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话题1 学校生活 一、话题解读 话题涉及学习的课程,学校、班级或学生会等举行的各项比赛或课外活动,包括聚会、野餐、烧烤、春游等课外活动;也包括学生的穿着、发型,还包括预习、复习、讨论、归纳等学习活动或教师的教学方法。常见考查要求考生就某项比赛或课外活动等写一份通知,或就具体的聚会、野餐、烧烤、春游等课外活动写一份通知或写活动后的日记。也可以考查议论文,要求考生就学生的穿着、发型、行为举止等发表看法;就预习、复习、讨论、归纳等课堂学习活动和教师教学方法等发表看法;就学生对任课教师开展评教活动发表看法;就热点校园话题发表看法等。‎ 二、素材积累 ‎1.学校场所设施 图书馆 library 三楼210室 in Room 201 on the 3rd floor 体育馆 gym/ stadium 阶梯教室 lecture hall 运动场/操场 playground/ sportsground/ sportsfield 阅览室 reading-room 食堂 canteen 会议室 meeting-room 宿舍 dormitory 设备 equipment 实验室 lab 书架 bookshelf 教学楼 teaching/classroom building 微机室 computer room 办公楼 office building 黑板 blackboard 校服 school uniform 校门口 at the school gate ‎2.教学与学习 托儿所 nursery 讨论 discuss/ have a discussion 幼儿园 kindergarten 预习/复习 preview/ review 小学 primary school 背诵;朗诵 recite 一中 No. 1 High School 缺席 be absent (from…)‎ 被大学录取 be admitted to University 时间安排表 schedule 做实验 carry out an experiment 参考书 reference book 毕业于···‎ graduate from …‎ 报名参加 sign up for 注册选修英语课 register for English classes 专业/主修 major in 参加中国文学课程 take a course in Chinese literature 申请 apply for 学科 subject 生物 biology 数学 mathematics 政治 politics 物理 physics 历史 history 化学 chemistry 地理 geography 做笔记 take notes 信息技术 information technology 良好学习环境 a good learning environment ‎3.评价与测试 鼓励 encourage 表扬 praise 提高,改善 improve 获得金牌 win a gold medal 得高分 get high/good marks/grades ‎ 取得成功 achieve success 作弊 cheat 对….严格 be strict with 参加考试 ‎ take the test/exam ‎ 通过/未通过考试 pass/fail(in)the exam ‎4.师生员工 俱乐部 club 班长 monitor,‎ 学生会 the Students’ Union 青少年 teenager 校长 headmaster 专家 expert 教授 professor 志愿者 volunteer 评委,裁判 judge 室友 roommate 同桌 deskmate ‎5. 态度 对...感兴趣 ‎ be interested in/develop interest in 擅长... ‎ be good at/do well in 对学习感到厌倦 be tired of study ‎ 不擅长 be poor at/be weak in... ‎ 积极参加 ‎ take an active part in 努力学习 work hard at…‎ 决心做……‎ be determined to do 作决定 decide/ make a decision 认真听讲 listen to the teachers attentively 丧失信心 lose heart/ get discouraged 专心于 concentrate on 集中注意于 focus one’s mind/attention on 迎接挑战 meet the challenges of 爱好,嗜好 hobby 学习习惯 ‎ learning habits 增强自信 build up confidence 不遗余力 spare no effort to …‎ 对..乐观 be/remain optimistic about …‎ 对…有积极的态度 have a positive attitude to …‎ ‎6.话题常用短语 ‎ 查阅字典 refer to the dictionary/ consult a dictionary 向老师求助 turn to the teachers for help 记住 learn…by heart/keep… in mind 学习汉语有困难 ‎ have trouble in learning Chinese 向某人推荐…‎ recommend sth.to sb.‎ 提高阅读技能的最好方法 the best way to improve reading skills 精通英语 have a good command of English ‎ 在……方面取得进步 ‎ make progress in …‎ 获得英语演讲比赛第一名 win the first prize in the English speech contest 发表演讲 give/deliver/make a speech 参加课外活动 ‎ take part in after-school activities ‎ 举行运动会 ‎ hold a sports meeting ‎ 担任志愿者 work as a volunteer 课间休息 take a break between classes 锻炼身体 take exercise/ do sports 做兼职 have part-time jobs 去野餐 have a picnic 忙着为考试做准备 be busy in preparing for the exam ‎ ‎(与……)交朋友 make friends (with)‎ 感到压力 feel stressed/ be under stress 释放压力 release pressure /stress 保持学习和娱乐的平衡 keep a balance between study and play/relaxation 克服困难 overcome difficulties 身心放松 relax oneself / feel relaxed 减少作业量 lessen the amount of homework 作业负担大 be burdened with too much homework 开拓视野 broaden one’s horizons ‎ 获得知识 acquire/ gain knowledge ‎ 获益匪浅 benefit a lot from 增加生活乐趣 ‎ increase the pleasure of life/ provide us with great fun 强健体魄 build up our body 丰富我们的校园生活 ‎ enrich our school life 毕业典礼 graduation ceremony 提前 in advance/ ahead of time ‎7.话题常用句型 ‎ 1. 有志者事竟成。‎ Where there is a will, there is a way 2. 活到老学到老 。‎ You are never too old to learn. ‎ 3. ‎ 一分耕耘一分收获。 ‎ No pains, no gains.‎ 4. 孰能生巧。‎ Practice makes perfect.‎ 5. 自信是成功的关键 。‎ Confidence is the key to success.‎ 6. 只有你努力了,你才能在比赛中获胜。 ‎ Only if you work hard can you succeed in the contest.‎ 7. 面临困难时,千万不要灰心/放弃。 ‎ When you are faced with difficulty, never lose heart/give up.‎ 1. 为了鼓励学生参加课外活动,我们学校将在4月10日组织一次登山轰动 。‎ In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise, our school will organize a mountain-climbing on April 10th.‎ 2. 本次活动将于下周五8:30—10:30在图书馆举行。 ‎ ‎ The activity will be held in the library from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. next Friday. ‎ 3. 这次活动不仅使我们接近大自然,从繁重的学习中得到放松,而且也促进我们之间的友谊。‎ Not only did the activity get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work, but also it promoted the friendship among us.‎ 4. 我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。‎ I prefer to fail rather than cheat in the exam.‎ 三、典例 ‎(2018·新课标卷III)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter 来信询问你校学生体育运动情况。请给他回信,内容包括:‎ ‎1. 学校的体育场馆;‎ ‎2. 主要的运动项目;‎ ‎3. 你喜欢的项目。 ‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右:‎ ‎2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Peter,‎ I am extremely delighted to hear from you. You asked me in your letter about the sports activities in our school, so I’m writing to share with you some details. ‎ Equipped with three sports grounds and a splendid stadium, our school offers us an opportunity to do a variety of sports. Not only do we take volleyball and basketball courses, but our school also holds all kinds of sports events, of which Ping-Pong and football enjoy great popularity. As for me, I’m crazy about basketball since playing basketball contributes to us cooperating with others as well as building up our body.‎ I sincerely invite you to come to our school and see for yourself.‎ Looking forward to hearing from you again!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 本题作文为提纲式作文,形式依然是书信,即给英国朋友Peter介绍学校体育运动情况,属于学校生活话题。这一话题贴合学生生活的实际,学生并不陌生,有话可说。‎ 首先可以介绍学校的体育场馆,场馆的位置,大小,开放时间等等。然后简要介绍学校主要开设的体育项目有哪些,可挑选一到两个做详细介绍,如学生的活动时间,活动形式,以及此类活动的好处等。再次简要分析自己喜欢的体育项目是什么,并简单分析喜欢的原因,自己从中得到的益处等。文章可主要采用一般现在时态,第一人称的方式来写。‎ 四、练习 假如你是某国际学校的学生李华,你校学生会拟在报告厅一楼组织一次书法展(a calligraphy exhibition),请你按照以下提示写一则通知鼓励同学们踊跃提交作品。‎ ‎1.举办目的及举办地点;‎ ‎2.参赛作品要求;‎ ‎3.参赛奖励。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Notice ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ The Student Union May 7, 2017‎ Notice In order to enrich our after-class activities and raise our awareness of handwriting, the Student Union is to organize a calligraphy exhibition on the first floor of the Lecture Hall.‎ It is suggested that the calligraphy works are a poem or a motto written on Xuan paper. Or they can be written by yourself, which demonstrates your aspiration and interest as well as talent. All entries will be accepted from June 1 through July 1.‎ Whoever stands out in the participants will be rewarded with a certain amount of money. Besides, the winners and their works will be featured on our school website.‎ All are welcome!‎ The Student Union May 7, 2017‎ ‎ ‎ An attractive calligraphy exhibition is around the corner, which aims to promote traditional Chinese culture and develop our love for calligraphy. The exhibition will be held on the first floor of the Lecture Hall. ‎ It is required that the calligraphy works are a poem written on Xuan paper with Chinese writing brushes. They should be written by yourself. All entries will be accepted before July 1.‎ Whoever stands out in the participants will be rewarded with a Chinese writing brush. Besides, the winners and their works will be featured on our school website.‎ Everyone is welcome to participate. Don’t miss the chance to show your talent! Your participation will make the exhibition more fantastic.‎

