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2019 高考英语一轮复习综合解析训练 3 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.—You seemed to be very surprised at the news that he won. —Not exactly. It was his courage________his skill________really struck me. A.as well as; that B.other than; that C.rather than; which D.and; which 解析 考查短语辨析和固定句式。other than 除了;不同于;as well as 与…… 一样;也;rather than 而不是。It was...that...构成强调句式。 答案 B 2.The government has taken measures to________the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable. A.take down B.bring down C.hand down D.tear down 解析 考查动词短语辨析。A 项“取下;写下;拆除”;B 项“击落;降低(价格 等)”;C 项“传递”;D 项“拆除;弄倒”。 答案 B 3.It was Mr Zhang that helped us out of the trouble. Without his help, we________it so easily. A.can't manage B.mustn't have managed C.couldn't have managed D.couldn't manage 解析 考查虚拟语气。句意:是张先生帮我们摆脱了困境。要是没有他的帮 助,我们就不可能这么轻易完成。 答案 C 4.When I study English, I like to put my dictionary________my reach so that I can refer to it when necessary. A.out of B.beyond C.within D.in 解析 考查介词搭配。within one's reach 在某人能够得着的地方或范围内。句 意:当我学习英语时,我喜欢把字典放在能够得着的地方以便需要时随时查 阅。 答案 C 5 . Before you________the design of this product, you need to study the market carefully. A.memorise B.confirm C.order D.express 解析 考查动词词义辨析。memorise 记忆;记住;confirm 批准;确认;order 命令;express 表达;表示。 答案 B 6 . With a lot of difficult problems________ , the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks. A.settling B.to settle C.being settled D.settled 解析 句意:因为有许多难题要解决,经理感觉像热锅上的蚂蚁。“with+ 宾语+to do”结构作状语表将来,实际上此题中的 with 结构就相当于 with a lot of difficult problems for him to settle,所以尽管 settle 和 problems 之间是被 动关系,仍用主动形式。 答案 B 7.________by all his grandchildren,the old man was delighted. A.Surrounded B.Surrounding C.To be surrounded D.To be surrounding 解析 surround 与 the old man 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系的,所以此题应用 surround 的过去分词作状语。 答案 A 8.He spent at least as much time reading as you________online yesterday. A.had to chat B.do chatting C.had chatted D.did chatting 解析 此句补充完整为:He spent at least as much time reading as you spent chatting online yesterday.因为前面已出现了一次 you spent...,为了避免重复, 所以用 did 代替;spend 的用法是:spend time(in)doing sth,所以选用 D 项。 答案 D 9 . The news came________many provinces in the south of our country had been caught in a big flood. A.whether B.why C.that D.what 解析 句意:我国南方很多省份遭遇洪水的消息传开了。that 引导的是同位 语从句,修饰先行词 news。 答案 C 10.Growing coin doesn't need________growing rice. A.as much water B.much as water C.as much water as D.as much as water 解析 as much as 经常与不可数名词连用,一般来说名词要放在 much 的后面。 答案 C 11.—What does he want to do after he finishes middle school? —He has made up his mind to join the army rather than________to college. A.going B.go C.went D.goes 解析 考查非谓语动词。rather than 连接两个动词不定式时,后面的动词不定 式不带 to。 答案 B 12.—Peter,where did you guys go for the summer vacation? —We________busy with our work for months,so we went to the beach to relax ourselves. A.were B.have been C.had been D.will be 解析 考查动词时态。我们去海边发生在过去,而我们忙于工作在此之前。 因此用过去完成时。 答案 C 13 . The Great Wall of China is like a huge dragon , winding its way________deserts , ________valleys , ________mountains until it finally reaches the sea. A.across;through;over B.through;across;over C.over;across;through D.over;through;across 解析 考查介词。across 横过,穿过;over 从某一物体上方越过;through 穿 过,从……中通过。 答案 A 14.Along with the letter was his promise________he would visit me this coming Christmas. A.which B.that C.what D.whether 解析 考查名词性从句。that 引导的从句说明的是 promise 的内容,因此是同 位语从句,that 在句中不作成分。 答案 B 15.Peter was so excited________he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing. A.where B.that C.why D.when 解析 考查状语从句。when 引导时间状语从句。 答案 D Ⅱ.阅读理解 Rather than using cellphones to just snap photos of friends or the occasional celebrity sighting, phone users in California may get the chance to track levels of harmful black soot near their workplaces and homes. Tech companies created a simple circular filter that darkens over time as it absorbs black soot. Anyone with a basic cell phone camera can take a picture of the filter next to a calibration chart (校准图表) that reflects different black soot pollution levels- no smart phones required. “We don't need a fancy app for this,_because we just need to be able to e­mail it or SMS it to our system , ” said Martin Lukac, a co­founder of the nonprofit Nexleaf Analytics. Sending the photo via e­mail to an online database allows the cellphone user to get back into about black soot concentration. The power of that information is that it reflects the individual's exposure to air pollution. If Nexleaf can get the funding, a select starting group of Californians could track local black soot levels wherever they go during a normal day—local bus stops, community centers, schools or playgrounds. The nonprofit could also create apps for iPhone or Android users. But Nexleaf intentionally began with the low­tech solution for the sake of cellphone users in developing countries. Regular cooking stoves and other burners of biomass create much of the black soot in developing countries such as India. By contrast, diesel engines in vehicles such as trucks and buses represent the main black soot culprits in California and the United States—even if California clean air law has reduced black soot in the state in the past two decades. Nexleaf’s filters have already been sent to India. There they helped an effort supported by U. N. called Project Surya monitor the black soot levels from cleanerburning cooking stoves that were distributed to 500 households. The darkening Nexleaf filters also gave a clear warning sign to Indian women about the health danger of their regular cooking stoves. When they saw the junk they were breathing in, they were all asking for our cleaner­burning cooking stoves. 【语篇解读】 加利福尼亚州的人们现在可以用他们的手机来测量自己所 处的位置的空气的污染程度了。 1.The underlined word“this”in Paragraph 3 refers to________. A.sending e­mails to an online database B.tracking levels of harmful black soot C.taking a picture of air in workplaces D.absorbing black soot in the air 解析 代词指代题。根据第一段中的“track levels of harmful black soot”可知, 第一段讲的是利用手机来获取空气的污染程度,第二段讲到一个带有照相机 的普通手机就可以为空气的污染程度拍照,接着第三段讲到,我们不需要昂 贵的装置来获取有关空气的污染程度的信息,下文讲到了原因以及其体的操 作流程。 答案 B 2.Why were cellphone users asked to collect information on black soot? A.To collect data for scientists to make research. B.To pay attention to its role in changing climate. C.To realize how seriously they suffer air pollution. D.To find way of dealing with air pullution. 解析 细节判断题。结合第四段中的“The power of that information is that it reflects the individual's exposure to air pollution”可知答案为 C。 答案 C 3.Nexleaf Analytics helps India by giving Indians________. A.burners of biomass B.iPhones C.cellphones D.cleaner­burning cooking stoves 解析 细节判断题。结合倒数第二段中的“cleaner­burning cooking stoves that were distributed to 500 households”以及最后一段中的“they were all asking for our cleaner­burning cooking stoves”可知这个机构给印度的一些家庭分发了清 洁燃烧炉子。 答案 D 4.Indian women asked for cleaner­burning cooking stoves because they________. A.knew the health danger of their regular cooking stoves B.had to obey the clean air law in India C.needn't pay for the cleaner­burning cooking stoves D.found it convenient to use the new stoves 解析 细节理 解题。从最后一段中的“When they saw the junk they were breathing in...”可知答案为 A。 答案 A Ⅲ.书面表达 目前,我国高中学生英语学习困难的现象很严重,因此,一位即将进入 高中学习的女生写信向外籍教师(Bruce)请教。请你根据信的内容和写作要点 代替 Bruce 写封回信。 Dear Bruce, I'm writing to ask you for advice on how to avoid becoming a poor English learner in high school.It's said that some students who were not so bad at English in the junior grow poor in it in high school.How I want to remain a good English learner in future!What should I do to achieve my aim?Thank you! Looking forward to your reply! Best wishes! Li Hong 写作要点: 1.告诉 Li Hong 她所听说的英语学习困难的情况确实存在,但大多数的高中 英语学习困难生都是初中英语成绩太差的学生; 2.就如何防止高中英语学习困难现象的产生给 Li Hong 提出建议。 `树立高中能学好英语的信心; 利用高中开学前的时间复习初中所 学内容; 根据高中英语学习的特点,结合身边 学习有困难的学生的不足,另提两条 建议。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Li Hong, Your letter reached me this morning.Now I'd like to share my opinion with you. __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Sincerely hoping you can benefit from the above and will be a successful high school English learner. Best wishes! Yours, Bruce 【参考范文】 Dear_Li_Hong, Your_letter_reached_me_this_morning.Now_I'd_like_to_share_my_opinion_ with_you. Yes,some high school poor English learners really got good English scores in the junior,but most are those who were too bad at English at that time.So don't be afraid of falling behind in future.Here are some tips for you. First of all,be confident that you can learn English well in the senior.Also, review the knowledge learned in the junior before the new school life begins.Besides,make necessary mental preparations for the hard learning in the senior.With more difficult English textbooks,you should preview the text and review in time what has been learned,especially the new words. Sincerely_hoping_you_can_benefit_from_the_above_and_will_be_a_successf ul_high_school_English_learner. Best_wishes! Yours, Bruce

