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‎1.春节 Spring Festival ‎2.吃年夜饭 have family reunion dinner ‎3.包饺子(元宵)‎ make dumplings (sweet dumplings)‎ ‎4.放烟花 let off fireworks ‎5.看春晚 watch Spring Festival Gala ‎6.收红包 get red packets ‎7.迎接新年 welcome the New Year ‎8.送祝福 ‎ give best wishes ‎9.串亲戚 go visiting one's relatives ‎10.逛庙会 ‎ go to the temple fair ‎11.观看直播 watch the live broadcast ‎12.开联欢会 hold a party ‎13.元宵节 Lantern Festival ‎14.看花灯 watch lanterns ‎15.清明节 Qingming Festival / Tomb Sweeping Day ‎16.去踏青 go spring outing ‎17.上坟 visit a grave ‎18.为了纪念……‎ in honor of…‎ ‎19.放风筝 fly a kite ‎20.端午节 Dragon Boat Festival ‎21.看赛龙舟 Watch Dragon boat racing ‎22.吃粽子 eat Zongzi ‎23.中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day ‎24.做月饼 make mooncakes ‎25.赏月 appreciate the moon ‎26.象征着团圆 ‎ stand for reunion ‎27.故宫 the Forbidden City/the Palace Museum ‎28. 颐和园 the Summer Palace ‎29. 天坛 the Temple of Heaven ‎30.长城 the Great Wall ‎31.天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square ‎32.北海/后海 Beihai/Houhai Park ‎33.香山公园 Xiangshan Park ‎34.鸟巢 The nest ‎35.水立方 ‎ the Water Cube ‎36.周口店遗址 Zhoukoudian Ancient Site ‎37.看京剧 See / watch Beijing Opera ‎38.中国传统文化和习俗 traditional Chinese culture and customs ‎39..对美妙的中国艺术感到惊讶 be amazed by the wonderful Chinese art ‎40. 写些汉字 ‎ write some characters ‎ ‎41.教某人中国书法 teach sb Chinese calligraphy ‎ ‎42.打太极 Do Tai Chi ‎43.做中国结/剪纸 make Chinese knots/ Chinese Paper cutting ‎44.戴脸谱 wear Chinese masks ‎45.表演中国功夫 perform Chinese Kung Fu ‎46.画国画 draw Chinese paintings ‎43.举办传统文化节 hold a traditional culture festival ‎44.表达对祖国的爱 express love for our motherland ‎ ‎45.用报纸做汉服 make Hanfu with newspapers ‎46.粘在一起 stick together ‎47.走T台 walk the runway ‎48.穿着优雅的汉服 wear the elegant Hanfu ‎49.设计...款式 design the style of ...‎ ‎50.情不自禁欢呼鼓掌 couldn’t help cheering and applauding ‎51.在舞台上 On the stage ‎52.进行精彩表演 ‎ give a wonderful performance ‎53.有着……年的历史 have a history of…‎ ‎54.中国风 ‎ Chinese style ‎55.用筷子 use chopsticks ‎56. 尊敬父母 respect parents ‎57.中国古诗 Chinese ancient poems ‎58. 丝绸之路 the Silk Road ‎59. 中国传统食品 traditional Chinese food ‎60. 当地小吃 local snacks ‎61. 北京烤鸭 Beijing Roast Duck ‎62. 老北京炸酱面 Peking noodles 校内活动 中文 英文 中文 英文 ‎1.举办/参加……竞赛 hold/take part in ……competition ‎21.组织某人做某事 organize sb. to do…‎ ‎2.庆祝毕业 celebrate the graduation ‎22.张贴通告 put up a notice ‎ ‎3用...装饰教室.‎ decorate the classroom with…‎ ‎23.挂气球和彩旗 put up balloons and hang up colourful flags ‎4.照了张像为了记忆难忘时刻 take a photo to record the unforgettable moment ‎24.上演精彩的节目 put on/ give wonderful performances ‎ ‎5.准备...的展览 prepare an exhibition of…‎ ‎25.交换礼物 exchange gifts ‎ ‎6.举办班长选举 hold a monitor election ‎26.坐成一圈 sit in a circle ‎ ‎7.做演讲/讲座 give a speech/ a lecture ‎27.参加开幕式 attend the opening parade ‎ ‎8.给..投票 vote for ‎28.滑倒 slip and fall down ‎9.张贴墙报 put up a wall newspaper ‎ ‎29.有序走/跑下楼梯 step/run down the stairs orderly ‎ ‎10.在大门口欢迎客人 welcome the guests at the school gate ‎30.参加各种各样的项目 attend / take part in various events ‎11.对...满意 ‎ be satisfied with ‎31.毫不犹豫 without hesitation ‎12.表扬某人/给某人竖起大拇指 praise sb. / give sb. a thumb up ‎32.逃离教学楼 escape from the teaching building ‎ ‎13.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do…‎ ‎33.在某人的指导/帮助下 with one’s guidance/help ‎14.尝试一下 have a try ‎34.提高英语水平 improve my English ‎15.赢得一等奖 win the first prize ‎35.采取行动 take action ‎16.把我的成功归功于 owe my success to…‎ ‎36.给某人留下深刻印象 leave a deep impression on sb.‎ ‎17.作展示 make a presentation ‎ ‎37.做充分准备 make full preparation ‎18.做个调查 do a survey ‎38.采访某人 interview sb.‎ ‎19.互相交换意见 exchange ideas with each other about…‎ ‎39.在网上查找信息 search for information on internet ‎20.讨论....‎ have a discussion ‎ ‎40.做出决定 make a decision ‎41. 看见公告栏上有一个通知 see a notice on the bulletin board ‎42. 做关于……的展板 make a display board about ‎43. 号召某人做某事 call on sb to do…‎ ‎44.想出很多主意 Come up with a lot of idea ‎45.有成就感 have a sense of achievement ‎46.报名参加 Sign up for…‎ ‎47.制作一个视频 make a video ‎48.学校礼堂 / 餐厅 ‎ school hall/canteen 亲情友情 中文 英文 中文 英文 ‎1.国外学习 ‎ study abroad ‎ ‎16.感动流泪 be moved to tears ‎2.给某人一个特殊的礼物 present sb. with a special gift ‎17.把需要的东西装进行李箱 pack into the suitcase the things they need ‎3.给某人一个惊喜 give a surprise to sb.‎ ‎18.去...给某人送行 go to ... see them off ‎4.做个生日蛋糕 make a birthday cake ‎19.在机场接某人 pick sb.up at the airport ‎5.庆祝某人的生日 celebrate one’s birthday ‎ ‎20.热烈欢迎他们 give them a warm welcome ‎6.帮助某人准备..‎ help sb. prepare…‎ ‎21.做好充足准备 make full preparations ‎7.在网上搜....‎ search the Internet for the information about…‎ ‎22.帮助某人 give sb a hand ‎8. 给某人买某物 buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.‎ ‎23.遇到困难 come across difficulties ‎9.邀请某人去...‎ invite … to … ‎ ‎24.和某人熟悉 get familiar with sb ‎10.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb.to do…‎ ‎25.带某人周围转转 show sb. around… ‎ ‎11.带某人去参观名胜古迹 take sb to visit some famous places of interest ‎26.和某人分享照片和感受 ‎ share pictures and feelings with sb ‎ ‎12.和某人再见 ‎ Say/wave goodbye to sb.‎ ‎27. 带某人去医院 take sb to the hospital ‎13.照顾某人 take care of sb. ‎ ‎28.感激某人 show gratitude to sb ‎14.得了感冒 catch a cold ‎ ‎29.排队等候 wait in a line / a queue ‎15.在网上订了张票 book a ticket on the Internet ‎30.拥抱某人 ‎ hug sb. tightly / give sb. a hug ‎31.开车去乡下爷爷奶奶家 drive to grandparents’ home in the countryside ‎32.探望爷爷奶奶 visit grandma and grandpa ‎33.用手机和某人进行视频聊天 have a video chat with sb by mobilephone ‎34.与某人在客厅聊天 chat with sb in the living room ‎35.与……分享有趣的校园生活 share interesting school life with sb ‎36.在厨房做饭 cook dinner in the kitchen ‎37.向某人描述……‎ describe…to sb ‎38.表达了对某人的祝愿 express / give one’s best wishes to sb.‎ ‎39.唱生日歌 Sing the birthday song ‎40.点/吹生日蜡烛 light the candles on the birthday cake/ blow out birthday candles 好人好事与诚信作文常用词句 ‎1.做一个彻底的大扫除 2.扫地/马路 ‎ ‎3….被清理干净 4.擦桌子和窗户 ‎ ‎5.整理床铺 ‎ ‎ 6.和某人聊天 ‎ ‎7.把座位让给某人 ‎ ‎ 8.上/下公交车 ‎ ‎ 9.脱下外衣 10.跑向…… ‎ ‎ 11.跳进水里 ‎ ‎ 12.扶起某人 ‎ ‎13.背起某人 ‎ ‎14.设法做成某事 ‎ ‎15.看上去很困惑 ‎ ‎ 16.迷路 ‎ ‎17.寻找 ‎ ‎18.带某人去某地 ‎ ‎19.建议某人做某事 ‎ 20.滑了一跤摔倒了 21.在湖里挣扎 ‎ ‎ 22.叫救护车 ‎ ‎23.给警察打电话/拨打110 24.捡起 ‎25. 把某物还给失主 ‎26.挥手再见 ‎ ‎1.do a thorough cleaning ‎ ‎2.sweep the floor/ path ‎ ‎3.be cleared away ‎ ‎4.mop the windows and tables ‎ ‎5.make the beds ‎ ‎6.chat with ‎ ‎7.offer my seat to sb ‎ ‎8.get on/off the bus ‎ ‎9.take off my coat ‎ ‎10.run over to ‎ ‎11.jump into the water ‎12.help sb up ‎13.carry sb. on the back ‎ ‎14.manage to do ‎15.look puzzled ‎ ‎16.get lost ‎ ‎17.look for ‎18. lead sb to ‎19.advise sb. to do ‎20.slip and fall down ‎ ‎21.struggle in the water ‎22.call an ambulance ‎ ‎23.call the police/dial 110‎ ‎29.在某人的帮助下 ‎ ‎30.在回家/去某地的路上 31.表扬某人 ‎ ‎32.向我竖起了大拇指 ‎ ‎33. 听到尖叫声 ‎34.摔下楼梯 ‎35.受伤严重 ‎36.带某人去医院 ‎37.给某人进行仔细检查 ‎38.撞倒某人 ‎39.扶盲人过马路 ‎40. 帮某人一个忙 ‎41. 看见地上有某物 ‎42. 在某人的帮助下 ‎43.表达对某人的感激之情 ‎44. 向某人道歉 ‎45. 从某处借某物 ‎46.‎ ‎ 29. with the help of sb/with one’s help ‎ ‎30.on the way home / to… ‎ ‎31.praise sb. ‎ ‎32.gave me thumbs up.‎ ‎33.hear a loud scream ‎34.fall down the stairs ‎35 .be badly hurt ‎36.take sb to the hospital ‎37. give sb a careful examination ‎38. knock sb dowm ‎39. take a blind man across the street ‎40. give sb. a hand ‎41. see sth on the ground ‎42. with the help of sb ‎43. show gratitude to sb ‎44. make an apology to sb/apologize to sb ‎27.迫不及待地做某事 ‎ ‎28.毫不犹豫 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎24.pick up ‎ ‎25.return sth. back to the owner ‎ ‎26.wave goodbye to sb ‎27.couldn’t wait to do ‎ ‎28.without hesitation ‎ ‎ 因为我的诚实表扬了我 ‎47. 把水倒在了书上 ‎48. 向某人解释了发生的一切 ‎45. borrow sth from…‎ ‎46. praise me for my honesty ‎47. pour the water on the book ‎48. explained to sb what had happened 校外活动 ‎1.门口集合 gather together at the school gate ‎2.做……车出发 set off/ set out by bus/train ‎3.到达某地/到达目的地 arrive at/in… ‎ arrive at our destination ‎4.排队进入博物馆 enter the museum in line ‎ ‎5.向某人介绍……‎ introduce sth to sb/give sb a brief introduction about…‎ ‎6. 认真听 listen attentively ‎7.仔细做笔记 take notes carefully ‎8.被...吸引 be attracted by..‎ ‎9.很惊奇地看见 be amazed to see..‎ ‎10..对...印象深刻 be impressed by..‎ ‎11.对……感到好奇 ‎ be curious about ‎12.参观一个...展览/博物馆 visit an exhibition of.../ a museum ‎13.与某人讨论 discuss with sb ‎14.学习中国传统礼仪 learn traditionall Chinese manners ‎15.参加一列活动 take part in a series of activities ‎16.观看一系列的图片 observe a series of pictures/photos ‎ ‎17.教某人如何做中国结/脸谱 teach sb how to make Chinese knots /facial makeup ‎18.拿着….拍照 take a photo with….‎ ‎19.品尝当地特色小吃 taste the local special snacks ‎20.探索/体验……‎ explore/experience…‎ ‎21.参加一个培训课程 attend a train course ‎22.发宣传单 hand out leaflets ‎23.号召人们做...‎ call on people to do ‎24.竖起一个牌子 put up a board ‎25.向老师鞠躬 bow to our teachers ‎26.做一次彻底大扫除 do a thorough cleaning ‎27.去爬山/露营/划船/春游 go climbing/ camping/boating /spring outing ‎28.去某地游学 go on a learning tour to Xi’an ‎29..参加一个活动 take part in an activity ‎30.种树 plant trees ‎31.捡垃圾 pick up litters ‎32.把垃圾放进垃圾筒 put the rubbish into dustbin ‎33..做志愿者工作 do volunteer work ‎34.保护环境 protect the environment ‎35.当义务讲解员 work as a volunteer guide ‎36.在网上申请这个工作 ‎ apply for the job on line ‎37.表扬某人 Praise sb/ give sb a thumb up write a diary to record this ‎38.写一篇日记记录这次有意义的活动 ‎ meaningful activity ‎39.在墙上留言 leave a message on the wall ‎40.和某人开了一个茶话会 ‎ have a tea party with…‎

