老河口中学高一英语人教导学案必修 unit reading

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老河口中学高一英语人教导学案必修 unit reading

必修4 Unit 3 Reading 导学案 ‎【学习目标】‎ ‎1.扎实理解课文,掌握课文中的基础知识,培养快速阅读,整体理解的能力。‎ ‎2.通过自主学习,合作探究;了解课文的主要内容,并能流利复述课文。‎ ‎3.了解国际幽默大师卓别林以及他在无声电影“淘金记”中的滑稽表演,使学生发现并享受幽默的乐趣,使他们的生活更快乐、轻松。‎ 附:理解把握文章主旨, 流利复述。‎ 课前预习案 ‎【自主学习】------大胆试 Task I:Scan the text and then complete the notes about Charlie Chaplin using the information in the passage.‎ Born:_________ Job:______ _ [来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]‎ Famous character:_________ ___‎ Costume:_________________________________________________ ‎ Type of acting:____ __ Died:____ _____‎ Task II: Scan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text.‎ ‎1. What’s the passage mainly about?‎ ‎ A. The history of English humour.‎ ‎ B. The films Chaplin made.‎ ‎ C. The humour Chaplin made in his films.‎ ‎ D. The Gold Rush in California.‎ ‎2. People enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck because .‎ ‎ A. they enjoy doing so ‎ B. it makes people more worried about their life.‎ ‎ C. it makes people more content with their life.‎ ‎ D. there’s much fun in doing so.‎ ‎3. In the middle of 19th century people went to California to look for .‎ ‎ A. films B. gold C. entertainment D. Water 4. Who was the little tramp?‎ ‎ A. A character in his film B. One of his friends ‎ ‎ C. His brother D. A film director ‎5. Chaplin was given a special Oscar for .‎ ‎ A. they enjoy doing so.‎ ‎ B. the films he directed.‎ ‎ C. the joy he gave us in his films.‎ ‎ D. the contributions he made in films.‎ 6. When Charlie Chaplin died, he was years old.‎ 具体要求:‎ 第一步:‎ 抓住细节的能力 方法导引:采用扫描式阅读(scanning),进行有选择有目的的阅读。目的是寻找某些资料和信息,对于无关的部分可以忽略。要注意总结题目类型 (主旨归纳题 细节题 猜测词义 推理判断题), 然后根据不同类型采用不同的做题方法。‎ ‎ A. 66 B. ‎77 C. 88 D. 99‎ 6. What’s the author’s attitude to Charlie Chaplin?‎ ‎ A. Positive(肯定的) B. Negative(否定的) ‎ ‎ C. Bored(讨厌的) D. Appreciative(欣赏赞美的) ‎ TaskⅢ: Match the main idea with each paragraph.‎ Para‎ 1 Charlie Chaplin’s childhood. ‎ Para‎ 2 His most famous character.[来源:Z|xx|k.Com]‎ Para‎ 3 Why people needed cheering up.‎ Para‎ 4 His achievements.‎ Para‎ 5 An example of his works.(The Gold Rush)‎ ‎ 务必在原文中划出关键句,标上题号。‎ 课堂探究案 ‎【合作探究】------我参与 TaskⅣ: 内容:1. 自主学习中疑难点。2.课文中的重难点句子。3. 在文中标出下列词组。‎ TaskⅣ: Scan the text and find the useful phrases and difficult sentences, then underline them in your book.‎ 1. 闯入 2. 直到现在 ‎ ‎3.对…感到满意 4.穷的,缺少的 ‎ ‎5.使…令人愉快 6.拄着拐杖 ‎7.克服困难 8.对…不友好 ‎9.搜寻,寻找 10.没有可吃的东西 ‎11.切下;割下 12.挑选,选出 ‎ ‎13.在…中担任主角 14.有一次 ‎ TaskⅤ: Read the passage carefully and finish the following activities.‎ Para‎ 1:‎ Why do people say nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin?‎ ‎ ‎ Para 2:True or false 1. Charlie was taught to dance as soon as he could walk because his family was poor.‎ 2. Charlie became one of the most popular child actors in England before his father died.[来源:Z|xx|k.Com]‎ 第二步:‎ 把握文章主旨大意的能力 方法导引:仔细阅读文章,找出正确答案并概括总结。‎ ‎[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎3. Charlie was good at miming and acting the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks.‎ Para 3:‎ ‎1. Which statement about “the little tramp” is wrong according to the text? ‎ A. He was a social failure. B. He was kind-hearted.‎ C. He was determined to overcome difficulties. D. He was very clever.‎ ‎2. Can you give a description of the little tramp?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Para‎ 4:‎ 1. Why did the little tramp go to Alaska?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2. Can you put them in a right order? ‎ a. Cut off the leather top of the shoe b. Pick out the laces and eat them c. Try cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe d. Sit down at the table.‎ Para‎ 5:‎ Chaplin wrote, , and produced many movies he .In1972‎ he was given a special Oscar for in films.‎ Task Ⅵ: Important sentences ‎1. You may Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance .‎ 你可能会感到惊奇,查理刚会说话时大人就教他唱歌,刚会走路就教他跳舞。‎ ‎2. Unfortunately his father died, .‎ ‎ 不幸的是他的父亲去世了,使得他的家境更加艰难。‎ ‎3. made everything entertaining.‎ 他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。‎ ‎4. ,he began making films.‎ 随着时间的推移,他开始拍电影。‎ ‎5. How did the little tramp ?‎ 这个小流浪汉是如何把悲凉的遭遇变得滑稽可笑的呢?[来源:学科网]‎ ‎6. He walked around stiffly .‎ 他手里拿着一根手杖迈着僵硬的步伐四处走动。‎ ‎7. Charlie the lace and eat it spaghetti.‎ 查理挑出鞋带来吃,像是吃意大利面条一样。‎ ‎8. He eats .他每一口都嚼得津津有味。‎ ‎【展示点评】------ 我自信 具体要求:①看规范(书写、格式)②看对错。找出关键词,补充、完善。③点评内容,讲方法规律。④面带微笑,全面展示自我。‎ ‎【达标检测】------ 一定行 TaskⅦ. Retell the text by filling in the blanks.‎ Charlie Chaplin was (1) in a poor family. He made people (2) at a time when they felt depressed. But his life was not (3) easy. After his father’s death, his family became even (4) off.‎ The little (5) was a character known (6) the world. The social failure was loved for his (7) and determination to (8) all difficulties. He produced the films that he (9) in. And he spent his last years in Switzerland, (10) he was buried in 1977.‎ Enjoy a joke:‎ A:你的头发怎么一天比一天少?(Why does your hair get less day by day?)‎ B:因为我天天都有忧虑的事。(Because I always have to worry about.)‎ A:你每天都忧虑什么呢?(Then what are you concerned for?)‎ B:我忧虑我的头发一天比一天少!(Losing my hair every day.)‎

