高考英语一轮复习 精选阅读理解文章六十篇63

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高考英语一轮复习 精选阅读理解文章六十篇63

英国完成首例手移植手术 A former pub landlord from West Yorkshire has become the first person in the UK to have a hand transplant.‎ 西约克郡一位酒吧老板成为英国第一位接受手移植的人。‎ Mark Cahill, who is 51, had been unable to use his right hand after it was affected by gout(痛风).‎ Doctors say he is making good progress after an eight-hour operation at Leeds General Infirmary.‎ It is still very early to assess how much control of the hand will be gained - so far he can wiggle(扭动) his fingers, but has no sense of touch.‎ ‎'My hand'‎ Mark Cahill, from Greetland near Halifax, said: "When I look at it and move it, it just feels like my hand.‎ ‎"Right now it feels really good, it's not a lot of pain, it looks good, it looks a great match and I'm looking forward to getting it working now."‎ Mr Cahill's new hand is still bandaged up, but he can already move his fingers. It is hoped that with time he will gain much greater levels of movement and sensation.‎ He developed gout in his toes and feet 20 years ago. Five years ago it spread to his right hand leaving him unable to open his fingers or use his hand for anything. ‎ One option would have been a bionic(仿生学的) hand, but he volunteered for the pioneering surgery.‎ As well as being a first for the UK, it was also the first time a recipient's hand has been amputated during an operation to attach a donor hand.‎ The fresh cut, made where you would wear a watch, allowed surgeons to connect nerves in Mr Cahill's arm with those in the donor hand with great precision - along with the bone, blood vessels and tendons.‎ The operation took place on 27 December when a donor hand became available.‎

