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天兵下北荒,‎ 胡马欲南饮。‎ 横戈从百战,‎ 直为衔恩甚。‎ 握雪海上餐,‎ 拂沙陇头寝。‎ 何当破月氏,‎ 然后方高枕 高考英语完形填空题·完全解析 ‎2004年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(II)‎ 完形填空题·完全解析 Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing __1__ was something she picked up by herself. After her first__2__, teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM. __3__, writing stories was simply a __4__ interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher (出版商). __5__, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long __6__ and paid Tracy a $ 15,000 advance. “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “for __7__ writer.”‎ ‎__8__ Tracy’s characters (人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes __9__ readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could __10__ the afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”‎ ‎“Can I? I don’t think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have __11__ when things come to me __12__. “Once, she was wondering how to complete a __13__ set in ancient (古代的) China. __14__ the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese __15__. It came without her having __16__ it.‎ Though she has published 45 books, Tracy has remained __17__ by her fame. She lives in the same __18__ she lived 27 years ago -- although in a more comfortable home. There’s more room for __19__ in her life -- and it wasn’t just __ 20__.‎ ‎1. A. skill   B. experience     C. practice D. method ‎2. A. duty     B. effort    C. job      D. task ‎3. A. Instead   B. Normally  C. Certainly     D. Then ‎4. A. general    B. deep      C. personal    D. lively ‎5. A. Interested   B. Anxiously   C. Seriously  D. Encouraged ‎6. A. film       B. story  C. program   D. article ‎7. A. a foreign   B. a popular   C. an unusual   D. an unknown ‎8. A. Now that    B. Even though  C. Just because  D. Except that ‎9. A. find   B. turn      C. leave    D. hold ‎10. A. make up    B. connect with    C. control    D. explain ‎11. A. events     B. chances    C. feelings    D. moments ‎12. A. for no reason  B. from a distance ‎ ‎    C. by accident D. as gifts ‎13. A. description   B. pointing     C. scene   D. talk ‎14. A. Surprisingly   B. Suddenly ‎   C. Expectedly     D. Fortunately ‎15. A. cooking    B. history   C. play    D. medicine ‎16. A. known     B. sent     C. realized   D. ordered       ‎ ‎17. A. unchanged  B. excited   C. determined  D. unmoved     ‎ ‎18. A. life   B. city       C. house     D. way ‎19. A. success    B. work      C. joy  D. variety ‎20. A. writing  B. reporting    C. luck   D. fun ‎ ‎ ‎1-5ACDCA  6-10BDBCB  11-15 DACBB  16-20DADCA ‎ ‎ Tracy Wong是一位著名的美籍华人作家。他的写作技巧怎样,他的作品有什么特点,他为什么会这样?文章会告诉你。‎ ‎ ‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎1‎ A 词义比较前后照应 Tracy Wong是一位著名的美籍华人作家。其写作技能(skill)是自学的。后文大部分谈到了她的技能与技巧。skill技能,技巧;experience经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历;practice实践,实习;method方法。‎ ‎2‎ C 前后照应词义比较 从后文作同位语的teaching disabled children和对立项a part-time writer for IBM,这里指的不是义务(duty),努力(effort),任务(task),而是工作、职业(job)。‎ ‎3‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理 指Tracy Wong所处的时期(then)。instead代替,表示对立意义;normally正常地, 通常地;certainly的确,表示对情况或事情的肯定。‎ ‎4‎ C 前后照应词义比较 当时,写作是个人的兴趣爱好。后句sent three of her stories to a publisher 有所暗示。A. general普通的,一般的;deep深奥的, 难懂的;personal私人的, 个人的;lively活泼的, 活跃的。‎ ‎5‎ A 词义比较句法功能词汇用法 出版商对她的作品感兴趣(interested),随即向她提出建议。Interested=As they were interested;Encouraged的逻辑主语应是Tracy,而不是出版商;anxiously(忧虑地, 不安地)和seriously(认真地, 真诚地)通常不作句子性副词用,故不能出现在这个位置上。‎ ‎6‎ B 前后照应词义比较 出版商加以她把三个故事合起来成为一篇长故事(story)。film,program和article没有存在的前提。‎ ‎7‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 对于Tracy这样一个尚不受大众欢迎的(popular),普通的(unusual),外国的(foreign),没有名气的(unknown)小作家,这是不小的一笔钱。‎ ‎8‎ B 语句连贯前后照应 虽然她的故事人物令人感兴趣,但……。注意前后句之间的转折关系。now that既然,表示原因关系;;even though即使,即便,表示转折关系;just because就是因为,表示因果关系;except that 除了……之外, 只可惜,表示排除意义。‎ ‎9‎ C 词义辨析 她的那些关于超自然故事有时让/使(leave)读者感到不自在,心神不安。find发现,找到;turn转动,变成;leave使某人处于某种状态,置某人于某种状态;hold把握,保持。‎ ‎10‎ B 前后照应逻辑推理 作者的母亲认为作者能够沟通来世阴间。后句“She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”有所暗示。make up弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理;connect with连接, 联络;control控制;explain 解释, 说明。‎ ‎11‎ D 逻辑推理语法规则 但是作者也确实有这样的感觉(feelings),机会(chances),事件(events),或时刻(moments)。因为紧接在后面的when引导的表示时间的定语从句,修饰前面的moments,故选D。‎ ‎12‎ A 有时某些事情无缘无故(for no reason)地,而非碰巧(by accident),从远处(from 词义比较前后照应 ‎ a distance),作为礼物式(as gifts)地发生在作者身上。由后文中的Once, she was wondering how to…有所暗示。‎ ‎13‎ C 逻辑推理,前后照应,词义比较 作者一直在纳闷如何完成一个以古代中国为背景的布景场景(scene)的故事,而非描写(description),指示(pointing)或谈话(talk)。‎ ‎14‎ B 词义比较逻辑推理 突然(suddenly),门铃响了。surprisingly令人惊讶地;suddenly突然地,表示突发性行为;expectedly不出预料地;fortunately 幸运地。‎ ‎15‎ B 逻辑推理气候照应 邮递员手里拿着有关中国历史(history),而非烹调(cooking),医学(medicine),戏剧(play)方面的书。前面ancient China有所提示。‎ ‎16‎ D 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 书来得很是蹊跷,作者先前知道(know)、意识到会(realize)有这样的书,但没有送(send)出去过,更没有预定过(order)。按常识道理,没有预定,邮递员不会送东西到家来,更何况是自己想弄的东西。‎ ‎17‎ A 逻辑推理,词义比较,前后照应 虽然作者已经出版了45本书,可仍然没有由于名誉而有丝毫改变(unchanged)。由后文although in a more comfortable home 说明unmoved不妥。Excited和determined与文意不符。     ‎ ‎18‎ D 逻辑推理常识运用 作者也许在原先的城市(city),原先的房子(house)居住,但不能是原先的生活(life),而是以与27年前同样的生活方式(way)生活着。‎ ‎19‎ D 前后照应逻辑推理 注意与后句的比较。作者不仅仅只是单一的写作了,作者的生活中有了更多的机会或空间来享受生活的多样化(variety)。网上下载,此题原答案为C(joy欢乐),笔者认为有所不妥,joy缺少比较前提,前文并没有作任何铺垫。joy与success和work一样与后句的it wasn’t just writing不形成对立关系。‎ ‎20‎ A 前后照应 不仅仅只是写作(writing)。注意与文章前面her writing skill,a part-time writer for IBM,writing stories was simply a personal interest的相一致。reporting,luck和fun与文意不符。‎ ‎2004年上海英语试卷 完形填空题·完全解析 ‎(A)‎ Adults are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practised in the meantime. A man who has not had an opportunity to go swimming for years can ___1___ swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after several decades and still    2    away. A mother who has not    3   the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” or recite the story of Cinderella or Snow White.‎ One explanation is the law of over learning, which can be stated as following:    4    we have learned something, additional learning increases the    5    of time we will remember it.‎ In childhood, we usually continue to practise such skills as swimming, bicycle riding long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and    6    ourselves of poems such as “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” and childhood tales such as Cinderella or Snow White. We no only learn but  __7   .‎ The law of over learning explains why cramming (突击学习) for an examination,    8    it may result in a passing grade, is not a    9    way to learn a school course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned. A little over learning,    10   , is usually a good investment toward the future.‎ ‎1. A. only      B. hardly         C. still      D. even ‎2. A. move     B. drive     C. travel     D. ride ‎3. A. thought about   B. cared for ‎ C. showed up     D. brought up ‎4. A. Before  B. Once    C. Until    D. Unless ‎5. A. accuracy   B. unit    C. limit    D. length ‎6. A. remind    B. inform     C. warm      D. recall ‎7. A. recite    B. overlearn   C. research   D. improve ‎8. A. though      B. so     C. if      D. after ‎9. A. convenient  B. demanding     C. satisfactory    D. swift ‎10. A. at most     B. by the way  ‎ C. on the other hand   D. in the end ‎ ‎ ‎1-5 CDABD    6-10 ABACC ‎ ‎ 为什么你小时候学的儿歌、童谣到你长大了还不会忘记?那是因为overlearn的缘故。他有什么好处?突击学习法有什么不好?看完这篇文章,你就知道了。‎ ‎ ‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎1‎ C 词义比较常识运用前后照应 大人们都经常感到吃惊,小时候他们所学的东西,虽然其间从来没有操练过,也能够完好地记住。一个好些年里没有机会去游泳的人当他有回到水里的时候,他会仍然(still)象往常一样地游泳。only仅仅, 只不过;hardly几乎不;still依然,仍然,还,表示原有状态的持续;even甚至,表示过分程度。注意后句中的still,此句与后句结构相仿。‎ ‎2‎ D 词义比较词汇用法常识运用 几十年后他仍然可以蹬上自行车把车子骑(ride)走。drive开车,驾驶,通常指驾驶马车、和机动车辆(如汽车等);travel旅行,游历,移动;ride骑(自行车),乘坐(汽车、公共汽车,马背等);move动, 移动,‎ 意义太笼统,不具体。‎ ‎3‎ A 词义比较逻辑推理 当母亲的好些年里没有回想(think about)那些词语了,能够教女儿“Twinkle, twinkle, little star”开头的小诗,也能够背诵灰姑娘或白雪公主的故事。think about    考虑, 回想;care for关怀, 照顾;show up揭露, 露出, 露面;bring up教育, 培养。‎ ‎4‎ B 语句连贯词义比较 before在...之前,表示时间关系;once一旦,如果……就,表示条件关系;until到...为止,直到...才,表示时间关系;unless如果不, 除非,表示条件关系。‎ ‎5‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理常识运用 一旦我们学习了某样东西,额外的、附加的学习就会提高我们记忆它的时间长度(length)。常识告诉我们,时间久了,记忆会变得模糊,其精确性(accuracy)无法保证。length长度,时间的长短;accuracy精确性, 正确度;unit个体,单位;limit 界限, 限度。‎ ‎6‎ A 词义辨析 小时候,我们只是不停地听,不停地去想起并记住(remind)那些小诗和孩提的童谣。remind使人想起,使人记起,提醒,使某人不忘记;inform通知, 告知;warn警告,通知;recall回忆, 回想。‎ ‎7‎ C 前后照应词义比较 我们不仅仅在学习,而且同时也在附加学习(overlearn)着。通过前面的分析,这里点题。recite(背诵)也是一种学习,它包括在learn之中。research研究, 调查)和improve(改善, 改进)文意不符。‎ ‎8‎ A 逻辑推理语句连贯 虽然(though)突击学习可能使你通过考试。though(虽然,即使)表示让步关系;so因而,所以,表示因果关系;if如果,表示条件关系;after在……之后,表示时间关系。‎ ‎9‎ C 逻辑推理词义比较 附加学习的规律告诉我们,突击学习是学习学校课程中便利的(convenient),有时也需要的(demanding),且快速的(swift)的方法,但他不是令人满意的(satisfactory)方法。‎ ‎10‎ C 逻辑推理语句连贯 突击学习可以让学生学得好以便能够通过考试,但学生很可能不久就会忘得一干二净。而(on the other hand)附加学习则是对未来的良好的投资。at most至多,顶多;by the way在途中, 顺便;on the other hand另一方面,表示对立关系。in the end最终,终于。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (B)‎ The birthrate in Europe has been in a steady decrease since the 1960s. European countries, realizing crisis is at hand, are providing great encouragement for parents to create more babies in the 21st century.‎ Affairs Ministry concluded last year that,    11    cash encouragement, some women just don’t want to be    12    holding the baby. “What we know is that it’s good for the    13___ if men and women share the burden of having children,” says Soren Kindlund, family policy adviser at the Swedish ministry.    14    Swedish parents can take their paid leave as they wish, men use a mere 12% of it; 60% of fathers do not take even a(n)    15 _   day off work.‎ Experts fear that the tendency for women to use most of the parental leave could make employers    16    to give young women the permanent jobs they need to qualify for paid maternity leave (产假). In January, Sweden decided to allow new fathers two months’ paid leave, with a warming: use it or    17    it.‎ Kindlund admits that men are under   18    to stay at work, even though parental pay comes out of the public purse. “It’s not popular among bosses and perhaps with other men in the workplace,” he says. “But it’s good for the father and for the child if they can    19    a relationship.”‎ In Norway, a(n)   20    policy has worked wonders. 70% of dads in Norway now take parental leave, and the birthrate of 1.85 children per woman is one of the highest in Europe.‎ ‎11. A. is spite of   B. at the cost of ‎ ‎ C. in addition to         D. due to ‎12. A. sent    B. left      C. caught    D. seen ‎13. A. birthrate   B. income      C. health    D. spirit ‎14. A. Just as   B. Only if     C. Even though      D. Now that ‎15. A. one   B. mere     C. only   D. single ‎16. A. willing   B. reluctant    C. likely   D. unable ‎17. A. reserve     B. misuse     C. ignore    D. lose ‎18. A. discussion  B. attack     C. control     D. pressure ‎19. A. make out    B. add up    C. build up     D. set aside ‎20. A. impersonal   B. similar     C. severe     D. global ‎ ‎ ‎11-15 ABACD    16-20 BDDCB ‎ ‎ 欧洲国家的人口出生率呈不断的下降趋势,这是为什么?国家采取了不少的对策,可仍然见效甚微,又为什么?这篇文章会告诉你。‎ ‎ ‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎11‎ A 语句连贯词义比较 欧洲国家意识到其人口出生率呈不断的下降趋势后,现在正鼓励父母亲多生子女。可是,不管(in spite of)政府部门用提供现金鼓励,还是怎样,……。in spite of不顾, 不管;at the cost of以……为代价;in addition to 除...之外;due to由于, 应归于。‎ ‎12‎ B 词义辨析句法结构 一些妇女就是不想被丈夫留(leave)在家里带孩子,而他们却不在家里。这四个词均可用于动词+宾语(人)+宾语补语(现在分词)的结构,send sb. doing sth.通常强调使/驱使/迫使/打发某人做某事;leave sb. doing sth.‎ ‎ 表示使/让/撇下某人做某事,并含有“不再理会”的意义;catch sb. doing sth.突然抓住某人正在做某事;see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。 ‎ ‎13‎ A 逻辑推理前后照应词义比较 如果男人和女人都分担其养孩子的重载,这对于家庭收入(income),健康(health)和精神(spirit)未必会有好处,但明显对提高出生率(birthrate)有利。‎ ‎14‎ C 语句连贯词义比较 即便是瑞典的父母亲可以随意地带工资休假,但也只有12%的男人只有做。just as就象……一样;only if只有,只要,表示条件关系;even though即便,纵使,表示让步关系;now that既然,表示因果关系。‎ ‎15‎ D 逻辑推理词义辨析 ‎60%的做父亲的人就连一(single)天的工作也不想耽误。one通常不直接用在a之后,除非其前有形容词;mere仅仅的, 只不过的,纯粹的;only唯一的,单独的,其前通常不用不定冠词,而用定冠词;single唯一的,单一的,其前可用不定冠词或定冠词。‎ ‎16‎ B 词义比较逻辑推理 专家担心,由于是妇女使用大部分的双亲假期,这样老板就不会愿意(reluctant)给年轻的妇女提供永久性的工作,因为她们得带着工资休产假。willing乐意的, 自愿的;reluctant不愿意的, 勉强的;likely很可能的, 合适的, unable不能的,不会的。‎ ‎17‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理 并警告说:不享受假期就失去(lose)假期。reserve保存, 保留;misuse误用, 错用, 滥用;ignore不理睬, 忽视;lose丧失,失去。‎ ‎18‎ D 固定搭配词义比较逻辑推理 即便是家庭的费用出自双方公共的钱包,男人仍然承受着保留工作的压力(pressure)。under discussion在讨论中;under attack遭到进攻或批评;under control被控制住;under pressure承受压力。‎ ‎19‎ C 固定搭配词义比较逻辑推理 但是如果男人和女人能够建立起(build up)一种联系的话,这对父亲一方和孩子都是有利的。make out书写,进展, 说明, 设法应付,了解;add up合计;build up树立, 增进;set aside留出,取消。‎ ‎20‎ B 前后照应词义比较 在挪威,而不是在全球(global),一种牵涉到男女双方的(impersonal),也许并非严厉的(severe)的,与瑞典做法类似的(similar)提高出生率的政策却已经产生了成效。impersonal非个人的;similar相似的, 类似的;severe严厉的, 严格的;global全球的, 全世界的。‎ ‎2004年上海市普通高等学校春季招生试题 完形填空题·完全解析 ‎(A)‎ People wear hats for three main reasons: protection, communication, and decoration.‎ Protection. People first began to wear hats to ___1___ themselves from the climate. In hot, sunny climates, wide-edged hats provide ___2___ from the sun. In cold climates, people often wear wool hats. In some regions, people wear a variety of protective hats, ___3___ the season. They may wear a wool hat in winter, a rain hat in spring or fall, and a wide-edged hat in summer. Hats also provide protection in certain ___4___. Construction workers, football players, military personnel, and people in many other fields wear metal or plastic helmets(头盔)for protection from ___5___.‎ Communication. Hats can communicate various things about the people who wear them. The hats of coal miners, cowboys and firemen indicate the wearer's ___6___. Students may wear a mortarboard (学位帽) to show they are graduating from high school or college.‎ Decoration. Most people wear a hat that they believe makes them look attractive, ___7___ the hat's main purpose may be protection or communication. Many protective hats are attractive and stylish. Even the caps of police officers and military personnel are designed to ___8___ the wearer's appearance. Certain decorative hats are worn as a (n) ___9___. In Scotland, for example, people wear a cap called a tam-o'-shanter that is part of their national costume (服装). Many people change their style of hat from time to time because they feel more ___10___ when keeping up with the latest fashion.‎ ‎1. A. defend     B. protect    C. prevent   D. hide ‎2. A. shade    B. shadow      C. security    D. cover ‎3. A. resulting from  B. basing upon  ‎ C. relating to  D. depending on ‎4. A. seasons      B. climates     C. activities    D. communities ‎5. A. injury     B. destruction   C. harm   D. pollution ‎6. A. experience     B. occupation  C. personality  D. education ‎7. A. as   B. unless   C. though  D. because ‎8. A. change    B. increase   C. display   D. improve ‎9. A. tradition  B. label    C. honour     D. fashion ‎10. A. sociable    B. informal    C. attractive    D. noble ‎ ‎ ‎1—6 BADCAB    7—10CDAC               ‎ ‎ ‎ 人们为什么要带帽子?文章告诉你三大原因——保护,交流和装饰。‎ 题号 答案 考查内容 解题依据 解题分析 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ B ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 逻辑推理前后照应词义比较 人们戴帽有保护、交流和装饰三个原因。开始时,人们戴帽是为了保护自己免遭季节气候的伤害。与前面的Protection(其名词形式)一致,与后文的protective一致,且后文竟出现了also provide protection。对后几句给予总结。defend防护, 辩护, 防卫;protect保护; 保卫;“保护……以免遭受危险或伤害等”;prevent 防止, 预防; 指“采取预先行动或用障碍物使不发生或停止”;hide 隐藏, 掩藏, 隐瞒, 掩饰。‎ ‎2‎ ‎ ‎ 词义辨析逻辑推理 夏日,宽沿的帽子遮挡炎热的太阳光,提供荫凉。shade荫处,阴暗(部分); 阴凉的地方;shadow阴影, 影子, 隐蔽处, 阴暗;security平安; 安全;cover掩饰, 保护, 掩护。‎ ‎3‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 在有些地区,人们视季节的不同而戴各式各样的起保护性作用的帽子,如冬季戴羊绒帽,春秋两季戴雨帽,夏季戴宽沿帽。resulting from由……产生,原因是……;basing upon以……为根据; relating to与……有关/联系;depending on依赖于……,视……而定。‎ ‎4‎ C 逻辑推理 前后照应 人们在一些特定活动中也戴帽子以得到保护。后文列举了这样的一些活动内容。seasons 季节;climates气候;activities活动,行为;communities团体,社会。‎ ‎5‎ A 词义辨析 injury 伤害,侮辱,一般指对人所造成的身心方面的伤害;destruction 破坏,毁灭,一般指对物件或设施所带来的无法挽救的毁灭性的损失。harm 伤害,损害,通常有于抽象的表达方式中。pollution 污染,玷污。‎ ‎6‎ B 词义比较常识运用 矿工、牛仔、救护队员的帽子显示出他们各自的工作,职责(occupation),而非其经验(experience)、个性(personality)或是所受的教育(education)。‎ ‎7‎ C 语句连贯 虽然帽子的重要用途是保护和交流作用,但许多人戴帽子是为了好看。表示让步关系,用though。‎ ‎8‎ D 逻辑推理常识运用词义辨析 即便是警官和军人的帽子也是特别设计出来以达到改进增强穿戴者的外观。change 改变,变化,可能向好的方向,也可能向坏的方向变化;increase 增加, 增大,通常指在数量、体积程度上的提高;display 陈列,展览,显示;improve 改善,改进,通常指朝好的有益的方向发展。‎ ‎9‎ B 常识运用词义比较 人们戴某些装饰性的帽子是作为某一标志。如苏格兰人的一种特别的帽子是其民族服饰的组成部分A. tradition 传统,惯例;label 标签,标志;honour 尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉;D. fashion流行, 风尚。‎ ‎10‎ C 前后照应逻辑推理 许多人不时地变换帽子的款式以跟上最新的时尚,使他们感觉更为迷人漂亮(attractive)。与前文的Decoration 一致。A. sociable 好交际的,友善的;informal不正式的,不拘礼节的;吸引人的,有魅力的,noble高尚的,高贵的。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(B)‎ In Renee Smith's classroom, attendance is up, trips to the headmaster's office are down and students are handing in assignments on time. The Springfield High School teacher says she has seen great ___11___ since adding a few new students to her class – five Labrador puppies and their father.‎ The seven ___12___ students in Smith's class have a history of discipline ___13___. But since they've started teaching the dogs obedience (顺从), their own ___14___ has improved. A dog trainer Chuck Reynolds ___15___ the students a new trick each week that they then work on with the puppies. At night, the dogs go home with the staff members who have raised them. They get dropped off in the morning, ___16___ a parent would take a child to day care.‎ Smith said she came up with the idea when her dog had puppies and she saw how ___17___ her own children responded to them. She consulted with school psychologist Kristin Edinger, ___18___ they took the idea-- along with letters from students ___19___the programme -- to the school board. A pet therapist said, "What you are trying to teach is ___20___ and that there are consequences for the decisions you make."‎ ‎11. A. promotion   B. progress  C. disturbance  D. disappointment ‎12. A. human   B. dog      C. new       D. Labrador ‎13. A. problems    B. questions    C. issues    D. troubles ‎14. A. habit     B. attitude   C. action   D. behaviour ‎15. A. guides      B. teaches      C. permits     D. aids ‎16. A. such as       B. much as    C. so that    D. even if ‎17. A. well     B. quickly    C. poorly     D. carelessly ‎18. A. but   B. so     C. and     D. because ‎19. A. revising    B. describing     C. opposing  D. supporting ‎20. A. self-criticism   B. self-respect  ‎ C. self-control        D. self-importance ‎ ‎ ‎11—16 B AADBB    17—20 ACDC 让小孩子饲养小狗有好处,这有什么稀奇的呢?稀奇的是学校这样做!‎ ‎ ‎ 题号 答案 考查内容 解题依据 解题分析 ‎11‎ B 词义比较前后照应 有老师说自从Smith班上增添了几个新的学生——拉布拉多猎狗和它们的父亲后,她就看到班上有了很大的起色。 promotion促进,提升;progress进步, 发展;disturbance骚动,干扰;disappointment失望。‎ ‎12‎ A 常识运用 Smith班上的七个学员,是训练狗(dog,Labrador)的人(human)。这篇文章中一定要注意代词所指,是指狗,还是指训练狗的学员。‎ ‎13‎ A 词义辨析 Smith班上的七个学员过去有违纪问题的历史记录。problems问题,难题,总是与“困难”相联系着,一般指有待解决的问题;questions问题, 总是与“疑问”相联系,一般指有待回答的问题;issues问题,一般指引起“争端的问题;troubles问题,一般指待来“麻烦,烦恼”的问题。‎ ‎14‎ D 词义辨析 从这七个学员训练狗学会顺从中,他们自己的行为也有了改进。A. habit习惯,习性,癖好,指经过长时间养成的行为习惯;attitude态度,意见,指人们对某件事的心理取向;action 动作,行动;behaviour 行为, 举止, 习性,指人们的日常行为,举止情况。‎ ‎15‎ B 逻辑推理词义比较 训狗师教(teach)给学员一个新的技术,学员们就用在狗身上。guide指导,带领;permit 许可, 允许, 准许;aid帮助,援助。‎ ‎16‎ B 常识运用词义比较 早晨,被训练的狗出门去,就非常象(much as)父母带着孩子到托儿所去一样。such as诸如此类的东西;so that为了,以便,表示目的意义;even if即使,即便,表示让步关系。‎ ‎17‎ A 逻辑推理常识运用 Smith说当她的狗有了小狗崽,她自己的孩子对这些小狗崽作出了很乖(well)的反应,她因而有了这样的想法。‎ ‎18‎ C 语句连贯 她请教了学校的心理学家,学校把她的想法提交到了学校董事会。前后句子表示顺承递进关系,故选and。But表示转折关系;so,because表示因果关系。‎ ‎19‎ D 逻辑推理前后照应 同时还把赞同这个计划的学员的信件上交学校董事会。与文章第一段联系起来。象Smith小孩一样的学员无法修订、校订(revise)和描述(describe),当然不会反对(oppose),而是支持、拥护(support)这个计划。‎ ‎20‎ C 逻辑推理词义比较 宠物临床医学家说,你现在教给学生的就是让学员学会自我控制(self-control),你作出的决定很有重要性。self-criticism自我批评;self-respect自我尊重自尊, 自重;self-importance自尊, 自负, 自大。‎ ‎2004年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)‎ 完形填空题·完全解析 ‎ It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadn’t healed(痊愈)from a(n) ___1___ injury. I had ___2___ whether or not I should attend the meet. But there I was, ___3___ for the 3,000-meter run.‎ ‎“Ready … set …” The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed ___4___ me. I felt ___5___ as I fell farther and farther behind.‎ ‎“Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest ___6___ I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was two laps (圈) ahead of me when she crossed the finish line. “Maybe I should ___7___,” I thought as I moved on. ___8___, I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran ___9___ and decided not to ___10___ in track next year. It wouldn’t be worth it, ___11___ my foot did heal.‎ ‎ When I finished, I heard a cheer— ___12___ than the one I’d heard earlier. I turned around and ___13___, the boys were preparing for their race. “They must be cheering for the boys.” I was leaving ___14___ several girls came up to me. “Wow, you’ve got courage!” one of them told me.‎ ‎“Courage? I just ___15___ a race!” I thought. “I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”‎ Suddenly I regained ___16___. I decided to ___17___ track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always ___18___ in medals and victories, but in the ___19___ we overcome(战胜). The strongest people are not always the people who win, ___20___ the people who don’t give up when they lose.‎ ‎1. A. slighter  B. worse     C. earlier    D. heavier ‎2. A. expected      B. supposed    C. imagined   D. doubted ‎3. A. late    B. eager   C. ready     D. thirsty ‎4. A. from behind   B. ahead of  C. next to   D. close to ‎5. A. ashamed B. astonished  C. excited D. frightened ‎6. A. cheer     B. shout  C. cry    D. noise ‎7. A. slow down     B. drop out    C. go on  D. speed up ‎8. A. Therefore   B. Otherwise   C. Besides   D. However ‎9. A. with delight    B. with fear  C. in pain    D. in advance ‎10. A. play     B. arrive   C. race  D. attend ‎11. A. even if   B. only if  C. unless   D. until ‎12. A. weaker     B. longer      C. lower  D. louder ‎13. A. well enough     B. sure enough   ‎ ‎   C. surprisingly enough   D. strangely enough ‎14. A. while       B. when    C. as     D. since ‎15. A. finished   B. won    C. passed      D. lost ‎16. A. cheer   B. hope   C. interest   D. experience ‎17. A. hold on   B. turn to   C. begin with    D. stick with ‎18. A. measured   B. praised   C. tested  D. increased ‎19. A. sadness     B. struggles    C. diseases   D. tiredness ‎20. A. or     B. nor    C. and     D. but ‎ ‎ ‎1-5CDCBA  6-10ABDCC  11-15ADBBD  16-20BDABD  ‎ ‎ ‎ 带着受伤的脚参加‎3000米跑步比赛,这注定没法取胜。可是只要你勇于参赛,坚持到底,你也会有所收获。‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎1‎ C 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 又是地区运动会了,可作者的脚由于上一次的(earlier)受伤仍然还没有痊愈。注意本句中的过去完成时态及其still的意义有着明显的提示意义。slighter更轻微的;worse更遭的;earlier早的,上一次的;heavier更沉重的,巨大的。‎ ‎2‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 所以,作者不是认为(supposed),设想(imagined),希望(expected)参加运动会,而是怀疑(doubted)自己是否应该参加运动会。‎ ‎3‎ C 逻辑推理词义比较 但是,我到了比赛场地,没有迟到(late),但并非热切(eager),渴望(thirsty)地准备(ready)参加‎3000米跑步。‎ ‎4‎ B 前后照应词义比较 其他的女孩子不是落到了后面(from behind),靠近(close to,next to)作者,而是冲到了作者的前面(ahead of)。后文as I fell farther and farther behind有所暗示。‎ ‎5‎ A 逻辑推理词义比较 作者越来越落后,作者不会感到惊讶(astonished),也激动(excited)不起来,而是感到惭愧(ashamed),当然不至于害怕(frightened)。‎ ‎6‎ A 词义辨析逻辑推理前后照应 这是作者在运动会上听到的最大声的欢呼声(cheer)。前面“Hooray!” 指欢呼的叫声也有所暗示,后文I heard a cheer—louder than the one I’d heard earlier和They must be cheering for the boys也都有明显提示。cheer愉快, 欢呼(之声);shout一般指由于情绪过度而发出的大声的呼喊、高叫;cry一般指由于情绪激动而发出的哭泣声;noise通常指超过一般承受力的喧闹声、噪声。‎ ‎7‎ B 逻辑推理词义比较 第一名已经先我两圈到达了终点。作者心想可能自己不该参加比赛,应该放弃(drop out)才对。slow down (使)慢下来,‎ ‎ (使)减速;drop out不参与, 离去, 放弃;go on 继续下去;speed up加速。‎ ‎8‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理语句连贯 然而我还是决定坚持跑下去。注意前后句子之间的转折意义。therefore因此, 所以,表示因果关系;otherwise另外, 否则,表示其它情况的出现;besides此外,还,表示附加意义;however然而,可是,表示转折关系。‎ ‎9‎ C 前后照应逻辑推理 跑最后两个圈时,作者无法轻松(with delight)起来,也没有害怕恐惧(with fear),当然也无法叫其他人提前(in advance)到达,而是在脚疼(in pain)的状态中跑着步。前文My foot still hadn’t healed from an earlier injury.已经有所提示。‎ ‎10‎ C 逻辑推理词义比较 作者在想这一次已经没有办法了,明年就不参加径赛跑步了。arrive到达, 抵达;play玩,进行比赛;attend出席, 参加;race赛跑,疾走。race相当于短文中多次出现的run,再考虑到空后的具体意义的in track,故选择具体意义的race,而不选择笼统意义的play和attend。‎ ‎11‎ A 语句连贯词义比较 作者想,即便是脚好了,这样跑也不值得。even if即便,即使,表示让步关系;only if只要,只有,表示条件关系;unless如果不, 除非,表示假使条件关系;until到……为止,直到……才,表示时间关系。‎ ‎12‎ D 词义比较前后照应 欢呼声不是更弱(weaker),更低(lower),而是更大(louder)。longer缺少比较的对象或前提。‎ ‎13‎ B 词义比较逻辑推理 作者转身看到男孩子正准备开始比赛,她毫不吃惊(surprisingly)地,毫不奇怪(strangely)地,充分地(well)确信(sure)大家是为男孩子欢呼。‎ ‎14‎ B 词汇用法句法结构 作者正准备离开,这时几个女孩子走上前来。when 在此句中作并列连词,意思是“正在这时,就在那个时候,突然”。while作从属连词,表示“当……时候”,通常强调两个动作或情况的同时发生;as作从属连词,表示“当……时候”,通常强调一个动作或情况伴随另一动作或情况;since作从属连词,表示“自……以后, 自……以来”。‎ ‎15‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 作者对女孩的赞扬不解,因为她刚刚跑过(pass)了终点,结束(finish)了比赛,但跑在最后没有获胜(win),而是输(lose)了比赛。‎ ‎16‎ B 逻辑推理词义比较 女孩子们的鼓励使作者又找回了失去的信心(hope),而不是欢乐(cheer),兴趣(interest),经验(experience)。‎ ‎17‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 作者决定明年还要 (stick with)参加径赛比赛。hold on把持住,继续, 不挂断, 停止;turn to转向,求助于, 致力于, 开始行动;begin with首先,用……开头;stick with与……固定在一起,坚持做(某事)。‎ ‎18‎ A 逻辑推理词义比较 作者意识到在奖牌和胜利中,力量和勇气并非总是可以估量(measure)的。measure估量,斟酌, 权衡;praise赞扬,称赞;test测试,检验;increase增加,增大。‎ ‎19‎ B 逻辑推理词义比较 但是在我们战胜了的竞争中,力量和勇气就却总是可以估量出来。sadness悲哀, 悲伤;struggles挣扎, 努力, 奋斗;diseases疾病, 弊病;tiredness疲劳, 疲倦。‎ ‎20‎ D 语句连贯词义比较 最坚强的人并非总是赢得胜利的人,而是(but)那些遇到失败挫折时决不放弃的人。or或者, 还是,表示或然关系;nor也不,表示否定关系;and表示并列关系;but表示转折关系。‎ ‎2004年全国普通高等学校统一招生考试 (重庆卷)‎ 完形填空题·完全解析 A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boy’s __1__, she said she would go. This __2__ be the first time that his classmates and teacher __3__ his mother and he felt __4__ of her appearance. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar (疤痕) that __5__ nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy never wanted to __6__ why or how she got the scar.‎ At the meeting, the people were __7__ by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother __ 8__ the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed (尴尬) and __9 __ himself from everyone. He did, however, get within __10__of a conversation between his mother and his teacher.‎ The teacher asked __11__, “How did you get the scar on your face?”‎ The mother replied, “__12__ my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught fire. Everyone was __13__ afraid to go in because the fire was __14__,so I went in. As I was running toward his bed, I saw a long piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked __15__ but fortunately, a fireman came in and saved both of us.” She __16__ the burned side of her face. “This scar will be __17__, but to this day, I have never __18__ what I did.”‎ At this point, the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes. He held her in his arms and felt a great __19__ of the sacrifice (牺牲) that his mother had made for him. He held her hand __20__ for the rest of the day.‎ ‎1. A. enjoyment   B. disappointment  C. surprise    D. excitement ‎2. A. would     B. could             C. should      D. must ‎3. A. noticed   B. greeted            C. accepted  D. met ‎4. A. sick      B. ashamed           C. afraid    D. tired ‎5. A. included    B. passed          C. covered       D. shaded ‎6. A. talk about   B. think about C. care about    D. hear about ‎7. A. impressed  B. surprised    C. excited    D. comforted ‎8. A. in sight of   B. by means of    C. by way of D. in spite of ‎9. A. hid   B. protected  C. separated   D. escaped ‎10. A. understanding    B. reminding   C. hearing   D. learning ‎11. A. carefully  B. seriously    C. nervously   D. anxiously ‎12. A. As    B. When     C. Since     D. While ‎13. A. so     B. much C. quite   D. too ‎14. A. out of control B. under control C. in control  D. over control ‎15. A. helpless   B. hopeless    C. senseless  D. useless ‎16. A. pointed    B. showed    C. wiped   D. touched ‎17. A. ugly       B. lasting     C. serious     D. frightening ‎18. A. forgot  B. recognized  C. considered    D. regretted ‎19. A. honor    B. sense     C. happiness   D. pride ‎20. A. quietly   B. slightly     C. tightly    D. suddenly ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1-5BADBC  6-10AADAC  11-15ABDAC  16-20DBDBC ‎ ‎ 母爱是伟大的。它深藏在母亲的内心——不会轻易表露出来——和表现在母亲为孩子所作出的牺牲中——它给母亲自己却带来了疤痕。文章中的这个小男孩后来认识到了这一点。‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎1‎ B 前后照应逻辑推理词义比较 小男孩邀请妈妈去参加学校的第一次家长会。从后文不难看出,小男孩不想要他妈妈去,因为他妈妈脸上有疤痕,可他妈妈却愿意去,这事使得小男孩不快乐(enjoyment),不激动(excitement),不吃惊(surprise),而是很失望(disappointment),因为这样会让他尴尬,让他蒙羞。‎ ‎2‎ A 语法规则 此句考查过去将来时态(would)。‎ ‎3‎ D 前后照应词义比较 这将是第一次他妈妈与老师和同学会面(meet)。notice(注意到),greet(问候,打招呼),accept(认可,接受)都应该发生在meet动作之后,meet是先决起始动作。前文的his school’s first teacher-parent meeting已有所暗示。‎ ‎4‎ B 常识运用前后照应词义比较 小男孩因为他妈妈的外表——脸上有块疤痕——而感到羞愧(ashamed),而不是恶心(sick),害怕(afraid),疲惫(tired)。后文的the little boy was still embarrassed (尴尬) and hid himself from everyone有所暗示。‎ ‎5‎ C 词义辨析常识运用逻辑推理 妈妈的整个右脸上是一块明显的疤痕。疤痕在脸上不是包住(include)脸面,不是通过(pass)脸面,也不是遮蔽(shade)脸面,而是直接覆盖/铺在脸面上。include包住, 关住,包含, 包括;pass经过,通过;cover覆盖,铺,往往是物体与物体之间直接接触;shade遮蔽,使变暗,往往强调与物体之间有一定的空隙,使光变暗而形成遮蔽。‎ ‎6‎ A 前后照应逻辑推理常识运用 小男孩很在乎(care about),也想过(think about),但没有听人说过(hear about),从来就不愿谈论(talk about)妈妈为什么又怎么得上的疤痕。‎ ‎7‎ A 词义比较逻辑推理 家长会上,妈妈的自然的美貌和亲切的举动给到会的人留下了深刻的印象(impress)。impress使得深刻印象,打动;surprise使惊奇/惊讶;excite使兴奋, 使激动;comfort安慰, 使舒适。‎ ‎8‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理 虽然(in spite of)妈妈脸上有疤痕,但这疤痕却掩饰不住妈妈的美丽和亲切。in sight of临近, 可被...望见;by means of通过,用,借助于;by way of 经由, 作为, 为了;in spite of虽然,尽管…仍,相当于though she had the scar on her face。‎ ‎9‎ A 逻辑推理词义比较 但小男孩仍然感到尴尬难堪,而把自己藏(hide)起来,以免被大家看见。hide隐藏,掩饰,强调不被他人看见、发现;protect保护,强调不被他人伤害;separate分开, 隔离,使之不聚在一起;escape逃避, 避免,强调不被他人逮住而免去责任。‎ ‎10‎ C 词义比较逻辑推理常识运用 他真的躲避了起来,却听到(hear)了妈妈和老师之间的一段对话。注意within(在……的范围内, 不超出……的范围)的意义。hear是先决起始动作,先有了hear,而后才会有understand(明白,了解)、learn(获悉)和remind(提醒,使想起)。‎ ‎11‎ A 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较 老师询问的是妈妈脸上的疤痕,就肯定是小心谨慎地(carefully),而决不是、也用不着严肃认真地(seriously),紧张不安(nervously),忧虑不安地(anxiously)。‎ ‎12‎ B 语句连贯词义比较 事情发生在小男孩还是婴儿的时候(when)。as当……时,通常指伴随着另一情况而发生;when当…的时候,指某一行为或情况发生之时,另一行为或情况也发生,通常是短暂行为;since自……以来,通常与现在完成时态连用;while当……的时候,通常指与另一情况的同时发生,表示持续行为。‎ ‎13‎ D 句法结构 此题考查too…to do sth.的结构。‎ ‎14‎ A 逻辑推理固定搭配 因为火控制不住(out of control),所以大家就都不敢闯进去救人。out of control不受控制,失去了控制;under control被控制住;in control在控制之下;over不与control搭配。‎ ‎15‎ C 词义比较逻辑推理 妈妈被坠落的木头撞得失去了知觉(senseless)。helpless无助的, 无能的, 没用的;hopeless没有希望的, 绝望的, 不可救药;senseless不省人事的, 无感觉的;useless无用的, 无效的, 无益的。‎ ‎16‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理前后照应 妈妈她用不着指着(point),擦揩(wipe)脸面,老师能够看得到,它也用不着展示(show),而是摸了摸(touch)她烧坏的右脸,有所感触。注意与后句的联系。‎ ‎17‎ B 词义比较逻辑推理 这个疤痕很丑(ugly),很严重(serious),很恐怖(frightening),这都没有关系,问题是它会持久(lasting)而再也抹不去。 ‎ ‎18‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理常识运用 可即便是这样,且直到今天,我忘不了(forget),我也考虑(consider)了,我也认可(recognize)了,但我从来没有后悔(regret)过我所做的一切。‎ ‎19‎ B 词义辨析逻辑推理 小男孩把妈妈楼在怀里,他感到了妈妈为他作出的牺牲的重大意义(sense)。honor尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣;sense意义,意味,意思;happiness幸福,快乐;pride自豪,骄傲。‎ ‎20‎ C 词义比较逻辑推理 在这天余下的时间里,他不是突然地(suddenly),静静地(quietly),轻微地(slightly),而是紧紧地(tightly)握着妈妈的手。‎ ‎2004年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(II)‎ 完形填空题·完全解析 Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing __1__ was something she picked up by herself. After her first__2__, teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM. __3__, writing stories was simply a __4__ interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher (出版商). __5__, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long __6__ and paid Tracy a $ 15,000 advance. “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “for __7__ writer.”‎ ‎__8__ Tracy’s characters (人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes __9__ readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could __10__ the afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”‎ ‎“Can I? I don’t think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have __11__ when things come to me __12__. “Once, she was wondering how to complete a __13__ set in ancient (古代的)‎ ‎ China. __14__ the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese __15__. It came without her having __16__ it.‎ Though she has published 45 books, Tracy has remained __17__ by her fame. She lives in the same __18__ she lived 27 years ago -- although in a more comfortable home. There’s more room for __19__ in her life -- and it wasn’t just __ 20__.‎ ‎1. A. skill   B. experience     C. practice D. method ‎2. A. duty     B. effort    C. job      D. task ‎3. A. Instead   B. Normally  C. Certainly     D. Then ‎4. A. general    B. deep      C. personal    D. lively ‎5. A. Interested   B. Anxiously   C. Seriously  D. Encouraged ‎6. A. film       B. story  C. program   D. article ‎7. A. a foreign   B. a popular   C. an unusual   D. an unknown ‎8. A. Now that    B. Even though  C. Just because  D. Except that ‎9. A. find   B. turn      C. leave    D. hold ‎10. A. make up    B. connect with    C. control    D. explain ‎11. A. events     B. chances    C. feelings    D. moments ‎12. A. for no reason  B. from a distance ‎ ‎    C. by accident D. as gifts ‎13. A. description   B. pointing     C. scene   D. talk ‎14. A. Surprisingly   B. Suddenly ‎   C. Expectedly     D. Fortunately ‎15. A. cooking    B. history   C. play    D. medicine ‎16. A. known     B. sent     C. realized   D. ordered       ‎ ‎17. A. unchanged  B. excited   C. determined  D. unmoved     ‎ ‎18. A. life   B. city       C. house     D. way ‎19. A. success    B. work      C. joy  D. variety ‎20. A. writing  B. reporting    C. luck   D. fun ‎ ‎ ‎1-5ACDCA  6-10BDBCB  11-15 DACBB  16-20DADCA ‎ ‎ Tracy Wong是一位著名的美籍华人作家。他的写作技巧怎样,他的作品有什么特点,他为什么会这样?文章会告诉你。‎ ‎ ‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎1‎ A 词义比较前后照应 Tracy Wong是一位著名的美籍华人作家。其写作技能(skill)是自学的。后文大部分谈到了她的技能与技巧。skill技能,技巧;experience经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历;practice实践,实习;method方法。‎ ‎2‎ C 前后照应词义比较 从后文作同位语的teaching disabled children和对立项a part-time writer for IBM,这里指的不是义务(duty),努力(effort),任务(task),而是工作、职业(job)。‎ ‎3‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理 指Tracy Wong所处的时期(then)。instead代替,表示对立意义;normally正常地, 通常地;certainly的确,表示对情况或事情的肯定。‎ ‎4‎ C 前后照应词义比较 当时,写作是个人的兴趣爱好。后句sent three of her stories to a publisher 有所暗示。A. general普通的,一般的;deep深奥的, 难懂的;personal私人的, 个人的;lively活泼的, 活跃的。‎ ‎5‎ A 词义比较句法功能词汇用法 出版商对她的作品感兴趣(interested),随即向她提出建议。Interested=As they were interested;Encouraged的逻辑主语应是Tracy,而不是出版商;anxiously(忧虑地, 不安地)和seriously(认真地, 真诚地)通常不作句子性副词用,故不能出现在这个位置上。‎ ‎6‎ B 前后照应词义比较 出版商加以她把三个故事合起来成为一篇长故事(story)。film,program和article没有存在的前提。‎ ‎7‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 对于Tracy这样一个尚不受大众欢迎的(popular),普通的(unusual),外国的(foreign),没有名气的(unknown)小作家,这是不小的一笔钱。‎ ‎8‎ B 语句连贯前后照应 虽然她的故事人物令人感兴趣,但……。注意前后句之间的转折关系。now that既然,表示原因关系;;even though即使,即便,表示转折关系;just because就是因为,表示因果关系;except that 除了……之外, 只可惜,表示排除意义。‎ ‎9‎ C 词义辨析 她的那些关于超自然故事有时让/使(leave)读者感到不自在,心神不安。find发现,找到;turn转动,变成;leave使某人处于某种状态,置某人于某种状态;hold把握,保持。‎ ‎10‎ B 前后照应逻辑推理 作者的母亲认为作者能够沟通来世阴间。后句“She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”有所暗示。make up弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理;connect with连接, 联络;control控制;explain 解释, 说明。‎ ‎11‎ D 逻辑推理语法规则 但是作者也确实有这样的感觉(feelings),机会(chances),事件(events),或时刻(moments)。因为紧接在后面的when引导的表示时间的定语从句,修饰前面的moments,故选D。‎ ‎12‎ A 词义比较前后照应 有时某些事情无缘无故(for no reason)地,而非碰巧(by accident),从远处(from a distance),作为礼物式(as gifts)地发生在作者身上。由后文中的Once, she was wondering how to…有所暗示。‎ ‎13‎ C 逻辑推理,前后照应,词义比较 作者一直在纳闷如何完成一个以古代中国为背景的布景场景(scene)的故事,而非描写(description),指示(pointing)或谈话(talk)。‎ ‎14‎ B 词义比较逻辑推理 突然(suddenly),门铃响了。surprisingly令人惊讶地;suddenly突然地,表示突发性行为;expectedly不出预料地;fortunately 幸运地。‎ ‎15‎ B 逻辑推理气候照应 邮递员手里拿着有关中国历史(history),而非烹调(cooking),医学(medicine),戏剧(play)方面的书。前面ancient China有所提示。‎ ‎16‎ D 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 书来得很是蹊跷,作者先前知道(know)、意识到会(realize)有这样的书,但没有送(send)出去过,更没有预定过(order)。按常识道理,没有预定,邮递员不会送东西到家来,更何况是自己想弄的东西。‎ ‎17‎ A 逻辑推理,词义比较,前后照应 虽然作者已经出版了45本书,可仍然没有由于名誉而有丝毫改变(unchanged)。由后文although in a more comfortable home 说明unmoved不妥。Excited和determined与文意不符。     ‎ ‎18‎ D 逻辑推理常识运用 作者也许在原先的城市(city),原先的房子(house)居住,但不能是原先的生活(life),而是以与27年前同样的生活方式(way)生活着。‎ ‎19‎ D 前后照应逻辑推理 注意与后句的比较。作者不仅仅只是单一的写作了,作者的生活中有了更多的机会或空间来享受生活的多样化(variety)。网上下载,此题原答案为C(joy欢乐),笔者认为有所不妥,joy缺少比较前提,前文并没有作任何铺垫。joy与success和work一样与后句的it wasn’t just writing不形成对立关系。‎ ‎20‎ A 前后照应 不仅仅只是写作(writing)。注意与文章前面her writing skill,a part-time writer for IBM,writing stories was simply a personal interest的相一致。reporting,luck和fun与文意不符。‎ ‎2004年上海英语试卷 完形填空题·完全解析 ‎(A)‎ Adults are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practised in the meantime. A man who has not had an opportunity to go swimming for years can ___1___ swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after ‎ several decades and still    2    away. A mother who has not    3   the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” or recite the story of Cinderella or Snow White.‎ One explanation is the law of over learning, which can be stated as following:    4    we have learned something, additional learning increases the    5    of time we will remember it.‎ In childhood, we usually continue to practise such skills as swimming, bicycle riding long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and    6    ourselves of poems such as “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” and childhood tales such as Cinderella or Snow White. We no only learn but  __7   .‎ The law of over learning explains why cramming (突击学习) for an examination,    8    it may result in a passing grade, is not a    9    way to learn a school course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned. A little over learning,    10   , is usually a good investment toward the future.‎ ‎1. A. only      B. hardly         C. still      D. even ‎2. A. move     B. drive     C. travel     D. ride ‎3. A. thought about   B. cared for ‎ C. showed up     D. brought up ‎4. A. Before  B. Once    C. Until    D. Unless ‎5. A. accuracy   B. unit    C. limit    D. length ‎6. A. remind    B. inform     C. warm      D. recall ‎7. A. recite    B. overlearn   C. research   D. improve ‎8. A. though      B. so     C. if      D. after ‎9. A. convenient  B. demanding     C. satisfactory    D. swift ‎10. A. at most     B. by the way  ‎ C. on the other hand   D. in the end ‎ ‎ ‎1-5 CDABD    6-10 ABACC ‎ ‎ 为什么你小时候学的儿歌、童谣到你长大了还不会忘记?那是因为overlearn的缘故。他有什么好处?突击学习法有什么不好?看完这篇文章,你就知道了。‎ ‎ ‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎1‎ C 词义比较常识运用前后照应 大人们都经常感到吃惊,小时候他们所学的东西,虽然其间从来没有操练过,也能够完好地记住。一个好些年里没有机会去游泳的人当他有回到水里的时候,他会仍然(still)象往常一样地游泳。only仅仅, 只不过;hardly几乎不;still依然,仍然,还,表示原有状态的持续;even甚至,表示过分程度。注意后句中的still,此句与后句结构相仿。‎ ‎2‎ D 词义比较词汇用法常识运用 几十年后他仍然可以蹬上自行车把车子骑(ride)走。drive开车,驾驶,通常指驾驶马车、和机动车辆(如汽车等);travel旅行,游历,移动;ride骑(自行车),乘坐(汽车、公共汽车,马背等);move动, 移动,‎ 意义太笼统,不具体。‎ ‎3‎ A 词义比较逻辑推理 当母亲的好些年里没有回想(think about)那些词语了,能够教女儿“Twinkle, twinkle, little star”开头的小诗,也能够背诵灰姑娘或白雪公主的故事。think about    考虑, 回想;care for关怀, 照顾;show up揭露, 露出, 露面;bring up教育, 培养。‎ ‎4‎ B 语句连贯词义比较 before在...之前,表示时间关系;once一旦,如果……就,表示条件关系;until到...为止,直到...才,表示时间关系;unless如果不, 除非,表示条件关系。‎ ‎5‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理常识运用 一旦我们学习了某样东西,额外的、附加的学习就会提高我们记忆它的时间长度(length)。常识告诉我们,时间久了,记忆会变得模糊,其精确性(accuracy)无法保证。length长度,时间的长短;accuracy精确性, 正确度;unit个体,单位;limit 界限, 限度。‎ ‎6‎ A 词义辨析 小时候,我们只是不停地听,不停地去想起并记住(remind)那些小诗和孩提的童谣。remind使人想起,使人记起,提醒,使某人不忘记;inform通知,‎ ‎ 告知;warn警告,通知;recall回忆, 回想。‎ ‎7‎ C 前后照应词义比较 我们不仅仅在学习,而且同时也在附加学习(overlearn)着。通过前面的分析,这里点题。recite(背诵)也是一种学习,它包括在learn之中。research研究, 调查)和improve(改善, 改进)文意不符。‎ ‎8‎ A 逻辑推理语句连贯 虽然(though)突击学习可能使你通过考试。though(虽然,即使)表示让步关系;so因而,所以,表示因果关系;if如果,表示条件关系;after在……之后,表示时间关系。‎ ‎9‎ C 逻辑推理词义比较 附加学习的规律告诉我们,突击学习是学习学校课程中便利的(convenient),有时也需要的(demanding),且快速的(swift)的方法,但他不是令人满意的(satisfactory)方法。‎ ‎10‎ C 逻辑推理语句连贯 突击学习可以让学生学得好以便能够通过考试,但学生很可能不久就会忘得一干二净。而(on the other hand)附加学习则是对未来的良好的投资。at most至多,顶多;by the way在途中, 顺便;on the other hand另一方面,表示对立关系。in the end最终,终于。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (B)‎ The birthrate in Europe has been in a steady decrease since the 1960s. European countries, realizing crisis is at hand, are providing great encouragement for parents to create more babies in the 21st century.‎ Affairs Ministry concluded last year that,    11    cash encouragement, some women just don’t want to be    12    holding the baby. “What we know is that it’s good for the    13___ if men and women share the burden of having children,” says Soren Kindlund, family policy adviser at the Swedish ministry.    14    Swedish parents can take their paid leave as they wish, men use a mere 12% of it; 60% of fathers do not take even a(n)    15 _   day off work.‎ Experts fear that the tendency for women to use most of the parental leave could make employers    16    to give young women the permanent jobs they need to qualify for paid maternity leave (产假). In January, Sweden decided to allow new fathers two months’ paid leave, with a warming: use it or    17    it.‎ Kindlund admits that men are under   18    to stay at work, even though parental pay comes out of the public purse. “It’s not popular among bosses and perhaps with other men in the ‎ workplace,” he says. “But it’s good for the father and for the child if they can    19    a relationship.”‎ In Norway, a(n)   20    policy has worked wonders. 70% of dads in Norway now take parental leave, and the birthrate of 1.85 children per woman is one of the highest in Europe.‎ ‎11. A. is spite of   B. at the cost of ‎ ‎ C. in addition to         D. due to ‎12. A. sent    B. left      C. caught    D. seen ‎13. A. birthrate   B. income      C. health    D. spirit ‎14. A. Just as   B. Only if     C. Even though      D. Now that ‎15. A. one   B. mere     C. only   D. single ‎16. A. willing   B. reluctant    C. likely   D. unable ‎17. A. reserve     B. misuse     C. ignore    D. lose ‎18. A. discussion  B. attack     C. control     D. pressure ‎19. A. make out    B. add up    C. build up     D. set aside ‎20. A. impersonal   B. similar     C. severe     D. global ‎ ‎ ‎11-15 ABACD    16-20 BDDCB ‎ ‎ 欧洲国家的人口出生率呈不断的下降趋势,这是为什么?国家采取了不少的对策,可仍然见效甚微,又为什么?这篇文章会告诉你。‎ ‎ ‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎11‎ A 语句连贯词义比较 欧洲国家意识到其人口出生率呈不断的下降趋势后,现在正鼓励父母亲多生子女。可是,不管(in spite of)政府部门用提供现金鼓励,还是怎样,……。in spite of不顾, 不管;at the cost of以……为代价;in addition to 除...之外;due to由于, 应归于。‎ ‎12‎ B 词义辨析句法结构 一些妇女就是不想被丈夫留(leave)在家里带孩子,而他们却不在家里。这四个词均可用于动词+宾语(人)+宾语补语(现在分词)的结构,send sb. doing sth.通常强调使/驱使/迫使/打发某人做某事;leave sb. doing sth. 表示使/让/撇下某人做某事,并含有“不再理会”的意义;catch sb. doing sth.突然抓住某人正在做某事;see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。 ‎ ‎13‎ A 逻辑推理前后照应词义比较 如果男人和女人都分担其养孩子的重载,这对于家庭收入(income),健康(health)和精神(spirit)未必会有好处,但明显对提高出生率(birthrate)有利。‎ ‎14‎ C 语句连贯词义比较 即便是瑞典的父母亲可以随意地带工资休假,但也只有12%的男人只有做。just as就象……一样;only if只有,只要,表示条件关系;even though即便,纵使,表示让步关系;now that既然,表示因果关系。‎ ‎15‎ D 逻辑推理词义辨析 ‎60%的做父亲的人就连一(single)天的工作也不想耽误。one通常不直接用在a之后,除非其前有形容词;mere仅仅的, 只不过的,纯粹的;only唯一的,单独的,其前通常不用不定冠词,而用定冠词;single唯一的,单一的,其前可用不定冠词或定冠词。‎ ‎16‎ B 词义比较逻辑推理 专家担心,由于是妇女使用大部分的双亲假期,这样老板就不会愿意(reluctant)给年轻的妇女提供永久性的工作,因为她们得带着工资休产假。willing乐意的, 自愿的;reluctant不愿意的, 勉强的;likely很可能的, 合适的, unable不能的,不会的。‎ ‎17‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理 并警告说:不享受假期就失去(lose)假期。reserve保存, 保留;misuse误用, 错用, 滥用;ignore不理睬, 忽视;lose丧失,失去。‎ ‎18‎ D 固定搭配词义比较逻辑推理 即便是家庭的费用出自双方公共的钱包,男人仍然承受着保留工作的压力(pressure)。under discussion在讨论中;under attack遭到进攻或批评;under control被控制住;under pressure承受压力。‎ ‎19‎ C 固定搭配词义比较逻辑推理 但是如果男人和女人能够建立起(build up)一种联系的话,这对父亲一方和孩子都是有利的。make out书写,进展, 说明, 设法应付,了解;add up合计;build up树立, 增进;set aside留出,取消。‎ ‎20‎ B 前后照应词义比较 在挪威,而不是在全球(global),一种牵涉到男女双方的(impersonal),也许并非严厉的(severe)的,与瑞典做法类似的(similar)提高出生率的政策却已经产生了成效。impersonal非个人的;similar相似的, 类似的;severe严厉的, 严格的;global全球的, 全世界的。‎ ‎2004年上海市普通高等学校春季招生试题 完形填空题·完全解析 ‎(A)‎ People wear hats for three main reasons: protection, communication, and decoration.‎ Protection. People first began to wear hats to ___1___ themselves from the climate. In hot, sunny climates, wide-edged hats provide ___2___ from the sun. In cold climates, people often wear wool hats. In some regions, people wear a variety of protective hats, ___3___ the season. They may wear a wool hat in winter, a rain hat in spring or fall, and a wide-edged hat in summer. Hats also provide protection in certain ___4___. Construction workers, football players, military personnel, and people in many other fields wear metal or plastic helmets(头盔)for protection from ___5___.‎ Communication. Hats can communicate various things about the people who wear them. The hats of coal miners, cowboys and firemen indicate the wearer's ___6___. Students may wear a mortarboard (学位帽) to show they are graduating from high school or college.‎ Decoration. Most people wear a hat that they believe makes them look attractive, ___7___ the hat's main purpose may be protection or communication. Many protective hats are attractive and stylish. Even the caps of police officers and military personnel are designed to ___8___ the wearer's appearance. Certain decorative hats are worn as a (n) ___9___. In Scotland, for example, people wear a cap called a tam-o'-shanter that is part of their national costume (服装). Many people change their style of hat from time to time because they feel more ___10___ when keeping up with the latest fashion.‎ ‎1. A. defend     B. protect    C. prevent   D. hide ‎2. A. shade    B. shadow      C. security    D. cover ‎3. A. resulting from  B. basing upon  ‎ C. relating to  D. depending on ‎4. A. seasons      B. climates     C. activities    D. communities ‎5. A. injury     B. destruction   C. harm   D. pollution ‎6. A. experience     B. occupation  C. personality  D. education ‎7. A. as   B. unless   C. though  D. because ‎8. A. change    B. increase   C. display   D. improve ‎9. A. tradition  B. label    C. honour     D. fashion ‎10. A. sociable    B. informal    C. attractive    D. noble ‎ ‎ ‎1—6 BADCAB    7—10CDAC               ‎ ‎ ‎ 人们为什么要带帽子?文章告诉你三大原因——保护,交流和装饰。‎ 题号 答案 考查内容 解题依据 解题分析 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ B ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 逻辑推理前后照应词义比较 人们戴帽有保护、交流和装饰三个原因。开始时,人们戴帽是为了保护自己免遭季节气候的伤害。与前面的Protection(其名词形式)一致,与后文的protective一致,且后文竟出现了also provide protection。对后几句给予总结。defend防护, 辩护, 防卫;protect保护; 保卫;“保护……以免遭受危险或伤害等”;prevent 防止, 预防; 指“采取预先行动或用障碍物使不发生或停止”;hide 隐藏, 掩藏, 隐瞒, 掩饰。‎ ‎2‎ ‎ ‎ 词义辨析逻辑推理 夏日,宽沿的帽子遮挡炎热的太阳光,提供荫凉。shade荫处,阴暗(部分); 阴凉的地方;shadow阴影, 影子, 隐蔽处, 阴暗;security平安; 安全;cover掩饰, 保护, 掩护。‎ ‎3‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 在有些地区,人们视季节的不同而戴各式各样的起保护性作用的帽子,如冬季戴羊绒帽,春秋两季戴雨帽,夏季戴宽沿帽。resulting from由……产生,原因是……;basing upon以……为根据; relating to与……有关/联系;depending on依赖于……,视……而定。‎ ‎4‎ C 逻辑推理 前后照应 人们在一些特定活动中也戴帽子以得到保护。后文列举了这样的一些活动内容。seasons 季节;climates气候;activities活动,行为;communities团体,社会。‎ ‎5‎ A 词义辨析 injury 伤害,侮辱,一般指对人所造成的身心方面的伤害;destruction 破坏,毁灭,一般指对物件或设施所带来的无法挽救的毁灭性的损失。harm 伤害,损害,通常有于抽象的表达方式中。pollution 污染,玷污。‎ ‎6‎ B 词义比较常识运用 矿工、牛仔、救护队员的帽子显示出他们各自的工作,职责(occupation),而非其经验(experience)、个性(personality)或是所受的教育(education)。‎ ‎7‎ C 语句连贯 虽然帽子的重要用途是保护和交流作用,但许多人戴帽子是为了好看。表示让步关系,用though。‎ ‎8‎ D 逻辑推理常识运用词义辨析 即便是警官和军人的帽子也是特别设计出来以达到改进增强穿戴者的外观。change 改变,变化,可能向好的方向,也可能向坏的方向变化;increase 增加, 增大,通常指在数量、体积程度上的提高;display 陈列,展览,显示;improve 改善,改进,通常指朝好的有益的方向发展。‎ ‎9‎ B 常识运用词义比较 人们戴某些装饰性的帽子是作为某一标志。如苏格兰人的一种特别的帽子是其民族服饰的组成部分A. tradition 传统,惯例;label 标签,标志;honour 尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉;D. fashion流行, 风尚。‎ ‎10‎ C 前后照应逻辑推理 许多人不时地变换帽子的款式以跟上最新的时尚,使他们感觉更为迷人漂亮(attractive)。与前文的Decoration 一致。A. sociable 好交际的,友善的;informal不正式的,不拘礼节的;吸引人的,有魅力的,noble高尚的,高贵的。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(B)‎ In Renee Smith's classroom, attendance is up, trips to the headmaster's office are down and students are handing in assignments on time. The Springfield High School teacher says she has seen great ___11___ since adding a few new students to her class – five Labrador puppies and their father.‎ The seven ___12___ students in Smith's class have a history of discipline ___13___. But since they've started teaching the dogs obedience (顺从), their own ___14___ has improved. A dog trainer Chuck Reynolds ___15___ the students a new trick each week that they then work on with the puppies. At night, the dogs go home with the staff members who have raised them. They get dropped off in the morning, ___16___ a parent would take a child to day care.‎ Smith said she came up with the idea when her dog had puppies and she saw how ___17___ her own children responded to them. She consulted with school psychologist Kristin Edinger, ___18___ they took the idea-- along with letters from students ___19___the programme -- to the school board. A pet therapist said, "What you are trying to teach is ___20___ and that there are consequences for the decisions you make."‎ ‎11. A. promotion   B. progress  C. disturbance  D. disappointment ‎12. A. human   B. dog      C. new       D. Labrador ‎13. A. problems    B. questions    C. issues    D. troubles ‎14. A. habit     B. attitude   C. action   D. behaviour ‎15. A. guides      B. teaches      C. permits     D. aids ‎16. A. such as       B. much as    C. so that    D. even if ‎17. A. well     B. quickly    C. poorly     D. carelessly ‎18. A. but   B. so     C. and     D. because ‎19. A. revising    B. describing     C. opposing  D. supporting ‎20. A. self-criticism   B. self-respect  ‎ C. self-control        D. self-importance ‎ ‎ ‎11—16 B AADBB    17—20 ACDC 让小孩子饲养小狗有好处,这有什么稀奇的呢?稀奇的是学校这样做!‎ ‎ ‎ 题号 答案 考查内容 解题依据 解题分析 ‎11‎ B 词义比较前后照应 有老师说自从Smith班上增添了几个新的学生——拉布拉多猎狗和它们的父亲后,她就看到班上有了很大的起色。 promotion促进,提升;progress进步, 发展;disturbance骚动,干扰;disappointment失望。‎ ‎12‎ A 常识运用 Smith班上的七个学员,是训练狗(dog,Labrador)的人(human)。这篇文章中一定要注意代词所指,是指狗,还是指训练狗的学员。‎ ‎13‎ A 词义辨析 Smith班上的七个学员过去有违纪问题的历史记录。problems问题,难题,总是与“困难”相联系着,一般指有待解决的问题;questions问题, 总是与“疑问”相联系,一般指有待回答的问题;issues问题,一般指引起“争端的问题;troubles问题,一般指待来“麻烦,烦恼”的问题。‎ ‎14‎ D 词义辨析 从这七个学员训练狗学会顺从中,他们自己的行为也有了改进。A. habit习惯,习性,癖好,指经过长时间养成的行为习惯;attitude态度,意见,指人们对某件事的心理取向;action 动作,行动;behaviour 行为, 举止, 习性,指人们的日常行为,举止情况。‎ ‎15‎ B 逻辑推理词义比较 训狗师教(teach)给学员一个新的技术,学员们就用在狗身上。guide指导,带领;permit 许可, 允许, 准许;aid帮助,援助。‎ ‎16‎ B 常识运用词义比较 早晨,被训练的狗出门去,就非常象(much as)父母带着孩子到托儿所去一样。such as诸如此类的东西;so that为了,以便,表示目的意义;even if即使,即便,表示让步关系。‎ ‎17‎ A 逻辑推理常识运用 Smith说当她的狗有了小狗崽,她自己的孩子对这些小狗崽作出了很乖(well)的反应,她因而有了这样的想法。‎ ‎18‎ C 语句连贯 她请教了学校的心理学家,学校把她的想法提交到了学校董事会。前后句子表示顺承递进关系,故选and。But表示转折关系;so,because表示因果关系。‎ ‎19‎ D 逻辑推理前后照应 同时还把赞同这个计划的学员的信件上交学校董事会。与文章第一段联系起来。象Smith小孩一样的学员无法修订、校订(revise)和描述(describe),当然不会反对(oppose),而是支持、拥护(support)这个计划。‎ ‎20‎ C 逻辑推理词义比较 宠物临床医学家说,你现在教给学生的就是让学员学会自我控制(self-control),你作出的决定很有重要性。self-criticism自我批评;self-respect自我尊重自尊, 自重;self-importance自尊, 自负, 自大。‎ ‎2004年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)‎ 完形填空题·完全解析 ‎ It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadn’t healed(痊愈)from a(n) ___1___ injury. I had ___2___ whether or not I should attend the meet. But there I was, ___3___ for the 3,000-meter run.‎ ‎“Ready … set …” The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed ___4___ me. I felt ___5___ as I fell farther and farther behind.‎ ‎“Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest ___6___ I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was two laps (圈) ahead of me when she crossed the finish line. “Maybe I should ___7___,” I thought as I moved on. ___8___, I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran ___9___ and decided not to ___10___ in track next year. It wouldn’t be worth it, ___11___ my foot did heal.‎ ‎ When I finished, I heard a cheer— ___12___ than the one I’d heard earlier. I turned around and ___13___, the boys were preparing for their race. “They must be cheering for the boys.” I was leaving ___14___ several girls came up to me. “Wow, you’ve got courage!” one of them told me.‎ ‎“Courage? I just ___15___ a race!” I thought. “I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”‎ Suddenly I regained ___16___. I decided to ___17___ track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always ___18___ in medals and victories, but in the ___19___ we overcome(战胜). The strongest people are not always the people who win, ___20___ the people who don’t give up when they lose.‎ ‎1. A. slighter  B. worse     C. earlier    D. heavier ‎2. A. expected      B. supposed    C. imagined   D. doubted ‎3. A. late    B. eager   C. ready     D. thirsty ‎4. A. from behind   B. ahead of  C. next to   D. close to ‎5. A. ashamed B. astonished  C. excited D. frightened ‎6. A. cheer     B. shout  C. cry    D. noise ‎7. A. slow down     B. drop out    C. go on  D. speed up ‎8. A. Therefore   B. Otherwise   C. Besides   D. However ‎9. A. with delight    B. with fear  C. in pain    D. in advance ‎10. A. play     B. arrive   C. race  D. attend ‎11. A. even if   B. only if  C. unless   D. until ‎12. A. weaker     B. longer      C. lower  D. louder ‎13. A. well enough     B. sure enough   ‎ ‎   C. surprisingly enough   D. strangely enough ‎14. A. while       B. when    C. as     D. since ‎15. A. finished   B. won    C. passed      D. lost ‎16. A. cheer   B. hope   C. interest   D. experience ‎17. A. hold on   B. turn to   C. begin with    D. stick with ‎18. A. measured   B. praised   C. tested  D. increased ‎19. A. sadness     B. struggles    C. diseases   D. tiredness ‎20. A. or     B. nor    C. and     D. but ‎ ‎ ‎1-5CDCBA  6-10ABDCC  11-15ADBBD  16-20BDABD  ‎ ‎ ‎ 带着受伤的脚参加‎3000米跑步比赛,这注定没法取胜。可是只要你勇于参赛,坚持到底,你也会有所收获。‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎1‎ C 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 又是地区运动会了,可作者的脚由于上一次的(earlier)受伤仍然还没有痊愈。注意本句中的过去完成时态及其still的意义有着明显的提示意义。slighter更轻微的;worse更遭的;earlier早的,上一次的;heavier更沉重的,巨大的。‎ ‎2‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 所以,作者不是认为(supposed),设想(imagined),希望(expected)参加运动会,而是怀疑(doubted)自己是否应该参加运动会。‎ ‎3‎ C 逻辑推理词义比较 但是,我到了比赛场地,没有迟到(late),但并非热切(eager),渴望(thirsty)地准备(ready)参加‎3000米跑步。‎ ‎4‎ B 前后照应词义比较 其他的女孩子不是落到了后面(from behind),靠近(close to,next to)作者,而是冲到了作者的前面(ahead of)。后文as I fell farther and farther behind有所暗示。‎ ‎5‎ A 逻辑推理词义比较 作者越来越落后,作者不会感到惊讶(astonished),也激动(excited)不起来,而是感到惭愧(ashamed),当然不至于害怕(frightened)。‎ ‎6‎ A 词义辨析逻辑推理前后照应 这是作者在运动会上听到的最大声的欢呼声(cheer)。前面“Hooray!” 指欢呼的叫声也有所暗示,后文I heard a cheer—louder than the one I’d heard earlier和They must ‎ be cheering for the boys也都有明显提示。cheer愉快, 欢呼(之声);shout一般指由于情绪过度而发出的大声的呼喊、高叫;cry一般指由于情绪激动而发出的哭泣声;noise通常指超过一般承受力的喧闹声、噪声。‎ ‎7‎ B 逻辑推理词义比较 第一名已经先我两圈到达了终点。作者心想可能自己不该参加比赛,应该放弃(drop out)才对。slow down (使)慢下来, (使)减速;drop out不参与, 离去, 放弃;go on 继续下去;speed up加速。‎ ‎8‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理语句连贯 然而我还是决定坚持跑下去。注意前后句子之间的转折意义。therefore因此, 所以,表示因果关系;otherwise另外, 否则,表示其它情况的出现;besides此外,还,表示附加意义;however然而,可是,表示转折关系。‎ ‎9‎ C 前后照应逻辑推理 跑最后两个圈时,作者无法轻松(with delight)起来,也没有害怕恐惧(with fear),当然也无法叫其他人提前(in advance)到达,而是在脚疼(in pain)的状态中跑着步。前文My foot still hadn’t healed from an earlier injury.已经有所提示。‎ ‎10‎ C 逻辑推理词义比较 作者在想这一次已经没有办法了,明年就不参加径赛跑步了。arrive到达, 抵达;play玩,进行比赛;attend出席, 参加;race赛跑,疾走。race相当于短文中多次出现的run,再考虑到空后的具体意义的in track,故选择具体意义的race,而不选择笼统意义的play和attend。‎ ‎11‎ A 语句连贯词义比较 作者想,即便是脚好了,这样跑也不值得。even if即便,即使,表示让步关系;only if只要,只有,表示条件关系;unless如果不, 除非,表示假使条件关系;until到……为止,直到……才,表示时间关系。‎ ‎12‎ D 词义比较前后照应 欢呼声不是更弱(weaker),更低(lower),而是更大(louder)。longer缺少比较的对象或前提。‎ ‎13‎ B 词义比较逻辑推理 作者转身看到男孩子正准备开始比赛,她毫不吃惊(surprisingly)地,毫不奇怪(strangely)地,充分地(well)确信(sure)大家是为男孩子欢呼。‎ ‎14‎ B 词汇用法句法结构 作者正准备离开,这时几个女孩子走上前来。when 在此句中作并列连词,意思是“正在这时,就在那个时候,突然”。while作从属连词,表示“当……时候”,通常强调两个动作或情况的同时发生;as作从属连词,表示“当……时候”,通常强调一个动作或情况伴随另一动作或情况;since作从属连词,表示“自……以后, 自……以来”。‎ ‎15‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 作者对女孩的赞扬不解,因为她刚刚跑过(pass)了终点,结束(finish)了比赛,但跑在最后没有获胜(win),而是输(lose)了比赛。‎ ‎16‎ B 逻辑推理词义比较 女孩子们的鼓励使作者又找回了失去的信心(hope),而不是欢乐(cheer),兴趣(interest),经验(experience)。‎ ‎17‎ D 逻辑推理词义比较 作者决定明年还要 (stick with)参加径赛比赛。hold on把持住,继续, 不挂断, 停止;turn to转向,求助于, 致力于,‎ ‎ 开始行动;begin with首先,用……开头;stick with与……固定在一起,坚持做(某事)。‎ ‎18‎ A 逻辑推理词义比较 作者意识到在奖牌和胜利中,力量和勇气并非总是可以估量(measure)的。measure估量,斟酌, 权衡;praise赞扬,称赞;test测试,检验;increase增加,增大。‎ ‎19‎ B 逻辑推理词义比较 但是在我们战胜了的竞争中,力量和勇气就却总是可以估量出来。sadness悲哀, 悲伤;struggles挣扎, 努力, 奋斗;diseases疾病, 弊病;tiredness疲劳, 疲倦。‎ ‎20‎ D 语句连贯词义比较 最坚强的人并非总是赢得胜利的人,而是(but)那些遇到失败挫折时决不放弃的人。or或者, 还是,表示或然关系;nor也不,表示否定关系;and表示并列关系;but表示转折关系。‎ ‎2004年全国普通高等学校统一招生考试 (重庆卷)‎ 完形填空题·完全解析 A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boy’s __1__, she said she would go. This __2__ be the first time that his classmates and teacher __3__ his mother and he felt __4__ of her appearance. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar (疤痕) that __5__ nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy never wanted to __6__ why or how she got the scar.‎ At the meeting, the people were __7__ by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother __ 8__ the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed (尴尬) and __9 __ himself from everyone. He did, however, get within __10__of a conversation between his mother and his teacher.‎ The teacher asked __11__, “How did you get the scar on your face?”‎ The mother replied, “__12__ my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught fire. Everyone was __13__ afraid to go in because the fire was __14__,so I went in. As I was running toward his bed, I saw a long piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked __15__ but fortunately, a fireman came in and saved both of us.” She __16__ the burned side of her face. “This scar will be __17__, but to this day, I have never __18__ what I did.”‎ At this point, the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes. He held her in his arms and felt a great __19__ of the sacrifice (牺牲) that his mother had made for him. He held her hand __20__ for the rest of the day.‎ ‎1. A. enjoyment   B. disappointment  C. surprise    D. excitement ‎2. A. would     B. could             C. should      D. must ‎3. A. noticed   B. greeted            C. accepted  D. met ‎4. A. sick      B. ashamed           C. afraid    D. tired ‎5. A. included    B. passed          C. covered       D. shaded ‎6. A. talk about   B. think about C. care about    D. hear about ‎7. A. impressed  B. surprised    C. excited    D. comforted ‎8. A. in sight of   B. by means of    C. by way of D. in spite of ‎9. A. hid   B. protected  C. separated   D. escaped ‎10. A. understanding    B. reminding   C. hearing   D. learning ‎11. A. carefully  B. seriously    C. nervously   D. anxiously ‎12. A. As    B. When     C. Since     D. While ‎13. A. so     B. much C. quite   D. too ‎14. A. out of control B. under control C. in control  D. over control ‎15. A. helpless   B. hopeless    C. senseless  D. useless ‎16. A. pointed    B. showed    C. wiped   D. touched ‎17. A. ugly       B. lasting     C. serious     D. frightening ‎18. A. forgot  B. recognized  C. considered    D. regretted ‎19. A. honor    B. sense     C. happiness   D. pride ‎20. A. quietly   B. slightly     C. tightly    D. suddenly ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1-5BADBC  6-10AADAC  11-15ABDAC  16-20DBDBC ‎ ‎ 母爱是伟大的。它深藏在母亲的内心——不会轻易表露出来——和表现在母亲为孩子所作出的牺牲中——它给母亲自己却带来了疤痕。文章中的这个小男孩后来认识到了这一点。‎ 题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 ‎1‎ B 前后照应逻辑推理词义比较 小男孩邀请妈妈去参加学校的第一次家长会。从后文不难看出,小男孩不想要他妈妈去,因为他妈妈脸上有疤痕,可他妈妈却愿意去,这事使得小男孩不快乐(enjoyment),不激动(excitement),不吃惊(surprise),而是很失望(disappointment),因为这样会让他尴尬,让他蒙羞。‎ ‎2‎ A 语法规则 此句考查过去将来时态(would)。‎ ‎3‎ D 前后照应词义比较 这将是第一次他妈妈与老师和同学会面(meet)。notice(注意到),greet(问候,打招呼),accept(认可,接受)都应该发生在meet动作之后,meet是先决起始动作。前文的his school’s first teacher-parent meeting已有所暗示。‎ ‎4‎ B 常识运用前后照应词义比较 小男孩因为他妈妈的外表——脸上有块疤痕——而感到羞愧(ashamed),而不是恶心(sick),害怕(afraid),疲惫(tired)。后文的the little boy was still embarrassed (尴尬) and hid himself from everyone有所暗示。‎ ‎5‎ C 词义辨析常识运用逻辑推理 妈妈的整个右脸上是一块明显的疤痕。疤痕在脸上不是包住(include)脸面,不是通过(pass)脸面,也不是遮蔽(shade)脸面,而是直接覆盖/铺在脸面上。include包住, 关住,包含, 包括;pass经过,通过;cover覆盖,铺,往往是物体与物体之间直接接触;shade遮蔽,使变暗,往往强调与物体之间有一定的空隙,使光变暗而形成遮蔽。‎ ‎6‎ A 前后照应逻辑推理常识运用 小男孩很在乎(care about),也想过(think about),但没有听人说过(hear about),从来就不愿谈论(talk about)妈妈为什么又怎么得上的疤痕。‎ ‎7‎ A 词义比较逻辑推理 家长会上,妈妈的自然的美貌和亲切的举动给到会的人留下了深刻的印象(impress)。impress使得深刻印象,打动;surprise使惊奇/惊讶;excite使兴奋, 使激动;comfort安慰, 使舒适。‎ ‎8‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理 虽然(in spite of)妈妈脸上有疤痕,但这疤痕却掩饰不住妈妈的美丽和亲切。in sight of临近, 可被...望见;by means of通过,用,借助于;by way of 经由, 作为, 为了;in spite of虽然,尽管…仍,相当于though she had the scar on her face。‎ ‎9‎ A 逻辑推理词义比较 但小男孩仍然感到尴尬难堪,而把自己藏(hide)起来,以免被大家看见。hide隐藏,掩饰,强调不被他人看见、发现;protect保护,强调不被他人伤害;separate分开,‎ ‎ 隔离,使之不聚在一起;escape逃避, 避免,强调不被他人逮住而免去责任。‎ ‎10‎ C 词义比较逻辑推理常识运用 他真的躲避了起来,却听到(hear)了妈妈和老师之间的一段对话。注意within(在……的范围内, 不超出……的范围)的意义。hear是先决起始动作,先有了hear,而后才会有understand(明白,了解)、learn(获悉)和remind(提醒,使想起)。‎ ‎11‎ A 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较 老师询问的是妈妈脸上的疤痕,就肯定是小心谨慎地(carefully),而决不是、也用不着严肃认真地(seriously),紧张不安(nervously),忧虑不安地(anxiously)。‎ ‎12‎ B 语句连贯词义比较 事情发生在小男孩还是婴儿的时候(when)。as当……时,通常指伴随着另一情况而发生;when当…的时候,指某一行为或情况发生之时,另一行为或情况也发生,通常是短暂行为;since自……以来,通常与现在完成时态连用;while当……的时候,通常指与另一情况的同时发生,表示持续行为。‎ ‎13‎ D 句法结构 此题考查too…to do sth.的结构。‎ ‎14‎ A 逻辑推理固定搭配 因为火控制不住(out of control),所以大家就都不敢闯进去救人。out of control不受控制,失去了控制;under control被控制住;in control在控制之下;over不与control搭配。‎ ‎15‎ C 词义比较逻辑推理 妈妈被坠落的木头撞得失去了知觉(senseless)。helpless无助的, 无能的, 没用的;hopeless没有希望的, 绝望的, 不可救药;senseless不省人事的, 无感觉的;useless无用的, 无效的, 无益的。‎ ‎16‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理前后照应 妈妈她用不着指着(point),擦揩(wipe)脸面,老师能够看得到,它也用不着展示(show),而是摸了摸(touch)她烧坏的右脸,有所感触。注意与后句的联系。‎ ‎17‎ B 词义比较逻辑推理 这个疤痕很丑(ugly),很严重(serious),很恐怖(frightening),这都没有关系,问题是它会持久(lasting)而再也抹不去。 ‎ ‎18‎ D 词义比较逻辑推理常识运用 可即便是这样,且直到今天,我忘不了(forget),我也考虑(consider)了,我也认可(recognize)了,但我从来没有后悔(regret)过我所做的一切。‎ ‎19‎ B 词义辨析逻辑推理 小男孩把妈妈楼在怀里,他感到了妈妈为他作出的牺牲的重大意义(sense)。honor尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣;sense意义,意味,意思;happiness幸福,快乐;pride自豪,骄傲。‎ ‎20‎ C 词义比较逻辑推理 在这天余下的时间里,他不是突然地(suddenly),静静地(quietly),轻微地(slightly),而是紧紧地(tightly)握着妈妈的手。‎

