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被动语态专项练习 ‎1、The new suspension bridge ______ by the end of last month. (2001上海春季) A. has been designed                B. had been designed     C. was designed                     D. would be designed 2、-- I’ve heard Bob ______ from his journey to Africa. -- What about visiting him tonight? A. had come back                B. coming back   C. come back                        D. is back 3、-- Hello, Jim. I ______ to see you today. Sonia said you______ ill.    -- Oh, I’m OK.    (2003黄冈市) A. don’t expect; were          B. haven’t expected; are C. am not expecting; are            D. didn’t expect; were 4、-- ______ David and Vicky ______ married?   -- For about three years. (2003北京) A. How long were; being     B. How long have; got   C. How long have; been            D. How long did; get 5、Rainforests ______and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the     near future. (2002上海春季) A. cut          B. are cut              C. are being cut        D. had been cut 6、My uncle ______ until he was forty-five. (2000上海) A. married      B. didn’t marry        C. was not marrying     D. would marry 7、-- Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?    -- I ______ , but I had an unexpected visitor. (1997全国) A. had              B. would            C. was going to         D. did 8、The two boys argued and then hit each other; all the four parents ______ at one another. A. had arrived and shouted          B. arriving and shouting C. arrived and shouted              D. arrived and shouting 9、 --  ______my dictionary.   -- Yes. I put it in your desk just now. (2003东城) A. Do you see   B. Have you seen    C. Did you see      D. Had you seen 10、-- Have you heard from Janet recently?    -- No, but I  ______ her over Christmas. (2003成都) A. saw          B. will be seeing  C. have seen            D. have been seeing 11、When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ______ yet?(2003上海春季) A. are not decided                      B. have not been decided  C. is not being decided                 D. has not been decided 12、______ blood if you can and many lives will be saved. (2001上海春季) A. Giving      B. Give             C. Given            D. To give 13、Helen      her key in the office so she had wait until her husband       home.(1996全国) A. has left; comes              B. left; had come       C. had left; came                D. had left; would come 14、-- When did he go to America?   -- Oh, he ______there since half a year ago. (2003西城) A. went         B. has been    C. has gone    D. was 15、-- Excuse me, sir. Would you do me a favor?    -- Of course. What is it?    -- I ______ if you could tell me how to fill out this form. (2002北京) A. had wondered     B. was wondering    C. would wonder    D. did ‎ wonder 16、An awful accident ______ , however, occur the other day. (2000上海) A. does         B. did              C. has to               D. had to 17、-- You’ve agreed to go, but why aren’t you getting ready? -- But I ______that you ______ me to start at once. A. don’t realize; want     B. don’t realize; wanted C. didn’t realize; wanted         D. haven’t realized; want 18、-- Put these glasses away before they         .   -- Ok. I’ll put them in the cupboard. (2003海淀) A. have broken      B. are breaking     C. get broken       D. will be broken 19、-- What were you up to when she dropped in?    -- I ______ for a while and       some reading. (2003成都) A. was playing; was going to do    B. played; did C. had played; was going to do        D. had played; did 20、He will have learned English for eight years by the time he ______ from the university next year. (2002上海) A. will graduate         B. will have graduated C. graduates           D. is to graduate 21、______ some of this juice - perhaps you’ll like it. (2000北京春季) A. Trying       B. Try              C. To try           D. Have tried 22、Will these flowers be watered ______ ? A. every few days   B. after hours C. within a few hours    D. the other day 23、You  ______things about. Look, what a mess in your room! (2003西城) A. always throw      B. have always thrown   C. are always throwing           D. have always been throwing 24、At this time tomorrow         over the Atlantic.   (2003北京) A. we’re going to fly  B. we’ll be flying C. we’ll fly  D. we’re to fly 25、A new cinema ______ here. They hope to finish it next month. (2001北京春季) A. will be built   B. is built             C. has been built       D. is being built 26、If a man______succeed, he must work as hard as he can. (1995上海) A. will             B. is to                C. is going to          D. should 27、It will be a long time ______ Frank ______ back from abroad. A. before; comes                B. since; has come C. when; will come              D. after; came 28、-- The telephone is ringing.     -- I ______ answer it. (2003石家庄) A. will         B am going to       C. am to            D. am about 29、Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology ______ so     rapidly. (2001全国) A. is changing      B. has changed      C. will have changed   D. will change 30、-- Your phone number again? I______quite catch it.    -- It’s 9568442. (1995全国) A. didn’t          B. couldn’t            C. don’t               D. can’t 31、It was until then that I came to know that knowledge ______ only from practice. A. has come     B. comes        C. came         D. had come 32、-- Have you moved into the new classroom?   -- Not yet. The classroom ______ . A. is being painted             B. is painting    C. is painted            D. has been painted 33、You needn’t hurry her; she ______ it by the time you are ready. (2003黄冈中学) ‎ A. will have finished               B. will finish   C. will be finishing                D. has finished 34、The little girl ______ her heart out because she  ______ her heart out because she wasn’t ever going to find it. (2002北京) A. had cried; lost      B. cried; had lost C. has cried; has lost                      D. cries; has lost 35、Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it. (1998全国) A. has written      B. wrote                C. had written      D. was writing 36、He ______ and was made to repeat it. A. didn’t understand       B. didn’t be understood C. wasn’t understand         D. wasn’t understood 37、-- What do you think of my composition?    -- It ______well ______a few spelling mistakes. (2003石家庄) A. reads; except for           B. read; besides   C. is read; except for        D. is read; besides 38、Hundreds of jobs ______if the factory closes. (2001 北京春季) A. lose         B. will be lost         C. are lost         D. will lose 39、Mr. Smith ______ in the school twenty years by July. A. has worked       B. worked       C. has been working  D. will have worked 40、-- Look! How long          like this? -- Three weeks! It’s usual here that rain ______ without stopping these days of the year. ‎ A. has it rained; pours             B. has it been raining; pours C. is it raining; is pouring            D. does it rain; pours 41、It ______ long before we ______ the result of the experiment. (2002上海春季) A. will not; be will know       B. is will; know   C. will not; be know       D. is; know 42、I’ve brought my tennis things along in case we______time for a game tomorrow.(2003西城) A. shall have       B. have         C. will have        D. are going to have 43、-- Can I help you, sir?    -- Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it ______  . (1996全国) A. didn’t work    B. won’t work          C. can’t work  D. doesn’t work 44、-- Did you come to the museum by bike yesterday?   -- No. Two meters of snow fell during the night. As a result, several main roads______. (2003东城) A. piled snow    B. had been closed C. were blocked   D. covered with snow 45、-- What happened to the priceless works of art?    --  ______ . (2003北京春季) A. They were destroyed in the earthquake    B. The earthquake was destroying C. They destroyed in the earthquakes        D. The earthquake destroyed them ‎46、He ______ to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.  (1999上海) A. has no sooner got         B. no sooner got   C. will no sooner get           D. had no sooner got 47、I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he ______ it. (2003上海) A. doesn’t mention       B. hadn’t mentioned  C. didn’t mention          D. hasn’t mention 48、-- Do you know anyone in Paris?    -- No, I’ll make friends once______. A. I’m settled B. I have settled   C. I’ll be settled     D. I’m settling 49、By the end of last year, another new gymnasium ______in Beijing. (2003上海春季) A. would be completed         B. was being complete   C. has been completed     D. had been completed ‎50、-- Is this raincoat yours?    -- No, mine ______ there behind the door. (1997全国) A. hangs        B. has hung             C. is hanging           D. hung 51、 I don’t really work here, I ______ until the new secretary arrives. (1994全国) A. just help out      B. have just helped out  C. am just helping out     D. will just help out 52、 After everybody______, the concert began. (2003太原) A. was seated       B. seated           C. is seated            D. was sat 53、They said good-bye, little knowing that they ______ again. A. were never met     B. will never meet C. never met         D. were never to meet 54、-- How long ______ at this job?   -- Sine 1990. (2003北京春季) A. were you employed   B. have you been employed   C. had you been employed                D. will you be employed 55、I don’t think Jim saw me; he ______ into space. (1995全国) A. just stared      B. was just staring    C. has just stared      D. had just stared 56、In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they______ .(2001上海) A. have survived    B. are to survive       C. would survive   D. will survive 57、The thief ______ when he was stealing a wallet from a woman. A. happened to notice               B. was taken place to notice C. was happened to be noticed       D. happened to be noticed 58、In 1960, this was the longest bridge that  ______ . (2003东北三校) A. was ever built       B. had ever built    C. has ever been built       D. had ever been built 59、-- How are the team playing? -- They’re playing well, but one of them______  hurt. (2002北京春季) A. got          B. gets             C. are              D. were 60、-- Would you care for a cup of tea?   -- I ______ one. Thank you just the same. A. have had     B. had          C. would have           D. will have  61、-- Isn’t it hard to drive downtown to work?    -- Yes, that’s why I ______ to work by train. (2003东北三校) A. have been going    B. have gone    C. was going            D. will have gone 62、______ it with me and I’ll see what I can do. (1999全国) A. When left        B. Leaving          C. If you leave         D. Leave 63、-- Look! It looks as if it______ going to rain. We must hurry.   -- OK. (2003东城) A. was          B. is      C. were         D. will be 64、 I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year. (2001全国) A. will play    B. have played          C. played           D. play 65、-- When will you come to see me, Dad?   -- I will go to see you when you ______ the training course. (2003北京春季) A. will have finished   B. will finish      C. are finishing        D. finish 66、-- Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.    --   ______ . (1994全国) ‎ A. I don’t             B. I won’t    C. I can’t             D. I haven’t 67、-- He promised to come to see you.    -- But he ______. I’ve been alone. A. doesn’t         B. didn’t          C. won’t               D. hasn’t 68、-- You haven’t said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?    -- I’m sorry I ______ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty on you. (2002全国) A. wasn’t saying       B. don’t say       C. won’t say       D. didn’t say 69、-- I’ve bought a box of chocolates for our daughter.    -- Oh, how good a dad! But she doesn’t like sweet things. ______ that?(2003西城) A. Don’t you know                      B. Haven’t you known    C. Didn’t you know                 D. Hadn’t you known 70、The reporter said that the UFO ______east to west when he saw it. (2000全国) A. was traveling    B. traveled             C. had been traveling   D. was to travel 71、All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness ______ . (2003全国) A. has grown            B. is growing       C. grew         D. had grown 72、E-mail, as well as telephones, ______ an important part in daily communication. (1999上海) A. is playing       B. have played          C. are playing          D. play 73、Our team was ahead during the first half, but we ______  in the last ten minutes. (2003黄冈中学) A. had lost         B. would lose  C. were losing          D. lost 74、-- How do you usually go to work?    -- If it is fine, I         on foot. A. will go          B. go           C. have gone            D. won’t go 75、He ______ in a shower last night and was wet through. A. caught           B. was caught       C. had caught           D. caught up 76、 --          the sports meet might be put off. Yes, it all depends on the weather. (1995全国) A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told       C. I’m told            D. I told 77、-- Can I help you, Madam?    -- No, thanks. I ______. (2003山西试验中学) A. have just looked around    B. just look around C. am just looking around     D. just looked around 78、-- Look! Somebody has broken a glass.   -- Well, it ______ me. I  ______ that. A. wasn’t; didn’t go   B. isn’t; haven’t done C. wasn’t; hadn’t done     D. isn’t; didn’t go 79、 Come and see me whenever______. (2003北京) A. you are convenient   B. you will be convenient   C. it is convenient    D. it will be convenient to you 80、Nobody knew when the fire ______ , but they knew it ______ the next morning. A. broke out; was put out           B. was broken out; was put out C. broke out; put out               D. was broken out; went out 81、-- Was Tom there when you arrived?   -- Yes, but he ______ home soon afterwards. A. had gone     B. has gone    C. is going         D. went 82、The news came as no surprise to me. I______ for some time that the factory was going to shut     down. (2003北京) ‎ A. had known        B. knew         C. have known           D. know 83、I have no idea what ______ while I was asleep. A. has happened        B. was happened   C. happened               D. had happened 84、Unfortunately when I arrived she______ , so we only had time for a few words. A. just left    B. has just left   C. was just leaving   D. had just left 85、The pupils here ______ all kinds of exercises every day in the past four weeks. A. kept busy doing        B. keep on doing   C. have kept busy doing      D. have been kept busy doing 86、 -- What happened to the postman?    -- I don’t know. He ______ around here for a long time. A. hasn’t seen    B. didn’t see      C. wasn’t seen    D. hasn’t been seen 87、-- How are you today?    -- Oh, I ______ all ill as I do now for a very long time. (2000全国) A. didn’t feel         B. wasn’t feeling  C. don’t feel D. haven’t felt 88、A gentle wind ______ through the tree. In the distance, I______a racing car moving across     the dusty plain. (2003黄冈中学) A. was blowing; noticed             B. blew; had noticed    C. had blown; was noticing          D. has blown; have noticed 89、-- I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?    -- I ______on leave in Europe. (2003重庆) A. have been        B. am           C. was              D. had been 90、-- You’ve left the light on.    -- Oh, so I have.  ______and turn it off. (2000全国) A. I’ll go         B. I’ve gone           C. I go             D. I’m going 91、 -- Has Tommy finished his job yet?    -- I have no idea of it; he ______ it this morning. (2003重庆) A. was doing        B. had been doing   C. has done    D. did 92、-- Sorry, I ______ to post the letter for you.    -- Never mind. ______ it myself after school. A. forget; I’d rather post             B. forgot; I’m going to post C. forgot; I’ll post                   D. forget; I’d better post 93、All the preparations for the task______ , and we’re ready to start. (2000北京春季) A. completed        B. complete     C. had been completed        D. have been completed 94、-- Don’t you know I make the decision here?    --   ______ , not until you ______ me. A. Yes; have told         B. No; have told   C. Yes; tell           D. No; are telling 95、I’ve won a holiday for two weeks to Florida. I______ my mum. (2001北京春季) A. am taking        B. have taken           C. take         D. will have taken 96、______  at the door before entering, please. (2001北京春季) A. Knocked      B. To knock         C. Knocking             D. Knock 97、-- Look! Someone has spilt coffee on the carpet.   -- Well, it ______ me. (2003海淀) A. isn’t           B. wasn’t          C. hasn’t been    D. hadn’t been 98、-- Hey, look where you are going! ‎ ‎    -- Oh, I’m terribly sorry. ______ . (1999全国) A. I’m not noticing      B. I wasn’t noticing   C. I haven’t noticed        D. I don’t notice 99、By the time you get to the airport, she ______ for New Zealand. (2003武汉) A. would be leaving     B. has already left C. is leaving        D. will have left 100、-- Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?    -- It   ______  . (2002上海) A. all depend       B. all depends C. is all depended       D. is all depending ‎101、-- Who is the old man talking with your teacher?    -- I don’t know. I ______ him before. (2003武汉) A. was never seeing    B. had never seen    C. never saw      D. wouldn’t see 102、Visitors ______ not to touch the exhibits. (2001全国) A. will request    B. request    C. are requesting    D. are requested 103、-- Hi, Tracy, you look tired.    -- I am tired. I ______the living room all day. (1998全国) A. painted      B. had painted          C. have been painting   D. have painted 104、 Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will _____fresh for several days. (2003全国) A. be stayed        B. stay         C. be staying       D. have stayed 105、-- Come on, Shela. I want to show you something.    -- Oh, how nice of you. I ______ you ______ to bring me a gift. A. didn’t think; were going    B. never think; are going C. never through; were going      D. hadn’t thought; were going 106、-- You’re drinking too much.    -- Only at home. No one ______  me but you. (2000北京春季) A. is seeing        B. had seen         C. sees                 D. saw 107、-- Will you go to the party?   -- Of course I will if ______ . (2003东城) A. I was invited    B. invited          C. having invited  D. I will be invited 108、This is Ted’s photo. We miss him a lot. He______trying to save a child in the earthquake. A. killed           B. is killed   C. was killed   D. was killing 109、I wonder why Jenny______us recently. We should have heard from her by now. (2002全国) A. hasn’t written      B. doesn’t write   C. won’t write  D. hadn’t write 110、The price ______  , but I doubt whether it will remain so. (1999全国) A. went down  B. will go down       C. has gone down   D. was going down ‎ ‎111、John and I ______ friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ______ each other a couple of times before that. (2002北京春季) A. had been; have seen                  B. have been; have seen C. had been; had seen                   D. have been; had seen 112、-- Is Paul playing both soccer and tennis for the school?   -- He ______ . But now he has given up playing tennis. (2003海淀) A. is               B. has          C. was          D. had 113、-- What were you doing when Tom came to see you?    -- I ______ on my overcoat and ______ to visit a friend of mine. A. have just put; leaving               B. was put; was ‎ left C. had just put; was leaving        D. was putting; left 114、Old Macdonald gave up smoking for a while, but soon ______ to his old ways. ‎ A. returned    B. returns              C. was returning        D. had returned 115、-- I was sent to hospital last night.    -- You ______ within an inch of life, and didn’t know it. (2003兰州) A. have been        B. are          C. were                 D. would be 116、-- Did you write to Mary last month?    -- No, but I’ll ______ her over Christmas Day. A. be seen      B. be seeing        C. have seen   D. have been seeing 117、 I feel it is your husband who ______ for the spoiled child. (2002上海) A. is to blame      B. is going to blame   C. is to be blamed      D. should blame 118、-- Tom came back home the day before yesterday.    -- Really? Where ______ at all?  (2003湖北八校) A. had he been                  B. has he been C. had he gone                  D. has he gone ‎[参考答案] 1、B  在含有by引导的时间状语的句子中,谓语动词要用过去完成时。到上个月为止已完成了吊桥的设计。 2、D  主句动词have heard作“听说”解,其后接到是省略that的宾语从句。Be back from表示“从……归来”的状态。由于本题中的hear不作“听见”解,故不可选分词作宾补。 3、D  见到Jim后expect成了过去,而第二句主句为过去时,故用were。 4、C   根据时间状语for about three years可确定应用现在完成时。在完成时态中,非延续性动词如go,get等,不能和表示延续的时间状语连用,所以选项B不能作为答案。 5、C  根据句子的语境they will disappear from the earth in the near future可以判断出要用被动语态的现在进行时,说明雨林正在被砍伐、焚烧。 6、B  动词marry是非延续性动词,要用didn’t marry填写。 7、C  现在打算来,可是我家来了一位不速之客。was going to come表示过去打算来;would come表示过去愿意来。 8、C  argue,hit,arrive,shout是按次序出现四个并列的动词,分别充当两个分句的谓语,故均用一般过去时。 9、B  根据时态排除A,D,用B比C更好一些,过去的动作对现在有影响,用现在完成时好一些。 10、B  第一句中用了have,而第二句回答No, 所以说话人近来都没有Janet的消息,而A, B, C, D都表示有她的消息,所以只能选B,表示将来进行时。 11、D  根据副词yet可确定应用现在完成时。When and where to do sth表示单数,要用has not been decided。 12、B  这是一个祈使句,要用动词原形。and连接两个句子,构成“祈使句+and+句子”的句型。If you can是条件状语从句。如果可能,就献血吧,许多生命将会得救。 13、C  把钥匙忘在办公室里发生在等她丈夫回来之前,要用过去完成时。在until引导的时间状语从句中谓语动词要用一般过去时。 ‎ ‎14、B  since+一般过去式出现时,主语一般用现在完成时态。 15、B  在这个句子中用过去进行时表示在对方问话之前自己正在想到事。 16、B  这是一个对谓语强调的句子。时间状语the other day表示过去,要用一般过去时。 17、C  说话时已经“认识到”、“没认识到”已是过去的事。 18、C  broken是动词过去分词表被动,get done是固定用法。 19、C  由第一句可判断出第二句描述的事情发生在过去,for a while是相对于when she dropped in来说的,when she dropped in,“我已经玩了一会儿了”,因此该用过去完成时态。再看后一个动作,承接着前面for a while之后,因此应用过去将来时,表示过去那个时间将要发生的动作,故选C。 20、C  by the time后接定语从句,省略了关系副词when。要用一般现在时表示将来。 21、B  这是一个祈使句,要用动词原形。 22、C  A项只用于一般时,B、D两项只用于过去时,“within+时间段”可用于过去时,现在和将来时。 23、C  “be always doing”此种用法在语气上含有不满的责备。 24、B   at this time tomorrow表示“在明天的这个时候发生的事”,要与将来进行时连用。 25、D  所提供的情景They hope to finish it next month. 说明电影院还在建设中,要用现在进行时态。 26、B  be to do sth表示职责、义务、意图、约定、可能性等。如果一个人想成功,他必须尽力而为。所以要用is to succeed的形式。 27、A  此句是由before引起的时间状语从句,主句用了将来时,从句则用一般现在时。 28、A   be going to do表示“已计划好要做某事”,be to do与be about to do有时意思一样,都是“正要做某事(忽然另一个动作发生了)”。 29、A  选择移动电话难的原因是由于科技正在飞速发展,要用现在进行时态。 30、A  所提供的情景说明对方刚才没有听清楚,要用一般过去时。I couldn’t quite catch it.我刚才没能听清楚。不能作为答案。 31、B   knowledge comes from practice是客观整理,该用一般现在时,不受宾语从句的时态限制。 32、A  现在进行时的被动式表示当前(说话时)正在发生的被动动作,符合题意。 33、A  将来完成时,将来某时某刻之前完成的动作。 34、B  “哭”的动作发生在过去。丢失玩具熊发生在“哭”的动作之前,要用过去完成时。 35、D  所提供的情景but I don’t know whether she has finished it表明当时她正在写这本书,当时不知道是否完成,要用过去进行时态。时间状语last year对作出正确选择起到很大的干扰作用。 36、D  从He…was made to repeat it可推断他的话未被人理解,故用被动语态。 37、A   read在这里主动表被动,能这样用的动词有write, wash,etc。而except for意思是“除了”,暗指一个整体事物中与其它部分的共性不同的“例外”的部分。 38、B  lose jobs失业。主语是jobs,谓语要用被动语态。条件句中的谓语动词的一般现在时表示将来。 39、D  by时间短语表示进来时间时,常和将来完成时连用,表示“某动作将来在某时之前完成”。 40、B  问某种状态持续多长时间,应用现在完成进行时,而第二个空是指一般状态,故用一般现在时,选B。 41、C  我们将在不久知道试验的结果。要用一般将来时。It will not be long是主句,不久;在before引导的时间状语从句中,要用一般现在时表示将来。 42、B  此句译为:我带了我的网球用具,以防明天会有时间举行比赛。“in case”为“以防万一”,后面谓语动词用虚拟,退一个时态,用一般现在时。 43、C  虽然是昨天买的收音机,但现在到商店的目的是告诉服务员,它出了毛病,现在不能工作的,要用一般现在时。 44、C  根据题意应用被动语态,排除A、D,而B用closed不准确,应用were blocked“被阻塞”。 45、A   happen to sb or sth某人或某物怎么了。在回答这种问题时,要用某人和某物作主语。 ‎ ‎46、D  当时间状语no sooner than+从句时,要用过去完成时。意为“一……就……”。 47、C  根据前一个句子的谓语动词thought是一般过去时可判断出应选择一般过去时作为正确答案。我认为吉姆会说有关他成绩单的事,但他没说。选项A表示经常性的动作;选项D表示已经完成的动作;选项C表示发生在“我认为”以前的动作。 48、A  settle作“安家”解时,既可用settle也可用be settled。 49、D  by the end of last year常与过去完成时连用。表示到过去的某个时候前已经完成的动作。 50、C  动词hang既可以做及物动词也可以作不及物动词。在这道题中hang是不及物动词,现在进行时表示正悬挂在那儿。 51、C  所提供的情景是I don’t really work here. 言外之意我在这儿只是暂时帮忙。just作副词有两个意思。当“恰恰,刚好”讲时,可以用于各种时态;当“刚才”讲时,常与完成时连用。 52、A  seat表示坐的时候用于被动语态,sit则用主动语态,根据时态,因此,正确选项为A。 53、D  were(was)to do sth表示从过去某一时间看来将要发生的事。 54、B  根据since 1990可确定应用现在完成时。 55、B  所给的情景是I don’t think Jim saw me. just的意思是“恰巧”。我想吉姆没有看见我;他正凝视太空。说明吉姆当时因为凝视太空没有看见我,要用过去进行时。 56、B  在条件状语从句中,谓语动词不能用一般将来时,但可以用be to do sth。 57、D  happen,take place不用于被动语态,但happen to(碰巧)之后的不定式可以有被动语态。本题notice与主语thief是动宾关系,故用不定式的被动式。 58、D  由“was”可知要用过去时,又由“the longest”可知有比较意味,要用完成时。 59、A  got hurt受伤,get后接过去分词表示被动。受伤的事发生在过去,要用一般过去时。 60、A  用现在完成时,表示在说话之前已喝过一杯茶,故现在不需要再喝了。‎ ‎61、A  前者问:“开车去市区很难?”后者说:“是的,那就是我坐火车去上班的理由。”显然坐火车去上班的动作发生在过去持续到现在并将继续持续下去,应用现在完成进行时。 62、D  这是一个祈使句,要用动词原形。 63、B  表示一个推测,排除A、C,因为A,C用的是过去时,而D项will be和后面的going to 重复,所以选B。 64、D  从常识可知,一个人一旦获得了某种技能,这种技能就会保持很长一段时间,而不会因短期内不训练而失去。虽然“我”在今年没有时间训练,但乒乓球仍然打得很好,要用一般现在时态。 65、D  在when引导的时间状语从句中,谓语动词要用一般现在时 ‎66、B  对方告诫不要忘记明天来参加生日集会,表示将来,要用一般将来时来回答,意思是“(明天)我不会忘记的”。 67、D  从“I’ve been alone(我一直独自一人)”可看出:“他一直未来看我”。此题容易因上文He promised而误选B。 68、D  过去对新大衣没做任何评价,要用一般过去时。Sooner表示“快、早”,不表示“将来”,不能选won’t say。 69、C  译为:--我为我们的女儿买了一盒巧克力。--多么好的爸爸呀!但是她不喜欢甜味食品,难道你不知道吗?”答语含有强烈的讽刺意味,反问语为:在我说之前你不知道吗?所以用过去时。 70、A  叙述报告者当时看到UFO的情景,要用过去进行时。 71、C  根据all morning和时间状语从句中的谓语动词,可判断出应用一般过去时。一般过去时可用于表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。时间状语all morning说明动作的反复性,时间状语从句的谓语动词为一般过去时,说明发生在过去。 72、A  E-mail和电话正在日常通信中起着重要作用。表示现在正在发生的事,要用现在进行时。主语是E-mail,谓语动词要用单数形式。as well as前面是真正的主语,而其后的词作as well as的宾语。 ‎ ‎73、D  but前后里那个半句应用相同时态,后半句在说比赛结果,应用一般过去时lost。 74、B  从上句usually可判定下句中的go on foot是经常性的行为。此题易根据If it is fine的无效信息而误选A。 75、B  表示“淋雨”、“碰上阵雨等”,用“雨”作主语时,用主动语态,动词用catch;用“人”作主语时,则用be caught in(by)结构。 76、A  “有人告诉我运动会可能延期举行”,“是的,这全取决于天气”。要用被动语态I’m told是一般现在时,表示经常发生的动作,不能作为答案。 77、C  此处用I am just looking around表示我只是正在随便看看,just可以和现在进行时连用,表示只是怎么怎么样。‎ ‎78、A  首句用现在完成时,表示“杯子破了”这件事至今仍是谈论的话题。答话人表示“不是我打破的”、“打破杯子”则是过去某个时刻发生的行为,故用过去时。 79、C  convenient方便的,其主语常为it。Whenever引导时间状语从句,其谓语动词要用一般现在时,不能用一般将来时。 80、A  break out是不及物动词,表示火灾“发生”。“扑灭”put out是及物动词,前者不用于被动语态,后者可用于被动语态。 81、D  首句提供的信息,可判定答语中的事实已成为过去。 82、A  根据所提供的情景The news came as no surprise to me和时间状语for a some time可确定答案。过去完成时表示“过去的过去”,表示“在消息到来之前就知道工厂要破产”。 83、C  根据从句谓语用过去时was,可推出主句happen是发生在从句所表示的时间内的行为。 84、C  用过去进行时表示从过去某时看来就要发生的事。 85、D  在“in the last/past+时间段”的句子里,谓语动词要求用现在完成时,表示“到目前为止的最近时间”。Keep sb busy doing sth表示“使某人忙于”,其被动语态则为be kept busy doing sth,完成体则为have been kept busy doing sth。 86、D  从时间状语for a long time可知到说话时为止长时间邮递员未被见到了。故用现在完成被动时。 87、D  for a long time常与现在完成时连用。这是很长时间以来的情况与现在进行比较。 88、A  一阵轻风正吹过树梢,我注意到远处一辆跑车正驰过旷野。 89、C  此题可能会误选A,前者说“我好几年未见你,去哪儿了”可见他已经回来,因此他去欧洲的动作已经发生过了,应用过去时来回答where have you been?A则是说我有去过欧洲的事实。 90、A  表示将要去关灯用一般现在时。and后turn it off是原形,所以I’m going不能作为答案。 91、A  上文说“汤姆完成他的工作了吗?”下文说“不知道,又见他今早在工作”工作的动作发生在从过去开始持续一段时间,至于现在完成否,不得而知,但今早他正在干,应该用过去进行时。 92、C  表示“现在已忘记了某事”,“记不得了”,常用过去时来代替现在完成时;答句用I’ll post表示单纯未来,如选B,则意为“我打算去寄”,不符合上句的语境. 93、D  现在完成时表示过去所做的事对现在的影响。所提供的情景and we’re ready to start(我们正准备开始)表明一切准备工作已经就绪,可以开始工作了。 94、B  答语的含意是:“No,I don’t know it until you have told me.”till/until从句中常用一般时或现在完成时。 95、A  所提供的情景I’ve won a holiday for two weeks to Florida. 中的谓语是现在完成时,表明说话人正在度假,所以后一个句子要用现在进行时态。 96、D  这是一个祈使句。要用动词原形。 97、B  前句是现在完成时,表示已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响,故后面回答用过去时。 98、B  表示刚才没有注意到,要用过去进行时。 99、D  “by the time”表leave发生在“get to the airport”之前,要用完成时,又因为“get to the airport”‎ 尚未发生,所以选将来完成时。 100、B   It all depends或That depends是固定用法,这都很难说,得看情况。  101、C  before表示要用过去时,意为“我以前从未见过他”可排除B、A,并根据上下文语境排除D。 102、D  要求参观者必要触摸展品。要用被动语态。 103、C  时间状语是all day,要用现在完成进行时。现在完成进行时表示在一段时间内连续干某事。 104、B   stay既可作行为动词,也可作系动词。根据形容词fresh可判断出stay在这个句子里作系动词。Will后接动词原形构成一般将来时。 105、C  从语法角度看A、C、D都可选。但从语境看,A项运用了否定前移的手法,相当于I thought you were not going to bring me a gift,不符合说话人当时的心情。D项的意思是:“我本来以为你不会送礼。”人家送来的礼物,你却这样回答,岂非太不礼貌?C项用了never一词,表示“我压根儿没想到你会带给我礼物”,反映了说话人既惊喜又抱歉的心情,为最佳选择。 106、C  所提供的场景Only at home说明“我”只在家里喝得多,平时除了“你”之外,每人看见“我”喝得多。表示的是经常性的动作,要用一般现在时。 107、B  此处I will if invited省略了I am,译为:如果被邀请的话,我就会去。A项中过去时不符,C项主动语态不符,D项将来时不符。If后用虚拟,前面用的是将来时,后面应退一个时态,用一般现在时。 108、C   虽然前面两句都用了一般现在时,但是从意思可知,Ted在地震中抢救儿童发生在过去,要用被动语态度一般过去时。 109、A   时间状语recently常与现在完成时连用。We should have heard from her by now.目前我们应该收到她的信了。 110、C  所提供的情景是but I doubt whether it will remain so.说明物价已经下降,要用现在完成时。 111、D  到现在为止约翰和我认识八年了。要用现在完成时。我们认识前曾见过几面,要用过去完成时。过去完成时表示在认识之前所发生的事,即“过去的过去”。 112、C  was表示“他过去一直是这样”,但现在不是了。 113、C   前一个动作在“汤姆来看”时已完成,后一个正要去做。 114、A  比较两个并列句的时态可以看出,都表示过去发生的事,要用一般过去时。 115、A  have been指过去某种状态度效果影响到现在。 116、B  将来进行时will/shall be doing sth可用于表达预计将发生或势必要发生的动作,在一般情况下可和一般将来时换用,用将来进行时则显得更加委婉。 117、A  be to blame是固定短语,该怨。这是一个强调句,强调主语your husband。is to be blamed,表示将要发生的事,与语义不符。 118、A  came back是过去,而问句中的动作发生在came back之前,是过去的过去,所以用过去完成时,而且Tom已经回来,所以要用be动词,而gone是去了某地未回

