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‎2019高考英语一轮复习综合解析训练24‎ Ⅰ. 单项填空 ‎1. We have made many surveys to get _______ better idea of how people will spend their leisure time in _______ 21st century. ‎ A. 不填; the B. a; 不填 C. the; a D. a; the ‎ ‎2. I can’t wait to set off immediately! At this moment tomorrow morning, I _______ breakfast with my family at home. ‎ A. will have B. am having C. will be having D. have had ‎ ‎3. —How do you find the bride? ‎ ‎—_______ in the wedding dress, she looks very pretty. ‎ A. To dress B. Dressing C. Dressed D. Having dressed ‎ ‎4. Considering its diverse cultures,Spain is an attractive country,_______ well worth a visit. ‎ A. it B. one C. this D. that ‎5. They arranged to meet in the Readers’ Club at 9: 00 this morning, but none of them _______ as planned. ‎ A. turned up B. showed off C. brought about D. broke down ‎ ‎6. —We have spent a lot of money during the summer holiday. ‎ ‎—Well,that doesn’t matter _______ you enjoyed yourselves. ‎ A. unless B. as far as C. as long as D. until ‎7. _______ that Johnson went inside the room to see what was going on. ‎ A. So strangely did he feel B. So strangely he felt ‎ C. So strange did he feel D. So strange he felt ‎ ‎8. The little girl _______ to be a good singer if she gets good training in a music school. ‎ A. promises B. expects C. wishes D. hopes ‎9. A strong tornado struck Dallas last week, _______ a number of cars and trucks into the air. ‎ A. to throw B. throwing C. having thrown D. thrown ‎ ‎10. —_______ he have been chosen as captain of our school football team? ‎ ‎—Yes, he _______. He seems to be so happy. ‎ A. Must; must B. Can; must C. Must; must have D. Can; must have ‎ ‎11. Most people go to the theatre not to see a play _______ plot is complicated, but to listen to brilliant dialogues between actors. ‎ A. where B. what C. which D. whose ‎12. The fact has been worrying the scientists in the world _______ the Earth is getting warmer and warmer year by year. ‎ A. what B. that C. which D. whether ‎13. When the girl told her parents that she should not take the national college entrance exam this summer, they were shocked but respected her _______. ‎ A. reform B. choice C. belief D. performance ‎14. —Who didn’t attend the chemistry class and played football instead? ‎ ‎—_______ the naughty boys. ‎ A. It was B. They are C. There were D. That was ‎15.—I think what makes a girl shine is not her looks but her personality. ‎ ‎—_______. ‎ A. You have a point B. It serves you right C. Not likely D. Don’t mention it ‎ Ⅱ. 阅读理解 ‎(A)‎ The day was warm and the sun shone down like a new beginning in my life. I was waving goodbye to my son, the last one of my fledglings(刚会飞的鸟) to leave home and go to pastures new(更好的地方), “University” actually. I felt so lighthearted after spending many years looking after my four children—cooking, washing, ironing, teaching them how to look after themselves and manage their finances —that I actually thought “At long last, freedom”. ‎ But, as I watched my last one leave, although it was a joyous occasion, I realized I had not really prepared for this day. I was too tied up with bringing up these adults of the future to realize that they would all leave the nest and live independently. ‎ At first I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I tried a part-time job, which ended in me running out in tears. I started a business making soft furnishings, but that didn’t work either. I grew my own veggies and fruit, which lasted 3 years, until I was advised by my doctor that my feet couldn’t take any more tools driven through them. ‎ I began wondering if I had a future of my own and why I had bothered. I cried for the life I was used to, and hadn’t known or wanted anything different. ‎ Then one day I saw an advert for foster parents. I discussed it with my husband who was always behind everything I tried and with great disturbance I rang up the number. ‎ I now laugh and sing with my 14-year-old foster daughter(代养女), even when my cooker is in a mess and my bathroom is a disaster area. I now know, 8 years later, what I was meant to be doing with all the spare hours, days, and weeks I had on my hands when my last fledgling flew the nest. The sun shines once again in my home. ‎ ‎16. How did the mother first feel when her last child went off to university? ‎ A. Lonely. B. Anxious. C. Relieved. D. Annoyed ‎ ‎17. In the third paragraph, the poor mother did all the things just to _______. ‎ A. live a greener and healthier life B. earn more money for her kids’ education C. shift her attention and ease her anxiety ‎ D. start her own decorating business ‎18. What did the empty-nested mother think of her husband? ‎ A. Skilled. B. Supportive. ‎ C. Stubborn. D. Open-minded. ‎ ‎19. What is the best title of the passage? ‎ A. Children Went off to College ‎ B. A Fostered Child in My Family ‎ C. Keeping 4 Children Was No Easy Thing D. The Sun Shines Again in My Family ‎ ‎(B)‎ On October 23, 2019, David Pologruto, a high school physics teacher, was stabbed (刺) by his smart student Jason Haffizulla. Jason got straight A’s and was determined to study medicine at Harvard, yet this was his downfall. His physics teacher gave Jason a B, a mark Jason believed would undermine (损害) his entrance to Harvard. After receiving his B, Jason took a butcher knife to school and stabbed his physics teacher. ‎ How can someone as smart as Jason do something so dumb? Studies show there is little or no correlation between IQ and emotional intelligence. ‎ During my early university years, I regarded myself as an intelligent guy. I got good marks in mathematics, physics, and other subjects. I thought such skills would surely give me a bright future. After one year of study with decent marks, I began to see two major classes of students. The first category of students turned up to few lectures, partied every weekend, enjoyed a great social life, and did minimal work to pass courses. The second category of students were intelligent and hard workers who got good grades and were very focused on their studies. Surely would these intelligent and hard-working students find the great jobs before the other lazier class of students? ‎ Not so. Students are often shocked upon graduation that their qualifications are not as important as they once thought. Graduates enter the workforce only to realize that co-workers hate them and less intelligent people are the ones receiving ‎ promotions. ‎ Educational skills are useless in some industries when interpersonal skills are absent. You can have great ideas, theories, and solve complex problems, but if you cannot effectively communicate in a persuasive and exciting manner by relating to your fellow humans, you will face an uphill battle in whatever challenges you encounter. It’s not that people dislike you because of your intelligence; it’s that people dislike you because you’re rude and not understanding. The intelligent person with poor communication skills is insensitive or unaware of others’ emotions. ‎ ‎20. Jason Haffizulla stabbed his physics teacher because _______. ‎ ‎ A. he was unfairly treated by his teacher ‎ B. he was disappointed with his downfall ‎ C. he was not smart enough at studies ‎ D. he got a worse mark than usual ‎ ‎21. We can infer from the third paragraph that the author _______ in his early university years. ‎ A. didn’t think communication skills were as important as intelligence ‎ B. didn’t work hard C. belonged to the first category of students D. could keep a balance between social life and studies ‎22. Intelligent people are hated because _______. ‎ A. they can solve more complex problems B. they can’t settle the challenges they meet C. they are envied for their intelligence D. they are not understanding enough ‎ ‎23. The main purpose of the text is to tell us _______. ‎ A. the relationship between IQ and emotional intelligence B. what kind of students can succeed in college ‎ C. smart people may have poorer communication skills D. intelligent students will meet more challenges at work ‎ 答案解析 ‎1.【解析】选D。考查冠词用法。句意:我们已经进行了许多调查来了解在21世纪人们将如何度过他们的休闲时光。在形容词比较级better之前加不定冠词a表示泛指;而在世纪、年代、由普通名词构成的专有名词等前要用定冠词the, 故本题正确选项为D。‎ ‎2.【解析】选C。考查动词时态。句意:我迫不及待地马上要出发了!明天早晨这个时候我就会在家里和我的家人一起吃早饭了。根据句子语境,句子谓语动作是发生在将来某个时间点的动作,故要用将来进行时,故选C项。 ‎ ‎3.【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:——你觉得新娘怎么样? ——穿上婚纱,她看起来很漂亮。表示“穿着……”的状态,要用be dressed in短语,而dress只表示动作,故本句中要用过去分词短语作状语,正确选项为C。‎ ‎4.【解析】选B。考查代词用法。句意:鉴于其多元化的文化,西班牙是一个有吸引力的国家,一个值得一看的国家。句中的one为代词,在句中相当于a country, well worth a visit为one的后置定语。it代指前面提到的特指的名词; that指同类但不同一个的单数名词或不可数名词。‎ ‎5.【解析】选A。考查动词短语。句意:他们安排今天早晨9:00在读者俱乐部见面,但是却没有一个人按计划到场。turn up 出现,到场;show off 炫耀; bring about 导致,造成;break down 发生故障;失败,毁掉,分解。故正确选项为A。‎ ‎6.【解析】选C。考查状语从句。句意:——我们暑假花了很多钱。——噢,只要你玩得高兴就没关系。as long as表示条件,意为“只要”;unless 除非; as far as 直到,就……而言;until引导时间状语从句,意为“直到”。‎ ‎7.【解析】选C。考查倒装句。句意:约翰逊感觉如此奇怪以致他走进房间去看里面在发生什么事情。在so. . . that引导的结果状语从句中,如果so位于句首,则主句要用倒装句,句中strange为feel的表语,故本题正确选项为C。‎ ‎8.【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:如果那个小女孩在音乐学校接受好的训练的话,她有可能成为一名好的歌手。 promise 有……的可能;有……的希望;expect 期望,期待; wish渴望,祝愿; hope 希望。‎ ‎9.【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意:上周一场强烈的龙卷风袭击了达拉斯,结果将很多的小汽车和卡车抛入空中。throwing所引导的动词-ing短语在句中作结果状语。‎ ‎10.【解析】选D。考查情态动词。can表示推测,可用于疑问句和否定句中;must have done表示对过去情况肯定的推测。‎ ‎11.【解析】选D。考查定语从句。句意:大多数人去剧院不是为了去看一部情节复杂的戏剧,而是去听演员之间精彩的对白。句中play为先行词,由whose引导的定语从句来修饰,其中whose修饰plot。‎ ‎12.【解析】选B。考查同位语从句。句意:地球正在逐年变暖这一事实让世界上的科学家们感到担忧。句中the Earth is getting warmer and warmer year by year是对名词fact内容的解释,为fact的同位语从句,用that来引导,that在句中没有实际意义,只起连接作用。‎ ‎【方法技巧】在fact, promise, evidence, idea, hope, suggestion, order, news, chance, possibility,demand,thought, belief, view, feeling, doubt等名词之后常接由that引导的同位语从句,解释名词的内容。例如:‎ There is a possibility that his suggestion will be turned down by the company. ‎ 有可能他的建议会被公司拒绝。‎ ‎13.【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意:当女孩告诉父母她不会参加今年夏天的高考时,父母很震惊,但是他们尊重她的选择。reform 改革,改良;choice选择;belief 信念,信仰;performance 表现,表演。‎ ‎14.【解析】选A。考查强调句。句意:——是谁没有去上化学课而是去踢足球了?——是那些淘气的男孩子们去踢足球了。答句为省略句,只保留了强调句的前半部分。完整的句子为:It was the naughty boys who didn’t attend the chemistry class and played football instead. 。‎ ‎15.【解析】选A。考查情景交际。句意:——我想使一个女孩与众不同的不是外貌,而是她的性格。——你的话有道理。You have a point用于表示认同对方的观点,意为“你的话很对,我同意你的观点,你的话有道理”;It serves you right 你活该;你罪有应得;Not likely不可能;Don’t mention it 不用谢;不客气;没关系。‎ ‎【文章大意】当孩子们像小鸟一样长大离开家去上大学时,曾经日夜为孩子忙碌的母亲一下子没有了平日里的忙碌,这些空巢妈妈又怎样度过这样一个过渡期,重新找到自己的生活呢?本文就是以此话题为背景讲述了一位空巢母亲如何重新建立起新的生活的故事。‎ ‎16.【解析】选C。细节理解题。从文章第一段中的. . . I felt so lighthearted及that I actually thought “At long last, freedom”可以得知,这位母亲在孩子刚离开家去读大学时她的心情是特别欣慰和轻松,故选relieved。‎ ‎17.【解析】选C。细节理解题。在文章第三段开始,作为空巢妈妈的作者在孩子们离家之后不知所措,因此她所做的一切其目的都是在转移自己的注意力,缓解内心的焦虑,减轻自己内心的痛苦,故正确选项为C。‎ ‎18.【解析】选B。细节理解题。从文章第五段中的I discussed it with my husband who was always behind everything I tried可知作者认为丈夫对自己是支持的,be behind sb. 即为支持某人。‎ ‎19.【解析】选D。主旨大意题。本文叙述了一位空巢妈妈由最初孩子刚刚离开的快乐无比到不知所措,情绪低落又到重新找到生活的方向的故事。故事开头的一句The day was warm and the sun shone down like a new beginning in my life. 和最后一句The sun shines once again in my home. 深刻反映了故事的主题,故本题的正确选项为D。‎ ‎【文章大意】有的人可能有超人的智商,在大学有不斐的学业成绩,但是他们却缺少与人交往的能力,这可能成为某些大学毕业生在未来所面临的一个问题。情商、智商,哪个更重要?‎ ‎20.【解析】选D。细节理解题。从文章第一段中的His physics teacher gave Jason a B, a mark Jason believed would undermine his entrance to Harvard. After receiving his B, Jason took a butcher knife to school and stabbed his physics teacher. 可知,Jason Haffizulla刺杀他的物理老师的原因是老师给了他一个B, 他认为这会影响到他进入哈佛大学学习。‎ ‎21.【解析】选A。推理判断题。从第三段中的During my early university years, I regarded myself as an intelligent guy. . . . I thought such skills would surely give me a bright future. 可以看出,作者在大学之初认为学业好就有好前程,而对情商却没有那么看重。‎ ‎22.【解析】选D。细节理解题。从文章最后一段中的It’s not that people dislike you because of your intelligence; it’s that people dislike you because you’re rude and not understanding. 可知,那些高智商的人之所以不受欢迎,得不到提升是因为他们待人粗鲁,不善解人意。‎ ‎23.【解析】选C。写作意图题。本文旨在通过具体的事例来说明人的情商、交流能力在社会生存方面远比人的智商要重要得多,而有许多智商特别高的人却因为没有良好的情商而失去了很多机会,也不能建立良好的人际关系。 故本题选C。‎

