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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit 4Pygmalion单元学案 ‎【单元基础词汇语法回顾】‎ Section Ⅱ Warming up & Reading—Language Points Ⅰ.词汇运用(用所给词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎1.She stood there,________(hesitate) over whether to join the fight or not.‎ 答案: hesitating ‎2.The popular cartoon Mulan is an________ (adapt) of a Chinese poem for children.‎ 答案: adaptation ‎3. The boy picked up a(n)________(hand) of stones and started throwing them at us.‎ 答案: handful ‎4.If you feel any ________(comfort),such as dizziness,sweating or chest pain,please tell me.‎ 答案: discomfort ‎5.Wines are________(classify) according to quality.‎ 答案: classified ‎6. You must be ________.This letter is addressed to someone else.There must be some________.(mistake)‎ 答案: mistaken ;mistakes ‎7.He was not sure how to________the word in Chinese,so he looked it up in the dictionary to make sure of its________ (pronounce)‎ 答案:  pronounce ;pronunciation ‎8.________,Adams made a big________by doing business with a foreign company,which was really________to him.(fortune)‎ 答案: Fortunately;fortune;fortunate ‎9.When you start swimming,the first thing you must learn is how to breathe________(proper).‎ 答案: properly ‎10.No matter how cold it is,my sister will not wear________(wool) trousers.‎ 答案: woolen ‎11.He had a good disguise,but he spoke of the secret,________(betray) himself.‎ 答案: betraying ‎ ‎12.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ____________________(rise) steadily since 1990.‎ 答案: has been rising ‎13.Alice returned from the manager’s office,________(tell) me that the boss wanted to see me at once.‎ 答案: telling ‎14.The news reporters hurried to the airport,only________________(tell) the film stars had left.‎ 答案: to be told ‎ ‎15.The rare fish,________(save) from the cooking pot,has been returned to the sea.‎ 答案: saved Ⅱ.选词填空 make the acquaintance of,be classified as,make remarks on,condemn...to,make a fortune,every time,hesitate,pass...off a ‎ ‎1.______________he comes here,he is attracted by the beauty here.‎ 答案: Every time ‎2.The stone statue of a beautiful woman made by Pygmalion would______________him ______________live alone.‎ 答案: condemn;to ‎3.It is said that beer ______________a food product.‎ 答案: is classified as ‎4.The Goddess ______________for a moment before she agreed to help him to bring her to life.‎ 答案: hesitated ‎5.He ______________the situation at the present and gave some practical advice.‎ 答案: made remarks on ‎6.According to their agreement,he should ______________himself ______________a Duke and not betray himself.‎ 答案: pass;off as ‎7.During my travel to Mount Tai,I______________a young girl from Shanghai.‎ 答案:  made the acquaintance of ‎8.He ______________by selling fried chicken in the market.‎ 答案: made a fortune Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language Ⅰ. 单句语法填空 ‎ 1.The________(disgust) acting of the actor made everyone present unhappy.‎ 答案:  disgusting ‎2.The key to________(effect) command is to understand that command is both an art and a science.‎ 答案: effective ‎3.________(lose) in the fog,we were forced to spend two hours in the woods.‎ 答案: Lost ‎ ‎4.________(discuss) many times,the problems were settled at last.‎ 答案:  Discussed ‎5.When first________(introduce) to the market,these products enjoyed great success.‎ 答案: introduced ‎6.You are very much ________(mistake) if you think that people will agree to these changes.‎ 答案: mistaken ‎7.He went through the papers carefully again and again,and found that he ________(overlook) one important detail.‎ 答案: had overlooked ‎8.Lots of________instruments can be found in the shop.It satisfies all tastes who are fond of________.(musician)‎ 答案: musical;music ‎9.It was ten o’clock when he finally showed________.‎ 答案: up ‎10.The new engine is superior________its rivals.‎ 答案: to ‎11.Those who were trapped by flood were in need________help.‎ 答案: of ‎12.________I’m unhappy,he cheers me up.‎ 答案: Whenever/No matter when ‎13.________wants to speak to me will have to wait.‎ 答案: Whoever ‎14.Mrs Clegg was severely beaten and robbed________all her possessions.‎ 答案: of ‎15.Such a development seems unlikely,at least________the short term.‎ 答案: in Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.我读了一部由高级教授改编的小说。‎ ‎ I read a novel______________by a______________.‎ 答案: adapted ;superior professor ‎2.我有个问题想问,但又不好意思。‎ I have a question to ask but I______________him.‎ 答案: hesitated to ask ‎3.因为我怕我会出错,并且他高高在上,恐怕他会看不起我这个穷酸的学生。‎ Because I was afraid that I might be______________and that he was so ______________that he would ______________such a shabby student.‎ 答案: mistaken;upper;overlook ‎4.但是,我后来发现,他非同寻常。我们就像熟人一样进行了交谈。‎ But as I found later,______________.We talked as if we had been acquaintances.‎ 答案: he was extraordinary ‎5.我认为他是一位值得尊敬的著名教授。‎ I believed that he was a______________.‎ 答案: famous and respectable professor Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.________(remind) not to hang out at midnight,the boy headed home soon.‎ 答案: Reminded ‎2.________(disappoint) at failing in the math exam,John wouldn’t like to talk about it to his parents.‎ 答案: Disappointed ‎3.________(face) with the increasing unemployment,many people went on strike in most of the European countries.‎ 答案: Faced ‎4.Only when________(take) according to the directions can the medicine be quite effective.‎ 答案: taken ‎5.________(equip) their students with good social experiences and interpersonal skills,universities have become a lot more social than the “Ivory Tower” of the past.‎ 答案: Equipping ‎6.________(warn) that the Youth Olympic Games might be delayed due to severe air pollution,our government has made a promise to Jacques Rogge that they will spare no effort to settle the problem.‎ 答案: Warned ‎7.________(strike) by the heavy rain,the area was flooded seriously.‎ 答案: Striken ‎8.—Why are they taking all the equipment away?‎ ‎—The job________(do),they are packing up to leave.‎ 答案: done ‎9.—Can you introduce me a high quality machine?‎ ‎—My pleasure.________(handle) well even on wet roads,this kind of car is very popular.‎ 答案:  Handled ‎10.________(drive) by a greater demand for green products,the food company has set higher standards to ensure the quality.‎ 答案: Driven Ⅱ.语法与写作(用非谓语动词完成句子)‎ ‎1.在事故中受伤很重,她立刻被送进医院了。‎ ‎____________________,she was sent to hospital at once.‎ 答案: Badly injured in the accident ‎2.虽然他受到大家的嘲笑,但却得到了我的同情。‎ ‎________________________,he had my sympathy.‎ 答案:  Laughed at by everyone ‎3.不管翻译得多好,我们都不喜欢这首诗。‎ ‎________________________,the poem is not liked by us.‎ 答案: No matter how well translated ‎4.他被浓烟呛(choke)了,几乎不能呼吸了。‎ ‎________________________,he could hardly breathe.‎ 答案: Choked by the heavy smoke ‎5.因为淋了一场大雨,所以他全身湿透了。‎ ‎________________________,he was all wet.‎ 答案: Caught in a heavy rain Ⅲ.用过去分词或现在分词改写下列短文 My Fair Lady is a musical.It is based upon George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion.The story is about Eliza,a flower girl who sold flowers in the street.She was born in a poor neighbourhood and she spoke improper English.One day she met Professor Higgins who said that if she was educated,she could pass off as an upper class lady.So she took speech lessons from him.Gradually,Eliza got familiar with the proper way to speak,act and dress.To see if Eliza had learned everything that was ‎ taught,Higgins took her to a royal ball and hoped she could convince everyone that she herself was from the upper class.Eliza was accepted as a perfect lady.Higgins was delighted to see that.‎ ‎[改写]‎ My Fair Lady is a musical based upon George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion.The story is about Eliza,a flower girl ①__________________.②__________________,she spoke improper English.One day she met Professor Higgins Who said that ③__________________,she could pass off as an upper class lady.So she took speech lessons from him.Gradually,Eliza got familiar with the proper way to speak,act and dress.To see if Eliza had learned ④__________________,Higgins took her to a royal ball,⑤__________________that she herself was from the upper class.Higgins was delighted ⑥__________________a perfect lady.‎ 答案: ①selling flowers in the street ②Born in a poor neighbourhood  ③if educated ④everything taught ⑤hoping she could convince everyone ⑥to see Eliza accepted as ‎【单元知识链接高考试题解题指导】‎ 写作技法4| 巧妙的过渡,连贯的衔接 ‎[技法综述]‎ 连接(过渡)性词语的使用是语言连贯性得以实现的最常用手段。在句与句之间,段与段之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的连接(过渡)性词语是非常必要的。中学阶段应该掌握的连接(过渡)性词语可以归纳如下:‎ ‎1. 表示起始关系的过渡性词语 above all,first of all,to begin with,according to,as you know/as is known,as is shown in ...,when it comes to等。‎ First of all,I think it important to make more friends abroad.‎ As is shown in the picture, a tree is knocked down by the strong wind, while the grass stays as it is.‎ ‎2. 表示时间顺序的过渡性词语 first(ly),second(ly),third(ly),then,later,in the end,finally,at last,after ‎ that,afterwards,since then,meanwhile等。‎ Secondly, we should get up early to memorize idioms and useful expressions.‎ Meanwhile, we all enjoyed the beauty of nature.‎ I had a bad cold last week.First,I had a running nose, but I did not take it seriously.Then I began to cough.After that, I had a fever and felt weak.Finally, I was sent to hospital and had to lie in bed for three days.‎ ‎3. 表示并列关系的过渡性词语 and,or,also,as well as,neither ... nor ...‎ not only ... but also ...‎ either ... or ...‎ not ... but ...等。‎ Work hard,and you will be admitted to a key university.‎ Swimming not only benefits our health,but also helps us have a strong will.‎ ‎4.表示转折关系的过渡性词语 but,yet,however,while,otherwise,on the contrary等。‎ However,not until the match was over did we realize that we became the loser.‎ On the contrary,smart phones not only take up our valuable time, but also do great harm to our health.‎ ‎5. 表示因果关系的过渡性词语 because,as,since,for,thanks to,due to,as a result of,so,therefore,as a result/consequence等。‎ Thanks to the doctor's timely treatment, he was saved.‎ Therefore, I suggest we should be given more time for sports and sleep.‎ ‎6. 表示条件关系的过渡性词语 if,unless,in case (of),as/so long as,on condition that等。‎ I would be very grateful if you can meet him at the airport.‎ As long as you don't lose heart,you're sure to succeed.‎ ‎7. 表示递进关系的过渡性词语 besides,in addition,what's more,furthermore,moreover,what's worse,still less,to make matters worse,worse still,on (the) one hand ... on the other (hand) ...‎ for one thing ... for another ...等。‎ In addition, we shouldn't neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.‎ On the other hand, online shopping also has many disadvantages.‎ ‎8. 表示列举事实的过渡性词语 such as,for example/instance,take...for example,that is to say,as follows,in other words等。‎ Take Beijing for example, it is one of the oldest cities in the world.‎ That is to say,if you want to succeed, you have to believe in yourself.‎ ‎9. 表示观点的过渡性词语 in my opinion,in my view,in my point of view,as far as I am concerned,as for me,personally(speaking), I think...等。‎ In my opinion,people shall not smoke in public places.‎ ‎10. 表示总结的过渡性词语 in short,in brief,in conclusion,in a/one word,to sum up,all in all,on the whole,in general,generally speaking等。‎ In a word,success is important, and so is failure, because it's the mother of success.‎ All in all,travelling is the best choice to recharge ourselves and get ready for the new challenges.‎ ‎[阅卷现场]‎ ‎  (2016·四川高考)某中学生英文报正举办“The Season I Like Best”的征文活动,请用英文写一篇短文投稿,内容应包括:‎ ‎1.你最喜欢的季节;‎ ‎2.你喜欢该季节的两条理由(如:气候、景色、活动、感受……)。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.题目已为你写好;‎ ‎3.行文连贯,语篇完整;‎ ‎4.文中不得透露个人真实信息。‎ The Season I Like Best ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 考生作文 The Season I Like Best There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. What season do you like best? Perhaps you like spring best, but I like summer best. The reasons are as follows. There is plenty of fun activities for teenagers in summer, including going camping, going swimming or travelling with friends. Summer vacation is the longest of the year. Every summer I stay at my uncle's house in the country for three weeks and enjoy a wonderful life there. I can also catch worms that are not found in winter. I can see different kinds of beautiful birds. I think summer is certainly more fun than the other three seasons. I like summer best.‎ 点评与优化 ‎[名师点评]‎ ‎1. 本文的词数符合要求,也没有出现明显的错误。但是给人感觉好像是初中水平;而且没有分段,缺少衔接词,因此层次欠清晰,属于档次较低的作文。‎ ‎2. 可以采用英语作文最常用的“三段式”作文,加入适当的过渡衔接词汇或句式,使其段落分明,层次清晰。‎ ‎3. 另外,我们可以用一些高级词汇或高级句式对句子进行提升。‎ ‎[尝试优化]‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 作文提升 The Season I Like Best When it comes to the season I like best, summer will always occur to me in no time. The reasons are as follows. ‎ Firstly, there is plenty of fun for teenagers in summer, such as going camping, going swimming or travelling with friends. Secondly, summer vacation is the longest of the year. As far as I'm concerned, every summer I stay at my uncle's house in the country for three weeks, where I always enjoy a wonderful life. I can ‎ also catch worms that are not found in winter. In addition, I can see different kinds of beautiful birds. ‎ In a word, I think summer is certainly more fun than the other three seasons. Summer is really my favorite.‎ ‎ [随堂训练]‎ Ⅰ.请用过渡性词语完成句子 ‎1.First of all/To begin with(首先), the most significant thing is to set a goal, work out a plan and carry out your plan step by step.‎ ‎2.As far as I am concerned(就我而言), I love wealth, but I value health more.‎ ‎3.As is known to all(众所周知), shoes play an important role in our life, for they can protect our feet from being hurt.‎ ‎4.I lost my way in the forest and to make matters worse/worse still(更糟的是), it became dark.‎ ‎5.Besides/In addition/What's more/Moreover(况且), I can experience different cultures and widen my knowledge.‎ ‎6.In a word/In conclusion/In short/In brief(总之), changes in our life in the past twenty years have brought us comfort and convenience.‎ Ⅱ.书面表达(感谢信)‎ ‎(2017·郑州市第二次质量预测)假定你是新华中学的学生李华,上周日不慎把书包遗失在操场上,里面有学生证、手机、钱包等物品,你校外教Mr.Smith捡到后上交给学校。请你用英语给他写封感谢信。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Mr.Smith,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎【参考范文】‎ Dear Mr.Smith,‎ I'm Li Hua, a student from Xinhua Middle School.I'm writing this letter to thank you for returning my schoolbag.‎ Last Sunday afternoon, after I played basketball with my friends on the playground, I left my schoolbag there owing to my carelessness. I was worried because my student's ID card, cellphone, wallet and some documents were all in it, which are very important to me.Just as I was at a loss, I was informed that my schoolbag was at the school's Lost and Found, where I knew it was you who had picked up my schoolbag and handed it in.‎ It's such a great kindness that I'm extremely grateful to you.You did set a good example to us.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

