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高三英语 Unit 6 Design 一轮复习 同步导学案 课后重点单词词组 【学习目标】Key Words: dynasty religious purpose pattern character jewellery Useful expressions: date back to/ be related to/ try out 【基本单词学习展示】 1. purpose n. 目的,意图 【教材原句】Mr. Chen went on to explain that there are three types of paper cuts which people still make today: paper cuts for decoration or religious purposes and for design patterns. 陈先生继续解释说,现如今人们仍然制作的剪纸有三种:装饰用的剪纸、宗教目的剪纸和特殊设计 的剪纸。 For the purpose of 为了……目的 On purpose 故意的;有目的的 To the purpose 得要领的,中肯的,切题的 例题: China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals ________________all its citizens. A.in charge of B. for the purpose of C. in honor of D. for the benefit of 解析 为了全体公民的利益,中国一直在推进公立医疗机构的改革。 选择 D 为了。。。的利益。 Don’t be angry with the girl .she made the mistake ____________-. A.on purpose B. by accident C. in surprise D. at once 解析 by accident=by chance 偶然,on porpose 故意地,C 吃惊地,D 立刻 选择 B 2.character n.〔书写的或印刷的〕字,字体;个性;特色;人物;人格,特性,品质 【 教 材 原 句 】 Paper cuts which show the Chinese character for double happiness are often used to celebrate weddings. 中国“囍”字的剪纸常用来庆贺婚礼。 例题 Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for ____________ building. A. respect B. friendship C. reputation D. character 本题选择 D 独自远足既有趣又有益于健康,还有利于磨练意志。 【基本词组学习展示】 3. date back(to) 追溯到 date vt.给……注明日期;计算……的日期 【教材原句】paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern dynasty ! 人们曾经在南北朝时期的墓穴中发现过动物形状的剪纸! [点津](1)date back to=date from 追溯到,始于(无被动态,作谓语时常用一 般现在时) (2)date back to 后面接时间点,而 date back 后面跟时间段 精讲拓展 date from 追溯到;始于;起源于 go back 追溯到 have a date with sb.=make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会,与某人确定一个时间 out of date 废弃的,过时的 to date 迄今,到目前为止 up to date 现代的,最新的 典型例句 To date,we have received over 200 replies. 到目前为止,我们已收到二百多封回信。 Making a date with somebody on the net is now becoming more and more popular. 现在和某人在网上约会变得越来越流行。 This tradition dates back to medieval times. 这个传统可以追溯到中世纪时期。 即学即用 1. The scientist discovered a dinosaur fossil________from 4,000 years ago. A.dates B.date C.dated D.dating 解析:句意为:那个科学家发现了距今四千年前的恐龙化 石。date from“追溯到”,作定语修饰 fossil,无被动态。 答案:D 4.put up 【教材原句】They are usually put up during holidays to bring good luck. 这种剪纸在节日时张贴,以带来好运。 (1)(在墙上)张贴(图片,布告) (2)建造(墙,篱笆或高楼) (3)为(某人)提供膳宿 Put away 收起来;储存 Put down 写下来 Put off 延期 Put on 穿上;上演 Put out 扑灭 Put up with 忍受 请查阅词典查找例句: 5. relate vi.&vt. 涉及,有关 精讲拓展 relate to 把……联系起来 relate sth.to sb.和某人叙述/讲述 relate sth.to/with sth.将某一事物与另一事物联系起来 relate to sb./sth.与某人或某事有关,涉及某人或某事 relate very well to sb.和某人相处得好 be related to 与……有关系 in relation to 与……有关;涉及…… 由 relate 构成的短语有:relate to 涉及……,有关;relate ... to / with ... 把……与……联系起来。常 用于 be related to 结构。如: Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse. 这个地区的大多数犯罪与滥用毒品有关。 These two events were related to each other. 这两个事件相互有联系。 典型例句 His words related to the topic under discussion. 他的发言涉及正在讨论的话题。 I related his bad mood to a lack of sleep.我觉得他的坏情绪与缺乏睡眠有关。 She doesn’t relate very well to her mother.她与她母亲相处得不是很好。 Mr.Johnson gave us a report last night which________what he did with what he said. A.related B.joined C.agreed D.satisfied 解析:句意为:昨晚 Johnson 给我们做了一个报告,将他所说 的与他所做的结合起来。 relate...with...表将……与……联系 起来。 答案:A Lesson 3 课堂练习 I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出所缺单词的正确形式。 1. Xi’an, once called Chang’an, used to be capital of six d______. 2. Not all the people have the same r______ beliefs. 3. People make o______ to the dead on special days and during festivals. 4. Sentence ______ (模式) are important in learning a language. 5. She believes that she’s finally found true ______(幸福). 6. Tom went for a walk, with no definite ______ (目的) in his mind. II. 用适当的介词填空。 1. ______ the morning of last Sunday I got up very early to do my homework. 2. Some people made noises ______ the course of the medical conference. 3. I mean to buy a beautiful present ______ my mother on her birthday. 4. He lives ______ No. 118 People’s Road in Beijing. III. 请选用所给短语的适当形式填空。 relate to, date back to, be used to, be ready to, try out, go on to 1. It is said that the old temple _____ the Tang Dynasty. 2. In Northwest China forests _____ prevent wind and sand. 3. After finishing the text, the teacher ______ explain the grammar. 4. Everything is packed and we ______ leave. 5. His disease could ______ the poor working environment. 6. Jamie could hardly wait to ______ his new bike his uncle bought for him. IV. 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。 1. 因为他母亲生病了,所以他不得不在家照看他弟弟。 (as) 2. 木材、石头和沙子都可以用来建造房子。 (be used for) 3. 他面带微笑地朝我走来。(come up to sb.) 4. 他在大学努力学习,为的是将来能找到一份好工作。 (so that) 参考答案 Key: I. 1. dynasties 2. religious 3. offerings 4. patterns 5. happiness 6. purposeII. 1. On 2. during / in 3. for 4. at III. 1. dates back to 2. are used to 3. went on to 4. are ready to 5. be related to 6. try out IV. 1. As his mother was ill, he had to look after his younger brother at home. 2. Wood, stone and sand can all be used for building houses. 3. He came up to me with a smile on his face. 4. He is studying hard at university so that he can find a good job in the future. 1.The illness can result in total blindness if________untreated. A.left B.being left C.it were left D.leaving 解析:句意为:这病如果不治疗,就有可能导致完全失 明。leave+宾+过去分词表“听 任……被……”。 答案:A 2.—________when has the country been open to international trade? —1978,I suppose. A.Since B.With C.After D.Before 解析:句意为:自从什么时候这个国家开放了国际贸 易。该句用了现在完成时,故用 since。 答案:A Health problems________bad eating and a lack of exercise. A.are close related to B.are closely related to C.are close related with D.are closely related with 解析:句意为:健康问题与不良饮食和缺乏锻炼有关。be related to 表“与……有关”。close 表示“实际距离上的靠 近”,closely 表“紧密地,密切地”。 答案:B 5.________did the United States launch the war against Iraq? A.For what purpose B.For which purpose C.For the purpose of D.On purpose 解析:句意为:美国为何发动对伊拉克的战争?for what purpose 表“为了什么目的”,泛指。 答案:A 6.The worst matter I was always afraid of________in the end. A.happening B.to happen C.happened D.being happened 解析:句意为:我常担心的最糟糕的事最终还是发生了。 该句主语为 the worst matter,谓语为 happened。 答案:C 9.I’ll make________to all that you were once a thief. A.known B.knowing C.them known D.it known 解析:that 从句作宾语用 it 作形式宾语,known 为宾语补 足语,与 it 成被动关系。 答 案:D10.Computer can only give out________has been stored. A.that B.which C.what D.everything 解析:give out 后接宾语从句,引导 词作 has been stored 的主语,故用 what。 答案:C 课文阅读与理解 【学习目标】理解文章大意并学会分析句子结构及成份,掌握定语从句基础知识。 【课文阅读与理解学习展示】 Read the article and you will get the knowledge of paper cuts. 1. How many types of paper cuts do people like to make? What are they? Three. Paper-cuts are used for decorations, for religious purposes and for design patters. 2. How do we know that there is a long tradition of paper-cutting in China? We know that because paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs dating back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty. 3. Which Chinese character often appears in wedding paper cuts? The Chinese character of double happiness often appears in wedding paper cuts. 4. How is paper-cutting related to fashion? By using paper-cutting like a pattern on clothing or on a jewellery box. 5. Why is the writer going to see Mr Chen again? To learn paper cutting from him. True or False 正误判断 ( )1. The writer wants to learn the skill of paper cuts. ( )2. Paper cut has something to do with clothing design. ( )3. Relations often use paper cuts to do something for the dead on special days. ( )4. The earliest paper cut dates back to the Southern Song Dynasty. ( )5. The text refers to us that paper cuts was once a necessary skill of a young woman. ( )6. Paper cuts are early found in tombs in the Northern and Southern Dynasty. ( )7. The text introduce the history and uses of Chinese paper cuts. 答案 1-7 FTTFTTT 【基本句型学习展示】 1. I was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself. try out 试用, 试验, 试试 e.g. I’ll try it out and see whether it works. 我试试, 看它是否有效。 2. Paper cuts used for religious purposes are found in temples. They are also used as offerings to the dead. (P40) [指点迷津] 句中 used for 作后置定语,相当于 which are used for,修饰 paper cuts。 be used for doing sth. 意思是“被用来做某事”,是 use ... for ... 的被动语态形式。be used as sth. 意 思是”被用做……”, 是 use ... as ... 的被动语态形式。 [身临其境] Choosing the right dictionary depends on what you want to use it for. Polar bears live mostly on sea ice, which they use as a platform for hunting seals. 3. People to whom the dead person was related would make these offerings on special days and during festivals. (P40) [指点迷津 1] “介词+关系代词”结构中,介词的确定: ① 依据定语从句中动词所需要的某种习惯搭配来确定。如: I bought a great many books, on which I spent all my money that I saved. ② 依据先行词的某种习惯搭配来确定。如: I will never forget the time during which I spent my childhood in the country. ③ 根据所表达的意思来确定。如: The colorless gas without which we cannot live is called oxygen. [身临其境] He was educated at the local high school, after which he went on to Beijing University. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be controlled on purpose. 4. But the house on Mango Street is not the way they described it at all. (P42) [指点迷津] 当 the way 作先行词,后接定语从句时,从句可用 in which 或 that 引导,也可省略引导词。如: She smiled the way (that / in which) her mother does. 她笑起来跟她妈妈一样。 [身临其境] It worries me the way he keeps changing his mind. The way we influence people in a lasting way is by our own character, and our understanding and use of emotion. 5.定语从句相关例题学习 1. That’s the new machine ______ parts are too small to be seen. A. that B. which C. whose D. what 2. I’ve become good friends with several of the students in my school _____ I met in the English speech contest last year. A. who B. where C. when D. which 3. The old town has narrow streets and small houses _____ are built close to each other. A. they B. where C. what D. that 4. The prize will go to the writer _______ story shows the most imagination. A. that B. which C. whose D. what 5. You’ll find taxis waiting at the bus station ______ you can hire to reach your host family. A. which B. where C. when D. as 参考答案 答案 1-5CADCA 课堂练习检测与反馈 1. This old temple________the 12th century,and now it is well protected. A.is dated back to B.is dated from C.is dated by D.dates back to 解析:选 D。date back to/from 追溯到……,常用一般现在时而且无被动语态。 2 .Some parents can’t________th eir children,which often sets off the conflicts of feelings between the two generations. A.find out B.relate to C.turn to D.take in 解析:选 B。本题考查动词短语 relate to 的用法。relate to 在此表示“理解”。句意: 一些父母不能理解他们的孩子,这经常会引起两辈人之间的冲突。find out 找出;turn to 向某人求助,转向;take in 欺骗,均不符合题意。 3.The woman went to work straight after getting up,leaving the food________on the table this morning. A.untouch B.untouching C.untouched D.to untouch 解析:选 C。句意:这位女士今早起床后就直接去上班了,桌子上的食物一动也 没动。考查 leave 的用法。leave+宾语+形容词/名词/doing/done/to do 结构。由于 the food 与 untouch 之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。 4. To her great________,none of her tomatoes grew well. A.disappointment B.disappointed C.disappointing D.disapprobation 解析:选 A。to one’s disappointment 令某人失望的是,如:to one’s joy (surprise) 令人高兴(吃惊)的是。 5.He spent as much time as he could________his lessons. A.go over B.going over C.to go over D.went over 解析:选 B。spend time (in) doing sth.花时间做某事。

