必修一 Module 1 高考拆组训练

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必修一 Module 1 高考拆组训练

必修一 Module 1 高考拆组训练 阅读理解组块专练——练速度 ‎(限时:35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2019·成都高三第一次诊断)When you use our university library there are different learning spaces available so you can decide what is best for your purpose.‎ Social learning areas We recognize that you can learn from your friends so we've provided social study areas in our library. Here you can discuss your work with your friends without worrying about disturbing others as a reasonable level of noise is accepted, though we do ask that you're considerate of other students and staff.‎ Group study rooms There are bookable (可预定的) group study rooms of various sizes in the library. These rooms are well equipped so that you can easily work in groups or practise presentations.‎ ‎·Bookings are available to groups of 3 or more students.‎ ‎·Bookings can be made in hourly blocks up to a maximum of 2 hours per group per day.‎ ‎·Bookings can be made for the present week and the following week.‎ ‎·Contact the library Help Desk online to book a room. Bookings are restricted to student use only.‎ Silent study spaces We know that sometimes you may prefer to study on your own. To help you achieve this we have individual quiet or silent study areas.‎ In order to preserve the quiet study environment and to avoid disturbing other students, discussion about your course work or exams, or using mobile phones isn't permitted anywhere in these areas.‎ Food, drink and phones Cold drinks and snacks can be consumed in most areas of the library though we ask that you help keep the learning environment clean and pleasant for everyone by clearing rubbish into the bins provided.‎ Mobile phones can be used in the social learning areas and group study rooms but not in the silent study spaces or the hallways or stairs that lead to those areas. We ask that you switch your phone to silent mode when you come in the library.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了应如何使用大学图书馆。‎ ‎1.What is the purpose of social learning areas provided in the library?‎ A.To offer students access to library staff.‎ B.To help students learn to be considerate.‎ C.To keep students free from disturbance.‎ D.To enable students to learn from each other.‎ ‎2.What should students pay attention to when using the library?‎ A.Taking rubbish out when leaving.‎ B.Avoiding having cold drinks and snacks. ‎ C.Keeping their mobile phones silent all the time.‎ D.Using mobile phones only in the hallways or stairs.‎ ‎3.What is the text mainly intended for?‎ A.Introducing additional regulations of a university library.‎ B.Showing how to make use of a university library.‎ C.Recommending a university library the author visits.‎ D.Explaining why a university library is a good place for study.‎ B Dearest darling girl,‎ Today is the beginning of the next stage in your life. We head off to your new home at Stanford. Where do I start in telling you how proud I feel to be called Mummy by you? We've laughed at how you burst into this world with a scowl on your face, how determined you have always been right from feeding yourself to making big decisions for your life. There were days during your illness that I wasn't sure you had the will to make it. Telling you that you needed to want to get better was the hardest and yet the greatest day. From that day you took responsibility and decided you wanted to beat anorexia (厌食症).‎ I don't think I've ever felt so proud of you as when you came home to say that you wanted to go to West Africa between school and university. You chose to go alone, and to raise the money yourself. You have such strength of character and determination. It is at times hard to believe that you are only 18. You experienced something in that month that few dare experience in a lifetime.‎ So, Viv, here are my words of wisdom to you as you start your next big adventure. The world is a beautiful place but often a few things can make it seem difficult. God's temple is made of love. It's man's temple that is built of stones. Open your heart to goodness and never ever let negative people or thoughts take hold of you. As Minor Myers put it, “Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.”‎ It is true that with every passing day, I will grow older and weaker. A day may come when I will become forgetful. But even then, you with your bright smile, will light up my heart.‎ Your Alo 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。这是妈妈写给刚上大学的女儿的一封信,在信中,母亲表达了对自己女儿的骄傲和内心的满足,并对女儿提出了期望。‎ ‎4.What can be learned from the first paragraph?‎ A.Viv was once a trouble maker.‎ B.Viv is a freshman in Stanford.‎ C.Viv relies on her parents a lot.‎ D.Viv was defeated by anorexia.‎ ‎5.Why did Viv go to West Africa?‎ A.To do what others dare not.‎ B.To show her determination.‎ C.To get money for school fees.‎ D.To go on an adventure by herself.‎ ‎6.What is Alo's advice for Viv?‎ A.To be a positive and kind person.‎ B.To avoid the negative part of life.‎ C.To be cautious of coldhearted people.‎ D.To explore the beauty of the world.‎ ‎7.How did the author feel when writing the letter?‎ A.Amused and thankful.‎ B.Pleased and satisfied.‎ C.Cheerful and relieved.‎ D.Concerned and anxious.‎ C ‎(2019·陕西咸阳高三模拟)No one can doubt the fact that education plays an important role in a person's life. However, different people prefer different ways of education. Recently, a survey in Canada found that about 40 percent of high school students are not in favor of daily homework, which quickly led to a heated discussion about whether daily homework should be ended or not in schools.‎ Some people insist that daily homework helps students a lot. Yet others are for the opinion that homework is nothing more than a routine activity that cuts time for leisure or physical exercise. It's true that outofclass activities should be valued in a student's development, but from my point of view, homework still plays an important role in one's life.‎ Doing daily homework is a way to build a foundation for a person's selfdevelopment. In the long run, student's study habits will be more developed and their awareness of the importance of learning will be raised by doing homework every day. An experiment carried out by the University of British Columbia found that former students who did homework every day still take part in selfstudy every day even though they have already graduated. Homework also helped give them a deeper understanding of how important education is in a person's life.‎ Students doing homework every day also have better time management skills, since daily academic exercises can help them plan their free time more effectively. Take me as an example, I spent a lot of time playing video games when I was in primary school when there was little homework to do. After I got to middle school, the time I spent on homework began to increase greatly. But it did not become a burden for me. Instead, it helped get rid of my gaming habit as well as improve my ability to manage time.‎ Doing homework not only develops students' good habits and knowledge, but also improves their ability to manage their spare time. Although doing daily homework isn't ideal for everyone, people have to admit that the advantages it brings are more valuable than the harm.‎ 语篇解读:本文论述了做家庭作业的好处:为自身发展打下坚实的基础;对时间更好的掌控能力;培养学生良好的习惯。‎ ‎8.What's the author's attitude toward doing homework?‎ A.Favorable.        B.Doubtful.‎ C.Neutral. D.Critical.‎ ‎9.Some students are not willing to do homework because they think ________.‎ A.there is no point in doing homework B.doing homework takes up their spare time C.there is too much homework for them D.their daily homework is too easy ‎10.What section of a newspaper is this text most probably taken from?‎ A.Science. B.Health.‎ C.Business. D.Education.‎ ‎11.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?‎ a.Doing homework develops students' good habits.‎ b.Students have to waste their free time doing homework.‎ c.Doing homework does good to students' health.‎ d.Students improve time management skills by doing homework.‎ A.a,d B.b,c C.a,c D.b,d D Moutai Thanks the Hit Movie Wolf Warrior Ⅱ for Free Advertising Chinese box office hit Wolf Warrior Ⅱ has received a thankyou letter from the president of China Kweichow Moutai (Group) Distillery Co., Ltd, the country's most famous brand of liquor, because of the scenes where the hero drank Moutai liquor in the movie.‎ The movie, which premiered (首映) on July 27,2019, tells the story of a former Chinese People's Liberation Army soldier protecting Chinese citizens and local factory workers in an African war zone.‎ The patriotic (爱国的) emotions have proven popular with audiences. By the end of September, Wolf Warrior Ⅱ had earned more than 5.6 billion yuan, breaking China's alltime box office record, set last year by Hong Kong comedy The Mermaid. Wu Jing, 43, both starred in and directed Wolf Warrior Ⅱ, whose prequel (前传) earned 525 million ‎ yuan in 2019.‎ On August 7, Yuan Renguo, president of Kweichow Moutai, congratulated Wu Jing on his success in an open letter on the company's website. “The movie has hit a new record and become a phenomenon,” Yuan wrote. “The movie is now synonymous (相同的) with patriotism. Your free advertising of Moutai in the movie has once more allowed this famous Chinese brand to impress the world.”‎ Yuan also added that the company had organized screenings of the film for its more than 30,000 employees, which improved their feelings of nationalism and “company cohesion (凝聚力)”.‎ Many moviegoers also said they were impressed by the patriotic plot of Wolf Warrior Ⅱ. Tong Yemeng, a 32yearold office worker from Beijing, told Sixth Tone that she watched the film because of positive reviews from her colleagues and on the social media. “I felt so moved and proud of my country when I saw Wu Jing waving the national flag in the war zone,” she said. “It showed our increasing national power.”‎ 语篇解读:本文是对2019年热门电影《战狼Ⅱ》的介绍,该影片主题突出,表现的是一种爱国情怀和为国家、为民族不惜牺牲一切的精神,充分展现了当代中国军人的责任和担当,充满正能量。‎ ‎12.What did the hero of Wolf Warrior Ⅱ once do?‎ A.He was a worker.      B.He was a soldier.‎ C.He was a coach. D.He was a president.‎ ‎13.Why is Wolf Warrior Ⅱ so popular?‎ A.Because the movie is concerned with the love of our country.‎ B.Because Wu Jing played a key role and directed the film.‎ C.Because it is the first film concerning an African war zone.‎ D.Because the plot gives audiences a deep impression.‎ ‎14.Which word can best describe Yuan Renguo's attitude towards the movie when he wrote the letter?‎ A.Favorable. B.Astonished.‎ C.Relieved. D.Uncaring.‎ ‎15.What caused Tong Yemeng to see Wolf Warrior Ⅱ?‎ A.Desiring to relax. B.External influence.‎ C.Feeling lonely. D.Friends' urgency.‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2019·南昌高三模拟)A recent report suggested that an average person checks his or her cell phone 150 times a day. __1__ They may not know using their cell phones may put themselves or their loved ones in danger. __2__ At least 200,000 car accidents were caused by texting messages.‎ ‎__3__ A survey done by the Pew Institute suggested that Americans in the age range of 18 to 29 years old send 88 text messages a day. When you're walking home from work, you don't need your headphones making loud noises in your ears. There is a much greater place to create positive emotions that will make us happier and much more fulfilled. Those emotions are within us, and by blocking these feelings with all of our latest technologies, we may be harming ourselves. __4__‎ We need to take back control of our minds and stop compulsively checking our emails, Facebook updates, and text messages. I think we can live a happier life if we pay more attention to ourselves and the people we are speaking with. __5__ Think about what parents are doing to children's emotional wellbeing when they focus on their cell phones rather than their children.‎ If you are playing with your children in the park, be totally attentive to what they are doing. If you are in a business meeting and someone is speaking, listen to everything they say.‎ A.Your cell phone is not part of your body.‎ B.Human beings are glued to their cell phones.‎ C.Cell phones have brought great convenience to us.‎ D.People addicted to cell phones are even not aware of their safety.‎ E.How many relationships are lost because of a lack of communication?‎ F.Using cell phones too much may be linked to depressions and anxiety.‎ G.Statistics show 28 percent of car accidents occur from people using cell phones.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了手机上瘾带来的危害并提出了解决办法。‎

