普通的 ‎③A survey shows parents spend an average of D|S220 a year on toys in Shanghai. n.平均数 ‎④Room and board charges together average 7,404 and 8,595 dollars, respectively.v.平均为 ‎(2)根据提示完成小语段 在这次考试中有90个同学得到了满分,每个班级平均有18人。汤姆的成绩在平均水平之上,而约翰的成绩在平均水平之下。‎ There were 90 students getting full marks in the exam, ⑤on_average 18 students in each class. Tom's score was ⑥above_average while John's was ⑦below_average.‎ ‎2.graduate vi.毕业n.大学毕业生 ‎(1)写出句中graduate的词性及含义 ‎①Kathy is agraduateof Tokyo University.n.大学毕业生 ‎②My cousin will graduate from Yunnan University in July.vi.毕业 ‎(2)单句语法填空 ‎③At my brother's high school graduation(graduate), the students recited a poem. ‎ ‎④The old man graduated from Oxford University in 1978. ‎ ‎3.donate vt.捐赠 ‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①After the earthquake happened, many actors donated much money to the disaster area.‎ ‎②To help more people in India, the IMA Blood Bank has also developed a team to educate the public about blood donation (donate). (2018·烟台模拟)‎ ‎③Doctors are searching a blood donator (donate) to the patient whose blood type is rare.(2018·西安模拟)‎ ‎④Volunteers came with carloads of donated (donate) clothing and toys. (2016·北京高考)‎ ‎[词汇过关练]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.The firm's director quickly give his approval (approve) to her new plan.‎ ‎2.As a general rule, every citizen shows respect for the elders in China.‎ ‎3.Experienced (experience) in driving, she always has faith in her skills on highways.‎ ‎4.It's very kind of you to keep me well informed (inform) of what's going on there. ‎ ‎5.You may exchange it for a brown one if your husband doesn't like the color.‎ ‎6.Devoted (devote) to teaching the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for her own children.‎ ‎7.The children talked so loudly at the dinner table that I had to struggle to_be_heard (hear).‎ ‎8.I am happy to tell you that your ability to do things is above average.‎ ‎9.To his joy, this year he is in charge of overseeing the equipment of the company.‎ ‎10.If we hadn't made adequate preparations (prepare), the conference wouldn't have been so successful.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.It is reported that the businessman has donated a lot of money for the school.for→to ‎2.When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be interesting experience. interesting前加an ‎3.Tim was very upset because he was charged by the police for breaking the law. for→with ‎4.It's a small shop, with a average of about 500 customers a week. 第二个a→an ‎5.Married to a Chinese businessman, the way of her life has changed a lot in recently years.recently→recent ‎6.Her parents did not approve her decision.approve后加of ‎7.Parents often have little choice with respect for the way their child is medically treated. for→to ‎8.To my regret, they were unable to provide some useful informations. informations→information Ⅲ.单句写作(补全句子/一句多译)‎ ‎1.As he was_devoted_to/devoted_himself_to_(专心于) his research work,the professor cared little about any other things.‎ ‎2.The best way to keep/have_the_public_informed_of (让公众随时了解) the latest news or information is through TV or the Internet.‎ ‎3.All the students stood up out_of_respect (出于尊敬) when the headmaster came in.‎ ‎4.He earns_his_living (谋生) as a parttime secretary during the summer vacation.‎ ‎5.On_(the)_average (平均), each report requires 1,000 hours to prepare. ‎ ‎6.据我所知,史密斯先生没有训练足球队员的经验。‎ ‎①As far as I know, Mr Smith has_no_experience_in_training football players.(experience)‎ ‎②As far as I know, Mr Smith isn't_experienced_in_training football players.(experienced)‎ ‎7.她不同意女儿晚上一个人出去。‎ ‎①She didn't approve_of_her_daughter's_going_out alone at night.(approve)‎ ‎②She didn't give_her_approval_to_her_daughter_going_out alone at night.(approval)‎ ‎8.这个女孩太小以至于不能掌管她的公司。‎ ‎①The girl is too young to take_charge_of/be_in_charge_of the company. ‎ ‎②The company can't be in_the_girl's_charge/in_the_charge_of_the_girl because she is too young.‎ ‎[第二板块 短语、句式突破] ‎ ‎1.for free 免费;无偿地 ‎ [教材原句] I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send emails to my family and friends back homefor free.‎ 午饭休息时间我常去电脑俱乐部,这样我就可以免费给国内的家人和朋友发电子邮件了。‎ free of charge     免费 be free from/of ... 不受……的影响 set free 释放,使获得自由 free ... from ... 把……从……中解放出来 ‎①As early as 1997, MIT decided to post videos of all university lectures online, for_free,_for all the people. (2018·南昌模拟)‎ 早在1997年初,美国麻省理工学院决定为所有人在网上免费发布所有大学课程的视频。‎ ‎②You needn't worry about money. With your membership card, you can attend Twilight concerts free_of_charge.‎ 你不必担心钱的问题。凭你的会员卡,你可以免费参加黄昏音乐会。‎ ‎③Growing up with the internet has freed this generation from traditional cultural expression. ‎ 伴随网络成长起来的这一代人已经脱离了传统的文化表达。‎ ‎④In the past 20 years, he has set_free thousands of wild animals and birds back into the forest.‎ 在过去的20年里,他已经把数千只野生动物和鸟类放回到森林里。‎ ‎2.look back (on)回忆,回顾 ‎ [教材原句] I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again.‎ 回忆在英国的这段时光,我感到很满意,我真的希望再次回到曼彻斯特去学习。‎ look around         环视 look down on/upon 轻视,瞧不起 look for 寻找 look forward to 盼望,期望 look into 调查,向……里看 look out for 注意察看,留心 look on 旁观 look through 仔细浏览,查阅 look up 查阅;抬头看 look up to 尊敬,敬仰 ‎①After the flight arrived, I saw a man looking_around curiously.‎ 飞机到达后,我看见一个人在好奇地四下张望。‎ ‎②Sarah Thomas is looking_forward_to the challenge of her new Alevel course. (2017·全国卷Ⅲ)‎ 莎拉·托马斯正期待着她的新的A级课程的挑战。‎ ‎③I wasn't successful, so they looked_down_on/upon me.‎ 我一无所成,所以他们瞧不起我。‎ ‎④You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look_up_to you.‎ 你是位受欢迎的女孩,格雷丝,很多比你小的孩子都很崇拜你。‎ ‎3.make use of 利用;使用 ‎ [教材原句] With so much free time, students who do not make good use oftheir time may not pass their exams.‎ 有这么多的空闲时间,那些没有充分利用时间的学生可能不会通过考试。‎ ‎(1)make full/good use of ‎=make the best/most of    充分利用 ‎(2)come into use 开始被使用 be put into use 投入使用 be of (great) use (很)有用 It is no use/useless doing sth. 做某事是没用的 ‎①Therefore, as high school students of the Information Age, we need to learn to make_use_of_this means and tool to communicate and display ourselves. (2018·杭州模拟)‎ 因此,作为信息时代的高中生,我们需要学会利用这一手段和工具来交流和展示自己。‎ ‎②It's no use complaining (complain) without taking action. ‎ 不采取行动,只抱怨是没有用的。‎ ‎③It is said that the new machine will come_into_use next month. ‎ 据说这台新机器下个月就要被投入使用了。‎ ‎④As is known to all, the cell phone is_of_great_use in our daily life. ‎ 众所周知,手机在我们的日常生活中发挥着很大作用。‎ ‎[名师点津] make use of 短语的构成为:动词+名词+介词。其常考点为:‎ ‎(1)把use提前使用被动语态;‎ ‎(2)把use提前用作先行词,其后接定语从句。‎ ‎⑤Full use must be_made (make) of every minute to go over our lessons for the final examination is coming.‎ 每一分钟都应被充分利用来复习我们的功课,因为期末考试马上要来了。‎ ‎⑥We should know the use that people make of waste things.‎ 我们应该知道人们对废物的利用。‎ ‎4.We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to rememberall the faces and names.‎ 上某些课的时候,班上的同学也不一样,所以对于我来说记住所有人的面孔和名字可是一件难事。‎ ‎ 句中it为形式主语,后面的动词不定式是真正的主语。此句式的常见结构为:‎ ‎(1)It+be+n.+(for sb.) to do sth.   (某人)做某事是……‎ ‎(2)It+be+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. (某人)做某事是……‎ ‎(3)It+be+adj.+(of sb.) to do sth. (某人)做某事是……‎ ‎①It has been a_habit_for_some_students_to_put_off their homework. (2015·广东高考满分作文)‎ 有些学生不按时完成作业已成了习惯。‎ ‎②It's_necessary_for_you_to_know_about the Yangtze, one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization. (2017·北京高考写作佳句)‎ 了解长江这条中华文明的母亲河,对于你来说是有必要的。‎ ‎③It's_clever_of_you_to_work_out the maths problem.‎ 你真聪明,解出了这道数学题。‎ ‎[名师点津] 当作表语的形容词(easy, difficult, important等)说明不定式行为的性质和特点时,常用“for sb.”引出不定式的逻辑主语;当作表语的形容词(kind, nice, good, polite, rude, clever, wise等)说明不定式的逻辑主语的性格和品行时,常用“of sb.”引出不定式的逻辑主语。‎ ‎5.Upon_finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.‎ 一完成学业,他就开始了中国之旅。‎ ‎(1)upon/on+n./doing... 表示“一……就……”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。‎ ‎(2)“一……就……”还有以下几种表达:‎ ‎①immediately/directly/instantly+从句 ‎②the moment/minute/instant+从句 ‎③no sooner... than.../hardly...when...(主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时,如果no sooner或hardly位于句首,后面的句子需用部分倒装)‎ ‎①Upon her return to the United States, she successfully founded the American Red Cross. ‎ ‎=Upon_returning to the United States, she successfully founded the American Red Cross.‎ ‎=Immediately/Directly/Instantly she returned to the United States, she successfully founded the American Red Cross.‎ ‎=The_moment/minute/instant she returned to the United States, she successfully founded the American Red Cross.‎ 她一回到美国就成功地创立了美国红十字会。‎ ‎②Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said sharply,“Don't be so mean,”pointing a finger of warning at her. ‎ ‎=No_sooner had Sabrina finished her words than Albert said sharply,“Don't be so mean,”pointing a finger of warning at her.‎ 塞不丽娜刚说完,艾伯特就尖锐地说“别那么小气”,并用手指指着警告她。‎ ‎6.I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying.‎ 起初我有些紧张,但所有成员都那么亲切、友好,我很快就不担心了。‎ so/such ...that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此……以至于”。‎ ‎(1)so ...that ...句型的基本结构:‎ so+adj./adv. +that ...‎ so+adj.+a(n)+单数名词+that ...‎ so+many/much/few/little+名词+that ...‎ ‎(2)such ...that ...句型的基本结构:‎ such+adj.+n.(不可数名词)+that ...‎ such+adj.+n.(可数名词复数)+that ...‎ such+a/an+adj.+n.(可数名词单数)+that ...‎ ‎= so+adj.+a/an+n.(可数名词单数)+that ...‎ ‎①Cold affects your phone's battery so_much_that some people even use hand warmers to wrap around their devices in winter.‎ 寒冷对你的手机电池影响如此大,以至于有些人甚至在冬季用手暖包着他们的手机。‎ ‎②Pahlsson screamed so_loudly_that_her daughter came running from the house. (2017·6月浙江高考)‎ 帕欧森尖叫的声音如此大以至于她的女儿从房子里跑了出来。‎ ‎③It's such_a_wild_and_remote_area_that you can't see anyone apart from the members of your group. ‎ 这是一个如此荒凉和偏远的地区,以至于除了你的小组成员之外,你不会看到任何人。‎ ‎[名师点津] 当“so+形容词/副词”及“such ...”放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装。‎ ‎④So fast is_the_city_developing that you can never imagine what it will be like tomorrow.‎ 现在城市发展如此之快,你永远想象不到它明天会是什么样子。‎ ‎[短语、句式过关练]‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 ‎1.Whenever I look_back_on those days as a child, I really hope to spare more time to accompany my father.‎ ‎2.My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make_use_of it that determines who you are.‎ ‎3.It was said that Det Supt Bassett was in_charge_of the murder enquiry. ‎ ‎4.Mary is_fond_of her hometown and is not willing to go abroad with her husband.‎ ‎5.You can't expect people to work for_free_wherever you go.‎ ‎6.Tom got up as early as possible this morning to make_sure that he could catch his plane.‎ Ⅱ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.不管你信不信,反正我通过了考试。 (whether ... or ...)‎ Whether_you_believe_it_or_not,_I passed the exam. ‎ ‎2.大学一毕业,他就去了一个村庄教学。(upon/on doing)‎ Upon/On_graduating_from_university,_he went to teach in a village.‎ ‎3.他掌握的信息越多,他就越有信心。(the+比较级...,the+比较级...)‎ The more information he had, the_more_confident he became.‎ ‎4.饭后散步有益于我们的健康。(动名词作主语)‎ Walking_after_a_meal_does good to our health.‎ ‎5.在这场金融危机中,这个国家不可能在短时间内恢复过来。(it用作形式主语)‎ It's impossible for_this_country_to_recover_in_a_short_time over this financial crisis. ‎ Ⅲ.根据提示进行句式升级 ‎1.On/Upon arriving at the station, she found the train had just started. (用as soon as)‎ ‎→As_soon_as_she_arrived_at_the_station,_she found the train had just started.‎ ‎2.He spoke so loudly that even people in the next room could hear him. (用部分倒装)‎ ‎→So loudly did_he_speak_that even people in the next room could hear him. ‎ ‎3.We must make full use of waste materials to reduce new products.(用use作主语)‎ ‎→Full_use_must_be_made_of_waste_materials by us to reduce new products.‎ ‎4.There are many mistakes in my composition and my English teacher can't understand it. (用so...that...结构) ‎ ‎→There are so_many_mistakes_in_my_composition_that my English teacher can't understand it.‎ ‎5.Staying up so late is of no use if you don't devote yourself to your study. (改用it作形式主语)‎ ‎→It's_no_use_staying_up_so_late_if_you_don't_devote_yourself_to_your_study.‎ 提能一 用课文词汇写高分作文 enjoyable, experience, satisfaction, devote oneself to, develop an interest in, look back on ‎1.补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)‎ ‎①学校是一个令人愉快的地方。我们不但在那儿上课,也在那儿度过整个青少年时代。‎ School is an_enjoyable_place and we not only attend class but also spend our whole youth there.‎ ‎②上学读书是我们每个人都必不可少的一个经历。‎ Going to school is a_necessary_experience_for_every_one_of_us.‎ ‎③我们应该全身心投入学习。‎ We should devote_ourselves_to_study.‎ ‎④培养对学科的兴趣是重要的。‎ Developing_an_interest_in_the_subjects is important.‎ ‎⑤如果我们在学校尽了最大努力,当我们成年后回顾这段时期时就会非常满意。‎ If we have done our best in shool, we will look_back_on this period with_satisfaction when we grow up.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 ‎(1)用定语从句改写句①‎ School_is_an_enjoyable_place_where_we_not_only_attend_class_but_also_spend_our_whole_youth._‎ ‎(2)用“it is+n.+for sb. to do sth.”句式改写句②‎ It_is_a_necessary_experience_for_every_one_of_us_to_go_to_school.‎ ‎3.衔接成语篇(注意使用适当的过渡衔接词汇:besides, so)‎ School is an enjoyable place where we not only attend class but also spend our whole youth. So it's a necessary experience for every one of us to go to school.‎ We should devote ourselves to study. Besides, developing an interest in the subjects is also important. If we have done our best, we will look back on this period with satisfaction when we ‎ grow up.‎ 提能二 用课文句型解构高考长难句 [本单元突破点——并列句搭配结果状语从句]‎ 经典例句 比较分析 真题尝试翻译 课文长难句 I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying.‎ 本句整体是由but连接的一个并列句。后一个分句含so ... that引导的结果状语从句。‎ 但他很快发现他喜欢这种乐器,于是很投入地去训练,几个月后,他果然演奏得很好了。‎ 真题长难句 But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was committed to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.(2017·江苏高考)‎ 主句谓语动词found后为that引导的宾语从句,从句中含有and连接的并列分句,在第二分句中又有so that引导的结果状语从句。‎ ‎“学校生活”话题是距离考生最近的话题,也是考生最熟悉的话题之一,因此也是高考频繁考查的热点话题。校园生活像是万花筒,无论怎么转都是一幅精彩的画面。校园生活像七音符,虽然简单,但是却能谱出一支支美妙动听的曲子。校园生活像一只神奇的笔,总能绘出一幅幅绚丽多彩的图画。在历年的高考题中,有关此话题的题目通常出现在听力、阅读理解、完形填空、写作题中。‎ 一、话题与语篇 ‎[考题示例]          (2017·6月浙江高考阅读B)‎ ‎[1]Getting less sleep has become a bad habit for most American kids. According to a new survey (调查) by the National Sleep Foundation, 51% of kids aged 10 to 18 go to bed at 10 pm or later on school nights, even though they have to get up early. Last year the Foundation reported that nearly 60% of 7 to 12yearolds said they felt tired during the day, and 15% said they had fallen asleep at school.‎ ‎[2]How much sleep you need depends a lot on your age. Babies need a lot of rest; most of them sleep about 18 hours a day! Adults need about eight hours. For most schoolage children, ten hours is ideal (理想的). But the new National Sleep Foundation survey found that 35% of 10 to 12yearolds get only seven or eight hours. And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids said they do before bedtime? Watch TV.‎ ‎[3]“More children are going to bed with TVs on, and there are more opportunities (机会) to stay awake, with more homework, the Internet and the phone,” says Dr. Mary Carskadon, a ‎ sleep researcher at Brown University Medical School. She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and make it hard for them to calm down and sleep. Other experts say part of the problem is chemical. Changing levels of body chemicals called hormones not only make teenagers' bodies develop adult characteristics, but also make it hard for teenagers to fall asleep before 11 pm.‎ ‎[4]Because sleepiness is such a problem for teenagers, some school districts have decided to start high school classes later than they used to. Three years ago, schools in Edina, Minnesota, changed the start time from 7:25 am to 8:30 am. Students, parents and teachers are pleased with the results.‎ ‎25.What is the new National Sleep Foundation survey on?‎ A.American kids' sleeping habits.‎ B.Teenagers' sleeprelated diseases.‎ C.Activities to prevent sleeplessness.‎ D.Learning problems and lack of sleep.‎ ‎26.How many hours of sleep do 11yearolds need every day?‎ A.7 hours.      B.8 hours.‎ C.10 hours. D.18 hours.‎ ‎27.Why do teenagers go to sleep late according to Carskadon?‎ A.They are affected by certain body chemicals.‎ B.They tend to do things that excite them.‎ C.They follow their parents' examples.‎ D.They don't need to go to school early.‎ ‎[策略指导] ‎ ‎(一)这样读文 第1步:宏观把握文章大意 分层 抓关键句 概括层意 行文结构 第1段 第1段画波浪线部分 指出美国孩子睡眠缺乏的问题 开门见山 第2段 第2段画波浪线部分 不同年龄阶段的人所需要的睡眠时间不同 话题深入 第3段 第3段画波浪线部分 大多数孩子晚睡是电视、作业、网络、手机等带来的兴奋所致 原因分析 第4段 第4段画波浪线部分 一些学校对青少年睡眠不足问题采取了措施 应对措施 第2步:微观突破理解障碍 ‎[尝试翻译] 去年,基金会报告说,几乎60%_的7至12岁的青少年说他们白天感到疲倦,而15%_的青少年说他们上课的时候都睡着了。_‎ ‎(二)这样做题 ‎[名师解题]‎ ‎25.推理判断题。选A 根据文章第一段内容可知,该调查主要是对美国青少年的睡眠习惯进行的研究,所以选A项。‎ ‎26.细节理解题。选C 根据文章第二段的“For most schoolage children, ten hours is ideal (理想的).”可知,11岁的青少年最佳的睡眠时长是10小时,故选C项。‎ ‎27.推理判断题。选B 根据第三段第一句和“She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and make it hard for them to calm down and sleep.”可推知,由于青少年晚上的活动都会使他们兴奋,所以他们很难静下心来睡觉,从而导致晚睡,故选B项。‎ ‎[阅读理解系列技法 1] 找准信息句,分析归纳细节 间接信息细节理解题,介于事实细节题和推理判断题之间。四个选项中不出现原文中的直接信息,考生需要借助同义转换、概念解析、归纳事实等方法对原文信息进行变换,然后再进一步推理或鉴别。‎ 间接信息细节理解题的正确选项通常有以下特征:再现原文信息;对原文信息进行改写;对原文中的复杂语言现象进行简化。解题时可适当采用下列方法:‎ ‎1.题干定位 细心审题,带着问题找答案。先看文章后面的问题,注意题干中的关键词,如人物、时间、事件等,做到有的放矢。根据题干中的标志性词语在原文中定位相关信息,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别,找到与原文相符的选项,以确定正确答案。‎ ‎2.语义转换 变通理解,间接转述找答案。有些细节题主要考查对某句话或某几句话的理解,很少直接用原文中的句子进行考查,题干通常会对这些句子进行语义转换,包括同义改写、转变词性与结构等。‎ 例如第27题,由题干中的人名Carskadon迅速定位到第三段的第一、二句,经过查找,“get kids all excited”与选项B中的“excite them”相符。‎ ‎(三)这样积累 ‎1.ideal adj.   理想的 ‎2.opportunity n. 机会 ‎3.develop v. 发展;形成;开发 ‎4.depend on 依赖,依靠 ‎5.calm down 镇定下来 ‎6.be pleased with 对……感到满意 二、话题与写作 ‎[考题示例]          (2017·北京高考)‎ 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记录毕业前夕你们制作以“感恩母校”为主题的毕业纪念视频的全过程。‎ 注意:词数不少于60。‎ 提示词:视频video ‎[写作规范] ‎ 第一步:写对词汇不丢冤枉分 ‎1.同意,达成一致    agree_on ‎2.搜集材料collect_material ‎3.学校生活的各个方面every_aspect_of_school_life ‎4.争论……的问题debate_on ‎5.结果很完美turn_out_perfect ‎6.在毕业典礼上on_the_graduation_ceremony ‎7.很受欢迎be_well_received ‎8.成就感a_sense_of_achievement 第二步:列全要点,写对句子保基本分 ‎1.毕业来临,我和同学们决定做点什么。‎ Graduation_finally_came._My_classmates_and_I_decided_to_do_something.‎ ‎2.经过激烈的讨论,我们都同意做一个视频来记录我们在学校的经历。‎ After_a_heated_discussion,_we_agreed_on_making_a_video_to_record_our_experiences_at ‎_school.‎ ‎ 3.我们用了整整一周的时间搜集材料。‎ It_took_us_a_whole_week_to_collect_materials.‎ ‎4.我们采访了老师并拍摄了许多反映学校生活各个方面的照片。‎ We_interviewed_our_teachers_and_took_pictures_of_every_aspect_of_school_life.‎ ‎5. 后期的编辑部分非常艰辛。‎ The_editing_part_after_that_was_tough.‎ ‎6.我们争论了应该放入视频中的内容。‎ We_debated_on_what_we_should_put_into_the_video.‎ ‎7.不可避免的有一些折中方案,但视频最终非常完美。‎ Some_compromises_were_unavoidable,_but_the_video_turned_out_perfect.‎ ‎8.视频在毕业典礼上播出时,很受大家欢迎。‎ When_the_video_was_played_on_the_graduation_ceremony,_it_was_well_received._‎ ‎9.师生们分享了美好的时刻。‎ The_students_and_teachers_shared_a_great_time._‎ ‎10.那确实给我们带来了很大的成就感。‎ That_surely_gave_us_a_great_sense_of_achievement.‎ 第三步:句式升级,打造亮点得高分 ‎1.将句3、4用 during which合并为定语从句 It_took_us_a_whole_week_to_collect_materials,_during_which_we_interviewed_our_teachers_and_took_pictures_of_every_aspect_of_school_life.‎ ‎2.将句6用“疑问词+不定式”改写 We_debated_on_what_to_put_into_the_video.‎ 第四步:过渡衔接,润色成文创满分 Graduation finally came. My classmates and I decided to do something. After a heated discussion, we agreed on making a video to record our experiences at school.‎ It took us a whole week to collect materials, during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life. The editing part after that was tough. We debated on what to put into the video. Some compromises were unavoidable, but the video turned out perfect. Several days later, when the video was played on the graduation ceremony, it was well received. The students and teachers shared a great time. That surely gave us a great sense of achievement.‎

