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‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit 3Life in the future单元作业 Ⅰ.重点单词聚焦 ‎1.The girl made a great________(印象) on her neighbours and they spoke highly of her.‎ 答案: impression ‎2.They had to give up the project in the end because of a________(缺少) of money.‎ 答案: lack ‎3.Please________(系牢) the dog to that tree,or it may hurt others.‎ 答案: fasten ‎4.He couldn’t________(容忍) the noise downtown so he decided to move to the countryside.‎ 答案: tolerate ‎5.As the________(代表) of the workers,Mr Smith gave a speech at the meeting.‎ 答案: representative ‎6.The manager gave him all the________(材料) he needed to carry out the construction.‎ 答案: materials ‎7.Although he often faces many difficulties,the young man is in an________(乐观的) mood.‎ 答案: optimistic ‎8.Dealing with people is the most important________(方面) of my daily work.‎ 答案: aspect ‎9.Tell the boy to ________(转换) off all lights as he leaves the room,to save electricity.‎ 答案: switch ‎10.He________(经常) consults the professor when meeting with difficulty.‎ 答案: constantly Ⅱ.重点短语扫描 ‎1.take            拿起;接受;开始;继续 ‎2.lose of...    看不见……‎ ‎3.speed     加速 ‎4.show sb.     领某人参观 ‎5.in no     立刻 ‎6.be back on one’s     (困境后)恢复;完全复原 ‎7.sweep     打扫;横扫 ‎8.under    在修建中 ‎9. sb.for    因……而责怪某人 ‎10.be to    与……相似 up sight up around time feet up repair blame similar Ⅲ.课文原句突破 ‎1.因为担心这次旅行,头几天我感到心绪不宁。‎ ‎________ ________ ________ ________,I was unsettled for the first few days.‎ 答案: Worried about the journey ‎2.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。‎ The air seemed thin,________ ________its combination of gases had little oxygen left.‎ 答案: as though ‎3.由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。‎ ‎________by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.‎ 答案: Hit ‎4.噢,现在有个系统利用生态学原理处理废物。‎ Well,now there’s________ ________ ________ the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.‎ 答案: a system where ‎5‎ ‎.但是,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,由于车辆朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。‎ However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached________ ________ ________ a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.‎ 答案: what looked like ‎6.我感到累极了,爬上床很快睡着了。‎ ‎________,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ 答案: Exhausted lack v.& n.缺乏;缺少的东西 教材原句P18:Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.‎ 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。‎ ‎①As he is very rich he lacks for nothing.‎ 他很富有,什么都不缺。‎ ‎②Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you don’t know?‎ 你是否想交更多的朋友,但缺乏信心和陌生人交谈?‎ ‎③Though lacking money,his parents managed to send him to university.尽管缺钱,他的父母设法送他上大学。‎ ‎④Many small plants in that country closed down for lack of fuel.‎ 由于燃料不足,那个国家很多小工厂都关闭了。‎ ‎1.(2010·福建卷)More and more highrise building have been built in big cities________space.‎ A.in search of    B.in place of ‎ C.for lack of    D.for fear of 解析: 句意为:因缺少空间,在大城市里,越来越多的高楼拔地而起。本题考查介词短语辨析。A项意为“搜寻”;B项意为“代替”;C项意为“因缺乏”;D项意为“以防”。‎ 答案: C tolerate vt.容忍;忍受 教材原句P18:At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.一开始,新的环境很难忍受。‎ ‎①The school can’t tolerate cheating in exams.‎ 学校绝不容许考试舞弊。‎ ‎②I won’t tolerate your bad manners any longer.‎ 我再也不能忍受你那恶劣的态度了。‎ ‎③I can put up with many things,but not with people who steal.‎ 我能容忍很多事情,但决不容忍小偷小摸的事情。‎ ‎④I can’t stand people interrupting me all the time.‎ 我不能容忍老有人打岔。‎ ‎2.完成句子 事实上,一个人的容忍是有限度的。‎ As a matter of fact,there is______________what one person can________.‎ 答案: a limit to;tolerate instant n.瞬间;片刻;adj.立即的;立刻的 教材原句P22:You place the metal band over your head,clear your mind,press the sending button,think your message and the next instant it’s sent.‎ 你把金属箍戴到头上,整理思绪,按下发送键,集中精神想你要发送的信息,片刻信息就已经发送出去了。‎ for an instant一瞬间 in an instant立即;马上 on the instant立即;立刻;马上 the instant (that)/immediately/directly一……就 ‎①His new book became an instant success.‎ 他的新书立即成为畅销书。‎ ‎②The wounded are in instant need of help.‎ 那些伤员急需救助。‎ ‎③I couldn’t answer the question for an instant.‎ 我一时回答不出这个问题。‎ ‎④The instant (that) I reached the platform the train began to move.我一到站台,火车就开动了。‎ ‎⑤But,in an instant,everything passes,everything becomes history.‎ 然而转瞬之间,一切都已经过去,一切都变成了历史。‎ ‎3.完成句子 使我非常吃惊的是,她一读到这封信就突然哭起来。‎ Much to my surprise,she______________________________she read the letter.‎ 答案: burst into tears the instant lose sight of看不见 教材原句P18:However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.‎ 但是,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,王平不见了,因为很多汽垫车都四面八方地从身边飞奔。‎ ‎①I felt very frightened,for I lost sight of my mother in the crowd.‎ 我感到非常害怕,因为在人群中没有发现我的妈妈。‎ ‎②We must never lose sight of the fact that man must live in harmony with nature.‎ 我们永远也不能忽视这个事实:人类必须与自然和谐相处。‎ ‎③At the sight of his mother,he cried with excitement.‎ 一看到母亲,他激动地大哭起来。‎ ‎④I caught sight of her hurrying away but I didn’t try to speak to her.我看见她匆忙走开,但我没想跟她讲话。‎ ‎⑤The train was soon out of sight.‎ 那火车很快就看不见了。‎ ‎4.用sight的短语填空:‎ ‎(1)At last the famous tower____________________________.‎ ‎(2)The driver____________________the car he was following.‎ ‎(3)____________________,their demands seemed reasonable.‎ 答案: (1)come into sight (2)lost sight of (3)At first sight take up占有(时间/空间);继续;开始;接受;拿起 教材原句P17:I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.‎ 我仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。‎ ‎①I’m sorry to have taken up so much of your time.‎ 很抱歉占用了你这么多的时间。‎ ‎②We encourage each student to take up a new sport or to try a new form of exercise.‎ 我们鼓励每一位学生参加一项新的体育运动或者尝试一种新形式的锻炼。‎ ‎③Let’s take up the text where we finished yesterday.‎ 我们从昨天停下的地方继续学课文。‎ take over接管,控制,占据 take back取回;把(某人)带回;把……退货;取消 take for当作;误认为 take in收留,收容(某人);包括;包含 take off脱掉;模仿;起飞;成名 take on雇用;聘用;开始呈现 ‎⑤I’m sorry.I take back what I said just now.‎ 对不起,我收回刚才说过的话。‎ ‎⑥In the past few years,our school has taken on a new look.‎ 在过去的几年,我们学校呈现出了新面貌。‎ ‎5.After he retired from office,Royers________painting for a while,but soon lost interest.‎ A.took up    B.saved up C.kept up    D.drew up 解析: 由后置语境but soon lost interest可知空白处应表示“对……产生兴趣”,take up可以表示“对……产生兴趣”,故A项符合语境。save up表示“储蓄”;keep up表示“使……不掉下来”;draw up表示“起草,拟订”。‎ 答案: A ‎6.Helen always helps her mother even though going to school _______ most of her day.‎ A.takes up    B.makes up C.saves up    D.puts up 解析: 考查动词短语辨析。take up意为“占用 (时间、空间)”;make up意为“编制;捏造;化妆;弥补”;save up意为“节省”;put up意为“举起;张贴”。结合句意“海伦总是帮助她的母亲,尽管上学占去了她大部分的时间”,可知A项正确。‎ 答案: A ‎7.(2009·安徽卷)We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all________.‎ A.given away    B.kept away C.taken up    D.used up 解析: 句意为:我们想找一张7个人坐的桌子,但桌子全都有人了。give away出卖,赠送;keep away远离;take up占据;use up用光。‎ 答案: C speed up加速 教材原句P20:When we wanted the hovering carriage to speed up we pressed down hard on the driving pedal and bent over in the direction we were flying.当我们想让汽垫车加速时,我们向下压踏板使它弯向我们飞行的方向。‎ slow down减速 at a speed of...以……的速度 ‎ at high/low speed以高速/低速 pick up speed逐渐加快速度 ‎①We’d better speed up if we want to be in time for the film.‎ 如果我们想及时看电影,最好要加快速度。‎ ‎②Plenty of fresh air and exercise will speed up his recovery.‎ 充足的新鲜空气和体育锻炼将加速他的康复。‎ ‎③Once outside the station,the train began to pick up speed.‎ 一出车站,火车就开始加速。‎ ‎④You should slow down while crossing the road.‎ 在过马路时你应该减速。‎ ‎⑤The police car is running at a speed of 100 miles per hour to chase after the truck ahead of it.‎ 警车以每小时一百英里的速度追赶前面那辆卡车。‎ ‎8.In order to meet the demands they had to________production.‎ A.fasten up    B.rise up C.speed up    D.go up 解析: speed up加速。句意为:为了满足需求,他们不得不加快了生产速度。‎ 答案: C Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ 我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。‎ exhausted为形容词在句中作伴随状语。‎ ‎①He spent seven days in the wind and snow,cold and hungry.‎ 他又冷又饿地在风雪中过了7天。‎ ‎②For a moment she just stood there,unable to believe what had just happened.她在那儿呆呆地站了一会儿,简直不能相信刚才发生的事。‎ ‎③He lay on the bed,awake.他躺在床上,醒着。‎ ‎④The boy lay,relaxed on the sofa.‎ 小男孩放松地躺在沙发上。‎ ‎9.(北京高考)After the long journey,the three of them went back home,________.‎ A.hungry and tiredly    B.hungry and tired C.hungrily and tiredly    D.hungrily and tired 解析: 句意为:长途旅游后,他们三个回到了家,又饿又累。本题考查形容词作状语,表示伴随或结果。‎ 答案: B Ⅰ.选词填空 take up;lose sight of;sweep up;slide into;speed up;be back on one’s feet;be similar to;in no time ‎1.With ten hungry men around the table,the food disappeared________________.‎ 答案: in no time ‎2.The man stood at the bank waving to his friends until he________________their boat.‎ 答案: lost sight of ‎3.The boy________________his bedroom without being seen by his parents.‎ 答案: slid into ‎4.Bob’s wife insisted that he should buy her a bag which ________________ her friend’s.‎ 答案: was similar to ‎5.The thief ________________ when he realized that he was being followed by a police car.‎ 答案: sped up ‎6.Before moving into his new apartment,Peter had it ____________.‎ 答案: swept up ‎7.Tom thought carefully for several days and decided to ________________ the job offer.‎ 答案: take up ‎8.After his operation,the old man ____________ __________again.‎ 答案: was back on his feet Ⅱ.巧思妙解 ‎1.(2010·杭州检测二)When it was his turn to deliver his speech,________,he walked towards the microphone.‎ A.nervously and embarrassingly B.nervous and embarrassedly C.nervously and embarrassing D.nervous and embarrassed 解析: 该题考查形容词作状语。形容词一般作定语,但也可作状语。如:He lay in bed,awake.再如:Her husband came back,drunk.‎ 答案: D ‎2.________and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.‎ A.Surprising    B.Surprised C.Being surprised    D.To be surprising 解析: 此题考查形容词作伴随状语,描述其主语所处的状态。‎ 答案: B ‎3.After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,__________.‎ A.exhausting    B.exhausted C.being exhausted    D.having exhausted 解析: 形容词exhausted意为“ (感到)精疲力竭的”,在此处作状语,说明主语的特征;exhausting意为“令人精疲力竭的”,常指事物;being exhausted仅能作状语,表示原因,此处与语境不符。‎ 答案: B ‎4.—Why did John ask me about the problem?‎ ‎—________,he tried to find a better way to settle it.‎ A.Not to be satisfied    B.Not satisfied C.Not being satisfied    D.Don’t satisfy 解析: 过去分词作原因状语,not satisfied相当于because he was not satisfied。A项,表目的;C项,强调动作,此处表状态;D项,不符合句子结构。‎ 答案: B Ⅲ.语法专练 本单元语法——过去分词作状语 ‎1.(2010·上海春招)________by the growing interest in nature,more and more people enjoy outdoor sports.‎ A.Influenced    B.Influencing C.Having influenced   D.To be influenced 解析: 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词的解题关键是找准其逻辑主语。在本题中,influence的逻辑主语是more and more people,它们之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词形式。D项表示将来,不符合语意。‎ 答案: A ‎2.(2010·福建四地六校第三次联考)________by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit,they decided to visit the small old town again.‎ A.Struck    B.To be struck C.Having struck    D.Being struck 解析: strike与其逻辑主语they之间为动宾关系,故应用动词的过去分词形式作状语。‎ 答案: A ‎3.(2011·东城检测)________in a red skirt in the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games,the little girl Lin Miaoke won the hearts of the people all over the world.‎ A.Dressed    B.Worn C.Dressing    D.Wearing 解析: 考查非谓语动词。前半句是非谓语动词短语作状语,dressed in表示状态。假如使用wear,应该是wearing a red skirt in the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games。‎ 答案: A ‎4.________with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.‎ A.Faced    B.Face C.Facing    D.To face 解析: face with常用被动语态:使面对(问题、不愉快局面等),使面临。如:You are faced with a choice.你面临抉择。‎ 答案: A ‎5.________from Milan Trenc’s novel,the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world where ‎ dinosaurs wander the earth.‎ A.Adapted    B.Adapting C.Having adapted    D.To be adapted 解析: 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词类试题的解题关键在于找到逻辑主语,然后判断谓语与逻辑主语的关系。此处逻辑主语是the film,与adapt from构成被动,所以用它的过去分词形式adapted from,表示“改编自……”。‎ 答案: A 高考试题链接 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A We all have our favorite teachers — those who seem truly interested and treat us kindly.But what about teachers we don't know or even don't like much?‎ You can do lots of things to get a good connection with your teachers. First, do the right things: show up for class on time, with all assignments completed. Be active, be respectful, and ask questions you can’t solve by yourself.‎ Show an interest in the subjects. Obviously, your teachers are really interested in their subjects or they wouldn’t have decided to teach them! Showing the teachers that you care —even if you’re not a math whiz(奇才) or fluent in French—sends the message that you are a good student.‎ You can also plan a private conference during a teacher’s free period. Use this time to get extra help, ask questions, or talk about your progress in class. You may be surprised to leant that your teacher is a bit more relaxed one-on-one than when talking in front of the whole class.‎ Here are some things to avoid when you are try to build a good relationship with your teachers:‎ Not being sincere. Teachers sense it when your only goal is to get special treatment, a college reference, or a job chance.‎ Trying to be teachers’ pet. Your behaviour will come off as phony(虚假的) and your classmates may start to resent you.‎ Giving expensive gifts. It’s OK to offer some kind of gift to show your appreciation to teachers if they’ve been helpful to you. But giving expensive things could send the wrong message, and a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.‎ ‎1. The passage mainly gives advice on ______.‎ A. how to get good points in exams at school B. how to develop interest in a boring subject C. how to choose proper gifts for your teachers D. how to build good teacher-student relations ‎2. What does the underlined word “resent” probably mean?‎ A. hate B. admire C. ignore D. follow ‎3. What’s the advantage of having a private talk with your teachers?‎ A. You can ask questions about personal life.‎ B. Your teacher will feel relaxed to talk to you.‎ C. You can make more progress than others in class.‎ D.Your teacher will try hard to answer your questions.‎ B Governors Island in Brief:‎ Located in the New York Harbour, Governors Island is a former military base that has been opened to the public and offers car-free biking, art exhibits, performances, picnicking, tours and more. Many of the things to do on Governors Island are completely free, including the ferry ride to get there!‎ Getting to Governors Island:‎ Free ferry service to Governors Island is offered on weekends when the Island is open to the public.‎ On Saturdays, Sundays and holiday, ferry service is available from Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pier 6 and Manhattan’s Battery Maritime Building (10 South Street), close to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. Check out the Governors Island Website for full directions and ferry details.‎ Admission: ‎ Free, ‎ Admission:‎ ‎ Free Visiting Hours: ‎ New for 2016, Governors Island will be open to visitors seven days a week from Memorial Day (observed on the last Monday of May) through the end of September. The Island opens to the public daily at 10 a.m. and closes at 6 p.m. on weekdays, 7 p.m.‎ Good to Know About Governors Island:‎ ‎•Governors Island has drinks and water for sale, but no water fountains.‎ ‎•There are numerous options for food, but it's also a great place to bring your own picnic.‎ ‎•Dogs and pets are not allowed on Governors Island.‎ ‎•There are public restrooms.‎ ‎•I'd recommend arriving at least 30 minutes before your ferry departure time for both traveling to and from Governors Island.‎ ‎4. The way to reach Governors Island is by ___________.‎ A. bus B. bike C. car D. boat ‎5. To visit Governors Island, you _______.‎ A. don’t have to pay any fare.‎ B. need to bring your own food.‎ C. have to go there only on weekends.‎ D. can start your trip at Brooklyn Bridge Park.‎ ‎6. Governors Island is open to the public seven days a week for about _____ in 2016.‎ A. two months. B. three months C. four months D. five months ‎7. On governors Island, you are likely to see the following EXCEPT ________.‎ ‎ A. picnics B. pets C. restrooms D. art works C Young Mr. Smith had an idea for his employer. It was an idea for saving money for the company by increasing prices. At the same time, he suggested that the company sell goods of less value.‎ If his employer liked the idea, he might be given more pay. Perhaps he might even get a better job with the company.‎ Business had been very slow. So Mr. Smith's employer thought a few minutes about the idea. But then she shook her head. "I am sorry, Smith," his employer said. "It just will not wash."‎ Now, the meaning of these English words should be, "It will not get clean." Yet Smith's idea did not have anything to do with making something clean. So why did his employer say, "It will not wash?"‎ Most word experts agree that "it will not wash" means it will not work. In 19th century of England, the expression meant an undependable statement. It was used mainly to describe an idea. But sometimes it was used about a person.‎ Happily for the young employee, his employer wanted him to do well in the company. So the employer "talked turkey" to him. She said, "Your idea would be unfair to our buyers. Think of another way to save money."‎ A century ago, to talk turkey meant to talk pleasantly. Turkeys in the barnyard(谷仓院场) were thought to be speaking pleasantly to one another. In recent years, the saying has come to mean an attempt to teach something important.‎ Mr. Smith thought of a better idea after his employer talked turkey to him. He was given an increase in pay. So if your idea "will not wash," try "talking turkey" to yourself and come up with a better idea.‎ ‎8. What’s the main purpose of the passage?‎ A. To give some advice on office work. ‎ B. To explore the meaning of two expressions.‎ C. To share Mr. Smith’s personal experience. ‎ D. To tell about the development of the English language.‎ ‎9. The employer in the passage can be best described as ______.‎ A. hard-working B. unlucky C. honest D. cold-blooded ‎10. Why did the employer refuse Mr. Smith’s idea?‎ A. Because the idea would cost her much money.‎ B. Because she knew Smith was trying to cheat her.‎ C. Because she herself wanted to get a better job.‎ D. Because the idea would do harm to the customers.‎ ‎11. You will most probably use the expression “talk turkey” when ____.‎ A. you are at your friend’s birthday party B. your friend has broken his promise to you.‎ C. you are offered a better job by your boss D. you are hungry and want to get something to eat D British scientists, exploring a beach on the country's east coast, discovered what they believed were the oldest human footprints outside of Africa. They are estimated to be close to one million years and are believed to be the oldest evidence of humans in northern Europe.‎ Footprints of what appears to be a group of ancient humans were discovered on a beach in Norfolk, in eastern Britain. They may be about 500,000 years older than the earliest footprints previously found in the country. The 3D images and a model of one of the imprints(印迹) were unveiled on Friday at a news conference at the British Museum, in London.‎ The museum’s archeologist Nick Ashton described the moment last May when he realized the footprints were left by a prehistoric man. “It was only when the overhead views were emailed through to me back in my office that I suddenly looked at it and opened up the file and I thought, “This is absolutely amazing. You know, there is no doubt that they really are human footprints,” he said.‎ Nick said the new discovery will alter the understanding of early human history in Europe. Liverpool John Moores University researcher Isabelle de Groote analysed the prints. “ The spread of the footprint size gives us an indication that we have children, a number of children and then probably some adults there with at least one, probably one male,” she said.‎ It is not known how the early humans survived in the cold environment of ancient northern Europe. Scientists say a million years ago, Britain was joined to continental Europe and they believe that the individuals who left the footprints were related to Homo sapiens’ ancestors called the Pioneer Man, known to have inhabited in a warmer climate.‎ ‎12. What information can we get from the first paragraph?‎ A. The earliest humans moved from Europe to Africa.‎ B. The oldest human footprints were once found in Africa.‎ C. No humans lived in Britain about one million years ago.‎ D. The earliest humans came to Northern Europe from Africa.‎ ‎13. The underlined word “alter” in Para.4 probably means “_________”‎ A. prove B. explain C. change D. develop ‎14. Who left the footprints on the beach according to researcher Isabelle?‎ A. A group of children B. Some adult women C. A group of adult men. D. Children and adults ‎15. We can read the passage above most probably in a _____.‎ A. science magazine B. student book C. holiday brochure D. geography book ‎ ‎ 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。特别提醒:E涂AB;F涂BC;G涂CD ‎ How to pick a great book to read The world is full of great books, just waiting to be read. How can you pick one you'll really like? Here are some tips:‎ What makes you happy?‎ If you have a favorite hobby or pastime, look for books about that activity. 16__________ Do there exist a few careers you're interested in? You can find books about almost anything you like, and you're more likely to enjoy reading a book if you're already interested in its subject. ‎ Fact or fiction? ‎ ‎17 Those are called fiction books. Novels, short stories, and fables are all examples of fiction. These books can transport you to another world or help you imagine something beyond your own experience. Nonfiction books give you the who, what, when, and why. They tell stories using facts — but that doesn't mean they're boring. Nonfiction books can bring to life everything from the first trip to the moon to what it's like to explore the deepest oceans. Many of them read like novels from start to finish. Try both fiction and nonfiction books to see which you like better. ‎ Find a family favorite. ‎ What was your mother's favorite book when she was your age? Or your dad's? What about a sibling's? 18 Then you can talk about what they liked about it and share your thoughts. ‎ It's a fun way to get to know your family a little better, and to find a book you'll enjoy! ‎ ‎19____________‎ Your local library is a great place to find books that you'll love, and you don't have to search all by yourself. Tell a librarian about your interests — rock stars, sports teams, historical events, whatever you're into — and the names of some books you already like. Your librarian can help you find other books that you're sure to love. Your teacher is another good person to ask. ‎ Launch a book swap. ‎ Why not get some friends together and trade favorite books? It's always fun to see what your friends are reading. Even if they're not exactly bookworms, you can all encourage each other to read and share books and authors you like. You also can look for book swaps in your area.20____________‎ A. Ask them and give it a read. ‎ ‎ B. Read as many books as possible.‎ C. It's a great way to build your personal library for free! ‎ D. Ask an expert. ‎ E. Some books are entirely made up and imagined. ‎ F. Are you really into dinosaurs or dogs or a specific celebrity? ‎ G. Set up a local library 笫三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Sometimes we may hear one calls another “being full of hot air” . When someone is said to be “full of hot air”, it 21 that he or she talks a lot about topics that he or she doesn’t really 22 . This phrase dates back to the late 1800s and has its 23 in the United States. 24 , it is not a kind of praise when one is accused of this.‎ ‎ In order to understand the meaning of this phrase, you simply need to 25 that as air heats, it extends. This 26 is used to do a wide variety of things. In the case of a hot air balloon, the air becomes 27 than the surrounding environment, 28 the balloon to float, so one could imagine someone being so full of hot air that he or she simply floats away. ‎ ‎ 29 , more simply, the speech of someone like this tends to 30 a space quickly, but 31 to be meaningless in fact.‎ ‎ This 32 is used to describe exaggerating(夸张之词)and some 33 talks. It means that the speaker is talking only to hear his or her own voice. Typically, someone who is full of hot air will 34 discuss complex topics without fully grasping them, which can be some 35 for people who are more knowledgeable.‎ ‎ Politicians making 36 that they cannot keep are often 37 of being full of hot air. What’s more, the term is also used more generally to describe 38 individuals who stick to being heard at any group or gathering, never 39 whether their views are helpful or not. Finally, their plans or schemes will probably end up 40 .‎ ‎21. A. means B. infers C. concludes D. recommends ‎22. A. expect B. understand C. doubt D. believe ‎23. A. origins B. manners C. means D. advantages ‎24. A. Apparently B. Eventually C. Desperately D. Temporarily ‎25. A. argue B. know C. agree D. pretend ‎26. A. ability B. belief C. invention D. character ‎27. A. cleaner B. fresher C. lighter D. thicker ‎28. A. allowing B. making C. blowing D. expanding ‎29. A. Thus B. Or C. Anyway D. But ‎30. A. fill B. make C. choose D. remember ‎31. A. turns out B. makes out C. shows up D. comes about ‎32. A. term B. proverb C. conclusion D. routine ‎33. A. effective B. empty C. interesting D. complex ‎34. A. anxiously B. impatiently C. cheerfully D. cautiously ‎35. A. rules B. lessons C. examples D. jokes ‎36. A. contributions B. promises C. mistakes D. appointments ‎37. A. accused B. informed C. called D. blamed ‎38. A. considerate B. careless C. friendly D. stubborn ‎39. A. focusing on B. carrying on C. depending on D. insisting on ‎40. A. ignoring B. refusing C. failing D. changing 第Ⅱ卷 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节;满分45分)‎ 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ No one loves me more than my parents, especially my father. My father is stout and strong, with 41 severe look on his face and keen expressive eyes. At first sight you may feel him hard 42 (approach). In fact he is very kind and considerate. I believe my father is a 43 (talent) man. He is decisive and efficient in doing things. By his own talents and efforts, he has secured for his family a good social position and a 44 (relative) rich life. Besides, he lives in harmony 45 others and never quarrels with anyone, so people from all walks of life come to my house, from 46 I’ve gained lots of social experiences. But at home he is a harsh parent who is hard on me 47 has high expectations of me. When I’m idling away my time, I can see that it 48 (hurt) him deeply. 49 I am doing something great and meaningful, such as writing a book, he will be more excited than me. I always remind 50 I must go on and on, and never shall I give up halfway. ‎ 笫四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ ‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ ‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ ‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎ 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ I have planned an autumn outing for my class the next week, and I’m writing to ask your permission.‎ First, the place where we’ve decided to visit – the Forest Park is not far away from the city. We can take a bus and ride a bike to get there. Second, the trip would provide us with a great opportunity to get closely to nature. Third, we need to spare some times to take some physical ‎ exercise. Some teachers will join us to make sure of our safe.‎ We are all looking forward to receive your permission. We would appreciate you if you can kindly give us an immediate reply.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假设你是李华。你的加拿大笔友卡尔想了解中国流行的广场舞(square dance)的相关情况。请你用英语给他写封回信,要点包括:‎ ‎1.跳广场舞的时间、地点、参与人员等;‎ ‎2.广场舞流行的原因;‎ ‎3.广场舞引起的争议。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100字左右;‎ ‎2.开头和结尾已经写出,不计入总词数;‎ ‎3.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Carl,‎ ‎ I’m delighted to hear from you and I will tell you what you’re curious about. .....‎ ‎ ....... ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ ‎ 英语参考答案 第二部分:‎ 阅读理解 ‎ 1-5 DABDD 6-10CBBCD 11-15BBCDA ‎ ‎16-20 FEADC 第三部分:‎ 第一节 完形填空 ‎21-25 ABAAB 26-30 DCABA 31-55 AABCD 36-40 BADAC 第二节 语法填空 ‎41. a 42. to approach 43. talented 44. relatively 45. with ‎46. whom 47. and 48. hurts 49. If/ When 50. myself ‎ 第四部分:‎ 第一节 短文改错 ‎ I have planned an autumn outing for my class the next week, and I’m writing to ‎ ask ∧ your permission.‎ ‎ for First, the place where we’ve decided to visit – the Forest Park is not far away ‎ ‎ that /which 或去掉where from the city. We can take a bus and ride a bike to get there. Second, the trip ‎ ‎ or would provide us with a great opportunity to get closely to nature . Third, we need to ‎ will close spare some times to take some physical exercise. Some teachers will join us to make ‎ ‎ time sure of our safe.‎ ‎ safety We are all looking forward to receive your permission. We would appreciate you if ‎ ‎ receiving it you can kindly give us an immediate reply.‎ 第二节 书面表达 Dear Carl,‎ ‎ I’m delighted to hear from you and I will tell you what you’re curious about. Square dance becomes more popular than anytime before. However, it’s a little different from the dance you are familiar with. In the morning or after dinner, people, especially elderly women, will gather in squares to dance to popular music. More and more young people are also joining in now.‎ ‎ There are many reasons behind its popularity. First of all, China has made great progress in its social and economical development in the past decades, and people have more time and energy to enjoy themselves. Besides, doing the square dance is a good way for people to get fit.‎ ‎ However, because dancers play loud music and occupy lots of public places, they annoy many people. Maybe square dancers need to make some changes.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua

