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动词时态考点 ‎◆典型陷阱题分析◆‎ ‎1. “I _____ his telephone number.” “I have his number, but I ____ to bring my phone book.”‎ A. forget, forget B. forgot, forgot C. forget, forgot D. forgot, forget ‎【陷阱】容易误选A,认为“忘记”是现在的事。‎ ‎【分析】仔细体会一下对话的语境:第一个人说“我忘记他的电话号码了”,这个“忘记”应该是现在的情况,即现在忘记了,要不然就没有必要同对方说此话了,故第一空应填 forget;第二个人说“我有他的号码,但我忘记带电话本了”,这个“忘记”应该是过去的情况,即过去忘记带电话本,所以现在电话本不在身上(注意句中的转折连词 but),故第二空应填 forgot,即答案选应C。请再看一例:‎ ‎— Oh, I ______ where he lives. ‎ ‎— Don’t you carry your address book?‎ No, I ______ to bring it.‎ A. forget, forget B. forgot, forgot C. forget, forgot D. forgot, forget 答案选C,理由同上。‎ ‎2. I had hoped to see her off at the station, but I _____ too busy.‎ A. was B. had been C. would be D. would have been ‎【陷阱】容易误选B或D,认为前句用了had hoped,所以此句谓语要用B或D与之呼应。‎ ‎【分析】但正确答案为A,前一句谓语用had hoped,表示的是过去未曾实现的想法或打算,可以译为“本想”,而后一句说“我太忙”,这是陈述过去的一个事实,所以要用一般过去时。请做以下类似试题(答案均为A):‎ ‎(1) We had hoped to catch the 10:20 train, but _____ it was gone.‎ A. found B. had found C. would find D. would have found ‎(2) We had hoped that you would be able to visit us, but you _____.‎ A. didn’t B. hadn’t C. needn’t D. would not have ‎(3) We had wanted to come to see him, but we ____ no time.‎ A. had B. had had C. would have D. would have had ‎(4) I had expected to come over to see you last night, but someone ______ and I couldn’t get away.‎ A. called B. had called C. would call D. would have called ‎(5) The traffic accident wouldn’t have happened yesterday, but the driver _______ really careless.‎ A. was B. is C. were D. had been ‎3. Dear me! Just _____ at the time! I _____ no idea it was so late.‎ A. look, have B. looking, had C. look, had D. looking, have ‎ ‎【陷阱】此题容易误选D,认为第一空用现在分词表伴随,第二空填 have 的一般现在时,以保持与前面时态的一致性。‎ ‎【分析】其实,此题应选C,第一空应填 look, 因为这是祈使句的谓语;第二空应填 had,因为前一句说“看看时间吧”,这一看当然知道了现在很迟的情形,“不知道这么迟了”显然应是“过去”的事,故应用一般过去时态,许多同学由于忽略这一隐含的语境而误选。‎ ‎4. “Your phone number again? I _____ quite catch it.” “It’s 4331577”‎ A. didn’t B. couldn’t C. don’t D. can’t ‎【陷阱】此题容易误选C,认为此处要用一般现在时态,表示现在“没听清对方的话”。‎ ‎【分析】其实,此题答案应选A,根据上文的语境“请把你的电话号码再说一遍好吗?”可知“没听清对方的电话号码”应是在说此话以前,故应用一般过去时态。请看以下类似试题:‎ ‎(1) “Mr Smith isn’t coming tonight.” “ But he _____.”‎ A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised 答案选B,“他答应(要来)”应发生在过去。‎ ‎(2) “Hey, look where you are going!” “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. _____.”‎ A. I’m not noticing B. I wasn’t noticing C. I haven’t noticed D. I don’t notice 答案选B,“我没注意”是对方提醒之前的事,现经对方一提醒,当然注意到了。‎ ‎(3) “Oh it’s you ! I ________ you.” “I’ve had my hair cut.”‎ A. didn’t realize B. haven’t realized C. didn’t recognize D. don’t recognized ‎ 答案选C。“没认出是你”是说此话之前的事,说此话时显然已经认出了对方。‎ ‎(4) “What’s her new telephone number?” “Oh, I _____.”‎ A. forget B. forgot C. had forgotten D. am forgetting 此题应选A,从语境上看,“忘记”的时间应是现在,即指现在不记得了。‎ ‎(5) “Since you’ve agreed to go, why aren’t you getting ready?” “But I ______ that you would have me start at once.”‎ A. don’t realize B. didn’t realize C. hadn’t realized D. haven’t realized 答案选B。“没意识到”是对方提醒之前的事。‎ ‎(6) “It’s twelve o’clock, I think I must be off now.” “Oh, really? I ______ it at all.”‎ A. don’t realize B. haven’t realized C. didn’t realize D. hadn’t realized 答案选C。“没意识到”是在听到的话之前的事。‎ ‎5. Mr Smith ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether he has finished it.‎ A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing ‎【陷阱】容易误选B或C。‎ ‎【分析】此题应选D,这是由 but I don’t know whether he has finished it 这一句话的语境决定的,全句意为“史密斯先生去年在写一本书,但我不知道他现在是否写完了”。有的同学可能由于受 last year的影响而误选B。但若选B,则句子前半部分的意思则变为“史密斯先生去年写了一本书”,既然是“写了”,那么这与下文的“但我不知道他现在是否写完了”相矛盾。‎ ‎6. He has changed a lot. He _______ not what he _______. ‎ A. is, is B. was, was C. is, was D. was, is ‎【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选C,上文说“他”变化很大,即“他”现在不是过去的那个样子了,故第一空填is,第二空填 was(其实第二空也可用 used to be)。请看类例:‎ ‎“What place is it?” “Haven’t you found out we _____ back where we ______?”‎ A. were, had been B. have been, are ‎ C. are, were D. are, had been 答案选C,We are back where we were 的意思是“我们(现在)又回到刚才来过的地方”。‎ ‎7. He is very busy. I don’t know if he _____ or not tomorrow.‎ A. come B. comes C. will come D. is coming ‎【陷阱】此题容易误选B。认为 if 引导的是条件状语从句,从句谓语要用一般现在时表示将来意义。‎ ‎【分析】其实,此题答案应选C,句中if引导的不是条件状语从句(即if≠如果),而是宾语从句(即if=是否),句意为“他很忙,我不知道明天他是否会来。”请看以下类似试题:‎ ‎(1) I don’t know if she _____, but if she ____ I will let you know.‎ A. comes, comes B. will come, will come C. comes, will come D. will come, comes 答案选 D,第一个 if 引导的是宾语从句,第二个 if 引导的是条件状语从句。‎ ‎(2) “When _____ he come?” “I don’t know, but when he _____, I’ll tell you.”‎ A. does, comes B. will, will come C. does, will come D. will, comes 答案选 D,第一个 when 疑问副词,用于引出一个特殊疑问句;第二个 when是从属连词,用于引导时间状语从句。‎ ‎(3) “When he _____ is not known yet.” “But when he ____, he will be warmly welcomed.”‎ A. comes, comes B. will come, will come ‎ C. comes, will come D. will come, comes 答案选 D,第一个 when 引导的是主语从句,第二个 when引导的是时间状语从句。‎ ‎8. The bridge, which _____ 1688, needs repairing.‎ A. is dated from B. was dated from C. dates from D. dated from ‎【陷阱】此题容易误选B或D,认为句中用了 1688 这个过去时间,所以应选过去时态,又因为 date from 不用于被动语态,所以只能选D。‎ ‎【分析】其实此题的最佳答案应是C,因为 date from 的意思是“自某时起存在至今”(=have existed since),它通常用于一般现在时,而不用过去时态(尽管其后接的总是表示过去的时间)。如:‎ The church dates from 1176. 这座教堂是六世纪建的。‎ The castle dates from the 14th century. 这座城堡是14世纪建的。‎ 但若所谈论的东西现在已不复存在,则可用一般过去时。如:‎ The church, which dated from the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago. 那座教堂是13世纪建成的,两年前在一次地震中被毁了。‎ 注:与 date from 同义的 date back to 也有类似用法。‎ ‎9. “You’ve left the light on.” “Oh, so I have. _____ and turn it off.”‎ A. I’ll go B. I’ve gone C. I go D. I’m going ‎【陷阱】容易误选D。‎ ‎【分析】A和D两者均可表示将来,填入空格处似乎都可以。但实际上只有A是最佳的,因为根据上下文的语境来看,“我去把灯关掉”这一行为是说话人听了对方的话后临时想到的,而不是事先准备的。而按英语习惯:will 和 be going to后接动词原形均可表示意图,但意图有强弱之分,如果是事先考虑过的意图,要用 be going to;如果不是事先考虑过的,而是说话时刻才临时想到的意图,则用 will。比较:‎ ‎“I’ve come out without any money.” “Never mind, I will lend you some.” “我出来没带钱。”“没关系,我借给你。”(句中用will lend,表示“借”钱给对方是临时想到的,即听了对方的话后临时作出的反应)‎ I’ve bought a typewriter and I’m going to learn to type. 我买了台打字机,我想学打字。(句中用 be going to learn to type,表示说话人要学打字是事先准备的,并为此买了台打字机)‎ ‎◆精编陷阱题训练◆‎ ‎1. Look at that little boy wandering about — perhaps he _____ his mother. ‎ A. will lose B. is losing C. had lost D. has lost ‎2. It’s good that we _____ to the park because it’s started to rain. ‎ A. don’t go B. hadn’t gone C. didn’t go D. wasn’t going ‎3. I _____ for five minutes; why don’t they come? ‎ A. am calling B. called C. was calling D. have been calling ‎4. You _____ your turn so you’ll have to wait. ‎ A. will miss B. have missed C. are missing D. had missed ‎5. We _____ to move but are still considering where to go to. ‎ A. are deciding B. decided ‎ C. have decided D. had decided ‎ ‎6. I left my pen on the desk and now it’s gone; who _____ it? ‎ A. took B. has taken C. will take D. had taken ‎ ‎7. They won’t buy any new clothes because they _____ money to buy a new car.‎ A. save B. were saving C. have saved D. are saving ‎ ‎8. I _____ your last point — could you say it again? ‎ A. didn’t quite catch B. don’t quite catch C. hadn’t quite catch D. can’t quite catch ‎9. You’ll never guess who I met today — my old teacher! We _____ for 20 years.‎ A. don’t meet B. haven’t met ‎ C. hadn’t met D. couldn’t meet ‎10. I feel sure I _____ her before somewhere.‎ A. was to meet B. have met C. had met D. would meet ‎11. They haven’t arrived yet but we _____ them at any moment. ‎ A. are expected B. have expected C. are expecting D. will expect ‎12. I think you must be mistaken about seeing him at the theatre; I’m sure he _____ abroad all week. ‎ A. is B. was C. has been D. had been ‎13. The students _______ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _______ in the office. ‎ A. had written, left  B. were writing, has left C. had written, had left  D. were writing, had left ‎14. I tried to phone her, but even as I _____ she was leaving the building. ‎ A. phoned B. would phone C. had phoned D. was phoning ‎15. “I suppose you _____ that report yet?” “I finished it yesterday, as a matter of fact.” ‎ A. didn’t finish B. haven’t finished C. hadn’t finished D. wasn’t finishing ‎16. —Didn’t the guard see him breaking into the bank?‎ ‎—No, he _______ in the other direction.‎ A. was looking B. had looked C. looked D. is looking ‎17. How can you possibly miss the news? It _______ on TV all day long.‎ A. has been B. had been C. was D. will be ‎18. “I thought you might have got drunk.” “Yes, I ______.”‎ A. almost have B. almost had C. almost did D. might have ‎19. You ______ television. Why not do something more active?‎ A. always watch B. are always watching C. have always watched D. have always been watching ‎20. “I took part in the TOEFL. It was really hard.” “Did you ______ a lot?”‎ A. Have you studied B. Did you study ‎ C. Had you studied D. Do you study ‎21. “What’s your opinion on the matter, please?” “Oh, sorry, I _______.”‎ A. wasn’t to listen B. haven’t listened C. wasn’t listening D. hadn’t listened ‎22. “Aha, you’re a chain smoker!” “Only at home. Nobody _______ that but you.”‎ A. discovered B. had discovered C. discovers D. is discovering ‎23. The telephone _______ three times in the last hour, and each time it ________ for my father.‎ A. had rang; was B. has rung; was C. rang; has been D. has been ringing; is ‎24. The thief tried to break away from the policeman who ______ him, but failed.‎ A. has held B. had held C. was holding D. would hold ‎25. When I arrived at the company, the manager ______, so we had only time for a few words.‎ A. just went away B. had gone away C. was just going away D. has just gone away ‎26. “John took a photograph of you just now.” “Oh, really? I ______.”‎ A. didn’t know B. wasn’t knowing C. don’t know D. haven’t known ‎27. “Mike is not coming to the football game this afternoon.” “It’s a shame! He _______!”‎ A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised ‎28. Please call again. Jim _______ a bath just now.‎ A. has had B. was having C. is having D. has ‎29. “Was Andrew there when you arrived?” “Yes, but he ______ home soon afterwards.”‎ A. had gone B. has gone C. is going D. went ‎30. “Where is Mother.” “She is in the kitchen. She _______ the housework all morning.”‎ A. is doing B. was doing C. has done D. has been doing ‎ ‎31. The books, ________ the dictionaries, must be put back where they ________. ‎ A. included; were B. to include; are C. including; were D. including; are ‎ ‎31. 选 C。第一空including不填 included,因为其后带有宾语;第二填 were,是因为它是指“原来放的地方”。‎ ‎【答案与解析】‎ ‎1. 选D。根据那个小男孩徘徊的现象,推知他可能是找不到妈妈了。用现在完成时表示结果。‎ ‎2. 选C。句意为“好在我们(刚才)没有去公园,因为天(现在)已经开始下雨了”。‎ ‎3. 选D。用现在完成进行时表示持续到现在的一段时间。‎ ‎4. 选B,用现在完成时表示结果,即你已经错过了机会,其结果是:你只能等。‎ ‎5. 选C。用现在完成时表示影响。‎ ‎6. 选B。用现在完成时表示影响或结果,即现在笔不见了,是由于某人已经把它拿走了的结果。‎ ‎7. 选D。用现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。‎ ‎8. 选A。从下文的语境看,既然现在叫对方重复一遍,说明“没听清对方的最后一点”应发生在过去(即说此话之前)。‎ ‎9. 选B。用现在完成时表示从过去持续到现在的一段时间。‎ ‎10. 选B。before 用作副词时不与具体时间连用,泛指“以前”,通常与一般过去时或现在完成时连用。‎ ‎11. 选C。用现在进行时表示目前的一种状态。‎ ‎12. 选C。用现在完成时表示影响或结果,即他整个星期都在国外,所以你说你在剧院见过他,你一定是搞错了。‎ ‎13. 选D。“把书忘在办公室”发生在“去取书”这一过去的动作之前,因此“忘了书”这一动作发生在过去的过去,用过去完成时。句中when表示的是时间的一点,表示在“同学们正忙于……”这一背景下,when所引导的动作发生。因此前一句应用过去进行时。‎ ‎14. 选D。注意even as 的意思,它表示“正当……的时候”或“恰当……的时候”。‎ ‎15. 选B。注意下文语境——事实上,我昨天就做完了。从该回答的语气上推测,填空处应填现在完成时态。‎ ‎16. 选A。表示当时正在进行的动作。‎ ‎17. 选A。表示目前一种持续的状态。‎ ‎18. 选C。句中的 might have got drunk是对过去情况的推测,故答句所指的情况也应在过去,故选C。‎ ‎19. 选B。always 与进行时态连用,可以表示高兴、满意、抱怨、厌恶等感情色彩。‎ ‎20. 选C。根据took的时态可知,“参加托福考试”发生在过去;而对方问“是否努力学习过?”这肯定问的是参加考试以前的事,故用过去完成时。‎ ‎21. 选C。“没听”肯定是刚才的事,所以应用过去时态。‎ ‎22. 选C。答句陈述的是客观事实,故用一般现在时态。‎ ‎23. 选B。按英语语法,“in the last [past]+一段时间”通常与现在完成时连用。‎ ‎24. 选C。用过去进行时表示当时在持续的一种状态。‎ ‎25. 选C。由于下文说we had only time for a few words,说明“经理”正准备离开。‎ ‎26. 选A。“不知道”是对方告诉自己之前的事,故用一般过去时。‎ ‎27. 选B。根据语境,他“答应”发生在过去,故用一般过去时。 ‎ ‎28. 选C。just now 有两个意思:一是表示“刚才”,此时just now 为习语;二是表示“现在”、“眼前”、“就在此时”,此时 just 意为“正好”、“恰好”,用以修饰副词now。根据句子语境,句中的 just now 应取上面的第二个意思。‎ ‎29. 选D。Andrew“回家”发生在你见到他(发生在过去)之后不久。‎ ‎30. 选 D。现在完成进行时表示从过去至今一直在持续的动作

