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‎2018 高考必备短语 ‎1.ask ask sb for help 请求帮助 ask for trouble 自找麻烦 ‎2.break(break- broke- broken)‎ break away from sb. (从团体中)脱离出去;摆脱某人;离开 break into (vt)闯入(某处行窃)‎ break in (vi)闯进(行窃);插话,打断谈话 break through (vt)冲破/突破(vt)(太阳)冲破(云层)突破(vi)‎ break into pieces 打碎 break out (vi)战争,疾病,火灾的)爆发 break up (vi) (关系/婚姻)破裂;散会/结束;放假;(vt/vi)(使)破碎; (vt)分拆/分解某物;驱散(人群)‎ break off (vi)突然停止说话(vt)断绝/结束(关系)(vt)折断 break down (vi)(车)坏了;(身体)垮了;(谈判)失败;(vt)分解;‎ 把(某物)分成若干部分(以方便做或理解);消散,驱除(隔阂)‎ Exercise:‎ ‎1) Some one ________ my car and stole my radio. ‎ ‎2) Thieves ________ and stole 10,000 worth of computer equipment. ‎ ‎3) Does everyone know what to do if a fire ____________. ‎ ‎4) He is a very talented young actor who is just ready to ___________. ‎ ‎5) The printing machines are always _____________. ‎ ‎6) They _________ the national union and set up their own local organization. ‎ ‎7) He lost his job and his marriage ______________. ‎ ‎8) He _________ in mid-sentence to shake hands with the new arrivals. ‎ ‎1)broke into 2)broke in 3) breaks out 4)break through ‎5) breaking down 6)broke away from 7) broke up 8) broke off 3. bring(bring- brought -brought)‎ bring forward 提出; 将……提前 bring out 使显现,使表现出;出版;发表; 把……拿出来 bring out the best/worst in sb bring in 引进/采用(新的法律);使挣到,使赚到 bring sth. to mind 使想起,回忆起 bring sth to an end 使终止 bring up 提起;养育;呕吐 bring sth/sb back to life 使...生动/活泼 bring about 引起;导致;造成 bring back 使回忆起,使想起;拿回来;使恢复 bring down 减少,降低 Exercise:‎ ‎1) The sale of the house only ___________about $ 24,000. ‎ ‎2) The government has__new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime. ‎ ‎3) Alcohol just _____________the worst in her. ‎ ‎4) He _______________ by his aunt. ‎ ‎5) I ________________ some photos to show you. ‎ ‎6) How can we _______________ a change in attitudes? ‎ ‎7) The trip _____________ a lot of happy memories. ‎ ‎8) The government hopes these measures will help to _____________ inflation. ‎ 答案 ‎1) brought in 2) brought forward 3) brings out 4) was brought up ‎ ‎5) have brought along 6) bring about 7) brought back 8) bring down 3. catch(catch -caught -caught)‎ catch sight of 看到;发现 catch up with 赶上 catch/seize/take hold of (突然)抓住 catch one’s attention/eye 吸引某人的注意 catch sb doing 发现、撞见、当场抓住(某人正在干不想让你知道胡事)‎ be/get caught in 困在……‎ catch a glimpse of 看一眼某人/某物 Exercise:‎ ‎1) Out on freeway, a billboard __________________. ‎ ‎2) I _____________ him in the crowd. ‎ ‎3) I caught him ____________(read) my e-mails. ‎ ‎4) We _____________ in a rainstorm on they way here. ‎ ‎5)Drive faster--- they are _______________us. ‎ 答案 ‎1) caught my eye 2) caught sight of 3) reading 4) got caught in 5)catching up with ‎5. come ( come -came -come)‎ come about 发生;产生 come back 回来 come by vi. 顺便来访 come over to 过来;顺便拜访 come into use 开始使用 come to an end 结束;终止 come to oneself 苏醒过来;恢复知觉 come up to sb 朝某人走去 come out vi. 出现;出版;发芽 come up with 提出(想法)‎ come up vi.靠近;某事被提出 come across 偶然相遇 come from 来自,出生于 come down 下来;下落 come into being 形成;产生 come off vi.脱落 come to/into power 当权;上台 come true vi.变成现实;成为事实 come on 过来;加油;来吧 when it comes to sth 当谈及说到…‎ Exercise:‎ ‎1)The question hasn’t _____________yet.‎ ‎2)When________________ mathematics, I know nothing about it.‎ ‎3)I _____________this book in an old bookstore on the Fourth Avenue.‎ ‎4)Can you tell me how the accident_____________?‎ ‎5)Someone had better_____________ a solution fast.‎ ‎6)A second edition will____________ next year.‎ ‎7)I’m afraid his hope won’t __________easily.‎ ‎8)When did your family first _____________America?‎ 答案:‎ ‎1)come up 2)it comes to 3)came across 4)came about ‎ ‎5)come up with 6)come out 7)come true 8)come over to ‎6.cut(cut- cut- cut)‎ cut in vi.插嘴 cut out 删除;剪下来 cut down 砍倒;砍下;消减 cut up 切碎;剁碎 cut off 切断(线路),中断(供应),与...隔绝 cut the cost of 降低...的成本 Exercise:‎ 1) The essay is too long---it needs ____________a little.‎ 2) The electricity company are threatening ______us______.‎ 3) I wish Marie would stop________ on our conversation all the time.‎ 答案:‎ ‎1)cutting down 2)to cut off 3)cutting in ‎ ‎7.call ‎ call at sp. 拜访某地 call on sb. 访问某人 call back 回电话 call in 请来;来访 call off 取消 call out 大声呼喊;叫喊 call/shout for help 请求帮助 call up 给...打电话, 唤来 call on/upon sb to do sth 号召某人做某事 Exercise:‎ ‎1)Police have been __________to help the lost boy.‎ ‎2)We thought we’d ___________James on the way home.‎ ‎3)___________ the numbers so that we can hear them at the back.‎ ‎4)This morning on my way to school, I was riding when I heard someone ________________.‎ ‎5)There’s no rush now—the game’s been____________.‎ ‎6)Please _______me ______up at six tomorrow morning.‎ ‎7)We _________ everyone to unite around the interests of our people and our motherland.‎ 答案:‎ ‎1)called in 2)call on 3)Call out 4) calling for help 5)called off 6)call up 7)call on ‎8.do(do- did -done) ‎ do good/harm to 对...有好处/有坏处 ‎ do one’s best 尽某人最大的努力 ‎ do sb a favour 帮某人一个忙 ‎ do with (what…do with…=how…deal with….处理;对付 ‎ do away with sth = stop doing sth / abolish 废除、取消、结束 do well/better in 在某方面做得好/更好 ‎ do without( sb./sth.) 没有……也行;没有……而设法对付过去 have something/nothing to do with… 与……/有没有关系 Exercise:‎ 1) If they can’t get it to us in time, we’ll just have to ________.‎ 2) He thinks it’s time we ___________ the system. ‎ 3) I’d have nothing to ______ him, if I were you. ‎ 4) I don’t know what they ____the problem. ‎ 5) Third, playing these will have greatly affected on children’s eyes, and also _________ the children’s normal life.‎ 6) Would you ____________ by turning off the radio?‎ 答案: 1) do without 2)did away with/should do away with 3)do with 4)do with 5) do harm to 6)do me a favor ‎9.feel (feel- felt- felt) ‎ feel like doing 想要做某事 ‎ feel one’s way 摸索前进 ‎ feel as if/ as though 感觉好像 Exercise:‎ 1) It _______ he had run a marathon.‎ 2) It was dark in the room an we had to ________ out. ‎ 3) She really _______ having a talk with him about his study at school.‎ 答案:1) felt as if / though 2)feel our way 3) feels like ‎ ‎10.get(get- got- got) ‎ get around=get about vi. 四处走动 /传播、流传 ‎ get back 回来;回家;取回 ‎ get close to 接近 ‎ get it 理解;懂得 ‎ get on 上车 ‎ get off 下车;脱衣服 ‎ get on one’s feet (艰难地)站起来 ‎ get up vi. 起床;起身 ‎ get ready for vt. 为...做准备 ‎ get to vt. 到达;抵达 ‎ get together vi. 相聚;碰头 ‎ get rid of 除掉;去除 ‎ get/be dressed in 穿着...的衣服 ‎ get on/along with... 进展;与...相处 ‎ get through (to sb.) 接通电话;完成(工作);通过(考试) ‎ get away from 逃脱...逃离... ‎ get away with sth. 偷走、 做(坏事)而未受到惩罚 get over 克服;恢复 ‎ get stuckin/by… 被困住 被难住 ‎ get out 离开;出去 ‎ get across(vi) (=come across) 被理解 get sth.across (to sb.)=make it clear to sb that…把(向某人)讲清楚 get/be lost 迷路 ‎ get/be tired of = be bored with=be fed up with 对...感到厌烦 ‎ Exercise:‎ 1) Your meaning didn’t really __________.‎ 2) News soon _______that he had resigned. ‎ 3) I won’t be able to________ the office before 7. ‎ 4) I think the problem can be ________without too much difficulty.‎ 5) She ____all her students _______ the exam. ‎ 6) I tried callig you several times but I couldn’t _______. ‎ 7) He ______ being killed in the accident last night. ‎ 8) I couldn’t _________enough to see what was happening. ‎ 9) She _______hearing about their trip to India. ‎ 10) Don’t be tempted to cheat—you will never __________it.‎ 答案:1) get across 2)got around 3) get away from 4)got over 5)got...through ‎6)get through 7)got close to 8) get close 9)was tired of 10)get away with ‎11.give (give -gave -given)‎ give back 归还;送回 ‎ give away 赠送;给与;泄露 ; ‎ give out 用完;耗尽;分发 放出(烟,光,热)‎ give off 释放;放出(烟,光,热) ‎ give up doing 放弃 ‎ give in to sb 投降;让步;屈服 ‎ give/make/deliver a speech 做演讲 give birth to 生婴儿 Exercise:‎ 1) He _______ most of his money to charity.‎ 2) It was supposed to be a surprise but the children ________ the game.‎ 3) This is not your money and you must ______it back.‎ 4) We will carry on fighting to the end. We won’t ________. ‎ 5) The wood ________ a sweet smell as it burnt.‎ 6) After two hours her patience ________.‎ 1. gave away 2. gave away 3. give back 4. give in 5 gives off 6. gave out 12. go(go went gone)‎ go abroad(vi) 出国 ‎ go away (vi) 走开,离去 ‎ go by (vi) 走过;经过 ‎ go on(vi) 发生;进行 ‎ go on holiday/vacation 去度假 ‎ go out (vi) 熄灭;出去;外出 ‎ go with 与...相配 ‎ go for 努力获取;主张 ‎ go in for 参加,参与 go without 没有...也行 ‎ go against 违反;违背 ‎ go/walk around 四处走动 ‎ go for a walk 散步 ‎ go/be on a diet 在节食 ‎ go over 复习;仔细检查 ‎ go through 通过;经受;浏览 Exercise:‎ 1) He is _________ a hard time when I met him.‎ 2) It is possible to ______ food for a few days.‎ 3) Unemployment in the country has ______ by a million.‎ 4) Once again I _______ exactly what I needed to say.‎ 5) Suddenly the candle _______.‎ 6) If you really want the job, _______it. ‎ 7) As the weeks _______ , I became more and more worried.‎ 8) He ________ without say anything.‎ 9) He _________ working until he was 91.‎ 1. going through 2.go without 3. gone up 4. went over 5. went out 6. go for 7. went by 8. went away 9. went on ‎ ‎13. have (have- had- having) ‎ ‎ have sb. do 让某人做某事 ‎ ‎ have sb. doing 让某人一直做某事 ‎ have sth. done 让某事被做 ‎ have a break / rest 休息一下 ‎ have a gift / talent for 对……有天赋 ‎ have a good knowledge of / have a good command of … 通晓……‎ ‎ have a better understanding of 更好地理解……‎ ‎ have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择只好做某事 ‎ have some difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 ‎ have/show an appetite for… 有……的欲望或爱好 ‎ have/make an appointment with sb. 和某人有约 ‎ have a conversation with sb. 与某人交谈 Exercise:‎ 1) We had the fire ______(burn) all the night as it was cold outside.‎ 2) The patient is going to have his temperature ______(take).‎ 3) I’ll have a worker _______ (repair) your bicycle.‎ 4) I’ll have your bicycle _______ (repair).‎ 5) I have no choice but _______ (accept) the fact.‎ 6) She has difficulty ______ (get) in contact with him.‎ 1. burning 2. taken 3. repair 4. Repaired 5,to accept 6. getting ‎ ‎14. help vt.帮助 vi. 有帮助,有用,好用 ‎ help sb. with sth./help sb (to)do sth 帮助做 ‎ can’t help doing sth. 禁不住 ‎ can’t help but do sth.‎ ‎=can’t but do 只好……‎ turn to sb. for help =ask sb for help 求助于……‎ ‎ help (sb.)out 帮助解决难题;帮助摆脱困境;救出 ‎ be of great help=be very helpful 有帮助,有用 Exercise:‎ ‎1) Do you need anyone to _______in the shop?‎ ‎ 2) On hearing the bad news, I can’t help_________.(cry)‎ ‎ 3) Can I help you ______ the washing up.‎ ‎ 4) I left my keys in the office, so I can’t help but ________ (wait).‎ ‎ 5) If possible, you should _________your teacher for______.‎ ‎ 6) I do hope that my advice will be _________________to you.‎ ‎1.help out; 2. crying; 3.with; 4.wait; 5.turn to, help; 6.of great help/very helpful ‎15.hold(held, held, holding) vt. 拿着;握着;容纳;拥有;占有;举行 hold a meeting/party 开会/举行晚会 hold the belief that 持有信念/观点 hold one’s breath 屏息,不出气 hold on to 抓住;保住,守住 hold on 等一等,不要挂电话 hold up 支撑某物;阻延某事 hold back 退缩,踌躇,阻挡,控制住 Exercise: ‎ ‎1)Sorry I’m late—I was ________ at work.‎ ‎2) _________,I will just get my coat.‎ ‎3)The soldiers ___________ the bridge for three more days.‎ ‎4)She struggled to ___________ her tears.‎ Julie shrank back against the wall and ________________.‎ ‎5)I _______________ that a friend in need is a friend indeed.‎ ‎ 1.held up ; 2 . Hold on; 3. held on to; 4. hold back; 5. held her breath ‎16. keep(kept, kept, keeping) vt.保留;养活;饲养;使……处在……状态;‎ link v. 保持keep awake/calm ‎ keep away from 避开,别靠近 ‎ keep up with 跟上 ‎ keep (on)doing 持续做某事 ‎ keep one’s word 遵守诺言 ‎ keep/bear…in mind ‎=learn…by heart=remember… 把……记住 keep up  继续,保持,坚持 keep an eye on 注视,留心,注意,照顾 ‎ keep sb. company=accompany sb. 与某人作伴,陪伴某人 keep sb informed of 随时通知某人/让某人了解…‎ Exercise:‎ ‎1)I keep _______(tell) you, but you won’t listen.‎ ‎2)How do I know you will ______________?‎ ‎3)Jack is having trouble _______________ the rest of the class.‎ ‎4)How long can the economic boom _________?‎ ‎5)I’m writing to apologize for not __________________ to the bookstore.‎ ‎6)______________ that nothing is impossible to a willing heart.‎ ‎7)Please keep me ________of the latest news.‎ 答案:1.telling; 2. keep your promise; 3.keeping up with ; 4.keep up; 5.keeping you company; 6.Keep in mind; 7.informed ‎17. know(knew,known, knowing) vt.知道,vi. 懂得 be known as… 作为……而出名 be known to sb. 为某人所了解 be known for… 因……而出名 It is well-known that… 众所周知 (better-known, best-known)‎ As far as I know 据我所知 ‎=As is known to us all know about/of 了解;知道 Exercise:‎ 1) I need to ___________ the job before I decide whether to apply for it.‎ 2) I wonder if he _____________ the plan.‎ 3) ‎________________________, they are arriving on Sunday.‎ 4) Hepburn_________________her roles in classic films such as “My Fair Lady”.‎ 5) It __________________that the earth is round.‎ 答案:1.know about/of 2.know of/about 3.As far as I know 4.is known for ‎ ‎5.is known to us all/is well-known ‎ ‎18. leave(left, left, leaving) vi. 离开;离去;剩下 vt. 留下;使处在某种状态 ‎ leave…alone 放任不管,让某人独自呆着 ‎ leave…out 省去;遗漏 ‎ leave…behind (be left behind) 留下;遗下 ‎ leave A for B 离开A 去B ‎ leave sth undone 留下某事不做 ‎ food left=remaining food (leftover) 剩饭 Exercise:‎ 1) He departed for Washington, _______ the children _______ with their mother 2) I often feel _____________ in my new school.‎ 3) This word is wrongly spelt; you've ______________ a letter.‎ 4) ‎_________ the boy ________, he can make up his own mind.‎ 5) The plane __________ ShangHai _____ BeiJing at 12.35. ‎ 答案:1. Leaving...behind 2. left out 3. left out 4. Leave...alone 5. leave...for ‎19. let(let, let, letting)‎ ‎ let…go 释放;松手 ‎ let go of sth 放手 ‎ let…down 使……失望;放下 ‎ let…in 放进来 ‎ let…out 泄露;放掉(水、气等);释放 ‎ let alone 不干涉;听之任之;更不必说 Exercise:‎ 1) The police had to ___ him____ for lack of confidence.‎ 2) The baby can’t even sit up yet, _____________ walk.‎ 3) The worst feeling is having____ our fans ______.‎ 4) He__________ a cry of disbelief.‎ 5) Windows________ light and air.‎ 答案:‎ 1. Let ...go 2. let alone 3. let...down 4. let out 5. let in ‎ ‎20.look vi. 看 link v. 看起来 ‎ look forward to sth./doing sth. 盼望,期盼某事物/做某事 ‎ look up 仰视,往上看,查阅,查询 ‎ look up to 敬仰,仰望,尊敬 ‎ look down on/upon 瞧不起,鄙视,轻视 ‎ look through 看透,仔细查看,浏览,翻阅,温习 ‎ look back 回首,回忆,回顾过去 ‎ look into… 往……里面看,浏览,调查 ‎ look into one’s eyes 看着某人的眼睛 ‎ look out for 警惕,留心,找出来 ‎ look on …as 把……当做;认为 ‎=think of…as/regard…as/consider…as/see/view…as Exercise:‎ ‎1.I am really ______our vacation.‎ ‎2._____ the word _____in your dictionary.‎ ‎3. I’ve always_______Bill for his courage and determination.‎ ‎4. Mr Garcia ______anyone who hasn’t had a collage education.‎ ‎5. I ‘ve ________ all papers but I still can’t find the contact.‎ ‎6._________ on it, I still can’t figure out what went wrong.‎ ‎7.Police is ________ the disappearance of two children.‎ ‎8.He is _________a nice apartment downtown.‎ 答案:1.looking forward to 2.Look….up 3.looked up to 4.looks down upon ‎5.looked through 6. Looking back 7.looking into 8.looking out for ‎21. make(made, made, making) vt. 做;制造;使(做);使(成为);有条件成为 ‎ be made up of=consist of=be composed of 由……组成/构成 ‎ make up 编造;组成;化妆;和好;弥补(+for)‎ ‎ make up one’s mind(s) 下决心 ‎ make a (no) difference (to sb) (没)有关系/影响 ‎ make a promise 承诺 make one’s way to…=head for 往……走去 ‎ make(full) use of…=make the most/best of… (充分)利用 ‎ make/leave/create a good impression (on sb.) (给某人)留下好印象 ‎ make a (great) contribution to… 为……做出(巨大)贡献;为……捐款 ‎ make sense of... 理解,弄懂……的意思 ‎ make sense 有意义;讲得通 Exercise:‎ ‎1.The committee______________representatives from every state.‎ ‎2.The team will be anxious to ______________ a disappointing start to the season.‎ ‎3.Karen couldn’t ___________her _______to apply for membership or not.‎ ‎4.Morning or afternoon, it ________________ to me .‎ ‎5.She _____________ to visit them once a week.‎ ‎6.When the concert was over, we ____________ get out of the hall.‎ ‎7. You only have one ride through life so you _________________it and enjoy it ‎8. You always want to __________________when telling others about yourself.‎ ‎9. Everyone should_________________________ protecting the environment.‎ ‎10. I try to____________________ my universe.‎ 答案:1.is make up of 2. make up for 3. make up ……mind 4.make no difference 5. made a promise 6. made our way to 7. make the most of 8. make a good impression 9. make a contribution to 10. make sense of ‎ ‎22. put(put, put, putting) vt. 放 ‎ put away 将某物收拾起来,存钱 ‎ put aside 把…放一边,暂不考虑;把…留作后用 ‎ put forward = bring up/ come up with 提出 ‎ put on (戏)上演,放(唱片),穿戴 ‎ put out 扑灭;伸出;出版;生产 ‎ put up with=bear/stand for/tolerate/endure 忍受,容忍 ‎ put one’s heart into… 全神贯注于……‎ ‎ put up 挂起,张贴;举起,抬起;搭起;建立;留宿 ‎ put off 延期,拖延 ‎ put …to an end… 结束……‎ ‎ put…to/into use 使用……,运用……‎ Exercise:‎ ‎1. ___________clothes when you take them off.‎ ‎2.I think I _________ some great ideas, but none of them were accepted ‎3. You must__________ a raincoat; it's pelting down now.‎ ‎4.This magazine was _________every week ‎5. I’ll have to ______________the noise till I move next week.‎ ‎6. When you_____________ one matter, you will find it's much more complicated than you've thought.‎ ‎7. ________"no smoking" signs in your house and work area, and even in your car.‎ ‎8. In that case, we'll have to __________ the sports meet till next Saturday.‎ ‎9. Together, we can lead our people to a historic future that can____________ claims and to conflict.‎ ‎10. The nation now has 142 airports, with another 100 airports expected to be built and ______________ by 2020.‎ 答案:1.Put away 2. put forward 3. put on 4. put out 5. put up with ‎ ‎ 6. put your heart into 7.Put up 8. put off 9. put an end to 10. put into use ‎ ‎23. run(ran, run, running) (vi) 跑;行驶;流;管理;经营; (link v) 变得 run after sb./sth. (vt) 追求 run for… (vt) 竞选 run out (vi) (某物)用完 run out of…=use up (vt) 用完(某物)‎ run away (vi) 逃跑 run into…=come across (vt) 邂逅;偶遇 exercise:‎ ‎1.Reagan ______________ the presidency a second time in 1980.‎ ‎2.I ____________ an old schoolfriend at the supermarket this morning.‎ ‎3.Our time is ___________________.‎ ‎4.We are __________________ petrol.‎ 答案 ‎1)ran for 2)ran into 3)running out 4)running out of ‎24. see (saw, seen, seeing) vt. 看到;看见;看望;接见;了解;明白 see through…(vt) 看穿;识破 see sb. off (vt) 送行 as far as I can see 据我所知 see to it that… 一定注意到…;务必…‎ exercise:‎ ‎1._________________ you’re ready on time!‎ ‎2.We all went to _______ her _________.‎ 答案 ‎1. See to it that 2. see…off ‎ ‎25. send(sent, sent, sending)Vt. 寄(信);发(电报);(派人)送;派遣;使……变得 send for sb (vt) 派人去请某人…‎ send out (vt) 发出(信息);发送(信件)发出(光、声音、信号等); ‎ exercise:‎ ‎1.Have you ________ that letter_______ yet? There’s something I want to add to it.‎ ‎2.Get back into bed. I’ll __________ the doctor.‎ ‎3.The ship is ____________ an SOS signal.‎ 答案 ‎1)sent…out 2)send for 3)sending out ‎ ‎ ‎26. set ( set, set, setting) n./vi/vt. ‎ ‎ a set of 一套 set aside 留出/放在一边 set down 放下,记下 set up 创立,开办,竖起 set a goal 设定目标 set about (doing) sth.= set out to do sth. 开始着手做….‎ set/give a (good) example to…. 为…树立(好)榜样 set foot on/in… 踏上….,到达,进入 set off 出发,引起爆炸 set out 出发,动身 set sb. free 释放某人 set fire to sth.= set sth. on fire 纵火,防火烧 ‎1)It’s important to for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment.‎ ‎2)I don’t want to a series of ledgers in a diary as most people do.‎ ‎3)But when he it, he came to a sudden awareness that nothing is so easy if one wants to do it better.‎ ‎4) . Children learn by watching and will model their behavior to the people they see most.‎ ‎5)He immediately to see a famous lawyer.‎ ‎6)Breathing it, Robert felt as if he from cage.‎ ‎7)As they came close to   to the wood, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. ‎ 答案:1)set aside time 2)set down 3)set about doing 4)Set a good example ‎ 5) set off 6) had been set free 7)set fire ‎27. show n./vi./vt. ‎ show off 炫耀;表现自己 ‎ show up 出现;出席=turn up (出现,把声音调大)‎ ‎1)Chinese consumers who buy luxury goods do so to or to help define their identity.‎ ‎2)Naomi was her engagement ring.‎ ‎3)After all, you never know who might for the party.‎ ‎4)This boy will you the way.‎ ‎5)The theater is empty after the .‎ 答案:1) show off 2) showing off 3)show up 4)show 5)show ‎28. speak (spoke, spoken, speaking) ‎ ‎ speak well/highly/ill/badly of… 称赞/非议 ‎ personally/generally/strictly/ frankly/honestly speaking 一般来说,严格地讲,老实地说 ‎1)As we said earlier, this is especially true in English countries.‎ ‎2)How do balance accuracy and fluency in English.‎ ‎3)He works hard in study. His teachers him.‎ ‎4)If you have kids, you’ve no doubt noticed that, , girls like to play with dolls while boys are attracted by swords and trains.‎ ‎5)” ,this thing is not allowed,” she added.‎ ‎6) ,he is not so bad as you might think.‎ ‎7) ,I don’t quite share your viewpoint on this matter.‎ ‎8) ,he is fit for the work.‎ 答案:1)speaking 2)spoken 3)speak highly of 4)Generally speaking ‎ 5) Strictly speaking 6)Frankly speaking 7)Honestly speaking ‎ 8)Personally speaking ‎29. stand(stood-stood-standing)‎ ‎ stand for…. 代表,表示;主张 ‎ stand out 突出;显著 ‎ stand up 站起;起立 ‎ stand by 支持;袖手旁观〔尤指在困难情况下〕继续忠于某人,支持某人 Exercise:‎ ‎1.CPC ___________ the Communist Party of China.‎ ‎2. ______________, and let me take a picture of you.‎ ‎3. We______________ saying goodbye for a while. ‎ ‎4. His wife________________ him during his years in prison. ‎ ‎5. The outlines of rooftops and chimneys ___________ against the pale sky.‎ 答案:‎ ‎1. stands for 2. Stand still 3. stood around 4.  stood by 5. stood out ‎30.take (took-taken-taking)‎ ‎ take…apart 把…分开 ‎ take back 拿回,收回 ‎ take down 拿下,记下,记录 ‎ take on 呈现 ‎ take out 拿出,取出 ‎ take a bath 洗澡 ‎ take a chance/chances 碰运气,冒险 ‎ take a risk/risks 冒险 ‎ take….for example 以…为例 ‎ take…into consideration 顾及,考虑到 ‎ take one’s time 不急,慢慢行动 ‎ take away 拿走,拿去 ‎ ‎ take up 从事,开始,占据(时间、空间、地位等)‎ take it easy 别着急,从容 ‎ take in 吸收,上当 ‎ take over 继承,接管 ‎ take sb. seriously 看重某人 ‎ take advantage of 对…加以用 ‎ take notes 做笔记 ‎ take place vi. 发生,出现,举行 ‎ take pride in…= be proud of.... 为…感到自豪 ‎ take one’s seat 就座,坐在自己位子 ‎ take a photo (of…) (给…)照相 take off 起飞/脱掉(衣帽/鞋)/成名/流行/畅销 It take sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人…时间去做某事 ‎ take steps/measures/action to do sth. 采取措施做某事,‎ ‎ take turns to do sth./in doing sth. 轮流做某事 ‎ take responsibility for… =be responsible for… 对….负起责任 ‎ take the place of…= take sb.’s place 取代,代替(某人的位置)‎ ‎ take/leave a message( to sb.) (给某人)捎/留个口信 Exercise:‎ ‎1.I’m sorry. I’ll __________what I said.‎ ‎2. __________! The car is coming.‎ ‎3. Mimi became jealous when Jack’s career started ____________ .‎ ‎4. We can’t have such a big table in this small room. It ________ too much room.‎ ‎5. Tom was always______ things _______ in the garage.‎ ‎6. She made us ___________ all the posters ‎7. Don’t be ________ by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week.‎ ‎8. Ruth moved into our apartment and promptly__________.‎ 答案:‎ ‎1.take back 2.Take care 3.taking off 4.takes up 5.taking apart 6.take down 7.taken in 8.took over. ‎ ‎31. tell(told, told, telling) ‎ tell A from B 区分开A 和B ‎ to tell the truth 说老实话 tell a white lie 说善意的谎言 Exercise:‎ ‎1)It’s almost impossible to_____ the twins_______.‎ ‎2) __________________, I ‘m a bit unsettled tonight.‎ ‎3) Sometimes, when we know the truth would do harm to others or make others unhappy or hurt, we would__________________ to avoid hurting others. ‎ 答案:‎ ‎1.tell apart 2. To tell the truth 3.  tell  a  white  lie ‎32. think(thought, thought, thinking)‎ ‎ think about… 考虑 ‎ think of…. 想到;想起 ‎ think….out/up 想出 ‎ think…over 仔细考虑 ‎ think highly/well/poorly/ill/badly/little of 对评价高/低 ‎ What do you think about/of …? =How do you find sth?你认为……怎么样?‎ Exercise:‎ ‎1) You are quiet. What are you __________?‎ ‎2) It is ________ that the Prime Minister will visit this city.‎ ‎3) Can’t you ________ a better excuse?‎ ‎4) Please ________ what I’ve said.‎ ‎5) The fist thing they ________ was moving to America.‎ ‎6) Who first __________ this idea?‎ ‎7) His works were highly________ by the readers.‎ ‎8) He is __________ to have gone to America.‎ 答案:1) thinking about 2)thought 3)think up 4)think over 5)thought of 6)think of 7)thought of 8) thought ‎33. turn ‎ turn against 转而反对,背叛 ‎ turn down 关小/调低(音量、热度等),拒绝 ‎ turn on 打开(灯、气、水、电器等)‎ ‎ turn into(=change/transform…into) 变成 ‎ turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 ‎ turn up 把音量开大,卷起,出现 ‎ turn over 把….翻过来,翻动,细想 ‎ turn around/round 转身,转过来 ‎ turn off 关掉(灯、气、水、电器等)‎ ‎ turn in 上缴,归还 ‎ turn out to be 被证明是,结果是 ‎ turn away 把脸转过去;不让某人进入(加入);拒绝 Exercise:‎ ‎1) He tried to join the army, but was __________ flat because of his poor health.‎ ‎2) Let’s __________ the TV. I’d read some books.‎ ‎3) I didn’t need my umbrella, as it __________.‎ ‎4) If the weather __________ (to be) bad, we have to change our plan.‎ ‎5) __________ the gas and light the oven.‎ ‎6) We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but he failed to __________.‎ ‎7) He __________ his old friend.‎ ‎8) Tom was the person he often __________ for help.‎ ‎9) You must __________ the tools before leaving here.‎ ‎10) __________ and let me look at your back.‎ ‎11)She __________and began to cry.‎ 答案:1)turned down 2)turn off 3)turned out 4)turns out 5)Turn on 6)turn up 7)turned against 8)turned to 9)turn in 10)Turn around/ Turn round 11) turned away ‎34. work work on 从事;对…起作用 work hard at 致力于 work out 制定出;算出;弄懂;(vi) 锻炼;进展 Exercise:‎ ‎1) Can you __________ what these codes mean?‎ ‎2) The general __________ a new plan to attack.‎ ‎3) We __________ on the playground every morning right after getting up.‎ ‎4) Did the cleaning fluid __________ in that stain?‎ ‎5) He has spent the last two years __________ a book about childcare.‎ ‎6) Financially, things have __________well for us.‎ ‎7) He ________with weights twice a week.‎ 答案: 1)work out 2)worked out 3)work out 4)work on 5)working on 6) worked out 7) works out ‎ ‎

