英语课件:Unit 5-Language points

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英语课件:Unit 5-Language points

Language points Unit 5 Enjoying novels 1. n. a story of excitement and adventure, often set in the past 2. n. the extreme edge or limit of a place 3. n. a bedroom or private room 4. n. a large impressive house romance 传奇故事 margin 边缘 chamber 房间;室 mansion公 馆;宅第 margin 1) (C. formal) 边缘;极限;界限 the eastern ~ of the Indian Ocean 印度洋的 东岸 2) (C. usually pl.) 边缘部分;非主体部分 people living on the margins of society 生活在社会边缘的人们 1. n. an opinion that all members of a group agree with 2. (of a law, rule, etc.) being used 3. n. an unexpected change or development in a story or situation consensus 共识;一致的 意见 in force 已生效;在实 施中 twist 转折;转变 Can you believe that there used to be a consensus in society that opposed the writing of novels by authoresses?你相信从 前社会上存在着反对女子写小说的舆论吗? consensus (n. ) ~ among sb.; ~ about; ~ that… There is a general ~ among teachers about the need for greater security in schools. 教师们对必须加强学校的保安有普遍的共识。 There seems to be a ~ that the plan should be rejected. 看来人们一致同意放弃这一计划。 Perhaps you think that discrimination of this kind was in force a very long time ago because, after all, it is a very old-fashioned idea. 或许你会认为 这种类型的歧视只会在很久以 前才有影响,因为毕竟这是一种很落伍的想法。 in force 1)(of people) in large numbers大量;众多 2)(of a law, rule, etc.) being used已生效;在实施中 Protesters turned out ~. 有很多抗议者出席。 The new regulations are now ~. 新规章已生效。 Even so there is another twist to this story. 即便如此,事情发展还是有所转折。 twist n. (故事或情况的)转折;转变;突然变化 The story has taken another ~. 故事情节再一次变化。 The disappearance of a vital witness added a new ~ to the case. 一名重要证人失踪,令诉讼出现了新的变数。 In a strange contradiction this period produced five of the most courageous and gifted authoresses. 在一种奇怪的矛盾状况下,这 段时期却产生了五位最具勇气和才华的女作家。 contradiction n. 1) a lack of agreement between facts, opinions, etc. 矛盾;不一致;对立 2) the act of saying that sth. that sb. else has said is wrong or not true 反驳;驳斥 There is a ~ between the two sets of figures.这两组 数据相互矛盾。 Now you say you both left at ten — that’s a ~ of your last statement.你现在说你们俩是十点钟离开的,这可和你 上次的说法不一致。 1. n. a situation, an event, etc. that makes it difficult for you to do or achieve sth. 2. adj. showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying; expressing 3. n. the principal female character in a novel, poem, or dramatic presentation 4. n. a white, odorless, bitter crystalline compound obstacle 障碍;阻碍 ironic/ ironical 讽刺的; 反语的 heroine 女主人公; 女英雄 heroin 海洛因;吗啡 At this time the only respectable career for a woman was to marry, so the dilemma of her heroines’ was also to marry but for love. 那时,女性唯一受到尊重的事业就是嫁人。所以她作 品中女主人公也为了无爱情的婚姻所困扰。 respectable adj. 可以形容人也可形容事 “符合 社会道德标准的;正派的;正当的;值得尊敬的(来 自外人的尊敬)” ~ citizens 遵纪守法的公民 a ~ girl 一位正派的姑娘 ~ manners 文明的举止 a ~ household 正经人家 respectful 恭敬的(对外人的尊敬) I wish you would be more ~ to your father. At this time the only respectable career for a woman was to marry, so the dilemma of her heroines’ was also to marry but for love. 那时,女性唯一受到尊 重的事业就是嫁人。所以她作品中女主人公也为了 无爱情的婚姻所困扰。 dilemma n. 两难处境 Mary’s ~ was whether to go to the party in her old dress or to stay at home. but for 1)= except for 除了;除…...以外 But for his habit of smoking, he would be a perfect man. 2)要不是;多亏……否则 (多用于虚拟语气) But for your help, I would not have finished the work. In this story we follow the lives of five sisters as they overcome obstacles to their happiness and marriage until all is happily resolved. 在这部小说中,我们跟踪书中五姐妹的生 活轨迹,看她们克服幸福和婚姻中的种种障碍,直至 一切问题圆满解决。 obstacle n. ~ to (doing ) sth. A lack of qualifications can be a major ~ to finding a job. 学历不够会成为找工作的主要障碍。 resolve n. & v. The circumstances resolved him to go /upon going. 情况使他决定去。 The discussion resolved itself into an argument. 讨论到后来变成了争论。 resolve a conflict 解决冲突 a man of resolve 刚毅的人 make a resolve to do sth. 决心做某事 But the appeal of Jane’s work was not in its content. It was also in her refreshingly light and ironic style, evident from the first sentence of the novel: “Everyone knows that a single man with a fortune must be in want of a wife.” 然而,简的作品引人入胜之处不仅仅在于故事本身, 还在于她那种清新明快而又带点讽刺的写作风格,这从小说的 第一句就可以很清楚看出来: “众所周知,凡是有财产的单身汉 必定需要娶一位太太。” ironic = ironical adj. 1) 反语的;讽刺的 an ~ comment/ smile 嘲讽的语言/ 微笑 2) (因出乎意料而)奇怪的;好笑的 It’s ~ that she became a teacher — she used to hate school. 令人啼笑皆非的是她成了老师— 她过去 一向厌恶学校的。 But the appeal of Jane’s work was not in its content. It was also in her refreshingly light and ironic style, evident from the first sentence of the novel: “Everyone knows that a single man with a fortune must be in want of a wife.” 然而,简的作品引人入胜之处不仅仅在于故事本身, 还在于她那种清新明快而又带点讽刺的写作风格,这从小说的 第一句就可以很清楚看出来: “众所周知,凡是有财产的单身汉 必定需要娶一位太太。” want n. 缺乏;不足 They suffered from ~ of water. 他们苦于缺水。 in want of 需要 We are ~ of a good leader. The school is ~ of good teachers. 1. using a name different from one’s won 2. to recognize the truth about an excuse, false statement, etc; not be fooled 3. unwilling to believe sth; often doubting; distrustful 4. n. trick under the name of see through sceptical/ skeptical deception The three Bronte sisters adopting this practice, Mary Ann Evans did the same and wrote under the name of George Eliot. 勃朗特三姐妹是这样做的,玛丽•安•埃文斯也是 这样做的,她用乔治•艾略特的笔名进行创作。 practice n. 习俗;惯例 It is not the ~ in modern society for a woman to follow her husband’s family name. 在现代社会, 妇女不再遵从随夫姓的习俗。 It is an ancient ~ to bind the feet from birth in the country. 把出生婴儿的脚绑起来是这个国家的一 个古老习俗。 Sceptical reviewers did not see through this deception and gave their approval to their work. 生性多疑的评论家 没有看穿这层伪装,而且对她们的作品大加赞扬。 sceptical/ skeptical adj. Mary is sceptical about the solution. 玛丽对这个解决办法表示怀疑。 see through sb/ sth 识破;看穿 see sb through帮助…度过(困难) Don’t try to see through people, see people through. 不要想看穿别人,而要帮助他人度过困难。 see to 负责;注意;照料 I will see to everything here. 我会照料这里的一切。 Sceptical reviewers did not see through this deception and gave their approval to their work. 生性多疑的评论家 没有看穿这层伪装,而且对她们的作品大加赞扬。 deception n. 骗局; 诡计; 欺诈 His pretended friendship was part of the deception. 他所谓的友谊是一种骗局。 give one’s approval to 批准 meet with sb.’s approval 得到某人的赞同 present/ submit sth. to sb. for approval 把某事提交某人批准 with / without approval of 经/未经...的批准 1. adj. clearly and fully expressed 2. to try to overcome difficulties, etc 3. adj. saying openly and exactly what one thinks; frank 4. v. to recognize sb as important by calling out (a title); to call out to sb by name or in greeting 5. n. making known sth that was secret or hidden; revealing explicit 直率的; 明确的;清楚的 struggle against outspoken hail 向……欢呼;大声 招呼;呼喊 revelation 启示;揭示 Her novels were revolutionary for the explicit way they described women struggling against their restricted roles in society. Her heroines are outspoken in expressing their feelings, while demonstrating honesty and conscience in their choices. 她的小说具有革命性,因为 她的小说用鲜明的笔调描述了女性与其受社会限制的角色之间的 对抗。她作品中的女主人公们坦率地表达自己的感情,而与其同 时,她们的选择也显示出真诚和良知。 explicit adj. 直率的; 显而易见的 They were explicit in their criticism. 他们直截了当地表达了他们的批评。 an explicit sign of trouble 一个显而易见的麻烦的征兆 Being immediately hailed as “the masterwork of a great genius”, Jane Eyre became a great success. The book was a revelation after the more reserved feelings expressed in Jane Austen’s novels. 《简•爱》一出版,立即 被誉为“伟大天才的杰作”,获得了巨大的成功。同简•奥斯汀 小说中表达的那种较为含蓄的感情相比,《简•爱》 算是一种直 接的表露。 hail v. 向...欢呼, 致敬 The crowds hailed the boxing champion. 群众向这位拳击冠军喝彩。 revelation n. 显示, 揭露, 新发现, 启示, 揭示 What a revelation !这真是一个意外! Her true nature was a revelation to me. 她的真实性格对我是一个新发现。 Being immediately hailed as “the masterwork of a great genius”, Jane Eyre became a great success. The book was a revelation after the more reserved feelings expressed in Jane Austen’s novels. 《简•爱》一出版,立即被誉为“伟大天 才的杰作”,获得了巨大的成功。同简•奥斯汀小说中表达的那种 较为含蓄的感情相比,《简•爱》 算是一种直接的表露。 reserve n. & v. 储备, 保存, 保留, 预定, 预约 I reserve the right to disagree. 我保留持不同意见的权利。 a forest reserve 自然森林保护区 reserved adj. 保留的; 矜持的;缄默的 She is not usually so reserved. 她通常不如此缄默。 These seats are reserved for special guests. 这些座位是留给贵宾的。 Although his output was greater than any of the authoresses mentioned above, his impact was not greater than theirs. 虽然他的作品在数量上比上面提到的 任何一位女作家都要多,但他的影响力却并没超过她们。 impact n. U. 强烈的影响 This book has made a great ~ on its readers. 这本书在读者中产生了强烈的影响。 The speech had little ~ on the audience. 这个演讲对听众没有产生多大影响。 1. adj. first in importance, position, etc 2. adj. uncertain in meaning; unclear 3. n. act of yielding; thing granted or yielded 4. to be much better than sb/ sth 5. n. person who evaluates and describes the quality of sth, esp works of art, literature, music, etc premier 第一的;首要的 ambiguous concession 让步; 让与某人之物 stand out 杰出 critic 批评家;评论家 The fifth premier authoress of this period was George Eliot (1819-1880). Her novels examined the morally ambiguous concessions people make in their lives in order to succeed. 在这一阶段的第五位女作家是乔治•艾略特(1819- 1880)。她的小说探讨了人们在生活中为了取得成功在道德上所做 的模糊的退让。 premier 1) adj. 首位的; 首要的 This is Europe’s ~ port. 这是欧洲第一大港。 2) n.首相,总理 He was appointed the new ~. 他被任命为新总理。 ambiguous adj. 模棱两可的, 含糊不清的 He give us an ~ answer. 他 给了我们一个模棱两可的答复。 The fifth premier authoress of this period was George Eliot (1819-1880). Her novels examined the morally ambiguous concessions people make in their lives in order to succeed. 在这一阶段的第五位女作家是乔治•艾略特 (1819-1880)。她的小说探讨了人们在生活中为了取得成功在道德 上所做的模糊的退让。 concession n.让步,妥协;特许(权); We have never made concessions without getting concessions in return. 我们决不会无条件地让步。 At last, their company obtained the mining concession. 他们的公司最终获得了采矿权。 1. vt. to own; to have sth as belonging to one 2. n. person who agrees to be responsible for sth; person who puts forward a proposal; person or business that pays for a show, broadcast, sports event, etc, usually in return for advertising 3. adj. unusual; peculiar; rather strange; not normal 4. adj. showing or characterized by broad-mindedness (气量大的) 5. adj. ready to give money, help, kindness, etc possess 拥有;占有 sponsor 担保人; 发起人;赞助者 eccentric 古怪的 tolerant 宽容的 generous 慷慨的;大方的 His novels describe the hardships of poor people who did not possess money or a sponsor to smooth their path. 他的 小说描绘了穷人生活的艰辛;他们或者身无分文,或者缺乏赞助 人帮助他们铺平前进的道路。 sponsor 1) n.发起人, 保证人, 主办人 class sponsor 班主任 2) vt. 发起, 主办 sponsored programme 播有广告的广播/电视节目 The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture. 这个展览会是由文化学会主办的。 In David Copperfield, the hero experiences suffering before he meets his eccentric, kind and tolerant aunt, Betsy Trotwood. 在小说《大卫 • 科波菲尔》中,主人公在遇到 怪癖、善良、宽容的姑妈贝特西 • 特洛特伍德之前历经苦难。 eccentric 1) adj.古怪的,怪癖的,异乎寻常的 She is an ~ old lady. 她是个古怪的老太太。 2) n. 古怪的人 The old lady is a bit of an ~. 这位老太是个有点古怪的人。 tolerant adj. 忍受的,容忍的,宽容/恕的(+of/to/towards) She was ~ of different views. 她容忍不同的意见。 Of all the girls she was the most ~. 在所有女孩子中她是 最宽容的。 With the 19th century being regarded as one of great women writers, there were also some excellent male authors. 19世纪被认为是伟大的女作家人才辈出的世纪,这一 时期也有一些优秀的男作家。 David benefits from her truly generous nature, and owes his education, wealth and happiness to her care. 大卫得益 于姑妈那真正慷慨大方的性格,在她的关心下,大卫受到了教育、 获得了财富和幸福。 Charles Dickens is today confirmed as one of the great writers of the 19th century. 今天,查尔斯狄更斯是公认的 19世纪伟大的作家之一。 He spoke fluently, but concentrated on her low social rank with a warmth which did not recommend him as a husband. 他言辞流利、语气热烈, 但主要是说她的低下的社会地位,听起来可不像要做她的丈夫。 warmth n. U. 热情;热烈;亲切 He expressed his views with a great deal of ~. 他热情洋溢地表达了自己的看法。 When speaking, he wasn’t aware of the ~ in his feelings. 他说话时并没意识到自己的炽热情感。 He concluded by hoping that she would accept his hand in marriage. He spoke of his anxiety, but it was evident from his face that he felt sure of her answer. 他在这番话的最后说,希望她能接受他的求 婚。他谈到了自己的焦虑,但从他的面部表情来看,很显然他 对她的回答很有把握。 accept one’s hand in marriage 接受求婚 ask for one’s hand 求婚 give one’s hand 接受求婚 speak of 说到;提到 Is this the book you spoke of the other day? 这是不是你前几天提到的书? There is nothing new to ~. 没什么新鲜事可以说。 At length he asked, “And this is all the reply that I am to have! I might, perhaps, ask why I am refused so abruptly?” 终于,他问道: “这就是我 得到的全部答案!也许我可以问一下,为什么我会被如此断然 地拒绝?” at length (at last; finally) 终于;最终 At length the building was completed. 这个建筑终于完工了。 At length she changed her opinion about him and gave him her hand. 终于,她改变了自己对他 的看法,并同意嫁给他。 I have every reason in the world to think ill of you. 我有足够的理由对你怀有恶感。 every reason 充分的理由 (in the world起强调作用) There is ~ to believe what he has said. 有充分的理由相信他所说的话。 I have ~ to do that. 我那样做是有充足的理由的。 think ill of sb 对某人评价不高;讨厌某人 think highly of sb 高度评价某人 think well of sb 对某人很看重 think little of sb 轻视某人 think much of sb 看得起某人 think nothing of sb 看不起某人 Could you expect me to congratulate myself on relations, whose condition in life is so decidedly beneath my own? 难道你指望我会为有生活状况远比我差 的亲戚而感到庆幸吗? congratulate oneself on 庆幸;暗自感到幸运 He congratulated himself on his successful escape. 他庆 幸自己得以成功逃脱。 She congratulated herself on a happy marriage. 她暗自 庆幸自己婚姻美满。 decidedly adv. 明确地, 毫无疑问 She was decidedly cool about the proposal. 她对这个提 议漠然置之。 It spared me any concern I might have felt in refusing you if you had behaved more like a gentleman. 如果你的举止更像一个绅士的话,在拒绝你时, 我可能会感到不自在,而现在这省掉了我的一切不自在。 spare 1) vt. Can you ~ me a few minutes? 你能为我挪出几分钟时间吗? [分出,腾出(时间,人手) ] I want to ~ him the trouble of seeing me off at the airport. 我不想麻烦他去机场为我送行。 (省掉;使免遭;免去 ) They took his money but spared his life. 他们拿走了他 的钱但饶了他一命。 (饶恕,赦免;不伤害) We got to station at noon with time to ~. 我们中午就到了 火车站,离开车还有一段时间。 (剩下) It spared me any concern I might have felt in refusing you if you had behaved more like a gentleman. 如果你的举止更像一个绅士的话,在拒绝你时, 我可能会感到不自在,而现在这省掉了我的一切不自在。 spare 2) adj. spare time (剩下的;空闲的) a spare tire (备用的 ) The farmer is tall and spare. 那个农夫又高又瘦。(瘦的) We got to station at noon with time to ~. 我们中午就到了 火车站,离开车还有一段时间。 (剩下) 3) n. 备用品; 备用轮胎 This tire is damaged. Do you have a spare? 这个轮胎坏了, 你有备用轮胎吗?

