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‎2020届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots单元教案 指导思想与理论依据  ‎ ‎1.指导思想 本课题努力结合新课程的理念,将课堂教学放在具体的语言情景之中;努力培养学生的综合语言运用能力,并且把听、说、读、写语言技能的训练综合运用于课堂教学之中。通过探究法、观察法和发现法,让学生发挥主观能动性,利用两两合作、小组活动的方式,激发学生参与教学的热情,让学生整堂课都处于新鲜感不断的亢奋状态中。根据学生的认知能力和接受程度,设计了写作等任务,使语言得到输出,可以使学生产生继续学习的动力。‎ 总之,本次设计的宗旨是努力提高课堂教学的实效性,使学生能够提高语言的实际运用能力,达到最终教学的目的。‎ ‎2.理论依据 ‎《普通高中 英语课程标准》明确提出:“要通过设计丰富多彩的课内外学习活动,使学生在参与交际活动的过程中形成交际策略。” ‎ 教材内容分析    ‎ 本单元以机器人和科幻小说为话题,介绍了20世纪世界知名的科幻小说家Isaac Asimov发表于1951年的Satisfaction Guaranteed 和他的生平。通过本单元的教学,旨在让学生了解科幻小说最大的特征在于:它赋予了“幻想” 依靠科技在未来得以实现的极大可能,甚 至有些“科学幻想”在多年以后,的确在科学上成了现实。如Isaac Asimov 1951年描述的机器人的部分功能已经被应用于现实生活和工作中。在教学中,要鼓励学生敢于幻想,大胆创新,发挥自己丰富的想象力和创作力,写出独具特色的科幻文章。‎ 教学内容如下:‎ Warming Up介绍了机器人的制造、种类、功能等等,再让学生分组列表,把自己熟悉的科幻文艺形式(科幻故事、电影、电脑游戏、电视剧、卡通等等)写出来,并进行简单地交流。‎ Pre-reading 通过讨论机器人是否像人类一样有自己的思维、是否有感情引出Isaac Asimov的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed,为本单元的Reading做好了铺垫。‎ Reading的课文是Isaac Asimov发表于1951年的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed。文中描述的机器人Tony是一个除去面无表情外,身材高大、相貌英俊、聪明机智的完美男人,仅三周的时间就使女主人坠入爱河。‎ Comprehending共有3个练习,练习1是关于克莱尔的情感变化,练习2是关于课文内容的5个问答题,旨在考查学生对课文的理解;练习3要求学生比较机器人Tony在physical,mental两方面与人的异同,与Pre-reading 部分的问题相呼应。‎ Learning about Language分为两部分,Discovering useful words and expressions是本单元词汇练习题;Revising useful ‎ structures是本单元语法练习题,通过本单元的学习,要求学生熟练掌握不定式的被动语态。‎ Using Language分为两部分,Listening and spe aking是Molly 和Kate 讨论Satisfaction Guaranteed的对话录音,要求学生根据对话内容学会运用表达自己观点的常用句型。这部分教学内容还要求学生以机器人为话题,充分发挥自己的想象力,谈论机器人做家务的利与弊。并且要求自己动手设计机器人,附上文字说明。Reading,discussing and writing部分的内容是科幻小说家Isaac Asimov的生平介绍。文章后附有练习题。练习1要求学生根据时间线索了解在作者生命中发生的重要事件;练习2、3要求学生讨论Isaac Asimov的“机器人三定律”;练习4要求学生借助文章信息和练习1的表格笔头简述阿西莫夫的生平事迹。‎ 教材重组   ‎ Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending Period 2 Language Study ‎ Period 3 Grammar Period 4 Listening,Speaking and Writing Period 5 Using Language Period 6 Listening and Reading Task Period 7 Speaking,Listening and Writing Task 三维目标   ‎ 知识目标 ‎1.掌握本单元教学目的和要求中的单词和词汇。如:fiction,desire,satisfaction,alarm,alarmed,sympathy,elegant,pile,scan,fingernail,absurd,haircut,accompany,counter,cushion,awful,affair,declare,envy,test out,ring up,turn around,leave...alone etc。‎ ‎2.帮助学生更多地了解机器人以及有关的科幻小说、小说家阿西莫夫及其文学作品。‎ ‎3.复习被动语态和学习动词不定式的被动形式。‎ 能力目标 学会使用推测和确信的表达法。‎ 情感目标 培养学生的想象力和对未知世界的探索精神。‎ 教学重点   ‎ ‎1.更多地了解机器人以及科幻小说。‎ ‎2.掌握女主人公克莱尔的感情和心理上的变化。‎ 教学难点   ‎ ‎1.巩固动词不定式的被动式的用法。‎ ‎2.学会使用推测和确信的表达法。‎ 教学方法   ‎ ‎1.任务型教学。‎ ‎2.合作型教学。Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,‎ Reading and Comprehending 设计方案(一) Teaching goals   ‎ ‎1.Be able to learn some important words and phrases.‎ fiction,desire,satisfaction,alarm,alarmed,sympathy,elegant,pile,scan,fingernail,absurd,haircut,accompany,cushion,awful,affair,declare,envy,test out,ring up,turn around,leave...alone etc.‎ ‎2.Help students to learn about robots and science fiction.‎ ‎3.Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought;fiction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand.‎ Teaching important points   ‎ ‎1.Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her feelings towards Tony changed during Tony's stay at her house.‎ ‎2.Help students to sum up characteristics of science fiction.‎ Teaching difficult points   ‎ How Claire's feelings towards Tony changed during Tony's stay at her house.‎ Teaching methods   ‎ Discussing,explaining,reading and practicing Teaching aids   ‎ The multimedia computer ‎ Teaching procedures   ‎ Step 1 Warming up ‎1.Present photos of different kinds of robots.Then ask the students to say something about their favorite robots.‎ ‎2.Ask students to discuss the following questions in pairs.‎ ‎(1)What is a robot?‎ ‎(2)What can a robot do?‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer.‎ ‎(2)A robot can do many things. For example,it can play music,sing songs and dance to music;it can pour tea,sweep the floor and cook dinner;it can play football;it can explore dangerous places;it can play with children;it can serve us etc.‎ Step 2 Pre-reading Look at the photos of robots and ask students to discuss the questions in Pre-reading in groups. Students are encouraged to speak out their opinions freely.‎ ‎1.Where would you find each robot?What does each one do?‎ ‎2.Can you think of any other type of robot?‎ ‎3.Do you think it is possible for a robot to think for itself,have feelings,have its own needs and desires,or look and feel like a human being?‎ Step 3 Skimming ‎1.Skim the text to find out the main characters in the story.‎ Title Characters in the story Satisfaction Guaranteed ‎ employed in a company that made robots ‎ Larry's wife,a housewife ‎ a robot ‎ a woman that Claire envied ‎  Keys:‎ Title Characters in the story Satisfaction Guaranteed Larry Belmont employed in a company that made robots Claire Larry's wife,a housewife Tony a robot Gladys Claffern a woman that Claire envied ‎  2.In groups,find answers to the following questions:‎ ‎(1)What did Tony look like?‎ ‎(2)What was Larry Belmont's problem in the end?‎ Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)He was tall and handsome although his facial expressions never changed. His hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep.‎ ‎(2)His wife may have fallen in love with Tony,the robot.‎ Step 4 Scanning ‎1.Ask students to read the text carefully and then find out the true statements.‎ ‎(1)Claire didn't like the idea at the beginning,but she agreed to it at last.‎ ‎(2)When Tony,the robot,offered to help dressing,Claire was pleased to accept it. But she thought it was surprising for a robot to be so human.‎ ‎(3)Tony could understand Claire when she said she was not clever.‎ ‎(4)Claire was sorry she could do little to help her husband,who wanted to improve his social position.‎ ‎(5)Tony was eager to help Claire. He scanned quite a lot of books in the library,but he could find no way out.‎ ‎(6)Tony went to town with Claire to buy things he wanted to improve the house.‎ ‎(7)While Tony worked on the improvements of the ‎ house,Claire also did her part.‎ ‎(8)Claire's guests were filled with admiration when they saw her house was completely changed.‎ ‎(9)Claire was very happy to find that Gladys envied her.‎ ‎(10)The company was very pleased with Tony's report because he had successfully made a woman fall in love with him.‎ Keys:True statements:(1),(3),(4),(7)and (9)‎ ‎2.In groups,discuss the questions in Comprehending on Page 12.‎ ‎(1)Why did Tony open the curtains?‎ ‎(2)What did Tony do to prevent Claire from being harmed?‎ ‎(3)Why did Tony have to be rebuilt?‎ ‎(4)How would you feel if you had a robot like Tony in your house?‎ ‎(5)Claire spent three weeks with Tony in her house. Which sentences in the story show that she kept forgetting and then remembering he was a machine?‎ Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)He wanted Claire's guests to see him and Claire together so that she could be envied by the women guests.‎ ‎(2)Tony prevented Claire from being harmed by making her feel good about herself. He helped her make her and her home elegant ‎ so that she would not feel like a failure.‎ ‎(3)Because the company (designers)felt that they could not have women falling in love with machines.‎ ‎(4)Various answers can be accepted.‎ ‎(5)Sentences:‎ How absurd,she thought. He was just a machine.‎ He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed,pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day.‎ Then she remembered—Tony was just a machine.‎ She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed.‎ ‎3.In groups,list Tony's characteristics that were similar to and those that were different from those of a human being.‎ Characteristics Similar Different Physical ‎ Mental ‎ ‎  Suggested answers:‎ Characteristics Similar Different Physical Looks like a human being. Body and skin soft and warm. Hair and fingernails realistic. Voice like a human's. Facial expressions never change. ‎ Quicker reactions(She fell off a ladder and even though Tony ‎ was in the next room,he managed to catch her in time.)‎ Mental Able to make suggestions and predictions. Able to make a plan and follow it through. Has good communication skills. Behaviour not appropriate(Tony brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing.)‎ Step 5 Comprehending ‎1.Tell students that Claire's feelings towards Tony changed as the story developed. Read the story again and then fill in the occasions when Claire had these feelings.‎ Occasion Claire Occasion Claire ‎ disliked him called him a dear ‎ was alarmed felt his warmth ‎ felt embarrassed felt being envied ‎ admired him cried all night ‎  Suggested answers:‎ Occasion Claire Occasion Claire ‎1.Before he arrived disliked him 5.When he helped her with the salesman called him a dear ‎2.When he arrived was alarmed 6.When she fell off a ladder and caught by Tony felt his warmth ‎3.When he offered to help her dress felt embarrassed ‎ 7.When she heard Gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as Tony felt being envied ‎4.When he offered to help her improve her house and herself admired him 8.When she remembered Tony was just a machine cried all night ‎  2.After filling in the occasions when Claire had these feelings,ask students to work together to find out how Claire's emotion developed.‎ Suggested answer:‎ At first refused to have Tony at he r house—accepted him—trusted him—proud of him—loved him—sad to remember he was just a machine ‎(T:From her emotion development,we can see Tony was designed as a Mr. Perfect. He is designed not to harm Claire or allow her to be harmed. This is one of Isaac's three laws for robots. Later in this unit we will learn more about his three laws.)‎ Step 6 Discussion In groups,discuss the following questions.(Students are encouraged to speak out their opinions freely.)‎ What suggestions do you want to give to Larry Belmont as an engineer?‎ What suggestions do you want to give to Larry Belmont as a husband?‎ Step 7 Homework ‎1.Learn the useful words and phrases in this unit by heart.‎ ‎2.Remember the characteristics of science fiction.‎ ‎3.Surf the Internet to learn more about robots and science fiction.‎ Period2Language points 教学重点  ‎ 掌握课文中一些重要的词组和句型的用法,并能够正确使用。‎ 教学难点  ‎ 正确使用重要的词组和句型 教学方法  ‎ 自主学习,合作学习,教师讲解 教学过程 Step 1 Revision ‎1.Ask students to retell the story,using their own words.‎ ‎2.Show the pictures of the robots which the students design and tell the whole class what the robots can do. ‎ ‎[设计说明]要求学生自己设计机器人是上节阅读课的家庭作业,可以在课堂上安排一定的时间进行展示和英语说明,也可以让 ‎ 学生自由组队,把自己设计的机器人画出来,并且对于机器人的功用加上文字说明,然后张贴在教室的学习园地中,进行评比。‎ Step 2 Language points Go through the important phrases and sentences.‎ ‎(1)test out 试验 test sth.on sb./sth.在某人/某物身上做试验 ‎(2)His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine.‎ more...than...与其说……不如说……‎ ‎(3)It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.‎ 常用句型: It be+adj.+that...‎ It be+n.+that...‎ It be+done+that...‎ ‎(4)accompany sb.to someplace e.g.The robots are not allowed to accompany the owners to the supermarket.‎ accompany sb.in doing e.g.Will you please accompany me in travelling to Shanghai on business?‎ ‎(5)ring sb.up ‎ ring off ‎(6)turn around 补充常用短语: turn up turn down turn on turn off turn ‎ over ‎(7)The clock struck eight.“strike”有“罢工、袭击、划火柴”等多种意思,在此处指“ 敲钟”‎ ‎(8)leave sb.alone=let sb.alone(let alone更不用说) ‎ Step 3 Practice Exercise 1 Translate the following expressions into English.‎ ‎1.试验  2.陪伴某人去某处 ‎3.陪伴某人做某事  4.让某人单独待着 ‎5.与其说……不如说……  6.打电话给某人 ‎7.挂断电话  8.转过身 ‎9.同情某人  10.一大堆书 ‎11.更确切地说  12.和某人有暧昧关系 ‎13.从视线中消失  14.对某人耳语 ‎15.阻止某人做某事 Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.test out 2.accompany sb.to someplace 3.accompany sb.in doing 4.leave sb. alone 5.more...than... 6.ring sb.up 7.ring off 8.turn around 9.have/feel sympathy for sb. 10.a pile of books 11.or rather 12.have an affair with sb. 13.disappear from sight 14.whisper to sb. 15.prevent sb. from doing sth.‎ Exercise 2 Translate the following sentences into English.‎ ‎1.我必须请你陪我去警察局。‎ ‎2.为了提高他的社会地位,这个年轻人拼命工作。‎ ‎3.与其说他勇敢,不如说他愚蠢。‎ ‎4.一转身,女孩就看见了她的母亲正在朝她挥手。‎ ‎5.我一到北京,就给你打电话。‎ ‎6.听到那个坏消息后,他希望一个人待一会儿。‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.‎ ‎2.To improve his social position,the young man worked very hard.‎ ‎3.He is more stupid than brave.‎ ‎4.Turning around,the girl saw her mother waving at her.‎ ‎5.I will ring you up as soon as I arrive in Beijing.‎ ‎6.After hearing the bad news,he wanted to be left alone for a while.‎ ‎[设计说明] 这两个练习目的在于让学生熟悉课文中的重要词组并且能够灵活运用。‎ Step 4 Learning about language Exercise 1 Rewrite these sentences using words or phrases of similar meaning from the text to replace the underlined parts.‎ ‎1.Bill felt great pleasure when he tried his new fax machine and it worked.‎ ‎2.He felt pity for Claire because she was overweight and needed to lose about five kilos to look slim.‎ ‎3.Even though Jane told him many times to go away her brother still accompanied her to the doctor.‎ ‎4.Her greatest wish was to lo ok as elegant as Gladys Claffern.‎ ‎5.Please call me before you buy a new digital camera so I can go with you.‎ ‎6.She looked at the computer screen carefully hoping to find some new emails in her mailbox.‎ ‎7.It was ridiculous that his own mother would not talk to him about the affair.‎ ‎8.He felt happy when his boss stated that he could set aside some time for exercise.‎ Keys:1.satisfaction,tested out 2.sympathy 3.leave...alone 4.desire 5.ring...up 6.scanned 7.absurd 8.declared Exercise 2 Complete the following paragraph using the words and phrase in their proper forms.‎ turn around scan awful alarm clerk cushion declare favour bedding ‎(News,16/04/2321) Historical research shows that in the 22nd ‎ century many people told stories about how,at one time,people could buy robots as house decorators. The robots would ______ the literature for the latest ideas in home decor ation. Often the robots would ______ designs that were grander than their owners wanted. Brightly coloured ______ and ______ would be suggested together with brightly patterned walls and carpets. Some of the ______ in the shops thought that the designs were ______.While some owners were firm with their robot's suggestions,others would ______ and walk out of the shop,feeling embarrassed. A few other robots would eve n get into physical fights with their owners in public as their electrical systems sometimes would set off the shops' ______.After a while the government decided such behaviour was not appropriate and passed a law______ robots should not leave the house. So robots became household cleaners or industrial workers instead!‎ Keys:scan,favour,cushions/beddings,beddings/cushions,clerks,awful,turn around,alarms,declaring Exercise 3 Work out phrasal verbs using the words below. Then make more phrasal verbs and work out their definitions.‎ turn leave ring test out on alone off up into down around ‎1.to start an engine(turn ______)‎ ‎2.to call somebody by telephone (ring______)‎ ‎3.to not include(leave ______)‎ ‎4.to refuse an offer or a job (turn ______)‎ ‎5.to face in another direction (turn ______)‎ ‎6.to stop speaking to someone by telephone (ring ______)‎ ‎7.to stop annoying or upsetting someone (leave...______)‎ ‎8.to become somebody or something else(turn ______)‎ ‎9.to find out whether an idea or a plan is correct ot not (test______)‎ Keys:1.on 2.up 3.out 4.down 5.around 6.off 7.alone 8.into 9.out ‎[设计说明]这三个练习都是教材中有的,练习1要求找出与画线部分意思相似的单词或短语,练习2的难度较大,一方面是 学生对于2321年可能发生的事情并没有概念,另一方面是由于这套教材每个单元的生词都比较多,学生对于段落上面供选择的单词的意思不熟悉。练习3的重点仍然是重要的词组,同时复习一些以前学过的词组。‎ Step 5 Test Give the students ten minutes to finish a mini-test.(The teacher can choose some exercises in the Workbook.)‎ ‎[设计说明]这一部分主要是考查学生对于所学内容的掌握程度,如果学生能力较差,可以给出5~10分钟的复习时间。教师可以从课后练习中选择一些,也可以要求学生在复习时编写题目给同桌做。如果时间不够,可以把测验的题目作为家庭作业,回去完成。‎ Homework:‎ ‎1.Revise the important phrases and drills in the passage.‎ ‎2.Finish the test.‎ Period 3 Grammar Teaching aims    ‎ ‎1.Revise the passive voice(including the infinitive) and know the exact meaning of the structure.‎ ‎2.Be able to use the useful words,expressions and structures correctly.‎ Teaching procedures   ‎ Step 1 Revision Ask students to answer the following questions without referring to the textbook.‎ ‎1.What was going to be tested out by Larry's wife,Claire?‎ ‎2.How did Larry Belmont finally persuade his wife to accept the experiment?‎ ‎3.How did Claire feel when she was offered sympathy by a robot?‎ ‎4.What did Tony expect to do about the house before he was to leave and Larry was to return?‎ ‎5.How did Claire feel when she was envied by those women?‎ ‎6.What happened to Tony at last?‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.The robot was going to be tested out by Larry's wife,Claire.‎ ‎2.Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn't harm her or allow her to be harmed. ‎ ‎3.She thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.‎ ‎4.Tony expected the house to be completely transformed.‎ ‎5.She felt it a sweet victory to be envied by those women.‎ ‎6.Tony had to be rebuilt.‎ Step 2 Grammar learning ‎1.不定式的被动形式 当不定式与逻辑主语之间是被动关系时,即不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示动作的承受者,不定式一般要用被动形式。其被动式可以分为两种:一般式和完成式。‎ ‎(1)一般式:to be done,表示不定式动作在谓语动词之后或者同时发生。‎ It is a great honor_to_be_invited_ to speak here.‎ 很荣幸被邀请在这里讲话。‎ The novel is said_to_be_published_next month.‎ 据说这本小说下月要出版。‎ ‎(2)完成式:to have been done,表示不定式动作发生在谓语动词之前。‎ The book is said to_have_been_translated_into six languages.‎ 这本书据说已经被翻译成六种语言。‎ The boss preferred_to_have_been_given_more work to do.‎ 老板宁愿被分给更多的工作做。‎ ‎ 被动 一般式 to be done 完成式 to have been done ‎  2.不定式被动形式的作 用 ‎(1)作主语 It's an honor to_be_invited to the ceremony.‎ 很荣幸被邀请赴宴。‎ It's a pity to_be_kept in the house in such fine weather.‎ 在这样好的天气被关在家里真是遗憾。‎ ‎(2)作表语 The letter is_to_be_sent_by airmail.‎ 这封信笺要空邮。‎ ‎(3)作宾语 She didn't like to_be_treated as a child.‎ 她不喜欢被当成孩子。‎ The boy asked to_be_given an opportunity to try again.‎ 那男孩要求给他再试一次的机会。‎ ‎(4)作宾语补足语 I'd like my bedroom to_be_cleaned.‎ 我想整理一下我的卧室。 ‎ ‎(5)作定语 He was the last one_ to_be_asked to speak at the meeting.‎ 他是最后一个在会上被邀请发言的人。‎ ‎(6)作状语 His mother l eft the small village,never_to_be_seen again.‎ 他母亲离开了那个小山村,再也没有人见过她。‎ ‎3.不定式有些要注意的地方 ‎(1)感官动词和一些使役动词的不定式的主动形式要省去to,但在变成被动语态后需要加上to,能这样用的动词或动词词组有:make,have,let,see,hear,notice,listen to,watch等。如:‎ We often see him act like that.=He is often seen to act like that.‎ 我们常常看到他那样做。‎ ‎(2)在can't help but,have nothing to do but结构 中,介词but后的不定式省去to。如:‎ I can't_help_but suspect his motive.‎ 我不禁怀疑起他的动机。‎ I have_nothing_to_do_but_watch TV.‎ 我没什么事情可做,除了看电视。‎ ‎(3)不定式有时要用主动形式表示被动意义 ‎①形容词以及含有形容词的名词后的不定式,一般用主动形式表示被动意义,其中形容词常见的有easy,difficult,important,impossible等。如:‎ The work is impossible_to_finish in two days.‎ 工作不可能两天之内完成。 ‎ English is not so easy_to_learn.‎ 英语并不好学。‎ ‎②一些固定用法,如“挨骂,受责备,受批评” 用be to blame;“(东西等)出租”用to let。‎ He is to blame for what he has done.‎ 他应为他所做的受责备。‎ The house is to let.房子要出租。‎ Step 3 Exercises ‎1.The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang,who was reported ______ the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race.‎ A.breaking    B.having broken   ‎ C.to have broken    D.to break ‎2.I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air ‎ is so good ______.‎ A.to be breathed    B.to breathe ‎ C.breathing  D.being breathed ‎3.______ the project as planned,we'll have to work two more hours a day.‎ A.Completing  B.Complete ‎ C.Completed  D.To complete ‎4.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains______ whether they will enjoy it.‎ A.to see  B.to be seen ‎ C.seeing  D.seen ‎5.I hurried to the meeting hall,only___ ___ that the meeting had been put off.‎ A.to tell  B.to be told ‎ C.telling  D.told ‎6.Do let your mother know all the truth;she appears______ everything.‎ A.to tell  B.to be told ‎ C.to be telling  D.to have been told ‎7.Little Tom should love______ to the theater this evening.‎ A.to be taken  B.to take ‎ C.being taken  D.taking ‎8.It is said that plastics can be used to______ many things. Now people are used to______ plastics products.‎ A.make;using B.making;using ‎ C.making;use D.make;use ‎9.With a lot of problems______,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.‎ A.settled  B.settling C.to settle  D.being settled Keys:1~5 CBDBB 6~9 DAAC ‎ Step 4 Drilling Ask students to do Exercise 1 on Page 14 and then check the answers together.‎ Keys:‎ Exercise 1‎ be tested out,be harmed,be offered,was amazed,was not allowed,be discovered,be completely transformed,were impressed,be envied,be rebuilt Ask students to do Exercise 2 and then check the answers together.‎ Keys:‎ Exercise 2‎ ‎1.to be designed 2.to be rebuilt 3.to be accompanied 4.to be known as 5.to be filled with 6.to be tested out 7.to be envied 8.to be set aside Step 5 Using the passive infinitive Translate the following sentences into English using the passive infinitive.‎ ‎1.那本关于《圣经》的书需要在这个周末之前还给图书馆。‎ ‎2.下周末前,这个旧扶手椅将由一个沙发代替。‎ ‎3.不要着急,你有足够的时间把那个传真发到你的公司。‎ ‎4.你同妻子离婚的决定必须要得到她的同意。‎ ‎5.刚刚出了一起事故,不过没有必要惊慌,没有人受伤。‎ ‎6.虽然她考得不错,但是她预料父母还是会对考试的结果感到失望。‎ ‎7.当在医院进行大手术的时候,她得到了家人的关爱和支持,为此她感到非常高兴。‎ ‎8.他为自己被宣布成为智力竞赛冠军得主的事感到十分兴奋。‎ ‎9.他把他们已经得到的2000元与将提供的1500元加在一起,总共3500元。‎ ‎10.没有主力队员的参与,他们一定会在即将到来的比赛中被打败。 ‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.That book on the Holy Bible needs to be returned to the library by/before the end of the week.‎ ‎2.That old armchair is to be replaced by a sofa next week.‎ ‎3.Don't worry—you still have plenty of time for that fax to be sent to your company.‎ ‎4.Your decision to divorce your wife has to be made with her agreement.‎ ‎5.There has been an accident but there is no need to be alarmed. Nobody has been hurt.‎ ‎6.Although she had done well,she expected her parents to be disappointed by her exam results.‎ ‎7.She was happy to be supported by the affection of her family whe n she had a serious operation in hospital.‎ ‎8.He was so excited to be declared the winner of the talent competition.‎ ‎9.He added the 2000 yuan they had received to the 1500 yuan to be offered,making 3500 yuan in all.‎ ‎10.Without their key/leading player,they're bound to be beaten in the coming competition.‎ Step 6 Homework Finish off Exercises 1 and 2 on Page 56.‎ Period5Using language ‎ 设计思想   ‎ 笔者将高二英语选修7 Unit 2 Student's Book中的Using ‎ Language部分的Listening and speaking与Workbook中的Listening Task、Writing Task部分内容经整合设计成一节以听带说、发展写作的 语言运用课,旨在从听说写多方面培养学生的语言运用能力。根据《普通高中英语课程标准》对高中学生听说读写各种能力的要求,笔者从学生的学习兴趣和认知水平出发,倡导新课程理念下的自主学习与合作学习,鼓励和引导学生进行自主探究,培养学生的想象力和对未来世界的探索精神,在自主探索和合作交流的过程中真正理解和掌握基本的英语知识与技能,从而培养综合的语言运用能力。‎ 教材分析   ‎ 本单元的话题是“机器人”、“科幻文学作品”和“科幻小说作家”。在第一课时的Reading中,学生们在讨论了机器人的制造、种类、功能等的基础上,阅读了一篇科幻小说,讲述某公司试验机器人Tony的故事,Tony是如此之好竟然让女主人对他产生了感情!在读了这样一个亦真亦幻的故事之后,笔者安排这一课时的内容为与课文内容相关的听说练习(Using Language中的Listening and speaking),先听两位女士读完科幻小说故事之后的对话并运用想象力展开小组讨论,再将Workbook中的Listening Task与Writing Task整合为一个Writing Task,由听带说到写,利用已有认知并发挥自己的想象力,创造性地完成写作活动。‎ ‎ 学情分析   ‎ 本课堂设计教学对象为高中二年级学生,他们思维活跃,智力发展趋于成熟,认知能力比初进高中阶段有了进一步的发展,能较顺利地听取英语信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题;学生已储备了相当的词汇和英语知识,能较好地展开话题讨论,各抒己见,书面表达能力也逐步提高;他们有自己的学习技能和策略,学习欲望和能动性加强,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强了与他人交流合作的能力;同时,高二学生朝气蓬勃,想象力丰富,从而能保证“讨论”这一环节的顺利进行,为下一环节的“写”做好必要的铺垫。根据这些特点,教师可以采用与新课标要求相一致的新的教学方式,即活动式教学法,面向全体学生调动全班学生的积极性,在合作学习的模式下实现教学任务和目标。 ‎ 教学目标   ‎ ‎1.语言知识目标:引导学生通过听对话掌握有关“supposition and belief”的表达法。‎ ‎2.语言技能目标:训练学生听对话获取信息;训练学生运用所习得语言进行讨论;训练学生在讨论的基础上尝试写作,并学会对他人所写文章进行正确评价。‎ ‎3.学习策略目标:培养学生自主探究、合作学习的能力。‎ ‎4.情感态度目标:通过读听科幻小说,激发学生对科学的兴趣;通过想象,培养学生对未来世界的探索精神。‎ 重点难点   ‎ ‎1.通过听力练习让学生习得有关“supposition and belief”的表达法。‎ ‎2.培养学生运用想象力探索未来世界的能力。‎ ‎3.培养学生的自主学习策略和合作学习能力。‎ 教学策略与手段   ‎ 笔者在课前做好充分的准备工作,对教学内容进行优化组合、有效拓展,充分利用“任务型”教学策略,在每一个教学环节给予学生明确的任务。在教学过程中,教师的基本任务是“导”,即起组织和引导的作用,启发诱导学生积极主动地参与教学活动,引导学生逐步从听到写 ,获取信息、拓展信息并进行加工直到输出信息,培养其开拓精神和创新意识。笔 者在教学中指导学生运用合作学习策略进行自主探究,培养其分析问题和解决问题的能力。遵循认知规律,教学环节的安排由浅入深、由近及远、由表及里、由简单到复杂,逐步发展和提高;重视激发学生的学习热情,让学生在创造性的学习活动中获得愉悦的心理体验,变课堂为一个互动的、开放的课堂。‎ 教学过程 Step 1 Pre-listening Task 1:Retell the story Ask several students to retell the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”.‎ Task 2:Talk about the story Get the class to talk about the story according to the following questions.‎ Q:Do you think Claire loves Tony?Does Tony really love Claire?Would you like to have such a robot at your house?‎ Step 2 Listening T:Your views sound reasonable and interesting. Now let's listen to Molly and Kate's dialogue to see what are their opinions.‎ Task 1:First listening First read the questions in Exercise 1 and then listen to their conversation. Tick the correct boxes. Emphasize that they are listening for particular pieces of information.‎ ‎1.Who really likes the story?(Molly)‎ ‎2.Who thinks that Claire loved Tony?(Kate)‎ ‎3.Who thinks that Tony loved Claire?(Molly)‎ ‎4.Who thinks that the purpose of Tony's actions was to make Claire feel good about herself?(Kate)‎ ‎5.Who thinks taking Tony away must have hurt Claire?(Molly)‎ ‎6.Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble?(Kate)‎ Task 2:Second listening Students read the questions in Exercise 2 carefully and then listen to the dialogue again to answer the questions below:‎ ‎1.What does Kate think the difference between robots and humans is?‎ ‎2.How does Kate think Claire was hurting herself?‎ ‎3.Why would one of the girls like a robot such as Tony living at her house?‎ ‎4.What does kate think the company's biggest mistake was?‎ Task 3:Third listening Before listening to the tape again,explain to the students what the expressions of supposition and belief are. Then let them listen again and try to write down the expressions they get from the material. After listening,they may discuss with their partners before reporting to the class.‎ ‎1.Yes,maybe Clair fell in love with him,...‎ ‎2.I_don't_think/believe robots can feel emotion of any kind.‎ ‎3.I_think/suppose/guess/believe Tony loved Clair.‎ ‎4.So_it_must_have_hurt her when he was taken away.‎ ‎5.I_suppose that was the company's greatest mistake.‎ ‎6.I_suppose/guess that's why the company had to rebuild him.‎ Step 3 Speaking Task 1:Imagining and discussing T:Molly likes to have a robot at her house. Would you like one?If you like,what will it be like and what do you want it to do for you? ‎ Students may work in groups to imagine and talk about robots they like in the future. Any type is OK. In groups,carry ‎ out the following tasks:‎ ‎1.Describe what their imaginary robot looks like.‎ ‎2.Make a list of the purpose of your robot and the abilities your robot have.‎ ‎3.Tell the reasons why you want to have such a robot.‎ Task 2:Reporting Each group should choose a reporter to present their ideas to the whole class.‎ Step 4 Writing Task 1:Pre-writing T:I've heard a lot of amazing ideas and I'm really proud of you!Among you there are some students who want to have a robot as a pet. Do you think it's a good idea?I 've rung up a robot company and they are very interested in the idea. They want you to write down what you think of and perhaps later they can make such a robot. So,come on,talk about a robot pet in p airs!The following had better be included:‎ ‎1.What does your robot pet look like?‎ ‎2.What's the purpose to have a robot pet?‎ ‎3.What do you want the robot to do?‎ ‎4.Why do you want a robot as a pet?‎ Task 2:Writing After discussing a robot pet in pairs,now ask students to write a passage (100-120 words) about it. The contents of the four questions above should be included.‎ Task 3:Post-writing Read their writings to each other,and make an assessment for each other. Choose the best to read to the whole class.‎ Step 5 Homework ‎1.Correct your compositions and write them down on your notebooks.‎ ‎2.Draw your robot pets on large pieces of paper and list their functions.‎ Teaching goals 教学目标  ‎ ‎1.Target language目标语言 a.重点词汇和短语 explanation,junior,navy,talent,chapter,divorce b.重点句型 It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.‎ A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.‎ ‎2.Ability goals 能力目标 ‎ Enable students to get some knowledge about Isaac Asimov.‎ Learn to write a paragraph describing a new type of robot.‎ ‎3.Learning ability goals学能目标 Use their imagination and write a paragraph describing a new type of robot.‎ Teaching important and difficult points教学重、难点   ‎ Write a paragraph describing a new type of robot.‎ Teaching methods教学方法   ‎ Listening,discussing,reading and writing.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备   ‎ Multi-media computer.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式   ‎ Step 1 Lead-in:revision T:What is the short story about that we learned in the previous lessons?‎ S1:It is a love story between Claire and Tony,a robot. It seems that the robot has emotions and affections,which makes Claire fall in love with it. In this sense,there is a long way to go to improve the robot.‎ T:Well done!Then do you know who the writer is?‎ S2:Isaac Asimov.‎ T:Thank you. Do you know anything about him?‎ Students' answers may vary.‎ Step 2 First reading ‎ T:Now let's read Asimov's biography and learn more about him.‎ Ask the students to glance through the text and find the answers to such questions as:‎ ‎1.Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died?‎ ‎2.Which paragraph tells you about his education?‎ ‎3.Which paragraph tells you about the awards he received?‎ Then get them to scan the text for specific information by asking the following questions:‎ ‎1.What subject did Asimov teach?‎ ‎2.When did he start having stories published?‎ ‎3.How many children did he have?‎ Step 3 Second reading T:Now,please read the text in pairs,helping each other with anything that you don't understand. Then try to complete the following timeline:‎ Read about Isaac Asimov and complete the timeline of the events in his life.‎ Date     Event ‎1920 Born in Russia.‎ ‎1922 ________________.‎ ‎1923 ________________.‎ ‎ Parents bought a candy store.‎ ‎1929 ________________.‎ ‎ Mother had her third child.‎ ‎______ Started to take himself seriously as a writer.‎ ‎1939 ________________‎ ‎ ________________.‎ ‎______ Gained master's degree in chemistry.‎ ‎1942 Finished working in the candy store.‎ ‎ ________________.‎ ‎1942-1945 ________________.‎ ‎______ Got his PhD in chemistry.‎ ‎______ Became a biochemistry teacher,Bos ton ‎ University School of Medicine.‎ ‎1950 Published his first novel.‎ ‎ ________________.Developed three laws for robots.‎ ‎1951-1953 Published the Foundation trilogy and won an award for it.‎ ‎______ Published his first science book ‎______ Became a full-time writer.‎ ‎1973 Divorced his first wife.‎ ‎ ________________.‎ ‎______ Had a blood transfusion. Became infected with HIV.‎ ‎1992 ________________.‎ Suggested answers:‎ Date Event Date Event ‎1920 Born in Russia. 1949 Became a biochemistry teacher,Boston University ‎ School of Medicine. 1922 Sister _born. ‎ ‎1923 Moved _with_ family _to _New _ York. ‎ Parents bought a candy store. ‎ ‎1929 Started _working _in _the _candy _store.‎ Mother had he r third child. 1950 Published his first novel.‎ ‎1931 Started to take himself seriously as a writer. 1951-1953 Published _I,Robot. Developed three laws for robots.‎ ‎1958 Began _having _stories_ published _in _science _fiction_ magazines. 1939 Published the Foundation trilogy and won an award for it.‎ ‎1941 Gained master's degree in chemistry. 1953 Published his first science book. ‎ Became a full-time writer.‎ ‎1942 Finished working in the candy store. Got_married. 1973 Divorced his first wife. Married_for_a_second_time.‎ ‎1942-1945 Worked_as_a_junior_chemist,Philadelphia_Navy_Yard. 1983 Had a blood transfusion.Became infected with HIV.‎ ‎1948 Got his PhD in chemistry. 1992 Died_in_New_York.‎ Step 4 Group discussion T:By now I'm sure you have a better understanding about Isaac Asimov. In one of his short stories,I,Robot,he developed three laws for robots. The first law was:‎ ‎“A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.”‎ In groups of four,discuss what the other two laws might be. Write them down on a piece of paper. Then exchange your opinions with other groups.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.A robot must help human beings do what they wish to do.‎ ‎2.A robot must protect its owner but cannot have him/her fall in love with it.‎ After that,get the students to refer to Asimov's laws for robots on Page 18.‎ St ep 5 Listening T:OK,so much for Isaac's biography and his three laws for robots. Let's come back to his short story Satisfaction Guaranteed. How do you like this story?‎ S1:I like the story very much. I wish to have a robot like Tony at my house.‎ T:You are not alone. Someone else wants to have such a Tony too. Now please listen to the tape carefully.‎ Ask students to look through the questions in Exercise 1 before playing the tape. Play the tape again when necessary and then tick the correct boxes.‎ Step 6 Writing T:So it seems that Molly likes the idea of a handsome robot such as Tony to stay at her house and make her happy all the time. And we have every reason to believe that in the future,household robots will be more and more popular. They can help us with our housework or homework,and they can even play with us. Suppose you are an engineer in a company that makes household robots and you have been asked to design a new type of robot. Describe it in a short passage and draw a picture of it if necessary. The following tips may help you:‎ ‎◆Your robot should follow Asimov's three laws.‎ ‎◆You should state the purpose of your robot and the abilities you want your robot to have.‎ ‎◆You'd better make a list of the kinds of body part your robot would need to carry out your instructions.‎ ‎◆Name the different parts if necessary and explain what each part does.‎ While the students are preparing their assignment,encourage them to make full use of their imagination.‎ Step 7 Report/Presentation After the students have finished their work,ask three or four of them to report or present their short passages or pictures.‎ Sample writing:‎ The rubbish collector The rubbish collector is a robot about half the size of a small car. Its body is square and contains a large rubbish bin inside it. It has a camera attached to the top front of its body. Also at the front is a pair of arms. Underneath it has four wheels and six legs. With the camera it can “see” rubbish such as paper,glass,and plastic. If the surface of the ground is smooth,it runs on its wheels,and if the ground is rough,it unfolds its legs and walks. When it sees a piece of rubbish,it ‎ stops and uses its arms to pick it up and put it in its rubbish bin. However,when it sees a person,an animal or a plant,it goes around it as it is able to recognize when something is not a piece of rubbish.‎ The company should make this robot as it would be very popular with schools. It would clean the outside ground of the school and so give the students more time to spend on their studies. It would also be a great advantage to have at sports grounds or any other area where rubbish is dropped by the public.‎ Step 8 Homework ‎1.Try to improve the short passage after class.‎ ‎2.Go over the text,and learn all the new words and expressions in the reading passage.‎ Period 6 Listening and Reading Task Teaching aims  ‎ ‎1.Learn about robots and robots in the fight against landmines.‎ ‎2.Help student s to learn how robots are helping human beings in clearing landmines.‎ Teaching procedures  ‎ Step 1 Lead-in Present the pictures on Page 54 and ask students to tell what each robot does.(Students are encouraged to speak out their opinions freely.) ‎ Step 2 Listening ‎1.Listen to the interview and number the pictures in the order that you hear about them.‎ Keys:‎ ‎4,2,1,3.‎ ‎2.Listen to the interview again and fill in as much of the table as you can. Share your answers with a partner. Listen once or twice more to check your answers.‎ Robot What is the robot? What can the robot do?‎ ‎1 ‎ ‎2 ‎ ‎3 ‎ ‎4 ‎ ‎  Suggested answers:‎ Robot What is the robot? What can the robot do?‎ ‎1 Vacuum cleaner It can move from room to r oom cleaning your house. You can program it so that it cleans when you are away and you can control what it's doing from your computer at the office.‎ ‎2 Personal robot called “PaPeRo” It understands 650 phrases,speaks more than 3000 words. It can recognize different people. It can check your email. It can help children do research on the Internet for their homework,talk to them about their day at school and play games.‎ ‎3 Tiny helicopter It will be used to fly into dangerous areas. For example,it can fly into a house that's been destroyed by an earthquake and check if anyone's inside.‎ ‎4 Walking chair It helps people who can't walk to go up and down stairs.‎ Step 3 Reading task ‎1.As we know,Robots are designed and built to do a task that is dangerous,uncomfortable,or repetitive for humans. Today we are going to read a magazine article about landmines.‎ First,ask students to read this piece of news about landmines.‎ Three decades of war in Cambodia have left scars in many forms throughout the country. Unfortunately,one of the most lasting legacies of the conflicts continues to claim new ‎ victims daily. Landmines,laid by the Khmer Rouge,the Heng Samrin and Hun Sen regimes,the Vietnamese,the KPNLF,and the Sihanoukists litter the countryside. In most cases,even the soldiers who planted the mines did not record where they were placed. Now,Cambodia has the one of the highest rates of physical disability of any country in the world. At the current rate of progress,it may take as many as 100 years to clear all the mines in Cambodia,and the UN estimates that with current technology,it will take nearly 1100 years to clear all the mines in the world.‎ ‎2.Next,present the students some mine signs and remind students that in spite of so many warning signs,there are still many victims as the pictures show.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(In spite of so many warning signs,there are still many victims. Look at the following pictures.)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3.Ask students to glance through the text quickly and answer the following questions in Exercise 1 on Page 58.‎ ‎(1)What is the main topic of this article?Which part of the text tells you that?‎ ‎(2)Who wrote the article?‎ ‎(3)What do the three pictures show you?‎ ‎(4)Where is research being done on robots that can find landmines?‎ ‎(5)In which two countries might the robots be used?‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)The main topic is the role of robots in the fight against landmines. The title tells us that.‎ ‎(2)Natasha Wesley.‎ ‎(3)Someone using a metal detector to find landmines;the robot that can find landmines;some people who have lost their legs because of landmines.‎ ‎(4)Chiba University (Japan).‎ ‎(5)Afghanistan and Cambodia.‎ ‎4.Work in groups to write questions for these answers in Exercise 2.Check your work with your partner.‎ Question Answer ‎1 26 000 people.‎ ‎2 One person every 20 minutes.‎ ‎3 For decades after wars have ended.‎ ‎4 100 million.‎ ‎5 60 countries.‎ ‎6 100 000.‎ ‎7 2 000 000.‎ ‎8 4 m long,1.8 m wide,1 m high.‎ ‎9 900 kg.‎ ‎10 6.‎ ‎11 1997.‎ ‎12 122 countries.‎ ‎  Suggested answers:‎ Question Answer ‎1.How many people are killed or injured by landmines every year? 26 000 people.‎ ‎2.How often is someone killed or injured by a landmine? One person every 20 minutes.‎ ‎3.For how long do landmines keep causing damage? For decades after wars have ended.‎ ‎4.How many landmines are buried just beneath the surface of the ground? 100 million.‎ ‎5.In how many countries are landmines buried? 60 countries.‎ ‎6.How many landmines are removed every year? 100 000.‎ ‎7.How many landmines are buried in the ground every year? 2 000 000.‎ ‎8.How big is the robot that can find landmines? 4 m long,1.8 m wide,1 m high.‎ ‎9.How much does it weigh? 900 kg.‎ ‎10.How many legs has it got? 6.‎ ‎11.When was an arrangement to stop the manufacture and use of landmines signed? 1997.‎ ‎12.How many countries signed the agreement to stop the manufacture and use of landmines? 122 countries.‎ ‎  5.Read the article again carefully and look at each paragraph in turn. Underline the sentence which sets out the main idea of that paragraph. Then fill in the table below.‎ Paragraph Main idea Supporting details ‎1 Introduction:the damage landmines cause 26 000 people killed or badly injured each year;‎ ‎100 million buried in 60 countries; ‎ Most victims are innocent people; ‎ ‎2 ‎ ‎3 ‎ ‎4 ‎ ‎5 ‎ ‎  Suggested answers:‎ Paragraph Main idea Supporting details ‎1 Introduction:the damage landmines cause •26 000 people killed or badly injured each year ‎•100 million buried in 60 countries ‎•Most victims are innocent people ‎ ‎2 The problem of landmines •Each year 100 000 removed ‎•Each year 2 000 000 buried ‎•Difficult and dangerous to remove ‎3 Robots can help find traditional mines •Much safer in the hunt for landmines ‎•Faster at finding landmines ‎•Research at Chiba University ‎4 Robots can find plastic mines •Experimental robots in production ‎•To use radar to locate mines ‎•To identify types of mines ‎5 World opinions turned against landmines in the 1990s •Agreement in Ottawa,Canada to stop the manufacture and use of landmines ‎•Still a lot of work to be done Step 4 Discussion ‎1.First,ask students to read the following materials.‎ From the text we've learned how serious the situation is. Many lives are put into danger. So we must do something to improve the situation. As we know,the US hasn't yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty. I hope you will write a letter of suggestion to the president of the US. You may refer to the text ‎2.Encourage students to write a letter of suggestion to the president of the US,for the US hasn't yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty. In the letter you will suggest the US should stop manufacturing landmines and spend more money on solutions to clearing landmines,for example developing new robots to remove the landmines.‎ You can refer to the following material:‎ Producing one landmine costs $3,yet once in the ground it can cost more than $1000 to find and destroy,according to the ICBL.‎ Over 80 per cent of the 15 000 to 20 000 landmine victims each year are civilians,and at least one in five are children,according to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL).The deadly legacy of landmines far outlasts the conflicts that gave rise to them. Among the most contaminated countries are Iraq,Cambodia,Afghanistan,Colombia,and Angola.  If time is limited,ask students to finish it after class. ‎ Step 5 Homework Finish writing the letter to the president of the US.‎ A sample:‎ Dear Mr. President,‎ I read in the newspaper that the US hasn't yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty. I'm writing to suggest your country sign on the agreement.‎ ‎1.Landmines kill or badly injure around 26 000 people every year. There are about 100 million landmines buried just beneath the surface of the ground in 60 countries. Among the most contaminated countries are Iraq,Cambodia,Afghanistan,Colombia,and Angola. I think this is one reason why people in these countries hate the US so much.‎ ‎2.Producing one landmine costs $3,yet once in the ground it can cost more than $1000 to find and destroy,according to the ICBL. So stop manufacturing landmines and spend more money on finding solutions to clearing the landmines. As you know,your country has designed the most advanced robots. Why not use your advanced technology and spend more money on designing some robots to clear the landmines. If so,it will benefit the whole world. People all over the world will think highly of you and your country. You and your country will become more ‎ influential. Japan has set a good example. They have developed robots that can be used to clear landmines. I hope your government will follow Japan's example.‎ Thank you for reading the letter. I hope you will consider my suggestions. I believe you also hope the whole world will enjoy peace. Let's work together and make a peaceful world. ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Sun Cheng ‎ Period 7 Speaking,Listening and Writing Task Teaching goals ‎ ‎1.Talk about different types of robots by using expressions of supposition and belief.‎ ‎2.Listen to three people talking about robot pets.‎ ‎3.Write a diary from the robot pet's point of view.‎ Teaching procedures  ‎ Step 1 Speaking task Ask students to use their imagination in groups to discuss the types of robots that could be used in the future. Guide them to use the expressions below in the discussion.‎ Is it possible that...?Could it be that...?Are you sure that...?It is possible/impossible that...It could be that...I ‎ am sure that...It is most likely/unlikely that...There is a belief that...I am positive that... ‎ Sample:‎ Robots can be found in the manufacturing industry,the military,space exploration,transportation,and medical applications.‎ Well,for my conclusion I_ guess that robots are the way of the future and will be used on a daily use without being controlled remotely or by a person. I_ think there will be different robots for different uses. Some will be used for law enforcement and others will be used for constructive uses only. Others will be building cars,and the rest will be building the new schools we learn in and the houses we live in.‎ Step 2 Listening task ‎1.Before listening,ask students to look at the pictures of these robot pets on Page 59.In pairs,answer the following questions.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(1)What kinds of animal do you think they are?‎ ‎(2)Would you like to own one?Which one?Give reasons.‎ ‎(3)Do you think having a robot as a pet is a good idea?Give reasons.‎ Various answers are possible. Through asking students questions about the pictures,make sure students understand the following words they will hear in the listening text:wag,pat,flippers,purr and hiss.‎ ‎2.Listen to Amanda,Victoria and Jamie talking about robot pets. Look at the pictures again and match them with the robots' names.‎ Aibo ______ Furby______ Paro______ Tama______‎ Keys:‎ Aibo Picture_2 Furby Picture_1 Paro Picture_3 Tama Picture_4‎ ‎3.Ask students to fill in as much of the table on Page 60 as they can. Then listen to the first part of the discussion again and complete the table. Compare their answers with their partners.‎ ‎ Name Type of animal What it can do Robot 1 ‎ Robot 2 ‎ Robot 3 ‎ Robot 4 ‎ ‎  Suggested answers:‎ ‎ Name Type of animal What it can do Robot 1 Aibo Dog Can walk,sit,lie down and wag its tail. Learns the name you give it and can answer when you call it. Develops its own personality. Can learn about 50 commands.‎ Robot 2 Furby Not stated but looks like a big-eared bird Likes being patted. Speaks his own language,then gradually switches to English the more time you spend with him.‎ Robot 3 Paro Seal Can open and close its eyes and move its flippers.‎ Robot 4 Tama Cat Can recognize her own name. Purrs when patted. If you hit her she will give you an angry hiss. Gradually her behaviour changes and she develops her own personality.‎ ‎  4.Listen to the second part of the discussion again. Tick the correct box for each question. ‎ ‎ Amanda Victoria Jamie ‎1.Who doesn't understand why someone would want a robot as a pet? ‎ ‎2.Who believes that robot pets are just toys? ‎ ‎3.Who thinks that if someone thinks of the robot as a pet,then it is a pet? ‎ ‎4.Who believes that you can make a robot happy? ‎ ‎5.Who thinks that robot pets would be good for people who are unable to have a live pet? ‎ Keys:‎ ‎ Amanda Victoria Jamie ‎1.Who doesn't understand why someone would want a robot as a pet? √ ‎ ‎2.Who believes that robot pets are just toys? √ ‎ ‎3.Who thinks that if someone thinks of the robot as a pet,then it is a pet? √‎ ‎4.Who believes that you can make a robot happy? √ ‎ ‎5.Who thinks that robot pets would be good for people who are unable to have a live pet? √‎ ‎ ‎ Step 3 Writing task ‎1.First ask students to imagine he or she is a robot pet which belongs to a child.‎ ‎(1)Think about what kind of child you belong to.Is it a boy or a girl?What is the child like?Is the child kind or not?Is the child sick or in good health?‎ ‎(2)What kind of robot pet are you—Aibo,Furby,Paro or Tama?‎ ‎2.Write about one day in his/her life in his/her diary. Remember to write from the robot pet's point of view and ‎ remember to follow these steps.‎ ‎(1)Collect their ideas in pairs or groups.‎ ‎(2)Write down the main ideas and supporting details. Here is an example.‎ ‎(3)Write the diary entry,paying attention to the use of conjunctions in their writing.‎ Morning Afternoon ‎ Owner Pet Owner Pet ‎•got up in bad mood ‎•carried me by tail ‎•knocked me onto the floor ‎•left me at home •angry ‎•hissed at owner ‎•hissed more ‎•had a peaceful time later •got home after school ‎•seemed happier ‎•was nice to me ‎•patted me ‎•promised to take me to the park tomorrow •wagged tail ‎•couldn't stop purring ‎•loved the idea/was happy ‎•wished he/she were always like that...‎ Step 4 Homework Write a diary from the robot pet's point of view.‎ A sample:‎ Sunny Wednesday I am very happy today,because this is the first day that I has spent with my owner,Susan. Susan is a 6-year-old sick girl. She cannot go out with other children because of her poor health. So her parents bought me as her companion. There are different types of robot pets in the store. Her mom preferred the seal-type robot,while her dad thought the lovely dog would be a good companion. But Susan loves kitty very much. She insisted on having me as her companion. So they chose me.‎ The shop assistant told them I have more than just entertainment value,offering companionship and a variety of other services to the sick. A network system will enable me to speak to the children in a natural way,especially to children who are sick,and this will make them more comfortable.‎ I can be connected via cell phone or ISDN line to a network system center,allowing health workers or parents to send medical information and encouraging messages to the sick. I'm ‎ endowed with 100 phrases,ranging from the light-hearted (“Today is the karaoke party. Let's sing a lot.”) to more practical information (“It is three o'clock. It is time to have medicine.”).‎ Susan smiled a lot and her parents said she has never spent a happier day. I am happy too because I've brought pleasure to her.‎ 备课资料 一、本单元课文注释与疑难解析 ‎1.Claire didn't want the robot in her house,especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks,but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn't harm her or allow her to be harmed.克莱尔不想家里有个机器人,尤其是她丈夫要离家三个星期,可是克莱尔被拉里说服了。他说,机器人不会伤害她,也不会允许她受到任何伤害。‎ ‎(1)absent adj.‎ a.缺席的,不在场的 (+from) ‎ Three members of the class were absent this morning.‎ 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。‎ He is absent on business.他因事缺席。‎ He is absent from Hong Kong.他不在香港。‎ b.缺少的,不存在的 Snow is absent in his country.他的国家不下雪。‎ c.茫茫然的,心不在焉的 He looked at me in an absent way.他茫然地望着我。‎ He had an absent look on his face.‎ 他脸上露出心不在焉的神色。‎ vt.不在;缺席 Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday?‎ 昨天你为何不到校?‎ absent 的反义词是present“出席的,在场的”‎ How many people were present at the meeting?‎ 到会的有多少人?‎ ‎(2)persuade vt.‎ a.说服,劝服(+into/out of)/(+sb.to do sth.)‎ She persuaded me into buying it.‎ 她说服我买下了它。‎ The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.‎ 那个推销员说服了我们买他的产品。‎ He persuaded her to go to school,even though she did not want to.‎ 即使她不想去上学,他还是说服她去。‎ b.使某人相信 (+of)/(+that)‎ How can I persuade you of my sincerity?‎ 我怎样才能使你相信我的诚意呢?‎ We worked hard to persuade them that we were genuinely interested in the project.‎ 我们想尽办法以使他们相信我们确实对这一计划感兴趣。‎ ‎2.She cried out “Tony” and then heard him declare that he didn't want to leave her the next day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her.‎ 她大叫一声“托尼”,接着她就听到托尼郑重地说,明天他不想离开她,并且他并不满足于仅仅使她开心。‎ ‎(1)declare vt.‎ a.宣布,宣告;声明(+that) to make known formally or officially The new Congress declared a state of war with Germany.‎ 新的国会向德国宣战了。‎ b.宣称;断言(+that)‎ The accused man declared himself innocent.‎ 被告声称他是无罪的。‎ She declared that she didn't want to see him again.‎ 她宣称再也不愿见他了。‎ I declared at the meeting that I did not support him.‎ 我在会上声明我不支持他。‎ c.申报(纳税品等)‎ I have nothing to declare.我没什么要申报的。‎ Note:‎ declare:宣告,宣布formally announce(sth.)‎ For example:I would like to declare my love for you.‎ announce:宣布 to make(sth.)known publicly For example:If I have a birthday party,I want to announce it to my friends.‎ ‎(2)more than a.后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如:‎ ‎ Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils.‎ 凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。‎ ‎ Modern science is more than a large amount of information. ‎ 现代科学不仅仅是大量的信息。‎ My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.‎ 我去北京不仅仅是观光。‎ b.more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如:‎ I have known him for more than twenty years.‎ 我认识他已超过二十年了。‎ More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened.‎ 十多位警察出现在出事地点。‎ c.more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常,十分”。例如:‎ They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition.‎ 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。‎ I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body.‎ 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。‎ I am more than happy to accept your invitation.‎ 我很高兴接受你的邀请。‎ d.more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。例如:‎ Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales.‎ 多次做广告意味着增加产品的销售。‎ His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well.‎ 在英语学习方面的进步激励他学好这门课程。‎ e.more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表示“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”之义。例如:‎ The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe.‎ 我难以描述那个山村的美丽。‎ This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle.‎ 这一问题超出了像杰克这样的小孩的解决能力。‎ ‎[拓展]‎ no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。例如:‎ All his education added up to no more than one year.‎ 他所接受的所有的学校教育只有一年。‎ Their new flat has no more than 60 square meters.‎ 他们的新居只有60平方米。‎ not more than表示“至多,不超过”,例如:‎ Lying on the ground was a schoolboy of not more than seventeen.‎ 躺在地上的那个男学生最多十七岁。‎ ‎3.It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.‎ 正是阿西莫夫11岁时,他的写作天赋明显显露出来。‎ 该句使用了强调句型It was...that...强调了时间状语从句when Asimov was eleven years old。‎ talent n.‎ a.天资,天赋;才能 (+for)‎ He had a talent for music.他有音乐天赋。‎ My sister has a talent for drawing.‎ 我妹妹有画画的天赋。‎ b.天才,有才能的人们 She is a new diving talent.她是一个新的跳水天才。‎ The company makes good use of its talent.‎ 该公司很好地发挥了内部人才的作用。‎ ‎4.It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.‎ 机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。‎ It是形式主语,that引导的句子是这个句子的主语,that从句叫主语从句。It放在句首,真正的主语放在后面,这是英语的一种常见结构。‎ It was clear that Claire had fallen in love with Tony.‎ 很显然,克莱尔已爱上了托尼。‎ It seems unlikely that she will refuse the offer.‎ 看上去她不太可能拒绝给她的帮助。‎ 带有that从句的先行词结构有以下几种不同的搭配关系:‎ ‎(1)It+be+adj.+that clause.‎ It is certain that William will do well in his exam.‎ 威廉肯定会考得很好。‎ It is absurd that he believes the number 13 has brought him the bad luck.‎ 他认为是13这个数字给他带来了厄运,这太可笑了。‎ 在表示建议、命令、要求等意义的It结构中,that从句的谓语动词常常用(should)+do 的形式。‎ It is said that he (should) go there without delay.‎ 他最好马上去那里。‎ It is important that we (should) be here by the weekend.‎ 周末我们得在这里,这很重要。‎ 在表示惊讶、喜悦、遗憾等意义的It结构中,that从句的谓语动词也常用这种形式。‎ It isn't amazing that they should have decided to divorce.‎ 他们已经决定离婚,这并不令人吃惊。‎ It is regrettable that Tom should leave so soon.‎ 真遗憾汤姆这么快就要离开了。‎ ‎(2)It+be+n.(or noun phrase)+that clause.‎ It is a great pleasure that she is well again and can go to her office.‎ 她身体恢复了,可以去上班了,这真让人高兴。‎ It is a pity that she should refuse to accept this suggestion.‎ 真遗憾她拒绝了这个建议。‎ ‎(3)It+be+v.-ed+that clause.‎ It is said that Isaac will accompany his parents to visit Europe.‎ 据说艾莎克将陪父母去欧洲访问。‎ It is suggested that each children should sing a song in English at the party.‎ 建议每个学生都得在晚会上唱支英文歌。‎ ‎(4)It seems/happens...+that clause.‎ It seems that they are in urgent need of help.‎ 好像他们现在急需帮助。‎ It happens that the prettiest birds are the worst singers.‎ 很碰巧,最漂亮的鸟是最差的歌手。‎ 要注意的是这种结构与强调结构的区别。试比较:‎ It was Tony that managed to help her in time.‎ 是托尼及时设法帮助了她。‎ It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window.‎ 也就在这时候,克莱尔才意识到托尼早就把前边窗户的窗帘拉开了。‎ ‎5.So Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read,or rather,scan.‎ 于是,克莱尔从图书馆借了一堆书给托尼阅读,或者说给他浏览一下。‎ ‎(1)a pile of/piles of=a lot of There were a pile of magazines on the desk.‎ 桌子上有一堆杂志。‎ I've got piles of work to do this evening.‎ 今天晚上我有一大堆工作要做。‎ ‎(2)or rather:a way of correcting something you have said,or making it more exact.‎ He lives in London,or rather,in the suburbs of London.‎ 他住在伦敦,更准确地说是在伦敦郊区。‎ You have to be sixteen for cheap tickets—or rather under sixteen.‎ 你得是16岁才能买便宜的票,更准确地说是16岁以下。‎ ‎6....you cannot have women falling in love with machines.‎ ‎……总不能让女人爱上机器。‎ 这句话的结构是have+n.+doing,have的意思是cause sb.to do,它与have+sb.+do结构的意思有时略有不同,前者讲的是过程,后者叙述的是当时的情况。‎ As soon as I got there,I tried to have John find me a house.‎ 我一到那里,就试着让约翰给我找房子。‎ S he had us all laughing at her jokes.‎ 她的笑话让我们大笑。‎ 另外,在have+n.+doing结构中,如果have用作否定时,其意思是not permit or allow。‎ I can't have you going everywhere and doing nothing all day.‎ 我不能让你整天无所事事地东游西逛。‎ ‎7.Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind with which he searched for explanations of everything,in the present and the past.‎ 阿西默夫不仅有超凡的想象力,使他能对未来世界进行探索,而且还有着惊人的智力,使他对现在的和过去的各种事物作出解释。‎ 这个句子稍微有点复杂,现简要地分析一下:Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination and an amazing ‎ mind是这个句子的重要部分,动词不定式to explore future worlds修饰ability,with which引导的定语从句修饰an amazing mind。‎ with which是“介词+which (whom)”的结构,其介词的选择受到一定的限制:或与前面的名词搭配有关(本句就是这样),或与后面的动词或者词组 搭配有关。‎ He seemed to be looking for the words with which he could express what he was thinking about.‎ 他好像正在找能表达他想法的词语。‎ The car,for which I paid a lot of money,is now out of date.‎ 我花很多钱买的这辆小汽车现在过时了。‎ 二、文化背景知识 Robot A robot can be defined as a programmable,self-controlled device consisting of electronic,electrical,or mechanical units. More generally,it is a machine that functions in place of a living agent. Robots are especially desirable for certain work functions because,unlike humans,they never get tired;they can endure physical conditions that are uncomfortable or even dangerous;they can operate in airless conditions;they do not get bored by repetition;and they cannot be distracted from the task at hand.‎ The concept of robots is a very old one yet the actual word “robot” was invented in the 20th century from the Czechoslovakian word robot or robotic meaning slave,servant,or forced labor. Robots don't have to look or act like humans but they do need to be flexible so they can perform different tasks.‎ Early industrial robots handled radioactive material in atomic labs and were called master/slave manipulators. They were connected together with mechanical linkages and steel cables. Remote arm manipulators can now be moved by push buttons,switches or joysticks.‎ Current robots have advanced sensory systems that process information and appear to function as if they have brains. Their “brain” is actually a form of computerized artificial intelligence (AI).AI allows a robot to perceive conditions and decide upon a course of action based on those conditions.‎ A robot can include any of the following components:‎ effectors—“arms”,“legs”,“hands”,“feet” ‎ sensors—parts that act like senses and can detect objects or things like heat and light and convert the object information into symbols that computers understand ‎ computer—the brain that contains instructions called algorithms to control the robot ‎ equipment—this includes tools and mechanical fixtures ‎ Characteristics that make robots different from regular machinery are that robots usually function by themselves,are sensitive to their environment,adapt to variations in the environment or to errors in prior performance,are task-oriented and often have the ability to try different methods to accomplish a task.‎ Robot Timeline ‎ ‎270BC an ancient Greek engineer named Ctesibus made organs and water clocks with movable figures.‎ ‎1818—Mary Shelley wrote “Frankenstein” which was about a frightening artificial life form created by Dr. Frankenstein.‎ ‎1921—The term “robot” was first used in a play called “R.U.R.” or “Rossum's Universal Robots” by the Czech writer Karel Capek. The plot was simple:man makes robot then robot kills man!‎ ‎1941—Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word “robotics” to describe the technology of robots and predicted the rise of a powerful robot industry.‎ ‎1942—Asimov wrote “Runaround”,a story about robots which contained the “Three Laws of Robotics”:‎ A robot may not injure a human,or,through inaction,allow a ‎ human being to come to harm.‎ A robot must obey the orders by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.‎ A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.‎ ‎1948—“Cybernetics”,an influence on artificial intelligence research was published by Norbert Wiener.‎ ‎1956—George Devol and Joseph Engelberger formed the world's first robot company.‎ ‎1959—Computer-assisted manufacturing was demonstrated at the Servomechanisms Lab at MIT.‎ ‎1961—The first industrial robot was online in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey. It was called UNIMATE.‎ ‎1963—The first artificial robotic arm to be controlled by a computer was designed. The Rancho Arm was designed as a tool for the handicapped and its six joints gave it the flexibility of a human arm.‎ ‎1965—DENDRAL was the first expert system or program designed to execute the accumulated knowledge of subject experts.‎ ‎1968—The octopus-like Tentacle Arm was developed by Marvin Minsky.‎ ‎1969—The Stanford Arm was the first electrically ‎ powered,computer-controlled robot arm.‎ ‎1970—Shakey was introduced as the first mobile robot controlled by artificial intelligence. It was produced by SRI International.‎ ‎1974—A robotic arm (the Silver Arm) that performed small-parts assembly using feedback from touch and pressure sensors was designed.‎ ‎1979—The Stanford Cart crossed a chair-filled room without human assistance. The cart had a TV camera mounted on a rail which took pictures from multiple angles and relayed them to a computer. The computer analyzed the distance between the cart and the obstacles.‎ 三、参考资料 ‎(1)科幻作品 近几年比较受欢迎的科幻小说、影视有:X档案系列(X-files),黑客帝国系列(The Matrix),星球大战系列(Star Wars),X战警系列(X Men),终结者系列(Terminator),哈利波特系列(Harry Potter),指环王系列(The Lord of the Rings)等等。学生如有兴趣,可以上网查询更多的资料。‎ 参考网站:http://www.sfsite.com http://www.asimovs.com http://www.kehuan.net ‎(2)Isaac Asimov 艾莎克•阿西莫夫(1920~1992)‎ Dr. Isaac Asimov was an American author and biochemist who was born in Russia in 1920.Asimov went to the United States with his family at the age of three. He grew up in New York,graduating from Columbia University in 1939.In 1948,he earned a PhD there. He began to write stories for science fiction magazines in 1939.He was a very successful writer who produced an amazing number of books:he wrote over 400 volumes. Asimov is best known for his science fiction and popular science books,of which the Foundation series,the Galactic Empire series and the Robot series are the most popular. Asimov's books cover various topics in science,and he developed a set of ethics for robots and machine intelligence which influenced many other writers.‎

