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高考备考词块汇总 (四) —— C字母 ‎1. call call at 拜访 (某地)‎ call back 回电话;再打电话 call for 需要;要求;去 (某处) 接人 / 物 call in 召来;找来 call off 取消;停止进行 call on / upon 拜访 (某人);号召;要求 call up 打电话给;使人想起 make a call 打电话 ‎2. calm stay / keep calm 保持镇静 calm down (使) 平静下来; (使) 镇静下来 ‎3. camp set up / make camp 扎营;搭建营地 camp out 露营 go camping 去野营 ‎4. can cannot but 不得不 cannot ... too / over 越…越好;再…也不嫌过分 ‎5. car by car 乘车 park a car停车 ‎6. care in / under the care of sb 由某人照看 health care 医疗保健 hair care 护发 handle with care 小心轻放 with great care 精心 take care 注意;当心;珍重;保重 take care of 照顾;照料;处理 care for照看;照顾;非常喜欢;想要 ‎7. careful ‎(be) careful about / of / with 小心 / 注意…‎ ‎8. carry be / get carried away 变得很激动;失去自制力 carry on (with) 继续进行;开展 carry out 实行;执行 carry through 帮…渡过 (难关等);完成;持续 ‎9. case a classic case 一个典型案例 case history 病历 on the case 处理此案 win / lose a case 胜诉 / 败诉 in any case 在任何情况下;不管怎样 in … case(s) 在…情况下 in no case 在任何情况下都不;决不 in this case 在这种情况下 in that case 既然如此;那样的话 in sb’s case 就某人的情况来说 ‎(just) in case假使;免得;以防 (万一)‎ in case of 在…情形时;万一 in the case of 就…来说;至于 ‎10. cash in cash 用现金 ‎11. casual casual clothes 便装 ‎12. catch get caught in 遇到 catch one’s attention 引起某人注意 catch fire 着火 catch sight of 看到 catch on了解;流行;理解 catch up (with) 赶上;追上 ‎13. cause cause and effect 因果 the root cause 根源 with / without good cause  有充分的理由 / 毫无理由 give cause for concern 令人担忧 a good cause 一项有益的事业 ‎14. caution with great caution 极为小心地 ‎15. celebration birthday / wedding celebrations 生日 / 结婚庆典    ‎ ‎16. centre a business centre商业中心 ‎17. certain a certain amount of 一定数量的 to a certain degree 在一定程度上 for certain 确定;无疑 ‎18. challenge face the challenge 面对挑战 accept / take up the challenge 接受挑战 meet / rise to the challenge of 面对…挑战 challenge a view 质疑某个观点 ‎19. chance give sb a chance  给某人一个机会 miss the chance 错过机会 get a second chance 还有一次机会 by chance 碰巧;意外地 take chances / a chance 冒险一试;碰运气 the chances are (that) 很可能 ‎20. change change one’s life 改变某人的生活 change from … to … 从…变到…‎ get changed 换衣服 a change for the better / worse 好转 / 变坏 ‎21. channel change / switch channels 转换频道 ‎22. character character building 培养品格 ‎23. charge in charge (of sth) 负责某事 in / under sb’s charge 由某人负责 take charge of 负责;主管 free of charge 免费 on charge 充电中 ‎24. chat have a chat 闲谈;聊天 a chat room 聊天室 ‎25. check check in (在旅馆、机场等) 登记;报到 check on 核实;检查 check out 结账离开;核实 make regular checks of  定期检查 ‎26. cheer cheer up (使) 振作起来;(使) 高兴起来 ‎27. choice have no choice (but to do sth) 别无选择 (只好做某事)‎ make a choice 作选择 ‎28. choke choke back 强忍住;抑制 choke off  阻塞 ‎29. choose choose sb sth / choose sth for sb 给某人选某物 choose sb to do sth 选择某人做某事 choose sb as / for / to be 选某人为…‎ cannot choose but (do) 不得不;只好 ‎30. circle a circle of friends 一群朋友 business / political circles 商 / 政界 ‎31. circumstance in / under ... circumstances 在…情况下 in / under no circumstances 决不;无论如何不 ‎32. civil civil rights 民权 a civil servant 公务员 a civil war 内战 ‎33. clap clap one’s hands 鼓掌 give sb a clap 为某人鼓掌 ‎34. class at the top of the class 名列前茅 attend evening classes / dancing class 上夜校 / 上舞蹈课 lower / middle / upper class 下等阶级 / 中产阶级 / 上层阶级 working class 工人阶级 first / business / economy class 头等舱 / 商务舱 / 经济舱 ‎35. classical classical music 古典音乐 ‎36. clean clean out 把…打扫干净 clean up (把…) 打扫干净;(使) 梳洗整齐;使净化 ‎37. clear made oneself clear 讲清楚 clear away 把…清除掉 clear off 离开;逃跑 clear one’s throat 清清嗓子 clear out 把…清空 clear the air 缓解紧张状态 clear up (天气) 转晴;清理;解决 ‎38. clever be clever at 擅长 be clever with 善于使用 ‎39. click click on 点击 a click of the mouse 点击鼠标 ‎40. close close one’s eyes 闭上眼睛 close … with 以…结束 close the gap 缩短差距 close down 关闭;停业 at the close of …结束时 bring … to a close 结束 come / draw to a close 渐近结束 close together 挨得近 get close to 接近 get a close look at 仔细看 keep a close watch / eye on 严密监视 a close second  屈居第二 a close finish 几乎平手的结局 come close 靠近点儿 ‎41. coast on the coast 在海岸上 off the coast 在沿岸的海面上 ‎42. coffee black / white coffee 不加奶 / 加奶的咖啡 ‎43. coin the other / opposite side of the coin 事情的另一面 ‎44. cold turn cold 变冷 feel ice / freezing cold 感觉冷极了 catch a cold 感冒 ‎45. collect collect one’s thoughts 使自己镇定 / 集中思想 ‎46. collection a collection of 很多 ‎47. college at college 上大学时 attend / go to college 上大学 ‎48. colour in colour 彩色的 lose colour 脸色变得苍白 ‎49. come come last 得倒数第一 come into sight / view 进入视线;被看见 come to an end / a stop 结束 / 停止 come to a decision / a conclusion / an agreement 作出决定 / 得出结论 / 达成协议 come true 成真 come about (尤指未经计划地) 发生;产生 come across 偶然遇到;碰见;被理解 come along 一起来;出现;进展 come around / round 拜访;探访;苏醒 come back 回来;再度流行 come by 顺路看望;获得 (稀有或很难得到的事物)‎ come down 下来;下降;倒塌 come down to 归结为;传到…手里 come from 出生于;来自;产自;源自于 come in 到达;取得 (名次)‎ come off  (从…) 离开;脱落;掉下;结果是;成为 come on 快点;进展;算了吧 come out 出来;出版;发行;显现;结果是 come over来访;拜访;(使) 某人突然感觉到 come to sb 被某人想到 come up 上来;上升;走近;靠近;被提出;被提及;产生;开始 come up with 想出;提出;提供 when it comes to (doing) sth 在某方面;说到 做) 某事 ‎50. comfort comfort zone 舒适区 in the comfort of 舒服地 live in comfort 舒适地生活 find comfort in 找到安慰 provide comfort 带来安慰 ‎51. comfortable a comfortable bed / hotel 舒适的床 / 宾馆 make oneself comfortable 别客气 ‎52. command take command 开始指挥 under one’s command 管着 have a good command of 掌握得好 ‎53. comment no comment 无可奉告 make comments on 对…做评价 ‎54. commit commit murder / a crime杀人 / 犯罪 commit suicide 自杀 commit to doing sth 承诺做某事 ‎55. commitment make a commitment to doing 承诺做某事 ‎56. common common sense 常识 have ... in common (with) (与…) 有共同之处 in common with 与…一样 ‎57. communicate communicate sth to sb 向某人传递…‎ communicate effectively to 向…有效传达 ‎58. communication communication skills 沟通技巧 a means of communication 一种通讯方式 ‎59. community community service / spirit 社区服务 / 精神 the sense of community 社区归属感 ‎60. company run / join a company 经营 / 加入一家公司 set up / start a company 开办公司 in the company of 与…一起 enjoy each other’s company 享受彼此的陪伴 for company 作伴;陪伴 in company with 与…一起 keep company (with) (和…) 经常交往 keep sb company 陪伴某人 ‎61. compare compare A to / with B 把A同B作比较 compare A and B 对比A和B compare A to B 把A比作B compare notes (with sb) (与某人) 交换意见 make a comparison between sb / sth 对某人 / 物进行比较 by / in comparison with 与…相比 ‎62. *complaint a letter of complaint 投诉信 make a complaint against 投诉 ‎63. concerned as far as … be concerned 就…而言;关于 ‎64. conclusion jump to conclusions 匆忙下结论 arrive at / come to / draw / reach a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 最后;总之 ‎65. condition in (a) good / bad condition 状况良好 / 不佳 in its original condition 保持原样 out of condition (健康) 状况不佳 the human condition 人类生存的状况 improve living / working conditions 改善生活 / 工作环境 necessary condition 必要条件 on / under no condition 绝不 on (the) condition that 在…条件下;倘若 ‎66. conduct conduct an experiment / an interview / a survey / a class 进行实验 / 进行面试 / 展开调查 / 管理班级 ‎67. conference have a conference with 与…商谈 ‎68. confidence have / lose confidence in sb 对某人抱有 / 失去信心 ‎(a) lack of confidence in sb / sth 对某人 / 某事缺乏信心 gain / win / earn sb’s confidence 赢得某人的信任 lack confidence in oneself  对自己缺乏自信 increase / build up one’s confidence 增强 / 建立自信 gain confidence 获得自信 say / speak with confidence 有把握地说 ‎69. confident a confident smile 自信的微笑 feel confident about 对…充满信心 ‎70. confirm confirm a booking / reservation 确认预订 ‎71. conflict a conflict of interest(s) 利益冲突 come into conflict with 与…产生矛盾 in conflict with … over 就…与…有矛盾 ‎72. connection loose connection 接触不良 in connection with 关于;与…有关 ‎73. consequence face / take the consequences 面对 / 承担后果 as a consequence / in consequence 结果;因此 as a consequence of sth / in consequence of sth 由于…的缘故 ‎74. consider all things considered 考虑到所有情况;综合考虑起来 ‎75. consideration under consideration 在考虑中 give consideration to 考虑 have / show no consideration for others 不顾别人 in consideration of / for 考虑到;由于 take sth into consideration 考虑到某事;顾及某事 ‎76. consist consist in  在于;存在于 consist of 由…构成;由…组成 ‎77. contact lose contact with 失去联络 get / keep / stay in contact with 保持联系 make contact with  取得联系 ‎78. contrary on the contrary 正相反;恰恰相反 to the contrary 相反的;相反地 ‎79. *contrast by / in contrast 相比之下 in contrast with / to 与…对比;与…相反 make a contrast with 与…形成对比 ‎80. control control oneself 控制自己 under control 在控制之下 beyond sb’s control 某人无法掌握 / 无法控制 have control (of / over) (对…) 有控制权 / 有控制能力 in control of 支配;管理 lose control (of / over) (对…) 失去控制;无法控制 (住…)‎ out of control 不受控制;失去控制 take / gain / get control (of / over) 支配;管理 under control 受支配;受控制 under the control of 受…的控制 / 管理 / 支配 ‎81. convenience a convenience store 便利店 convenience foods 方便食品 for convenience 方便起见 at sb’s convenience 在某人方便时 ‎82. conversation have an conversation with sb about sth 和某人就某事谈话 ‎83. convey convey a message 传达信息 ‎84. cool as cool as a cucumber 泰然自若;极为冷静 stay cool 保持冷静 That’s cool. 没问题。‎ cool down / off  (使) 变凉;(使) 冷却;(使) 冷静;(使) 平静 ‎85. corner in the corner 在角落里 ‎(just) around / round the corner 在附近;即将来临 ‎86. cost the cost of living 生活费用 reduce costs 降低成本 whatever the cost 不惜一切代价 at the cost of 以…为代价 at all costs / at any cost 不惜任何代价 ‎87. count count on / upon 依靠;依赖;指望 count down (某一特殊时刻之前) 倒计时;倒数 keep (a) count of 数得清;记录 lose count of 数不清 ‎88. courage have the courage to do sth 有勇气做某事 ‎89. course the course of treatment 疗程 the course of life 一生历程 on / off course 沿着航线飞行 / 偏离了航线 main course 主菜 in / during / over / through(out) the course of 在…的过程中;在…的期间 in due course 在适当的时候 of course (not) 当然 (不)‎ stay the course 坚持到底 ‎90. court take sb to court 把某人告上法庭 appear in court 出庭 ‎91. cover cover up 掩饰;掩盖 cover up for sb 为某人掩盖错误;包庇某人 the front / back cover 封面 / 封底 ‎92. crazy a crazy idea 荒唐的想法 go crazy发狂 be crazy about 对…痴迷 ‎93. creature a creature of habit 严守生活习惯的人 ‎94. credit gain / lose credit 取得 / 失去信任 credit card 信用卡 on credit 贷款 ‎95. crowd a crowd of / crowds of 一大群;很多 crowd into 涌入 ‎96. cry cry out (因害怕、震惊、疼痛等) 大声叫喊 cry out for 急需 a cry for help 呼救声 ‎97. culture culture shock 文化冲击 ‎98. curiosity satisfy / arouse sb’s curiosity 满足 / 激起某人的好奇心 out of curiosity 出于好奇 ‎99. customer a regular customer 老顾客;常客 ‎100. cut cut back 缩减;削减 cut down 砍倒;减少;缩减 cut in 插嘴;打断;强行超车 cut off 切掉;切断;使隔绝 cut out 剪下;(从文字作品、文章中) 删掉;剪出 cut through 刺穿;凿穿;剪断 cut up 切碎;割碎;剪碎

